Sara Part 2; The Wreck of The Mason Family


"Hi Mrs Mason, is Candy in?"

Mrs Mason stands at her front door gazing disdainfully down at Sarah and it was very obvious she did not think a whole lot of her.

"Sarah Smith! You are a disgusting little whore and there is no way my Candy is having anything to do with you. What happened to turn you from such a lovely sweet young girl into......into a.....a.....SLUT! There I've said it. And you're smoking as well. You filthy creature! Leave now!"

Sarah knew Mrs Mason was right. She had turned into a perverted little slut. Dressed in the smallest tightest pair of denim shorts, black crop top hardly holding in her perky young breast, battered cowboy boots, platinum hair piled messily on her head, new tattoo showing above her waist band, nose ring, Sarah knew exactly what she looked like and she was happy. What had caused the change? You mom and dad auctioning you to a group of thugs on the night of your 18th birthday for them to fuck and abuse senseless. Yep, that'd do it, Sarah smiled.

Mrs Mason slams the front door shut and Sarah took once last drag of her cigarette, crushing it under the toe of her boot.

"We'll be back Mrs Mason; We'll be back"

Later that warm summer evening Sarah and a group of friends are at the back of the Mason property hiding in the shadows. Mrs Mason is standing away from the light, drawing greedily on a cigarette. At the same time, she has her hand in the waist band of her track pants, obviously masturbating while she smokes. Sarah smiles to herself. Exactly as her mom had said, Mrs Mason is all airs and graces in public but behind closed doors she is a sick perverted whore. Her sister Sasha has seen the same thing and smiles as well. Mrs Mason flicks the butt into a close by hedge and searches her packet for another one. It is obviously empty. "Fuck!" she exclaims.

"Share mine, Mrs Mason" Sarah says, emerging from the shadows of the backyard.

"What the fuck are you doing here Sarah? Get off my property before I call the police!"

"We'd love you to call the police, wouldn't we guys. We have a very interesting video we'd love to show them, don't we Sasha?"

"Very interesting indeed, Sarah can you believe Mr and Mrs Mason are that perverted and dirty. Some of the shit that went on in that video - HOLY FUCK"

"I know Sasha, I know!..and Mr Mason's with his brilliant political career and all. Who knew he liked to fuck tight little twink boy ass as hard as he does in the video? And amongst all that other weird shit I am pretty sure we see you too Mrs M. That was a enormous black dildo you were abusing that girl with. She didn’t seem to be enjoying it but its obvious you were Mrs M"

"And who knew Mrs Mason that you had suck a dirty mind and mouth?"

Walking right up to Mrs Mason, Sarah again offers the cigarettes to the obviously shocked woman. "You seemed so damn turned on in these clips Mrs Mason, yelling for your husband and his friends to fuck those boys harder in the ass. What you did to that little drunk slut you picked up for him was pretty brutal, as well. You get off on pain Mrs Mason don't you?"

Mrs Mason accepts the cigarettes and fumbles one from the packet. She can barely hold it between her lips to light.

"Allow me" says Sarah, flicking her lighter on and lighting the shaking woman's cigarette.

Mrs Mason draws deeply and exhales. "What the fuck do you want, whore!"

Sarah's speed shocked even her, when as fast as lightening she slaps the older woman fully across the face.

"Let’s start with a bit of fucking respect, shall we? What we want" says Sarah motioning to towards the dark where other people emerge, "is to have some fun at your expense and at Candy and Rory's expense as well. Just like you and Mr Mason did to some of these guys. You know the sort of games you like to play Mrs Mason, well we love playing them too. Don't we guys?"

There was a general murmuring amongst the 5 guys and 2 girls who still stood partly in the shadows.

"I'm pretty sure it's going to get very 'intense' Mrs Mason, so be prepared for that won't you. Now we know that you're a black cock loving whore, that’s what my mom says anyhow, so we know you'll love a few of the boys. Maybe not love how they intend on fucking you, we'll wait and see. I know Candy is so fucking dumb that she has to be a virgin. Not sure about Rory. There's some rumor he likes cock so we're gonna really test that rumor"

"My son is not gay!' screams Mrs Mason.

"We don't care if he is or not, he's gonna get loads of cock in his ass" Sasha laughs as she starts to grab at the breasts of Mrs Mason. "isn't that right Sarah?"

"Notice Sasha how Mrs Mason is more worried about Rory being gay and not at all concerned that Candy is going to get her cunt and ass destroyed by 5 huge cocks"

"And one twisted and fucked up bi bitch who loves getting off on pain" says a black haired girl who has finally emerged from the shadows. Wearing black Dr Martens, black shorts and t shirt, numerous tats showing on her arms and legs.

"Oh how silly of me Mrs Mason. And Sam. But you and your husband know Sam don't you. You got her drunk at a party and you and your husband and some of his friends ****d her. Didn't you Mrs Mason? Sam has a special spot on the video disc we have, don't you Sammy"

"Sure do babe, but this time it's my turn and every fucker is going to be awake to feel everything"

Sam walks up to Mrs Mason, and grabs the woman by the face. She then kisses her deeply before pulling away. and spitting directly into her face. Sam then slaps her as hard as Sarah had done previously.

