What is your fav bear / daddy vid on Xham??
Just wondering what other bear / daddy lovers get off to. What is your ultimate fav vid on this site? Im hoping to get a threat going so that others can find videos easier. Please post a link to the video!!
For me right now its...
Just watching that bear take that big cock is hot. I love vids where bears bottom for younger guys, to often its the older bear daddy fucking the younger guy. You can tell this bear daddy loves young cock.
Friends lets get a threat going. Please post a link to the video that gets you off. If you find a new vid that is a new fav then post that link on here. I will!!
For me right now its...
Just watching that bear take that big cock is hot. I love vids where bears bottom for younger guys, to often its the older bear daddy fucking the younger guy. You can tell this bear daddy loves young cock.
Friends lets get a threat going. Please post a link to the video that gets you off. If you find a new vid that is a new fav then post that link on here. I will!!
7 years ago
(He had a lot of different videos for years and suddenly his page and videos were gone, this and one other are all I can find anymore)
/videos/german-step-dad-6698465 I talked to him a couple times, he was as nice as could be in spite of not being interested in me. The language barrier didn't help. We didn't have translator software till years later. His status changed to "partnered" shortly after And last but not least.....
this one is great if you’re into testosterone filled furballs getting all nasty and wet
And this one- beefy older guy getting serviced by a really cute cub:
https://xhamster.com/movies/685120/three_friends.html -- my definition of a daddy. man is that guy hot nice beefy ass.
https://xhamster.com/videos/fucking-at-the-lake-8004995 - New one I found, smokin hot daddy, little on thin side for me huge dick.
Love the forest on the silverdaddies chest and how he really enjoys getting fucked