My History of Loving Rubbers!!
I have loved condoms almost as long as I’ve been wanking. I learnt of them years before, waiting for my haircuts at the barber’s. I well remember seeing “Durex Gossamer for family Planning” signs, along with “Durex Elite – Electronically Tested”. I hadn’t got a clue what they were about, but noted the occasional brown card packet surreptitiously handed over to the older chaps after some question about the weekend…..All very secret and intriguing to an 8yr old.
Around 12 and now at Big School with the other lads, having learnt that rubbing you hard cock made you cum and could make babies, I also learnt that “Durex are a girl’s best friend, you may get the works but you won’t get parental……!!!” and the mystery was explained.
Of course, at this stage they were very difficult to get, other than at the barbers. Pretty soon, I found my Dad’s supply of Gossamers, and even found a used one, carefully washed, dried and rubbed with talcum…..I guess there was a generation of chaps who had them in the Army in the War that took care of their ‘kit’ !!!! Seeing as there were still 9 or so in the box (Coo, he must have been rich, a Dozen rubbers rather more than the traditional ‘Packet of 3’) I acquired one for experimenting with.
It was a job of a moment to get hard enough to roll it over my helmet and deliciously down my shaft. I can still remember the slippery feel of it, especially as I started to wank, the relatively thick latex of the good old beige Gossamer squeezing my shaft and sliding back and forth over my bellend under my foreskin. I’m sure you don’t need telling it was one of the fastest ejaculations I’d had, and let’s face it, I’d had enough practice to be pretty damn quick normally !!!! My love of the johnnie had arrived, with not exactly a Bang, more of an orgasmic Whimper…….!!!!!!
My treasure was carefully emptied, lovingly washed, daintily dried and powdered, before being used again and again !!! It beat nasty spunky tissues or crouching over the toilet shooting straight into the bowl….I could toss myself off, then lie back and enjoy the afterglow of a good despunking. And of course, cleaned and rerolled, it was small enough to hide from parental or sisterly eyes!! The only cloud on the horizon was how to replace it????
An aunt of mine actually solved this for me (unbeknownst to her of course) She read certain Women’s magazines, which she would pass on to my Mum and sister, for the dress patterns and recipes and the like!!! I became an avid reader of the Agony columns (the nearest thing to porn I could get !!) and noticed the information on where to get advice on contraception, still a taboo subject in the early 70’s. There were also addresses of suppliers of “Surgical Supplies”, ie sex shops in those long gone days!!!
So off went the letters requesting info and even occasionally samples. On one occasion, I chose a couple of packets of rubbers, and completed the tiny order form to say ‘3 only’ of each type and enclosed the cash. Imagine my surprise when a few days later a bulky parcel arrived with loads of condoms !! Luckily I was alone when I opened the package because the person packing must have read the order as 3 DOZ of the two !!!!! I felt I was made for life !!! I still have a carefully hoarded pack of three out of that order as a memento. They were Arloyd brand, supplied by the company that, I believe, later grew to supply all manner of “surgical” and pharmaceutical supplies on the High Street as Lloyds Pharmacy!!
In the mid-70’s I went off to college, free to purchase what I like where I liked. Condoms were becoming fashionable, if still a little seedy, but they hit the mainstream and were easily available in every chemist/pharmacy, if you had the nerve to buy them. I used to enjoy buying my johnnies. like most lads of that age I probably bought more than I truly needed, but it was fun. The shopping centre with the ‘Boots’ I used was near a convent, and was usually full of nuns getting their medicines. I used to try to get in front one when buying rubbers!!! One day there was a young lady on the counter and what looked like a youngish nun (it’s not easy telling their age !!) behind me, so I had to query the prices and whether to get a packet of three or would it be better to get twelve. The assistant smiled demurely handing me a dozen black ones and said (pointedly !!) I was to have a nice evening....I must admit I went red and even the nun smiled....and I nearly needed one on to prevent 'unnecessary stains' on my panties (yeah, ok, I’d enjoy knowing I was wearing the same undies as the shopgirls and nuns under my clothes, suzzies, stockings, the lot!!!!!)
I continued using rubbers while wanking for hygiene reasons, so when I started dating the OH, she was happy for me to continue, wanking in them before the wedding, then shagging in them after. Ad our chosen means of contraception, she was happy to buy them when necessary, and the thought of that alone, still makes me hard !!! Of course, I got her to buy them far more often than I needed to, just so I could watch her queue up with them on the top of her basket…….
Of course now I’m on-line, the good old rubber skin still helps me keep the keyboard clean (generally if I’m on-line I’ll be wearing one if nothing else !!! I noticed this lovely little rendition of my favourite Marilyn Monroe song on YouTube
That might entertain and even educate you all !!!
Around 12 and now at Big School with the other lads, having learnt that rubbing you hard cock made you cum and could make babies, I also learnt that “Durex are a girl’s best friend, you may get the works but you won’t get parental……!!!” and the mystery was explained.
