The second laser treatment
I got to the office and just sat down when a male tech called my name from the door way, I walked into the room like lat time. He asked me to undress and lay face up on the table , he left to give me some time.I stripped down with my now smooth pubic area showing, I was told it takes 5-6 sessions to keep the hair away. I had my legs open so my penis was laying down against my now super tight scrotum. The tech knocked then walked in, he glanced at my penis and said hello and that he, like last time, needed to put on the gel before he started, I smiled and said go ahead.He started on my smooth pubic mound then he lifted my flaccid penis rubbing the gel on both sides of my hair free shaft, which caused a semi erection to start he moved to all around my still tight dark skinned scrotum, and asked to pull my legs back so as to get to my perineum and anus area. It felt so good as he quickly ran the gel around my smooth pouting anus lips.He said he was done and then got started with the laser first my mound, inner thighs and he lifted my now erect penis straight up and did both front and back, starting at my frenum and all around the shaft base. He said not to worry about being erect, and that happens frequently .He slowly worked around my scrotum and then stopped and asked me to flip over on my knees and push my butt out and open my cheeks I did to give him ease to work on my perineum and anus he ran his finger back and forth my anus to smooth you some extra gel and rubbed my perineum , he rubbed more than I expected, which then caused me to drip a long string of precum, it dripped on to the table, and as he continued more started to cum out. He reached under and let it drip into his gloved hand, and he wiped up along my penis shaft I was so erect now ,he started using the laser all around my perineum and anus I had my cheeks spread open showing him my smooth open anus lips.Iwas still dripping, when he said he was done, and asked me to flip over, My penis was sticking straight up glistening with pre ejaculate, he stared at my penis and wiped the pre cum down the shaft and cleaned it with a damp wipe. I was so close to a full ejaculation, it was difficult to hold back.I was at a professional office and sex wasn't what was going to happen , Het told me to get dressed and he walked out
7 years ago
I don't know if I would have been able to hold back like that. I fully understand your thinking, but I'm not sure in that situation I would have been able. I'm sure he has made guys cum before. In fact, I'd bet he enjoys it. Think about that during your next visit. Maybe he would like to see you "Tip Him with a massive load of Cum"?