"Oh Mrs Mason", Sarah's breath is now harsh, "We are going to have our fun with you and yours but we also want $20,000, this month and next month and for as long as we’ll see we need to do it. We're sure your husband will be able to pay to keep his political career on track."

"What! You are fucking crazy!'

SLAP! This time both Sam and Sarah slap Mrs Mason. Sam is right up in her face.

"I couldn't give a fuck about the money. I just want to have my time with you, same as these others, but if Sarah says you will do it, you will do it, Right! Otherwise you won't know what fucking hit you and I don't mean your husbands precious little career going down in shit. I mean way more real Mrs Mason, way more fucking real"

The fear in Mrs Masons eyes was enormous. Sarah leads her towards the back door while Sasha and Sam hug. "Come on guys, the funs about to start" Sasha calls.

As they enter the house Candy and Rory are sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey guys" Sarah calls out. "How's it going?"

"Hey Sarah" Rory replies, "You look hot girl". Sarah laughs and wiggles her hips at the compliment of a school friend.

Candy says very stonily "What is she doing here mommy. You said she's not a very nice person!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP CANDY! JUST SHIT THE FUCK UP" Mrs Mason screams at her daughter. "These people are here to fuck us, yes that’s right….FUCK US…… whether we want to or not, for as long as they want and I have to pay them a lot of money not to expose your father, so just do what they say and SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

"If I don't want to mommy thats raaaaa......."

"You are a fucking genius Candy aren't you. Pity I couldn't breed a daughter whose brain was as big as her tits. Yes it is raaaaaaaaaaaappppeee", she mocked her daughter, "but there is fuck all we can do about it. Your father has been stupid and got himself caught doing shit that would get him thrown into jail if these 'people' ever release the video so we just all have to do what they say. We have no way out"

Candy notices Rory actually looks turned on by the idea but keeps it to herself. The 3 black and 2 white dudes mill around the lounge room. One finds the liquor cabinet and brings out a decanter of scotch and starts necking straight from the bottle. "Oh good god! That 30yo Singe Malt you fucking ni......." Mrs Mason stops short. "Thats 30 year old!" she breaths dejectedly.

The black boy walks up to her, holding up her face. "You were gonna called me a name weren't you Mrs Mason. I remember you calling me names a few years ago when your husband was fucking me in the ass so hard that I bled and his friends were holding me down. You remember Mrs Mason? You seemed to like that then, Mrs Mason. Seems you got a thing for names so why don't I stand here and you can suck my fat black cock deep in your throat while my buddy's and I drink your old man’s 30 year old scotch.”

The black guy drops his shorts and a huge black cock flops forward. Mrs Mason opens her mouth and the young man pulls her deep onto his cock. "Now suck whore. Suck me deep"

Sam steps over the back of the couch and plops herself next to Candy. "Mommy doesn't like peopling stepping on the couch"

Sam grabs Candy by the hair and pulls her face to her. "Listen you little dumb ass slut, your mommy is currently choking on black cock so I don't give a fuck what she likes. From what I can see she can't breath for that enormous black hose in her throat so we might not have to worry about what mommy wants ever again. You see this is all about what Sammy wants. You understand?"

Sammy jerks the head of the scared 18-year-old, up and down. "Good. Because do you know what Sammy what’s for dumb big titted Candy Mason. Do you Candy?"

Candy shakes her head from side to side. "No! Well let me tell you. See this black guy here" Sammy reaches out and pulls one of the guys closer. "He has the most enormous cock. Why don't you show her babe?"

The back man drops his shorts and again another enormous cock falls free. Not hard yet it is already over 8" but it is the girth that is impressive. Even Sarah and Sasha draw breath at the size. "Do you know where I want him to put it in you?"

Candy is confused and starts to tear up. Sammy jerks her head forward so that her face is close to the enormous cock head. "In my vagina" she whispers.

"YOUR FUCKING WHAT? hahahahahaha. Did you hear that guys? This dumb slut doesn't have a cunt like the rest of us whores, she has a VAGINA!"

Someone in the room yells "maybe a VAGINA is a cunt that hasn't been properly fucked yet" There is laughter all round except for Candy and Mrs Mason. Mrs Mason is struggling with the cock in her throat and the noises she is making are disturbing Candy. Rory actually looks excited.

"Well, Candy you are kind of right. This big fat nasty black cock is going to fuck your cunt, but before it does that it's gonna fuck your tight little shit hole. Where you poop from. What do you think of that Candy Mason" Sammy asks.

"NO! NO! NO!. You can't, it won't fit and it’s so dirty" a shocked Candy screams.

