Memories from facebook

I logged onto facebook and this 'memory' was posted. I did blog daily back then. This post made me laugh. It kind of made me want to cry because I know the final ending with this boy. Anyway, I thought you might like it.

Rewind. I get the text that my ex wants me to come over. I was in a dilemma. He doesn't know about my alopecia. He doesn't know I've been wearing a wig. He just knows me and my messy hair. He's teased me about my tangles. I could've styled it. He would probably never notice my hair is balding in the front. Or maybe he would notice?

Then I decided to wear that f-ing wig. I've told everyone else. It's time to tell the man in my life. My mom knows about him. I don't even have to tell her I'm going to meet him. I'm glad I live in a time when I'm allowed to leave the house to have an intimate encounter with a man. She knows we our a secret. She always does her best to tell me to stay home. I always go. That night I made her help me with the wig. I told her to pin that f-er like she's never pinned before. I lost count how many bobby pins I used. By the time I got it on a nuclear blast couldn't have knocked my wig off.

I was a nervous wreck. I stopped by the liquor store and bought him a bottle of jager. We always drink it. I hate the shit. But, it doesn't feel like a trip to his house without it. I didn't know how he would react to the wig. He just says what he's thinking. He has no censor. There is no filter on his mouth. I arrived. The kitchen light was off. I went straight to the cabinet for a shot glass. I didn't see one so I just grabbed a small wine glass. I poured myself a glass of jager and walked into the living room. Just waiting for his reaction.
As soon as he saw me, he just stared at me. "I like the hair." I pause, take a deep breath and ask him "Do you really like it? Does it really look good?" He tells me he really likes it. I tell him "It's not real" He looks confused. I explain that I have a medical condition and my hair is falling out. I explain that I'm not bald but that I can't style my real hair anymore. I like it that he didn't mumble out something like "I'm sorry." He still looked confused he says "so, that's a wig?" I say yes dear, I'm wearing a wig. I ask him if he saw me out in public would he be able to tell my hair is a wig? He says no. I blabber when I'm nervous. He just stared at me. All he could say was "I like it."

It almost felt like he was really looking at me for one of the first times. I sipped my jager while he stared at me. I break the silence by telling him he can't pull my hair anymore. He is concerned. I assure him that my wig isn't going anywhere unless he yanks it. The we just talk.

I find out all about the girl that stole his heart. I hit the nail on the head when I wished that everything that came out of her mouth made him cringe. She had a strong New York accident. She had a baby's daddy in prison. She dumped him a few days before he would be released. He looked broken. He admitted he fell in love with her. He just looked at me and said "I learned that my heart isn't dead after all." I just sipped my jager and let him talk. I hadn't eaten. I got super tipsy really quick. I just curled up in his lap. I told him I was sorry. I told him that it may not have ended well but at least he had the experience. In some kind of manly rebellion he stopped shaving. He looked like a mountain man. Like he belonged on some oil rig in alaska.

We rarely kiss. We're like an old married couple. I tell him I want him to kiss me. He says "I'm a terrible kisser." I tell him "I know." He kisses like a middle school k**. He has no idea what to do with his tongue. I kiss him anyway. I take it real slow. I treasure his awkward tongue in my mouth. The feel of his beard on my face. We just kissed. Fast Forward. By now, I'm drunk. I have a memory of standing topless in front of him. One hand holding my massive tits, the other hand holding my wine glass of jager. I stood there topless in a wig. I felt strange. I felt confident. I'm glad that sex wasn't an option. It is God's will that I bleed like I've been stabbed in the uterus when he calls me for company. Fate makes me smile.

I don't remember passing out. All I know is that at some point he went up to bed and I curled up on that foul leopard couch. At some point I took off my wig. F-ck at some point I took off my panties. I hope I didn't do a little dance. I hope I waited till he was upstairs to take off my wig. I just woke up with my wig loosely laying on my head. I saw his neighbors when I left that morning. I had my wig in my hand and my panties attached to my shoe

