2016 A Year in Review

The year is over and for the first time since I lost my virginity back in 1984 I did not get laid one time the entire year. So let's look at the milestones that happened.

January, I turned 50, supposed to be a big deal I guess When my wife turned 50 her family and friends threw a big surprise party for her. I turned 50 and I think I got a card, hell even my mother forgot it and called me two days later apologizing for neglecting to remember.

June, Fathers day the wife and k**s went out of town and I was left home to watch the dog.

August, they found the card they got me for Fathers day crumpled up in the car and decided to give it to me anyway. Personally I would have rather not have gotten it.

December, wedding anniversary, I was stupid enough to get married 21 years ago. Christmas, and all I got was this crappy Newton's cradle desktop thing for the desk at work. New Years Eve, well, let's just say good riddance 2016.
Published by kf4mat
8 years ago
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phillymark1 6 years ago
I had similar problems with my first wife. Fortunately, I have had better luck with my second