SLAP. Sammy again hits the girl who starts to really cry. "Your fucking daddy and his friends didn't think about that when they fucked my shit hole raw did they Candy, with your fucking slutty mommy urging them on? They didn't think about my pain…….. so, surprise, surprise I won't be worrying a fuck about yours. And what’s more Candy this huge fat nasty enormous fuck stick of a black cock is going to drive up your ass.....with no lube. Just so it hurts a bit more"

"Let’s go guys" Sarah calls and Candy is held down and stripped naked. She is spun around so she is kneeling on the couch and the black guy positions himself behind her ass. "When you’re ready dude" Sammy taps him on the ass and he grabs his cock in one hand and aims it for the tight puckered ass hole of the screaming Candy.

"Hold her tight boys" he grumbles as her starts to push forward. Candy's screams are ear piercing. "Get a cock in her mouth" Sasha calls and another of the team, a white guy grabs Candy's head and forces his cock in her mouth.

"Fuck man she is tight! Gonna have to really work it hard to get it up her shitter. This is gonna really hurt her"

Sammy stands near him "Music to my ears. You can do it man, don't back off, just keep working it up her ass.” Sasha and Sarah are helping to hold Candy down. Sarah notices that Mrs Mason is now interested in the fucking of Candy and is no longer being forced to suck the cock in her mouth. She is deep throating it down to the impressive set of balls on the young black guy. Just then he grabs her head, locking her onto his cock. It's obvious he is coming and spitting cum right into Mrs Masons throat. She starts to gag but he holds her tighter, her arms flail wildly but still he holds on. Finally, he lets go and Mrs Mason takes a huge breath sucking all the cum in with it. She starts to cough and splutter desperately trying to catch her breath.

Behind her one of the white guys positions himself and pulls down her track pants. He reaches round and wipes his hand on her face and spreads the spit and cum to his cock.

Sammy yells at him. "FUCK HER DRY MAN, FUCK HER DRY" He wipes his cock on his t shirt and with one thrust stabs at Mrs Masons ass hole. Not sure what to expect he sank in a few inches, just enough to get his cock head in and proceeds to set about fucking her at rapid speed. Still coughing he could feel her ass clench around his cock as he pummels her shit hole as hard as he can.

Despite the cock in her mouth and the desperate efforts to get it into her throat, Candy continues to scream. The black guy behind her manages to work his cock past the massive knob but her ass is resistant to it going any deeper. Sam has an idea.

"Don’t pull your cock out but roll over so she is sitting on you". With not much effort the massive black guy rolls over pulling Candy with him so now she is facing inwards to the group, back to the guy fucking here, her ass still desperately trying to take the massive black cock. There is a moment when Sarah and Sasha have to let go and Candy nearly breaks free but they leap on her, slapping and beating her until she stops trying to escape and simply sobs in desperation.

Sammy instructs the group. "Get her feet off the ground so she can't support her weight. Don't let her hold herself up off the cock. I want to see her slide down onto his cock". Sarah and Sasha laugh at how nasty their friend is and the boys just comply. Holding her so that she can't support her weight, the group watches as Candy's tortured ass hole slowly slides down the massive cock. Sarah is imagining the pain that Candy must be in but the thought only turns her on more. She grabs Candy’s mouth to keep the noise down and starts to rub her cunt. Sasha does the same and pretty soon the last of the white guys is forcing his impressive cock into the defeated girls mouth. He face fucks her hard, driving so deep that she gags repeatedly. He continues doing this until on one thrust she not only gags but pukes as well. Sarah and Sasha manage to avoid the puke, the guy fucking her throat and the guy in her ass were not so lucky. They don’t even seem to care, the large white cock finding its way back deep in Candy’s tortured throat. Sarah and Sasha have now stopped holding Candy down, leaving it up to the muscly black man still buried deep in her ass to hold her. The critical points are when the white guys cock is so deep it cuts off Candy’s air supply and her struggles become way more serious and needy. When he withdraws from her throat there is almost a popping sound, followed by a huge in rush of breath from Candy as she struggles to remain conscious.

The two sister go to Mrs Mason. She is covered in spit, drool and slime, her mascara has run and she has snot as well as a little blood leaking from her nose and the corner of her mouth. As Sarah wiped the blood away the guy throating her explained “She tried to bite me!”

“Quite understandable” says Sasha, “You did a great job on her and for your great work you get Candy’s virgin cunt.” The two sisters laugh at how quick the young guy moved to get to the abused girls open legs. Sammy was there to guide him. “Fuck her hard, don’t let up man. Think about what happened to you and take it out on this stuck up fucking bitch.”

Almost immediately he slammed his pelvis forward and by sheer determination drove his massive cock head into Candy’s virgin cunt. Her screams were piercing but as instructed by Sammy he didn’t let up. Repeated stabbing finally drives his cock balls deep up her cunt.

“Fuck man, can feel your fucking cock wrecking this sluts cunt all the way back here in her ass. Man, I’m getting’ hard again”

As the black guy in Candy’s ass began to thrust his cock the massive load of cum he’d deposited there started to leak out. Sammy turned to Rory, who was obviously a great cock sucker because he had managed to keep the other two guys busy by sucking their cocks.