The final conclusion. God this hurts so bad to read four years later. I'll never forget standing there topless drinking jager. He wouldn't text me back for about two weeks after that night. I finally got him on the phone and he said 'you don't remember anything?' I said 'no.' He busted out with 'you peed on my rug.' I asked him where? He told me, 'right in front of the tv.' My mind was raising because I woke up with dry jeans and panties so I did not just piss my pants. We never discussed the incident again. I can only assume I walked in front of the tv, pulled down my jeans and panties and hovered over his carpet to pee. Good Times. After that, I was banned from drinking jager at his house ever again.
Published by halinaplays
8 years ago
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twiztidmetalz 8 years ago
Bonr717 8 years ago
The only thing I could add is that when I drank Jager, all bets were off. Sorry you had to relive this episode of your life
CatB 8 years ago
to halinaplays : Deal!
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halinaplays Publisher 8 years ago
to CatB : Thank you so much for introducing me to such a simple equation for navigating through life. I came back to this blog because a memory clicked that someone made a comment where a man asked why I would need a drink, or date a man who would drive me to drink. In all honesty, that night may have been one of the only times I didn't know my limits. I imagine the person who left this comment never had two margaritas at dinner or got tipsy on wine with a girlfriend and swapped secrets. He probably never went skinny dipping in the ocean. He may have never had that magical moment when you have no inhibitions and you steal a kiss that will haunt you for a lifetime.

I've made mistakes due to alcohol. However, I have a memory bank filled with stories that make the mistakes seem so unimportant. I'm writing you this response because I'm really angry. For awhile, I did not check profiles and I accepted anyone. The person who thought me drinking made me a lesser woman had a profile devoted to his fetish for asian girls who worship white cock. I only looked at one racist pic with awful captions. I blocked that cocksucker because racism infuriates me to a degree I lose my vocabulary. I may run some loops with repetitive mistakes. However, compared to that guy I'm flawless. If we get tipsy and swap secrets, i promise to pee on the tile if I forget there's a toilet.
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halinaplays Publisher 8 years ago
to rep1796 : I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I looked at your profile and you don't list your age. I have a drink sometimes with friends because it's a normal way for someone my age to socialize. We don't need the alcohol. We enjoy it because it lowers inhibitions. That can be great with a lover, a friend or at a party. I can find a man who doesn't drive me to drink. No one 'drives' me to do anything. You only talk about your love for asian women on your page. Everybody has certain things that turn them on. However, I only allowed myself to look at one of your racist images. It was two asian women and it said 'we would rather be a slave to a white man than be with an asian with a tiny dick. Why in 2017 would you put something that offensive in a profile. There is nothing wrong with me having a drink with my lover. There is something very wrong with a man who wants his dick to be worshiped based on it's skin color. I rarely block anyone. I'm blocking you. It's not sexy to be racist. It's actually pathetic..and it lets me know you have issues. That's bad coming from a girl who admits she peed on a rug.
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randy_rodman_xxx 8 years ago
Thanks, again, for allowing us to peer through the window of one of your life's tender and 'colorful' moments. 8^)
CatB 8 years ago
to halinaplays : That is a great anais nin quote, and while you can interpret it as meaning you enjoy the taste again, I think it is also true that we learn from reviewing the bad tastes, too. My SO and I have an amusing (if you're at all into numerical methods) comparison of the we often end up navigating in the car to the Newton-Rhapson method. I think it applies to life as well. You head off someplace with only a guess at the answer. You can look around and conclude you are wrong, and get a sense for how close you are. So you adjust your course and try again. We Newton-Rhapson our way through life and in doing so accumulate a lot of mistakes, but each successive mistake is a little smaller, and you learn from it. And (hopefully) you grow from it and don't end up in and endless loop of poor decisions. As long as you're doing that, you're doing OK. I've got a pretty good catalog of crazy shit I did, and some of it I'm not proud of either. And it's not pleasant to remember. But at the end of the day it led me to a better (still highly flawed) place.

