My porn addiction started to grow even more as I accumulated more magazines and DVDs. I was in my early twenties. It was the early 2000's and I still didn't have a computer. But I always had the dirty bookstores to buy my raunchy porn. I was getting quite a collection going and jacking off as much as I could but I had to move out of my parents house. I had various roommates for the next eight to nine years and had to keep my bating quiet as all the roommates I'v ever had were really good friends and they wouldn't understand my lifestyle. I had been caught jacking a few times from friends and I know they suspected me as a porn addict 15 years ago, but nothing was said. Around 2010 I moved into my first place alone! It was awesome! I could make a bateden all the time. I had about half the porn I have now but it covered three fourths of a 700 square foot studio apartment. Walls and all. I had two TV's and my pc monitor playing porn nonstop, all the time. My walls were nearly covered in big tit centerfolds and random porn pics and my floors were getting piled high with all the newest big tit and bbw mags. The more I got into porn the more my preferences changed. I started to like bigger and bigger girls. Gangbangs. Creampies. Different angels. More cocks. More cum. I started buying ball stretchers and wearing them for days at a time. Different fantasies involving all kinds of perverted things. Sometimes I would watch a big titter bouncing up and down on a cock for hours just staring and stroking. It was awesome! I would bate for days at a time without being bothered and then going out and buying more porn from the dirty bookstore. Its something I do to this day. The dirty bookstore is something that will always get my cock going. Buying physical magazines or dvds is something the younger generation is gonna miss out on. That butterfly feeling of pulling up to the shop and going in to buy porn. Other dirty old pervs looking at raunchy porn right next to you thinking about jacking off. Around this time I started an account on xhamster. At first, I just wanted to save a couple favorite vids, but then it grew into an obsession. I started talking to other pervs and eventually had my first bate meet up. He was in his late 50's and loved bating. He's still a member to this day. I remember when he first came into my place. He took one look and was like," WOW.... That's a LOT of porn." We bated for hours. Stroked each others cocks. Watched filthy porn and we both came twice. It was awesome! Then..... I got even deeper into porn.......
7 years ago