“Guys”, Sammy yelled, “Bring the faggot over here and he can eat the cum from Candy’s ass and you guys can wreck his shit hole while he does it”.
The back guys manhandled Rory like a rag doll but as soon as he was sitting under his sisters black packed ass hole, he went to work sucking the cum off the thrusting cock shaft and off the puckered balls and even deep down into what was now a sweaty ass crack. The big black guy liked that and he shifted effortlessly so his ass was hanging over the edge of the couch more and way more accessible to Rory’s tongue.

“Get way up in my shit hole boy!” he rumbled. “Get way up there while we fuck this whore senseless”

Rory groaned long and hard as the first cock drove deep up his own ass. It was obvious he’d taken a cock before because in 3 powerful thrust the huge cock is buried deep in his ass. From there it goes to work!

Sam drags Mrs Mason to the back of the couch. “OK Mrs M. This is when it gets real. Here’s your cell phone. Video call your husband so he can see what’s going on. Show him his dumb bimbo daughter is getting her virgin cunt and shit hole wrecked, that his slutty faggot son is lapping cum from her ass and taking dick in his own like the whore that he is. He already knows you’re a whore but show him your wrecked face as well. And get him to transfer $20,000 to this bank account or worse is going to happen.”

Mrs Mason dials the phone for a video call and Sam puts it on loud speaker.

“I thought I said do not call me!” Mr Mason angrily answer. “What the fuck is that noise?”

“We are being gang fucked because of you, you fucking deviant cunt. We are all getting r….d because of what you do and we have to pay money or they are going to release tapes of what you get up to. $20,000 per month”.

Sam grabbed the phone from Mrs Mason who is immediately forced back to throating cock.

“Hey Mr M. Remember me? I hope so. When you and your buddies and your sick fucking wife r..p.d me senseless a few months ago, you said it was good. I take that to mean I did good. Can’t remember a lot because I am sure you d**gged me but hey as long as you guys had fun. Oh and you taped it so you could jerk off to it later. Well we now have the tape and if you don’t want your career down the shitter in a flash then you do as we say. You asked what the noise was Mr M?. Well that’s your stupid fucking big titted bimbo Candy getting her shitter all torn up by the fucking largest back cock I think I’ve ever seen”

“WHAT” is screamed down the phone.

“Yep and her cunt is being wrecked as well. You want to see Mr M. Have a look”

Sam turned the phone so it captures the abuse of Candy. The black guy in her ass has his arm around her neck and its obvious he is controlling her breathing from this. His cock is buried deep in the young girls’ ass but at this point he isn’t moving. All that is coming from the guy fucking Candy’s cunt. He is pounding her cunt really hard and Candy is screaming.

Sam can hear the change in Mr Masons breathing and she can see the change in his facial expression as well. She switches the loud speaker off and breathes quietly into the phone. “Is this what you wanted?”

The deep guttural groan from the other end is all the answer she needs. Expertly she switches back to loud speaker.

“Want to see your precious princesses ass and shitter getting wrecked Mr M? Want to see that?” Sam holds the phone close to the action on Candy and gets a perfect shot of the frantic thrusting into her juicy cunt and the rock hard black dick buried in her ass. The phone pans up to Candy’s distorted tear stained face and she screams “Help me daddy, help me. They’re are fucking my vagina and my bottom and it hurts.” Immediately a cock is shoved deep in Candy’s throat and she gags at the brutality.

“How about your faggot son Mr M” says Sam, moving the camera down to where Rory is being reamed and is still sucking the cum from Candy’s ass. Rory looks up with cum and spit dripping from his lips and smiles “Hey Dad, bet you’re proud?”

“Fucking faggot” billows from the phone! Sam turns the phone to her ear and turns off the speaker. She hears breathed down the line, “A close up of his ass, get me a close up! I want to see his ass getting fucked. That fucking cock looks massive.” Sam obliges and positions the phone between the legs of the guy fucking Rory and captures the giant mushroom cock head being ripped from Rory’s ass and then plunged back in again and again. With one final brutal thrust the cock is rammed into Rorys’ ass as the guy fucking him cums deep in his ass hole.

“Get that slut round here to clean up!” Sam yells to Sarah and Sasha and grabbing Mrs mason by the hair they rip her from the cock that was deep in her throat and bodily drag her to Rory’s cum leaking ass hole. Without waiting to be told what to do Mrs Mason drives her tongue up Rory’s shit hole in search of man cum. She sucks loudly at the puckered red hole sucking the cum into her mouth, she does the same from Rory’s ball and cock shaft where some of the cum has leaked.

Sam passes the phone to Sarah and grabs Mrs Mason hair again. “Get under him you fuck pig! Get under him and suck his cock”. Mrs Mason quickly does as she is instructed and as soon as her lips touch Rory’s rock hard cock he slams his hips forward and lodges his cock deep in Mrs Mason throat. Just at that moment a new rock hard cock slams into Rory’s ass. At that very moment Rory cums. Mrs Mason struggles to accommodate the cum, and cock in her throat. Cum, drool, bile explodes from the women nose and mouth and covers her face. There is a brief respite as Rory’s hips are pulled back driving him back onto the cock in his ass therefor giving Mrs Mason a moment of brief respite where she could breath. Sarah notices that both Sam and Sasha looked to be enjoying the torture Mrs Mason was be subjected to.

