Important Dates in Internet Porn History
On On November 9, 1989, East Germany began allowing people to travel freely between East and West. This was the begining of the end of the Berlin Wall and resulted in thawing of East/West relations. Ultimately, the real benefit to the west was the availabilty of an array of pornstars from the former Warsaw Pact nations. Think where we would be today without the variety of lusty women from Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary and more. And they are available to us on our electronic devices as a result of the internet, invented when ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1, 1983. Of course the internet was not invented to deliver porn electronically, nor was the Berlin Wall brought down to increase the availability of porn stars....but it sure didn't hurt!
7 years ago
Follow the money, eric. See my story about Tijuana Whorehouses. Mexico is SO Poor that beautiful young ladies from good families from across the country flock to Tijuana because the money was so good in the whorehouses there. Why work 40 hours a week as a secretary in Mexico City, when you can make even more money than that in 4 hours in Tijuana ?
Now, there are so many more choices..really good thing
it's been the time of the first swedish b/w-magazines in germany.
I remember well all the times inbetween till today.