hey guys i should probably apologize i do love the biggest of cocks but i have had 6 of them in my life haven't even had boyfriend since i was 17 didn't like same guy 3 yrs. yeah i done stuff he liked what ever never cared much myself only sexi enjoyed was my finger never loved any guy ever all couples argue bitch ???? i like to do what me feel good my other party chic same as me here most nights so besties we drink and some other stuff makeup feel sexy every night don't go anywhere we always watch porn never ever seen a monster till i was 28 scared to death we was Atlanta her buisness trip hotel first time a guy made me cum so only want that only had 5 since just se 2 of them now and again ever 3 wks. or months never know like to know a couple more that make hurt bad the first 10 min not but 2-3 weeks apart really cause i i see it rub against it can't say no i like it to hurt videos tear me on here i like my pussy bare clean and pretty no gashed lips hanging down all them huge cocks 1 girl wow want bad watching it pussy look like hers no thanks !!!!! have a mandingosize cock not to far we can have a drink some night age color no matter don't bring nobody else
8 years ago