Sara walks slightly away from the scene in front of her and props the phone on the table so she can see and talk to Mr Mason. She lights a cigarette, inhales deeply and asks Mr Mason, “Is this what you wanted?”. “FUCK YES!” he screams into the phone, “This is perfect. You girls are such fucking perverted whores. I’ll have it all on the video system so I can watch it over and over again.” His face is red and his breathing in erratic and Sarah believes she knows why. Mr Mason pans the phone camera down to show a young guy and girl, both about 18, taking turns to suck his cock. They both look really out of it and Sarah is pretty sure Mr Mason’s little bag of pills has been working it’s magic again.

“Price has gone up Mr Mason. We want $60,000 now”, Sarah stated matter of fact.

“WHAT!!” Mr Mason roars.

Sarah remains calm, draws on her cigarette again and says simply “We have the original tape of you doing some very nasty stuff, we know where the video for this scene is and we also have your voice message saying you organized for us to gangfuck your family. We have you by the balls Mr M. You want your life to remain as it is and to get your precious wank tape, we get the $60K and we’ll make sure you get your monies worth”.

Mr Mason doesn’t look happy but reaches for his phone. In the few minutes it takes him to transfer the money Sarah watches the scene on front of her. The guy is still pounding Candy’s cunt, Sarah is amazed at his stamina. The other 3 guys are running a train on Mrs Masons cunt and Rory’s ass. Sasha and Sammy viciously twist Mrs Masons nipples and take turns slapping the woman’s big breasts.

Sarah’s own phone goes off and she checks the message. The money is in!

“Thanks Mr M. Sure you don’t want to watch a little more now the fun is really going to start?” Sarah whispers. “Want to see your wife?”

“Show me the fucking whore. I hope they are destroying her.”

Sarah positions the phone to show Mrs Mason’s goop covered face. Cum, snot, drool, puke and tears cover her. As Rory drives deep into her mouth, driven by the cock wrecking his own ass, Mrs Mason gags and puke again. She pans down, Sasha and Sammy have taken hold of the womans legs and are pulling them back up, exposing her fucked cunt and ass. The girls take turns savagely slapping her exposed cunt before one of the huge cocks plows into her shit hole in one enormous thrust.

Mrs Mason screams around her son’s cock that is fucking her throat raw. Sarah pans out just in time to show the same cock thrust being repeated into her ass and to capture the pained reaction of the abused woman.

Sarah hears a deep groan from the phone and the call ends. She watches the chaotic debauched scene in front of her with a real sense of achievement. The night had gone so well and it is only going to get better. The guy reaming Candys cunt is fucking it as hard as Sarah had even seen. She is so impressed by his stamina, when with a huge groan he shots his cum load deep in the young girls cunt. His body is covered in sweat and he slumps from between her legs and staggers out of the way. “Come on guys, breed this slut. Dump your loads in her dirty fucking cunt. FUCK THE BITCH!”

His cock is replaced by the spare that wasn’t fucking Candy’s mum or brother. With one thrust it is driven balls deep into Candy’s cunt and cum oozes from the young girls ravaged hole. Rory continues to clean up.

“Fuck man, look at a your nut juice just oozing out of this bitches cunt.” He withdraws and thrusts greedily back into Candy’s cunt and they all laugh as another load of cum goops its way out, trails down to where the massive cock seems permanently lodged in her ass and is sucked up by Rory.

Sasha moves away from Mrs Mason and grabs Rory’s head and lifts it to the ass of the new guy spilling his seed in his sister’s cunt. “Eat his ass, faggot boy!”. Rory does not need any other direction and immediately starts sucking on the puckered ass hole, working his tongue as deep as he can go.

“FUCK!” The guy throws his head back and whilst balls deep in Candy’s cunt he reaches back and grabs Rory by the hair. “Eat my shit hole faggot boy, eat it up good. Fuck feels sooooooo good. Get your tongue way deep in my shitter, sissy boy.”

The extra stimulation is more than he can bear and he drops his load deep in Candy’s cunt as well. Sasha directs the remaining guys the same way and despite the number of loads they have already blown they all manage a last one into Candy’s cunt. The guys are all tired and need a rest except for the guy buried deep in Candy’s ass. Sammy walks in and drags Rory out by the hair.

“Good job fag boy, you eat cum like a dog eats shit”. The guys who are now resting on the couch drag Rory over and put him to work cleaning and sucking their cocks. Mrs Mason face is almost unrecognizable. Her mascara has run, drool and phlegm as well as a good quantity of Rory’s cum covers her face. Her nipples are raw from where the girls pinched, twisted and slapped them without mercy. Candy’s ass is still impaled on the huge black cock, her red puffy cunt is covered in cum and fuck juices, her face is streaked with tears and she had some puke still on her titties.

“Reckon you can turn her over man? Get her knees on the couch so you can really slam that ass” asks Sara of the black guy.

“FUCK YEA! I been wanting to smash this fucking shit hole the whole time. Gonna wreck it up sooooooo good.”

