The Asian Queen of Spades

If you read my previous blogs, especially the Black Bull Stable, I'm sure there's no denying that I'm a full blooded Queen of Spades. Which brings me to my tattoos, got one on my upper left arm and on the back of my right shoulder. They're both anime variations of the queen of spades playing card, the one on my shoulder has four kings behind it. Long story short, I did four Black guys from the football team during my senior year. Wanted to go out with a "bang"!

Okay, I have to be honest wasn't four guys, it was really only three. Props to one of my bulls who corrected me on this (it helps to have proofers). He should know, because he was one of the guys there that day banging me (and he still is).

Actually, I contacted a few of my friends to double check my blogs to make sure it's accurate and I didn't leave anything out. They helped me to fill in the gaps. Of course, most of the stuff they actually remembered was the really embarrassing shit, which I won't get into.

So anyway, it wasn't really four, technically, it was just three. The fourth guy was there but he didn't want to whip it out in front of the other guys. They later told me that he wasn't as big as everyone else so he was a little camera shy. Poor baby, ashamed of his 6” dick. Hell, when you're in gang bang mode like I was, I don't think it would have mattered. So long as it's black, I'm game.

By the way, that was the only and I mean ONLY time I ever did anal, DP and air tight. I really have no plans on doing anal again. Sorry guys! I just needed that notch on my bedpost. There's just too much prep work to do anal (multiple enemas, not eating for 24 hours, and the smell...need I say more?) Plus, hell if I'm going to put a cock in my mouth after its been up my ass during a marathon fuck session. Listen, your intestines don't stop working just cause you're fucking. After a while, some shit is eventually going to make its way down the poop chute and it ain't going to be pretty. No matter how big and black the cock is, anal ain't happening. Unless you're willing to put a dick in your mouth after it's been up my ass...then you got me. If not, no way Jose!

But, I have to did feel kind of special. Then again, why attack my ass when I've already got a tight pussy? Remember, I'm only 4'10. I don't stay stretched for very long. I got a million satisfied black bulls to prove it. Okay, maybe not that much, but a lot.

You know one thing I don't get about being a Queen of Spades? What's with the ankle bracelets? I understand the charms and acronyms but really, ankle bracelets? Those damn things make my nylons run and that shit ain't cheap! Okay, I know I'm supposed to go commando but seriously, Seattle is freezing! So unless you're willing to walk around with your dick in the wind, I'm wearing my pantyhose and leggings.

Oh and while we're on ankles...a spade with a “Q” in the middle on it on my ankle? Seriously? That shit hurts down there! I have a friend who put a small flower on her ankle and she said she would rather have her whole back inked out than put a matching tattoo on her other ankle. You gotta figure now, you need a lot of ink to color in the spade and it's a very sensitive area.

Yeah, I know what some of you girls are saying...”but what about temporary tattoos?” CHEATER! Hey, if you truly love BBC like I do, you're going to show your pride and make it permanent. The guys will love you for it.

Now, I'm not saying to put a tattoo that says, “I suck big black dick” on your forehead. If you're paranoid, just choose a design like mine with a double meaning, that way you'll have some form of plausible denial.

Case in point...My parents went ape shit on me for defiling my body with the tattoos, I explained to them that I chose the designs because I enjoy playing poker and I got nickname the "Queen of Spades" because I played it so much. They bought my bull shit! All they told me after that, was to cover up the tattoos when I'm at home or in church and to make sure I don't get addicted to gambling. GAMBLING! LOL! I think they'd have a stroke if I told them the real reason...THAT I'M ADDICTED TO BBC!

Side note...If you've read some of my comments to various Queen of Spades tattoo photos, you know I'm actually getting itchy to get another QoS tattoo. Yes, one of those with the “Q” inside a black spade. I haven't decided on the design yet, but I do know the location...and it's not going to be my ankle...instead, I want it above my clitty, where my pubes are or should be (hey, I'm shaved, virgin clean). I figured, no one's going to see it except the guys fucking me. And most importantly, I don't need to come up with an excuse for it.
Published by yariman
8 years ago
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yariman Publisher 3 years ago
If you read some of my more recent posts...(sigh)...I gave in  and got a BBC ankle bracelet and and ankle tattoo.  Just feeding my addiction.  LOL
BBCowend 3 years ago
to yariman : Yeah, that's what we're supposed to do
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yariman Publisher 3 years ago
to BBCowend : Yes, you have to do it.  Your bulls will respect you for it.
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BBCowend 3 years ago
That's a great idea. I'M GONNA get a QOS Tattoo on my collarbone
yariman Publisher 3 years ago
to yariman : I plan to put that down my spine.
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yariman Publisher 3 years ago
to BBCowend : I'm thinking of getting characters that say "yariman", followed by a spade design, and characters that say "kokujo",  loosely translates to asian slut likes black men.
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BBCowend 3 years ago
I've only got a permanent queen of Spades Tattoo on my ankle, and I've been thinking about getting one, too, and I haven't decided what I'm GonNa get
asianpersuasion78 3 years ago
4'10 asian queen of do I find someone like you!?
black4porn 6 years ago
examples of drawings and then there are other profiles that have very different designs also.
black4porn 6 years ago
Of course I'm sure you've been onsite and looked at the various 
neversoft69 6 years ago
such a dream to have a girl like you, id love watch a tight body get used by a hung bbc, yum and licking your cum covered filled body would be amazing. i will pay for your tattoo, and some matching lingerie take you out show you off. 
wolf017d 6 years ago
Like the idea of your new tattoo!
BlackStewie2_0 7 years ago
I would love to see that new Q tattoo if and when you do decide to get it
yariman Publisher 8 years ago
to Awedimagination : I'm thinking of making the "Q" in pink and the spade a little smaller...less to color in.
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Awedimagination 8 years ago
Ha! Well isn't that something!? I do think you could improve on it though, probably a lot. A bit more color maybe?
yariman Publisher 8 years ago
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Awedimagination 8 years ago
No problem! I'm going to have to break out a deck of cards now to get a better idea of what that would look like. :smile:
yariman Publisher 8 years ago
to Awedimagination : Oooo...I like your thinking! Maybe a pink "Q" with the black spade in the middle. That's also a lot less ink to contend with. Thanks for the idea!
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Awedimagination 8 years ago
Wouldn't it be more fitting to have the black spade INSIDE the queen somehow? The way it is in reality? :smile: