GENERAL NOTICE: New destination: Asia

Oyéyé Oyeéé my pirates,
Oyéé Oyyéé people of Babylon,

My pirates voted and the end of the ballot sounded.
The results have been announced and it is towards Asia that our sails will take us.

My pirates thirsting for small skinny jaunty to hollywoodie facial expressions, have asked their Capt'n, Asia in all its splendor.

We will go through without precise order and we will plunder those countries and customs.
China, Japan, Thailand, Korea of ​​our ally Pyong Yang, the Phillipines and other countries in this continent of the rising sun on a hairy pussy.

Certainly, it is a difficult country for the Capt'n, because the traitors and the magnates of the industry have put my head to price.
We will therefore cross extremely hostile waters. DMCA missiles will be dropped from all sides on our ship. There will be many disturbances.

But my pirates have asked for this destination and the Capt'n likes to satisfy its pirates.

Anyway who better than the Capt'n can sail in dangerous sea .....

Let piracy be and remain.

JDT. Yours Capt'n
7 years ago
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Jhonnydeepthroat04 Publisher 7 years ago
to Eichiro182 : Nothing is too expensive and not dangerous for the happiness of my crew ... That Zeus bless you sailor Chiro
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Eichiro182 7 years ago
We know we can count on ye, Cap'n. We, your crew, appreciate it.
Jhonnydeepthroat04 Publisher 7 years ago
That Piracy reigns over this new conquest. Let the wet runs like the Rhum during a special swinger party pirate. We will arrive safely Monday night my dear Second, that our pirates be in shape for this new looting ... AAAAhhhouuuuu Ahhhouuuuuu