Of course, at this stage they were very difficult to get, other than at the barbers. Pretty soon, I found my Dad’s supply of Gossamers, and even found a used one, carefully washed, dried and rubbed with talcum…..I guess there was a generation of chaps who had them in the Army in the War that took care of their ‘kit’ !!!! Seeing as there were still 9 or so in the box (Coo, he must have been rich, a Dozen rubbers rather more than the traditional ‘Packet of 3’) I acquired one for experimenting with.
It was a job of a moment to get hard enough to roll it over my helmet and deliciously down my shaft. I can still remember the slippery feel of it, especially as I started to wank, the relatively thick latex of the good old beige Gossamer squeezing my shaft and sliding back and forth over my bellend under my foreskin. I’m sure you don’t need telling it was one of the fastest ejaculations I’d had, and let’s face it, I’d had enough practice to be pretty damn quick normally !!!! My love of the johnnie had arrived, with not exactly a Bang, more of an orgasmic Whimper…….!!!!!!
My treasure was carefully emptied, lovingly washed, daintily dried and powdered, before being used again and again !!! It beat nasty spunky tissues or crouching over the toilet shooting straight into the bowl….I could toss myself off, then lie back and enjoy the afterglow of a good despunking. And of course, cleaned and rerolled, it was small enough to hide from parental or sisterly eyes!! The only cloud on the horizon was how to replace it????
An aunt of mine actually solved this for me (unbeknownst to her of course) She read certain Women’s magazines, which she would pass on to my Mum and sister, for the dress patterns and recipes and the like!!! I became an avid reader of the Agony columns (the nearest thing to porn I could get !!) and noticed the information on where to get advice on contraception, still a taboo subject in the early 70’s. There were also addresses of suppliers of “Surgical Supplies”, ie sex shops in those long gone days!!!
So off went the letters requesting info and even occasionally samples. On one occasion, I chose a couple of packets of rubbers, and completed the tiny order form to say ‘3 only’ of each type and enclosed the cash. Imagine my surprise when a few days later a bulky parcel arrived with loads of condoms !! Luckily I was alone when I opened the package because the person packing must have read the order as 3 DOZ of the two !!!!! I felt I was made for life !!! I still have a carefully hoarded pack of three out of that order as a memento. They were Arloyd brand, supplied by the company that, I believe, later grew to supply all manner of “surgical” and pharmaceutical supplies on the High Street as Lloyds Pharmacy!!
In the mid-70’s I went off to college, free to purchase what I like where I liked. Condoms were becoming fashionable, if still a little seedy, but they hit the mainstream and were easily available in every chemist/pharmacy, if you had the nerve to buy them. I used to enjoy buying my johnnies. like most lads of that age I probably bought more than I truly needed, but it was fun. The shopping centre with the ‘Boots’ I used was near a convent, and was usually full of nuns getting their medicines. I used to try to get in front one when buying rubbers!!! One day there was a young lady on the counter and what looked like a youngish nun (it’s not easy telling their age !!) behind me, so I had to query the prices and whether to get a packet of three or would it be better to get twelve. The assistant smiled demurely handing me a dozen black ones and said (pointedly !!) I was to have a nice evening....I must admit I went red and even the nun smiled....and I nearly needed one on to prevent 'unnecessary stains' on my panties (yeah, ok, I’d enjoy knowing I was wearing the same undies as the shopgirls and nuns under my clothes, suzzies, stockings, the lot!!!!!)
I continued using rubbers while wanking for hygiene reasons, so when I started dating the OH, she was happy for me to continue, wanking in them before the wedding, then shagging in them after. Ad our chosen means of contraception, she was happy to buy them when necessary, and the thought of that alone, still makes me hard !!! Of course, I got her to buy them far more often than I needed to, just so I could watch her queue up with them on the top of her basket…….
Of course now I’m on-line, the good old rubber skin still helps me keep the keyboard clean (generally if I’m on-line I’ll be wearing one if nothing else !!! I noticed this lovely little rendition of my favourite Marilyn Monroe song on YouTube
That might entertain and even educate you all !!!
8 years ago
Its amazing how simple blogs can evoke beautiful memories, and I hope you really enjoy yours in an appropriate manner !!!!!!
My first condom I discovered in the basement of the pharmacy* I worked for when I was around 15. I was a delivery boy and found a safe in the room we would leave our street gear in.. *(Pharmacists were the only place you could get them.)
I took them home and tried it on to see what it felt like...wonderful. Then I rolled it back and put it in the small paper wrapping.
The next day I told one of the other delivery boys and he said the pharmacist hid them to test our honesty. I put it back immediately.
It turns out that all the delivery boys had had their cocks in that particular condom and the pharmacist probably had no part in it...or did and was having a great laugh.