And you can pee on my floor any time, but try to avoid the rug; it's harder to clean up :smile:
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foadALQADI 8 years ago
Oh Zoriha birds love and joy and her Khbreha Coliha enough and all the meanings that died in order to express how much I looked Iagalah Hannay of your marriage your marriage Wish Ohdjelk Ohdekke
rep1796 8 years ago
Why did you drink? I don't get it. I want someone that I can enjoy spending time with. I know if I have to drink to enjoy someone's company, something is wrong with them. You seem to have a great personality and a hot figure with the prettiest eyes. You should be able to find a man that loves you and doesn't drive you to drink. Also, don't pee on my rug!
halinaplays Publisher 8 years ago
to catalist0 : Thank you for reading my blog. I used to write all the time until an ex-boyfriend made me feel like I should be ashamed of myself for sharing stories just like this. I reread this post this morning and it took me down memory lane. It was bittersweet to remember how much I loved a boy who never loved me. So many nights he was my partner in crime. Our secret affair lasted over a decade. Basically, when it comes to sex, he's been my only real lover. I'd like to meet someone like him. He was such an asshole but we had chemistry. Ironically, me wearing wigs was the beginning of the end. Every time that I saw him I was more confident. For whatever reason that confidence and the fact that other men found me attractive made him drop me like a bad habit and he denies he ever would've fucked a girl like me. My wild child is right beneath the surface and begging to play. I've just not found another man who wants to play anywhere near where I live. Maybe one day, I'll meet someone else who has to deal with me peeing in unexpected places.
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halinaplays Publisher 8 years ago
to cavalier098 : Thanks sweetheart, I once threw a party and some unknown person took a shit in my shower and the next morning I stepped in it. This blog gives you an idea of who I was four years ago. I was so unsure of myself. My best friends knew I was severely balding and they thought it was funny. My very best friend told me she would never be seen in public with me wearing a tacky ass wig. Ironically, the guy in this story was her boyfriend and then her ex-boyfriend. I was fucking him the whole time. The last time we spoke he begged me to deny I ever touched him. He let me know he would go to his grave swearing he would never have fucked me. I'll never know why he chose to stay in her life and deny the fact we were together for over a decade. I hope he spies on me the way she does. My life might not be perfect, but i know so many men who would love to see me drink jager topless then get even more excited if I pissed on the floor.
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halinaplays Publisher 8 years ago
to DeadRomeo : Dear God, I have so many drinking and drug related stories. I was a very bad girl. I've had one helluva life. I don't know how i managed not to get arrested or killed. I'll start blogging again soon. Old friends found this page and some stories are not supposed to be discussed. I've never been good at keeping my mouth shut. I once stayed in a place known as 'the house of sin.' We lived up to that reputation. I'm the only person willing to write about the things we did and who we did them with. The last time I blogged about those people I had two cunts threaten to show up at my house and kick my ass. I would've been down for the fight but i couldn't find anything but a candelabra to use as a weapon. The very next day I went to walmart and bought a baseball bat.
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halinaplays Publisher 8 years ago
to CatB : My dearest Cat, this is a bittersweet post. The past few days have been rough. I really do need to start blogging again because rereading this post after writing it four years ago made me laugh and it made me want to cry. One of my favorite quotes is by anais nin. "we write to taste life twice." This post tasted like a wine glass full of jager. I have a fucked up short term memory. My long term memory is also fucked up because reading this post I can remember the look in his eyes when he saw me. I can remember the smell of that godawful leopard print couch. I can remember how he absolutely couldn't kiss. Most of all, I remember that I really loved him and he never loved me. Tasting that twice hurts like a bitch. I'm glad I pissed on his carpet. I probably only peed on the carpet because a few months earlier he got so drunk that he fell in the downstairs bathroom and tore his toilet out of the wall. I could write about him non-stop for weeks. The last time we spoke he asked me to deny he ever touched me and he told me he planned on swearing he would never have fucked me. I think I got the last laugh because I ended up with 20,000 friends on a porn site where most men would actually love to see me pee on their rug.
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catalist0 8 years ago
Ah, to be young and drunk. Every once in while I do long for those times when I didn't know better and just did things for the shear fun of it. It's memories like that that make us cringe and smile at the same time and let's us know that no matter how mature we get, we still have that wild child lurking just beneath the surface.
cavalier098 8 years ago
That is not to bad. I had a drunk girl poop on my living room floor and then pass out. I am happy that you had the confidence that you felt standing in front of him topless. I have to say that I have enjoyed reading your adventures over the years. (((HUGS)))
DeadRomeo 8 years ago
This sounds like an awesome drinking story
CatB 8 years ago
Weird times indeed. It did make me smile, and also a little sad for you in your nervousness and discomfort. But you know, in the grand scheme of things, it's way more funny than it is tragic. We all do goofy things now and then. I still get grief for the time I overran my limits and had two jumbo gold margaritas at the local Mexican place in the course of an hour. It also did not end so well :smile: