Pusenje na tvrdjavi - smoking ona a castle
Bilo je to proljetno vrijeme...
Ja sam bio student d**ge godine fakulteta, a ona učenica d**gog razreda srednje skole... bili smo u vezi oko pola godine i pomalo smo imali sexualne odnose, a posto nisam imao automobil niti vozacku dozvolu, uvijek je bila problem lokacija, pa smo nailazili na razna potencijalna mjesta i neobične lokacije. Tako je bilo i ovog puta.
Ona je tog jutra umjesto na školski autobus, sjela na autobus koji vozi za d**ge gradove i dosla do grada gdje sam studirao (udaljeno od nje nekih 70ak kilometara). Sačekao sam je, otišli smo na fakultet, odslušali predavanja i uputili se u obilazak grada. Piće, doručak itd. Šetnja nas je odvela do obližnje tvrđave, gdje smo se popeli na tobogan i sjedili, mazili se...
Ona je bila veoma zgodna djevojka, srednjoškolka sa finom guzom i malim tvrdim sisama,...mmm Picic je uvijek bio uredan i na moj dodir veoma vlažan. Ljubili smo se, mazili, hvatali, onako vatreno u zanosu... Naravno, nisam mogao odoleti stavio sam joj ruku u gaćice, koje su bile tako mokre, na šta mi je kurac nenormalno skocio, sto me dodatno napalilo... kako sam joj stavljao prst u vlaznu pickicu , ona me je sve vise hvatala za kurac i jako ga stiskala... u jednom trenutku mi je raskopčala hlače i počela pušiti kurac... Naravno, bilo je podne, prolaznici su prolazili a ona ga je jako držala, pušila sočno i drkala... A ja sam sve više i dublje gurao ruke u njenu pickicu koja je vlažila i vlažila, te joj je i guza bila mokra na šta sam reagovao pa sam joj staviio prst u nakvašeni šupčić što je kod nje izazvalo erupciju oduševljenja te je još jače pušila, sve do trenutka dok nisam doživio vrhunac i veliku količinu sperme istresao njoj u usta... Nakon toga još smo malo šetali gradom do predveče... ona je sjela na autobus i kao i ostali djaci naveče se vratila kući ''iz škole''. Duboko u noć smo sumirali utiske i dopisivali se vezano za nesvak**ašnji događaj...
Definitivno, to je bilo najljepše i najludje pušenje koje ću pamtiti do kraja života...
It was springtime ...
I was sophomore year of college, and she's sophomore high school ... we were in for about a half a year and a bit, we had sexual relations, and since I did not have a car or driver's license, has always been a problem location, we encountered the various potential sites and unusual locations. That was the case this time.
It was the morning instead of the school bus, sat on the bus that goes to other cities and came to the city where I studied (far from it some 70-odd kilometers). I waited for it, we went to college, listened to lectures and set off on a tour of the city. Drinks, breakfast, etc. The walk took us to a nearby fort, where we climbed up the slide and sit, cuddled up ...
She was a very pretty girl, a high school with a nice butt and small hard tits ... mmm Picic was always neat and to my touch very moist. We kissed, cuddled, caught, as fiery in ecstasy ... Of course, I could not resist I put her hand in her panties, which were so wet, what's my dick jumped abnormal, which further attacked me ... how I she put a finger in wet pussy, she has increasingly caught the cock and give him clutching ... at one point I unbuttoned her pants and started to suck my cock ... of course, it was noon, passers-by have passed and she is very holders, juicy smoked and jerked off ... and I am more and deeper thrust his hands into her pussy which is moistened and humectants, and her butt was wet on what I reacted and I put this finger in her soaked Šupčić as to her caused an eruption of enthusiasm and even more smoke, until the moment I reached the peak and a large amount of sperm dumped it into his mouth ... then we're walking a little town until evening ... she sat on the bus, as well as other pupils in the evening returned home '' school ''. Deep in the night, we summarize the impressions and correspondence related to the unusual event ...