“Just get her on her knees first man. You’ll get your chance no problems but we have a little shit to take care of first.” In one swift movement candy is flipped over so she is now kneeling on the couch. The cock in her ass seems almost like a permanent fixture.

Sammy then drags Mrs Mason over to the couch, turns her around round so she is sitting on the floor and the back of her head is on the couch directly under Candy’s leaking cunt. Sara is on the other side of the couch talking to Candy.

“Feel all that hot sweet cum in your cunt, Candy? Do you slut?” says Sara, looking deeply into the girls’ teary eyes. Candy nods.

“Well, Candy, your mommy is a dirty whore slut that just loves guys thick nut juice and she is right under your cunt now and is waiting for you to feed her all that cum that’s way deep up in your cunt. Push it out Candy. Push all that cum into your filthy fucking mommy’s mouth.”

Sara watches while Candy screws up her face and bears down, pushing load after load of cum from her puffy red cunt. As each dollop lands in Mrs Mason’s mouth or on her face there are cheers from the guys resting on the couch. Candy lowers her cunt as best she can with the black tree trunk in her ass and allows her mom to lick her cunt. Candy starts to grind a little on her mom’s face and work her hips back on forth which also starts to work her ass on the black cock.

“You like that don’t you Candy baby?” Sara asks, getting right up close to the girls face and looking deep in her eyes. “You like when you mommy sucks all that cum out of your wrecked little cunt don’t you? You even like that big fat black cock that’s up your shit hole don’t you?”

Sara could tell from the look in Candy’s eyes that the girl was really starting to get turned on by the sensations. “Yessssssss” she breathed. “Yes I do.” Candy’s hips moved more rapidly over her mother’s face and she ground down harder. Rather than try to do anything the black guy in her ass just held her shoulders and let the little white girl fuck herself on his massive cock. It was nearly more than he could bear.

“Fuck girl you ass is sooooo fucking tight. Look ya’ll, see how her ass is clinging to my cock.” As Candy worked her hips back and forward, her ass slid along the great black pole and as she withdrew her ass ring clung tightly to it, although with each movement there was more and more ass juice and cum being coated over the black cock and it seemed to slide more easily.

“Sammy” Sara yelled, “Get the vib, this slut is about ready to explode.” Sammy grabbed a large Hitachi vib from the bag she bought with her. “Get it right on her clit babe. This slut’s about to go off.” Sammy and Sara shared a deep lingering kiss before Sammy grabbed Mrs Mason by the hair and dragged her out from under her daughter’s cunt. Her face was almost unidentifiable now.

“Jesus boys, how much nut juice did you shoot in that sluts cunt. Look at it all! Woooooeeee that’s some fucking loads guys, you should be very proud.” The 4 guys looked very pleased with Sam’s praise.

Sasha ordered one of the guys to handcuff Mrs Mason and then sitting on a chair very closer to where Candy was on the couch she ordered the lady to impale herself on Sasha’s cowboy boot. “Get your whore cunt on my boot Mrs M. You know you want it up you just so bad.” Mrs Mason, hands behind her back and face covered in cum slime, wiggles her cunt onto the dirty pointy toe of Sasha battered cowboy boots. The guy who had handcuffed her was desperate to throat fuck her again but Sasha ordered him away. “She has to see exactly what’s happening dude!!”

Sammy positions herself so she could get the vib right onto Candy’s clit. As the vibrations hit the young girls engorged clit she starts really working her hips. After only a few short minutes it was way too much for the guy in her ass and he starts some serious fucking of Candy’s shithole. She’d been impaled balls deep during the session but had never had the cock torn from her ass only to then be plunged back in at maximum strength. As Sammy struggles to hold the vib on her clit, the massive mushroom head was ripped again and again from her ass ring in an absolute pasting of her virgin ass.

Mrs Mason hungrily impales herself on Sasha’s boot trying to work more and more of it into her cunt. Sasha motions to one of the guys to bring her her cigarettes and while Mrs Mason batters her cunt on her boot, Sasha calmly smokes.

“FUCK HER!!” Mrs Mason roars. “Fuck her ass hard, breed that stupid little whores shit box. GO ON! Get it up her ass chute.” Everyone on the room except for the Mason’s laughed at Mrs Mason’s vulgarity. As the cock rips from Candy’s ass the gape is amazing as is the power with which it is slammed back into the open hole.

Sara holds Candy’s face in her hands and looks deep in her eyes. “Hurts slut doesn’t it? Hurts real bad but you don’t want it to stop, do you?” Candy shakes her head slightly. “Tell him then, tell him not to stop fucking you whore ass and that you can take it harder.”

Candy looks so worried. “TELL THEM!” Sara roared.

“FUCK MY WHORE ASS AS HARD AS YOU CAN AND DON’T STOP!” Candy managed to squeal loudly. To the guy doing the fucking he needs no encouragement and sets about wrecking what only recently had never even had a small finger in it.

