Are Your Videos Being Posted By Others?

Just for the hell of it, I ran a search on xvideos, using the keyword "bootycruise". I found 3 of my videos there, being used to advertise pay sites (!). I've been on the 'Net for years, & have learned a thing or 3. My repetitive use of that word in my titles has 2 benefits: if someone likes a video of mine, they can search using the keyword "bootycruise" & turn up most of my videos here.

Also, if someone rips off my videos & is too stupid to change the title, I can find them whenever I'm in a vindictive mood :)
According to copyright law, you hold what's called a Poor Man's Copyright, or Creative Copyright, on any work of art you create. It's granted at the time of creation; you don't need to apply for one.

There's this thing called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Under this act, any holder of a copyright can file a DMCA takedown request with any website that's hosting infringing material. I did that with xvideos, giving them the URL's of the infringing material on their site, & the URL's of my original videos here on XHam. Within a half hour, they disabled the videos until they "heard from the uploader". 2 of them are now permanently deleted, & there's every reason to expect that the 3rd one will be, too.

The site made it easy, furnishing a form that guides you through the process. You'll have to give some personal info, but it's so damn satisfying to be able to smack the fuckers who do that kind of stuff!

It also goes a long way toward showing how unnecessary that obnoxious scrolling logo on videos uploaded here really is.

Published by BootyCruiser
7 years ago
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BootyCruiser Publisher 6 years ago
to awefness : Welcome to "character-hood" here on Xhamster! You're probably talking about the video starring a girl dressed as a french maid, with cat-girl ears on. According to someone who said he knew her, she found the video here & complained, so Xham took it down. Unfortunately, it's stored with many of my other earlier videos on an old hard drive that I used to access using a USB case that plugged into my old tower. After the power supply for the tower died, I wasn't able to get another one (it's kinda antique, but I'm still looking). The laptop I'm using now won't recognize the old ATA drives in the USB case, so I'm afraid I don't have access to that video.
I'm glad you're enjoying my stuff. Sorry I can't oblige regarding that video.
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awefness 6 years ago
hey man, been watching ur vids for a while now. I really liked that girl from your cherry blossom series cam 1, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Do you mind reuploading or sending it to me?
bhambootyhunter 7 years ago
to BootyCruiser : Yes i did think that but doubt very much she wouldve watched it but stranger things have happened!
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BootyCruiser Publisher 7 years ago
to bhambootyhunter : One way that can happen is if the "star" of your video sees herself, & complains that she never gave permission for the video to be published. Silly or not, this site regards that person as the "original copyright holder", & you get a DMCA. I don't know why they just can't delete the damn video due to a violation of the TOS, but it's their site.
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bhambootyhunter 7 years ago
I got hit with a dmca but it was my own material. Pissed me right off!
BootyCruiser Publisher 7 years ago
to voyu : The download link definitely has its drawbacks, although it is nice to be able to get a video against a time when it could possibly disappear from the site. If the link was removed, I'd imagine that some would just start using downloaders that were capable of leaching from this site, rather than come up with their own promotional material.
BTW, I just finished another couple of takedown requests. My grand total so far: 508 stolen videos, 439 deleted, 69 pending. I don't get pissed off anymore, I just get even.
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voyu 7 years ago
to BootyCruiser : I agree, shame they don't remove the download option then to make it a harder for people to remove others content from the site
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BootyCruiser Publisher 7 years ago
to voyu : Most sites will cancel the account of repeat infringers. I agree on the xh scrolling watermark; many of my videos uploaded by others have the logo, which really does nothing to deter theft. Most sites' Terms Of Service already state that by uploading, you imply that you have rights to the video & that it's yours.

What I particularly don't like is that many of the videos are being used as bait to get people to use a URL that redirects to a camgirl site, a shopping site, etc, which gives the uploader a paid click. I shoot & upload video for the love of it & to share for fun, not so some bottom-feeder can sit on his lazy ass trying to monetize my work without doing any work of his own.
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voyu 7 years ago
Good for you, personally I think all sites should have a code of conduct that includes a warning for reposting other peoples material and then banning their Ip address from their site for repeat offences.

Sadly all the sites appear to care about is their income streams, hence the new xh watermark whose only purpose is to advertise their name and website on your material, wherever it gets uploaded.

Maybe there should be a checkbox for every video recorded to confirm the video is your own and not copied from elsewhere.
BootyCruiser Publisher 7 years ago
Xvideos is easy. Look on the bottom of their pages for DMCA links, & use their online form to report the videos. You need the URL for each video on their site, & the URL for each of your original videos. They usually disable the videos within an hour after you send the form.
BootyCruiser Publisher 7 years ago
I just tried another search engine, & found some asshole posted 49 of my videos! The same guy posted 5 more to another site. It took a while, but I sent DMCA takedown requests to both sites. On the site where he had 49 of my vids, he stands to lose his account due to being a repeat infringer. Which means an account with over 3,000 videos goes down the tubes.
BootyCruiser Publisher 7 years ago
2 more pirated videos found newly uploaded to xvideos, another DMCA takedown request sent, 2 more pirated videos offline. Good times!
palotero 7 years ago
Rad. good for you. I did that a while back when I caught on to a few of mine making the rounds. there's a bunch of porn search engines now. in case youre on full sherlock mode lol. wankspider is decent. but you are right unique title is key. im gonna go rub one for Julia. i bet thats xham doing that. how have they not caught on??
BootyCruiser Publisher 7 years ago
Just got an email from xvideos informing me that all 3 infringing videos have been deleted! Yessssss!