A crazy motherfucker

there I am, amidst a crowd
of 40,000 screaming people,
and there’s a small circle of emptiness

about 15 minutes into the
people realize I’m liable to
injure them and they step
leaving me with my own
little space
in which I can
bang my head
like a madman.

they rip into
“Creeping Death” and
I go insane. I
thrash my head up
and down like nobody’s
business, pumping
my fist in the air like
a nazi.

when “For Whom The Bell Tolls”
begins, and the bass drum
is shaking the building as
the chanting begins,
my body is no
longer under my control. I
have given it up to
the music, and the ecstasy is

“Master of Puppets” begins,
I am no longer myself. I
have become my alter ego, my
Metallica self, and I’m
unbounded. I jump and thrash and
bang my head like it’s the last
night of my life. my being is
lost in the music, riff after riff, I’m
no longer a man, but a god. my
power and might
are legendary, incredible.

the encore comes, and I hear
the first
of “No Remorse.”

I feel as though my
head may explode, my
excitement is unbearable and
completely lacking control.

the people around me
think that I have gone mad, that I
must be some
mental patient. but I
don’t care.

it ends, the show
I feel as though my plug
has been pulled. I can feel the
life ebbing from my body in
waves. I stumble out of
the arena in a
daze. depression, like nothing
you’ve ever imagined, encompasses
me. I sit down on the grass and
I cry. it’s over.
I must go home.

“The show is through, the
metal’s gone, it’s time to
hit the road.”
Published by smotpoker81
8 years ago
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