How to Guide: Galleries
The amount of crap, low quality galleries on this site is what drove me to start uploading.
I get asked all the time, "How to you get so many views?", or comments like, "wish I had your view count".
So, I am going to tell you how to make/build a proper gallery.
Step One: Research
Very important.
First thing i do is check xHamster to see if the gallery already exists.
If it does, is it:
1: well done or
2: lots of views.
Yes...leave it.
...unless of course if it has tons of views and is complete crap, I do it justice by creating a new one.
Step Two: Selection
By now you know what your gallery is going to be:
Single model, groups, niche, amateur, category.....whatever.
HINT...if you want VIEWS*, imo the best type of galleries to upload are:
*Gallery views do not necessarily generate Page views
This next step is key; Find the most EYE CATCHING pictures you can find.
Whatever YOUR tastes are. YOU. Just find what's most appeals to YOU.
Then go online (various sources) and check how much material you can find.
I use Bing, and always check if there is a better quality version of the picture, bigger ect.
(* If you are worried about viruses, follow my simple rule: If you can't understand the language, don't click.)
Then work your way backwards to pick which pictures/set you want to upload.
If YOU find it eye catching, chances are others will want to check it out.
This is also where you realize you are "selling" this to the public.
Step Three: Thumbnail Selection
The key to a successful gallery ( when it comes to views, usually) is the thumbnail.
This is what DRAWS people in to your gallery.
This is clickbait, used well it will draw people to your page.
Done wrong, you're seen as a "clickbaiter" and your shit goes nowhere.
Pick a picture that either:
A: You know for certain it will draw people in
B: Showcases the gallery perfectly.
C: Just kicks ass.
Step Four: Amount of Pictures
This is also important.
I have found that anywhere from 20-50 works best.
Too little and people just won't take the time to click it.
Too many and they just get overwhelmed, bored or just too much stimulus.
......and ORGANIZE your gallery. Pictures in order just looks better.
If you just throw a gallery together willy-nilly, you loose people because all they see is a MESS.
Step Five: Editing
This is another important step.
Remove all watermarks/website address' from the picture.
Anything that links the photo to someone or a site.
Logos ect...
If you don't, xHam WILL delete your gallery/picture, happened to me many times until i clued in.
Frame/Crop the picture proprely. If you have a picture with lots of background, crop it or zoom it in.
You are selling your gallery to the public. Cropped pictures are Better pictures.
Step Six: Naming your Gallery
When people search xHamter, your gallery might pop up if you name it properly.
If your doing a single model gallery and you KNOW her name, add it to the gallery title.
Helping spread the pictures to everyone.
Naming a gallery in a clear, stupid proof way of understanding helps enormously.
(*side note: Some models/pornstars do not allow xHamster to publish ANY material of theirs.
They have algorythms that detect the names as they pop up. For more, read my blog about it
Only a select few, but a work around is what I did with my "Her Gifs" set.
You can also add a note at the bottom of the gallery asking people to send you a PM concerning names)
And lastly
Step Seven: Your Handle
...adding something similar to each of your galleries helps spread your views.
Take me for example. I always add my name at the end of my galleries.
For two reasons.
One, it helps organize my 'related galleries' at the bottom of each gallery.
When you click one of my galleries, you always see MY galleries in the 'related picture' section.
Free advertising
Two: Builds a fan base.
In my case, People now see -Mojitog under a gallery and they know it's a quality gallery.
Again, advertising lol.
Sometimes I don't add my handle, just to see how it affects my views.
You would be surprised sometimes :)
That's it.
Follow these steps and your galleries should kick ass.
Bring back quality galleries, don't half ass them
8 years ago
The "crap galleires" statement was never directed at users who post random galleries for their own enjoyment.
It was mainly aimed at users who throw galleries together willy-nilly, mish mash of mixed pictures with no organization or theme. They have babes with gay stuff mixed in ect. They flood the picture page with hundreds of these "crap" galleries.
When I logged on for the first time 8 years ago, that was the standard on xHamster.
3 years later I started uploading.
The quality of the galleries in general are much better now. Gifs help.
Thanks for the quality comment!
Statements like āTHIS PLACE IS FLOODED WITH LOW QUALITY CRAP GALLERIESā, who gives a fuck! I upload galleries because āIā like the subject matter the same as my video uploads, Iām not selling anything to anybody! If someone likes the content all the better, if they donāt well no oneās been killed. Apologies to āMojitogā but us amateurs are quite happy.
As a final note I will and must say Mojitogās galleries are excellent.
Getting over 5000 views in the first couple of hours is a "good".
Also depends on the quality, the subject and relevance.