Sara kisses Candy deeply and looks in her eyes as her orgasm builds. There is a roaring from the guy in her ass, Candy is screaming, her body is being flung about by the powerful thrusts into her ass, her eyes are rolling back in her head. Mrs Mason is screaming whilst desperately trying to fit more of the boot in her cunt. Sasha leans forward and drags the woman back. Taking the cigarette from her mouth she butts it out on Mrs Mason’s right breast. Her high pitched scream cuts through all the other noise like a knife. Sasha leans further down and aggressively rubs at the woman’s clit until with a banshee like wail Mrs Mason goes limp and collapses off the boot and onto the floor. Before Sasha lets go she slaps the burnt breast hard eliciting one last squeal from the shattered woman.

Sasha’s eyes are bright and glazed. “Look at that fucking boot gaped cunt. That whore was really working it hard, fuck near broke my leg. See how far she had it in her.” The wet line on Sasha’s otherwise dusty boot only ends just above the heel. Mrs Mason has collapsed on her back on the floor and now Sasha is standing above her, between her splayed legs. She works the toe of her boot back into Mrs Masons cunt then with a kicking motion drives in back into her. There is a deep guttural sound from the woman. The guys watching cheer and its obvious Sasha is enjoying herself. “I just kicked this fucking whore in the cunt boys and look how far it went in. Oh and look what the dirty bitch is doing now, RUBBING HER CLIT. You like getting kicked in the cunt WHORE? DO YA?” Sasha continues the kicking motion whilst Mrs Mason fervently rubs her clit.

The guy fucking Candy’s ass is completely spent. He slumps from his positon behind her, his fat greasy cock sliding out of her with a plop. Her ass is gaping hugely from the stretching it has had and oozing from her hole is all the ass and nut juice that has built up over the time she has been fucked.

Sammy can’t help herself. She positions her mouth over the gaping girl’s ass and rims it with her tongue. She gets her tongue deep into the Candy’s shit hole dragging out guy seed like she is an anteater. When her mouth is full she turns Candy over and with Sara helping to hold the girls mouth open, Sammy drops the collected ass slime into her mouth. The cum drips in long trails and to their surprise Candy eagerly licks and eats it. Where some has fallen onto Candy’s face, Sara licks it off and then deep kisses both the girls until all their faces are covered in cum and ass slime. Both Sara and Sammy share sideways glances and smiles; they both know that they have broken Candy into a total degraded fuck slut.

They begin whispering into the girls ears and Candy begins to giggle. They help her off the couch, her gaped ass only now just beginning to show any sign of closing. She is positioned right above Mrs Masons head, who now opens her eyes and looks up to see her daughters wrecked fuck holes.

Candy looks down at her mom. “You’re gonna lick my shit hole mommy!” she says in her best little girl voice. “I want your tongue deep up my shit hole, as far as it can go. OK, mommy? I want you to see and taste what that big black cock did to my shitter.”

Unsteadily but with help from the girls, Candy slowly squats over Mrs Mason’s face. The older woman opens her mouth and her tongue reaches for the cum and ass slime coated hole. “OH GOD FUCK!” Candy exclaims, her eyes big and bright as the tongue works its way in her ass. It is only a few seconds before she starts to move her hips and put more and more weight on Mrs Mason’s face, really grinding away.

Sasha likes what she sees. With her boot buried in Mrs Mason’s cunt right up to the heel she also carefully squats down. With some help from the boys watching she lights another cigarette. “Get the bitches arms and hold then down” she directs 2 of the guys sitting on the couch. “We are gonna have some real fun now.” It takes some effort to pull Mrs Masons hands away from her clit and the guys hold her tight. Her engorged clit is clearly visible and using her finger nails Sasha pinches it hard. Mrs Masons screams are almost completely muffled by Candy’s ass but the jerking of her body is very obvious. Candy who by now is kneeling, forces more of her weight on her mothers face.

“Suck mommy! Suck my ass hole real good. It feels so fucking good mommy, suck all that shit out of your dirty little whore’s ass hole.” Sara and Sammy smile at Candy’s vulgar instructions to her mother. They know the girl is now completely broken and theirs to manipulate. Sasha release her pinch grip on the woman’s clit and Mrs Mason draws in a huge breath. That’s the exact moment Sasha decides to butt her cigarette out on the woman’s clit. Her scream is inhuman and the guys holding her are having to struggle to maintain control. The scream resolves into deep guttural sobs. Sasha removes her boot from Mrs Masons cunt, her eyes gleaming with lust

“Get the rope and clamps guys” Sasha orders. One of the group brings the bag to Sasha. “Hey bring her over here” she yells, indicating Candy, “so she can watch me torture her mom”. Sammy and Sara support Candy to move to her mother, their hands roaming all over her body. They are both kissing her deeply and rubbing her swollen clit, the girls hips moving suggestively. “Candy!” Sasha says, “Do you like to watch me do this to your mom?” Candy giggles and smiles shyly as fingers find their way into her cunt. “Yes I do”

When Sasha attaches the clamp to the recently burnt clit Mrs Masons body jerked involuntarily and she screamed again. Sasha looks into the young girls eyes again, “Does seeing your mom get hurt turn you on Candy?” This time candy can only manage a deep groan of compliance. Two more clamps are place on the woman’s nipples, then Sasha begins tying her. Her legs are pulled back over her head, ankles tied to each wrist. Another rope is tied around her knees then looped many times around her back and pulled tight. Further ropes are added to each side so that Mrs Mason is held firmly in place, her ass and cunt exposed for all to see.

