Early sexual awakenings

There are often stories in the press of young lads who have been seduced or have had sexual relationships with older women, often their teachers.Almost always the situation has come to light when the lad tells his parents or headmaster and then, of course, all hell breaks loose. Sometimes parents have said that this affair has ruined their son`s life; I have discussed this with friends and colleagues and our general feeling has always been `if only we had been so lucky`, and `if it had happened to me I would have kept quiet for ever`

The following is a true story and I hope it puts a new slant on what is seen as `deplorable` conduct by those in authority.The full story is told in one session only.
Ten years have shot by in a flash and I have failed to deliver, due to a number of personal reasons. I am now back in the groove, so to speak,and I hope any potential followers will appreciate my 'coming clean' approach.
I thought as an introduction to the main issue I would give a briefer snapshot of an event which ended so abruptly due to my own foolishness. Here goes and it is all true.
Many years ago, when I was working in Surrey I made friends with a charming couple, the attraction without doubt being the young wife, who was absolutely stunning. I lusted after her for over a year but she seemed totally out of reach. I would visit their home 3 or more times a week and we became really good friends.
I dropped by early one afternoon and found her in a miserable state. She had had a major row with her husband and he had gone off to the Lake district for a few days, taking the family dog with him. I commiserated with her and said that I had had a poor work day too and we were both in the same boat, and we laughed. I can remember almost verbatim the dialogue we had, it is so etched in my memory..

'I know what would help both of us'
What is that?
A good hug
Shall we try it?
(We clinched and hugged for minutes and I suddenly found her body pressing up into mine in a very sexy way).
You know I'm in love with you?
I know we get on well.
I loved your face when we first met and I would love to kiss you.
Go ahead
(We kissed Auntie fashion for a few seconds then our tongues battled in a way I had never experienced before. It was mind blowing.)
The second thing I loved about you were those glorious breasts. I would like more than anything to see them and kiss them,. Can I do that?
No reply. Taking that as a 'yes', I stroked her breasts and then, looking her full in the eyes, started unbuttoning her blouse and pulling the bottom out of her skirt. She gave a short intake of breath.Now exposed were 2 loveliest breasts I had ever seen. )
Can I kiss them?
(She took out the right breast and fed it into my eager mouth. It tasted like nectar. Feverishly I kissed both bosoms and sucked hard on the prominent nipples. Moans of sheer pleasure coursed through her. I inched up her skirt until her underwear was exposed. )
Open your legs
(She did so at once and I stroked that magical spot between her legs. She gasped loudly. When I tried to pull down her panties I found that she wore a one piece and it was so tight that I could not get even my finger to the spot.. It was like a volcano there, super hot and throbbing wildly)
You know what I want to do - nip upstairs and change this body suit, it won't take a minute,
No, I don't want to do that.
Go on, please do, or do you want me to rip it?
Don't you dare - that is my best underware.
You know I go to London every day - tomorrow I'll buy you the best pair of knickers you've ever seen.!
No , please don't.
(In my youth we always found the maxim 'conquer the top and the bottom will follow' w.as always true; was it going to be unsuccessful here, so near but so far')
OK, Angel, there will be another day, don't worry.
(I pulled up my shorts, rearranged my darling's dress and moved away. I knew when I was beaten. I can still feel the sense of agony I felt. I could see, I thought , the face of surprise and disappointment from my prize)
That was so brilliant, I loved every moment. But you've made me have blue balls, you know, and that is a serious condition'
( I explained what the condition was and we laughed about it.I know some of this dialogue sounds puerile now but that was how it was in those days. Suddenly I had a change of mind as I was totally frustrated)
Angel, this can't end like this. Let me cut those panties off..
( We kissed again, frantically and I stroked again those magnificent breasts)
No, don't you dare.
Where do you keep your scissors?
In that drawer there!
(I knew then that I was nearly home! S he pulled up her dress and I made that cut and exposed what was the most brilliant pussy I had ever seen . We leaned back against the closed door and I stroked that magical place to little yelps of pleasure from her.)
You know how much I care for you. I'll never do anything you don't want me to. Don't put it in - just rub it up against your pussy.
Just put it in a little. just a little more, that's perfect. I'm getting close, Jim, you're going to make me cum.Jim , I'm cumming, give it to me all, harder, harder, more, more.
(Then Julie had the most stupendous orgasm, noisy active, thrashing around, almost demented and then as I was getting near to pulling out she pulled away and disconnected, quite unexpectedly. Puzzled, I looked down into that beautiful face.and sparkling eyes)
Sorry about that, there comes a time in special cums when it is actually so good it becomes painful. but that was fucking gorgeous, thank you so much. But now it's your turn. Don't cum inside as I'm not protected.
With real skill she put my penis inside her and I was doing a mixture of delicious short and long strokes before cuming copiously into a tea towel nearby , with Julie holding on for her life. It was the best sexual experience I have ever had and the memories stay with me every day. Julie never used bad language and never again did she express herself so graphically.
(Usually 3 times a week, often daily, I had the most glorious sex with someone I loved deeply. Business was going well , oddly my friendship with Julie's husband grew and I was the happiest I had ever been Paradise in every way but then I made a major mistake which I think of and regret every day. I thought I had 50% of Julie's love and regard but foolishly I wanted more. I wanted it all!
I rented a lovely cottage and persuaded Julie to leave her husband so we could live as a couple.. I knew she was anxious but carried on. It happened but lasted only 12 hours, the need for her husband and family proved over whelming. All was now out in the open, I lost my lover and a good friend and never saw or heard fro them again, to my constant pain.
There is a moral here - what goes round come around; always appreciate what you have and never take anything for granted.
I have written this from a vivid memory; this is how it happened and although the language may seem stilted it is real, real, real.
Some days later I have reread this account and have realised that 2 lots of dialogue have been missed out by me - as this dialogue is written on my heart how did I miss out or omit? Let me add it now as I do want the story to be complete
(After I had used the scissors and cut the body vest I said something stupid but it worked! )
Your pussy is just fantastic - it is a sin to keep it locked away, it needs to be free, as free as the air. Promise me that you will wear no panties when I visit you - I want you bare all the time. Promise me)
What a stupid comment but Julie was in a sexual state by then, as horny as hell and she at once promised. I must tell you she kept her word!
The second omission was after Julie's orgasm when she described it as gorgeous.
( In a few weeks I can tell you that you will have a cum twice as long and twice as hard and you will never believe the difference.. It will be doubly magical and I will love you for it even more)
Published by clocky
13 years ago
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JepJep 1 year ago
I still remember when 45-50yo big tit milf take me(20yo) at her home.from bar. It was amazing she took all her clothes away immediately. Showing her huge hanging boobs, very hairy pussy.... She took me in her bedroom andI she basicly used me. I laid on my back while she suck my cock and ride hard on it until I cum. When I was leaving her son came home...MY AGE son. At that moment I felt so kinky fealings
Plonk123 1 year ago
Happy, happy memories. Married women are always best, when you’re a young lad. 🥰💦
Leomoore 2 years ago
Great that you had good sex with her but a pity she didnt stay with you. Thank you for sharing .  I hope you have found good love since then.
jhmckn 2 years ago
to st_john_green : Older women know what they want from sex and are better able to provide it or get it from a younger man. I enjoy watching women peeing, in their panties or without. An older woman might take no offense to having a man watch her while a young woman might think it's just not acceptable.
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Plonk123 2 years ago
Older wives and young guys are the best combination. 💦💦🥰
clocky Publisher 2 years ago
I would be interested in any views on my true story from my past. Perhaps it lacks interest if compared with new stories but I hope the pain shines through!!
Paranoid9999 2 years ago
to olaticumbo99 : I would love to watch too.
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CameronFrye 3 years ago
I'm afraid that at that age, I couldn't keep my mouth shut if such good fortune had fallen my way. 
st_john_green 3 years ago
The "following story" would be interesting. Hopefully you can find time to write it. Thanks 
like2watch1576 3 years ago
to olaticumbo99 : When I was young I was great at keeping secrets. I think because my sister drilled it into me when she'd do stuff she wasn't supposed too. She was older than me and very sexually active.
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like2watch1576 3 years ago
to st_john_green : When I was little I knew something I wasn't supposed to. My sister would break up with guys and she had no idea our mother would call & have them come over when my sister was gone and she thought I was outside and she'd have sex with them.
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like2watch1576 3 years ago
When I was 15 I was big for my age and I'd seen an older neighbor being beaten by a guy with a hammer. I got the hammer away from the guy and held him there until the police came. His daughter in her 30s came to thank me and I was home alone. As she hugged me her big boobs pressed against me got me turned on. She felt my hard tool press against her and looked in my eyes and smiled. Soon she had my pants off and her top off. She sucked me off & had me pump it between her big boobs until I shot in her mouth. I never told anyone afraid I'd get in trouble. About a year later right as I turned 16 my parents had a party and a woman in her 40s ran into me in the kitchen, she was drunk and her big juggs were half falling out. She was coming on to me but I thought she was joking. I went in my room & went to bed soon my door opened and she came into my room. In not time she was nude and in bed with me. She rode me until she was satisfied as was I then after a kiss on the cheek left. Later I found her panties laying on the floor. I used them a few times to pleasure myself.  
st_john_green 3 years ago
When its an 18 year old male and female college professor or male in his 20s with an older woman the puritanical American society seems to see a problem with it. Yet older women seducing younger men is nothing new and happens frequently. As far as I am concerned there is nothing wrong with a young man sowing his oats with an older woman I did when I was younger and it was a truly wonderful experience. 
olaticumbo99 3 years ago
to mrhamsterman : Would love to watch my wife take a young cock
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mrhamsterman 3 years ago
to olaticumbo99 : Absolutely right.
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xx1236 3 years ago
the " following story " never appeared ??
olaticumbo99 4 years ago
Teenaged boys cant keep their mouths shut, they have got to boast, that is the problem. A lot of mature women that would like to, wont cross the line because of that reason.