My virgin cock school massage fantasy

A fantasy of mine since I was in high school was to be having my legs massaged by the gym teacher, who's having to massage the inner thigh and crease near the groin, brushing lightly against the balls and the tip of my cock (covered by the foreskin button is very sweetly erotic so brushes against it feel really sweetly nice).

So while these accidently-on-purpose things are happening I'm getting horny and it's happening more and more, she's feeling under my shorts to access where she says​ she needs​ to massage but she is clumsily accidentally fondling my now swelling horny sensitive cock and under my balls etc and start touching directly to move it out of the way or switch legs by moving her hand directly over my cock, massaging the inner leg but the back of her hand or her wrist is still squeezing against my cock and rolling it around...

She notices I'm enjoying it and asks if any girls have played with it yet, which I reply no so she says "you don't seem to mind me touching you here so I may as well do it properly" and takes down my shorts. The feeling of the air on my super horny teen cock being freed is so nice.

She starts by feather touching my balls with her fingertips of both hands, I'm already so sensitive I'm not far from cumming already especially as a teen who hasn't had his cock touched by a woman before, but she knows that and is being extra sensual and erotic, making sure my virgin cock has a wonderful first experience.

She moves on from playing with my balls but still using just her fingertips, uses one hand to run them up my shaft while the other hand tickles all over my balls, including the underside and the sides which were very tingly erotic the whole time, and tests my sensitivity by lightly spot touching and gently squeezing my cock exactly where the different erotic zones are, knowing full well what she is doing.

She compliments me on my size and to give me confidence, saying he will be pleasing very lucky ladies soon. I'm in ecstasy as she is deliciously fondling and playing with my yummy feeling cock and balls, even squeezing and rolling the tip of the foreskin making me feel I could cum, mmm god it would feel so soooo good if I did, she knows to back off and now just lightly strokes the thighs, the erotic energy is still so strong I feel it glowing in my throbbing cock and even down into the thighs, spreading into a larger area but still on the verge of orgasm.

She continues to sweetly pleasure me and keep my virgin cock glowing brightly with erotic energy, happy to be first to introduce me to these delicious pleasures and making sure it was very special and unforgettable. She seemed in no hurry to stop, allowing me to just sink into the bliss of my sweetly sensitive teen cock for hours of erotic heaven...
Published by generalluser
7 years ago
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