Sasha takes the vib and plunges the head firmly into the tortured woman’s sopping wet cunt. Using lots of tape she secures the vib firmly so it can’t fall out. All the time Candy’s eyes never leave what is happening to her mother and her breathing is indicating that she will shortly cum again. For the final indignity Sasha pulls from the bag a large thick candle about 12” long. She positions it at the entrance of Mrs Masons wrecked ass and just leans on it with all her might. It sinks about 6” into the woman’s ass and protrudes obscenely. It’s at this point that Candy reaches another shattering orgasm, only managing to stand with the assistance of Sammy and Sara.

“Oh I nearly forgot the last thing” Sasha laughs. An O ring gag is pulled from the bag and put onto Mrs Mason, forcing her mouth to remain open. “Ok boys, nearly time to go but we have one last thing to do.” All the guys including Rory are standing near the head of the trussed up woman. One of them whispers to Rory who smiles wickedly. He nods and it is his stream of piss that is the first to land on his mother’s face. Mrs Mason struggles to drink the volume that is falling on her and she coughs. Sara and Sammy position Candy over her mom’s face and laugh as the daughter directs her stream of piss direct into her mother’s mouth. Again she coughs and splutters and this time even Candy laughs. While Rory and his sister hug, Sara, Sammy and Sasha step out of their shorts and take turns in pissing in Mrs Masons mouth. This time her coughing wracks her body but the rope holds her tight.

“OK time to go guys” Sara yells. She points to Rory and Candy “You two are coming with us.” Everyone dresses whilst Mrs Mason moans and writhes on the floor. Sammy lights a cigarette and passes it to Candy who tentatively draws on it. A few coughs but she does well. Sara is busy taking photos of the tortured Mrs Mason. She sends one of them showing the obscene pose to Mr Mason with the text “We reckon that it will take 6 hrs for the candle to burn down and the vib is on full. When will you be home?”

Almost immediately she receives a replay. “Tomorrow”

She shows Sasha and Sammy who laugh raucously. Sasha hand a cigarette lighter to Candy and shows Rory how to turn the vib on. One last picture is taken of Candy lighting the candle and Rory flicking the switch. Sara send this to Mr Mason also.

The response is a picture of Mr Masons cum oozing cock.

Published by nasti_fun_pervert
8 years ago
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black4porn 1 year ago
The Pay and Pay Back is a Mother F***er. Not to mention 3 New Recruits
Very erotic, very perverted. Imaginative writing. I'm not much into the BDSM thing, but your story gave this old man a rock hard erection. Well done ladies.
fdj 3 years ago
Fucking wonderful.
Kissableking 3 years ago
What a wonderful education for Candy and Rory. Along with the pounding  Mrs M. Beautiful 
ssigos 6 years ago
Fuuck this was unbelivible ... could not stop reading.... and my cock... fuck he is so hard
Norpig 6 years ago
Omg, you are so kinky and sadistic. Love love love you.
mariaprv 7 years ago
Holy moly, what a fantastic story!
masterofsin 8 years ago
I Enjoy your stories! If you have any stories (taboo) you cannot post but want to share; then Feel Free to Share with Me. Love a Nasty story.
nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
to masterofsin : Glad you liked it :smile: XXX Katie & JR
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masterofsin 8 years ago
Smokin' Hot
OZ_Lucas 8 years ago
Finally finished the whole thing, I fucking loved it.
nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
Thanks so much, glad it got you hard. Imagining you jerking off to it is really hot for JR and I. Love to hear any of your ideas for the next instalment. XXX Katie & JR
swingerboy49 8 years ago
to nasti_fun_pervert : Thanks Katie & JR, yes a pierced & tattooed cock (as my cock has both) sure would be quite interesting & I'm sure you could both put a great story together. XXX
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nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
to scorpio270 : Hope you cum so good. Thanks for the feedback. XXX Katie & JR
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nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
to swingerboy49 : Thank you. Maybe next time we can include a pierced cock XXX Katie & JR
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scorpio270 8 years ago
Jerked off through the whole story
swingerboy49 8 years ago
Great story Katie & JR just wish I was there with my pierced & tattooed
MarkAnon7007 8 years ago
Nice and nasty :wink: x
nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
to bryan3 : Hope you blew a big load as well. XXX Katie & JR
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nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
Thank you. We tried :smile: XXX Katie & JR
nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
to 045fistfun : Hope you jerked off to it. XXX Katie & JR
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045fistfun 8 years ago
Damn, you fucking perverts! :wink:
nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
Thanks XXX Katie & JR
nasti_fun_pervert Publisher 8 years ago
Thank you! XXX Katie & JR
bryan3 8 years ago
Got me STROKIN'!!!