Definitely, it was the most beautiful and wildest smoking which I will remember for the rest of your life ...
Ja sam bio student d**ge godine fakulteta, a ona učenica d**gog razreda srednje skole... bili smo u vezi oko pola godine i pomalo smo imali sexualne odnose, a posto nisam imao automobil niti vozacku dozvolu, uvijek je bila problem lokacija, pa smo nailazili na razna potencijalna mjesta i neobične lokacije. Tako je bilo i ovog puta.
Ona je tog jutra umjesto na školski autobus, sjela na autobus koji vozi za d**ge gradove i dosla do grada gdje sam studirao (udaljeno od nje nekih 70ak kilometara). Sačekao sam je, otišli smo na fakultet, odslušali predavanja i uputili se u obilazak grada. Piće, doručak itd. Šetnja nas je odvela do obližnje tvrđave, gdje smo se popeli na tobogan i sjedili, mazili se...
Ona je bila veoma zgodna djevojka, srednjoškolka sa finom guzom i malim tvrdim sisama,...mmm Picic je uvijek bio uredan i na moj dodir veoma vlažan. Ljubili smo se, mazili, hvatali, onako vatreno u zanosu... Naravno, nisam mogao odoleti stavio sam joj ruku u gaćice, koje su bile tako mokre, na šta mi je kurac nenormalno skocio, sto me dodatno napalilo... kako sam joj stavljao prst u vlaznu pickicu , ona me je sve vise hvatala za kurac i jako ga stiskala... u jednom trenutku mi je raskopčala hlače i počela pušiti kurac... Naravno, bilo je podne, prolaznici su prolazili a ona ga je jako držala, pušila sočno i drkala... A ja sam sve više i dublje gurao ruke u njenu pickicu koja je vlažila i vlažila, te joj je i guza bila mokra na šta sam reagovao pa sam joj staviio prst u nakvašeni šupčić što je kod nje izazvalo erupciju oduševljenja te je još jače pušila, sve do trenutka dok nisam doživio vrhunac i veliku količinu sperme istresao njoj u usta... Nakon toga još smo malo šetali gradom do predveče... ona je sjela na autobus i kao i ostali djaci naveče se vratila kući ''iz škole''. Duboko u noć smo sumirali utiske i dopisivali se vezano za nesvak**ašnji događaj...
Definitivno, to je bilo najljepše i najludje pušenje koje ću pamtiti do kraja života...
It was springtime ...
I was sophomore year of college, and she's sophomore high school ... we were in for about a half a year and a bit, we had sexual relations, and since I did not have a car or driver's license, has always been a problem location, we encountered the various potential sites and unusual locations. That was the case this time.
It was the morning instead of the school bus, sat on the bus that goes to other cities and came to the city where I studied (far from it some 70-odd kilometers). I waited for it, we went to college, listened to lectures and set off on a tour of the city. Drinks, breakfast, etc. The walk took us to a nearby fort, where we climbed up the slide and sit, cuddled up ...
She was a very pretty girl, a high school with a nice butt and small hard tits ... mmm Picic was always neat and to my touch very moist. We kissed, cuddled, caught, as fiery in ecstasy ... Of course, I could not resist I put her hand in her panties, which were so wet, what's my dick jumped abnormal, which further attacked me ... how I she put a finger in wet pussy, she has increasingly caught the cock and give him clutching ... at one point I unbuttoned her pants and started to suck my cock ... of course, it was noon, passers-by have passed and she is very holders, juicy smoked and jerked off ... and I am more and deeper thrust his hands into her pussy which is moistened and humectants, and her butt was wet on what I reacted and I put this finger in her soaked Šupčić as to her caused an eruption of enthusiasm and even more smoke, until the moment I reached the peak and a large amount of sperm dumped it into his mouth ... then we're walking a little town until evening ... she sat on the bus, as well as other pupils in the evening returned home '' school ''. Deep in the night, we summarize the impressions and correspondence related to the unusual event ...
Definitely, it was the most beautiful and wildest smoking which I will remember for the rest of your life ...
7 years ago