The student boarder
Nadia meets kent
Nadia and Cordell Kittinger had just celebrated their 19th wedding anniversary. It was a festive occasion. Susan took two days off from her Spanish language studies at a liberal arts college to attend as did their son who was a pre-med student at an out-of-state university.
Cordell was a mathematics professor at the local four-year college while Nadia worked as a secretary for a local law firm. With both Cordell and Nadia working, there was sufficient income to provide tuition, fees, books, and room and board for their c***dren's education with enough left over to pay the monthly bills and provide a few comforts. Nevertheless, money was somewhat tight.
On Saturday morning the week following their anniversary celebration, Cordell and Nadia had slept late and were enjoying a delicious breakfast of eggs, hash browns, bacon, and coffee that Nadia had prepared. She had not bothered to dress after sleeping late, opting instead for a tight-fitting, short robe and a pair of slippers. As she had prepared the meal, she was somewhat disappointed to see her husband was more interested in reading the morning newspaper than he was in checking out her long legs and cleavage that the robe exposed. But after 19 years of marriage, she knew that was to be expected. "After all," she thought, "it's pretty hard for a guy to get turned on by the body of a woman he's screwed maybe 2,000 times." Even so, the thought depressed her.
While Cordell buried himself in the sports page, Nadia read the front page and fashion section. After finishing those, she was looking over the classified ads to see if there was anything of interest there. As she did so, she noticed a couple of ads from students who were seeking living accommodations in a private home.
"Cordell, have you noticed any of these ads from students looking to rent rooms in a private home rather than in an apartment complex?"
Her husband looked up from the sports page. "No, I haven't. What do they want. Wonder why they don't want an apartment somewhere?"
"Well, they probably hope to find something cheaper than a full apartment, but still something nice, in a good neighborhood. Perhaps with breakfast included. I don't know. What do you think about the possibility of us renting out Brian's old bedroom? It has a private bath, and we could also include the room he used for his computer stuff. It would certainly provide us more income, which would be really helpful."
"What would we do when the c***dren visit?" Cordell asked, clearly intrigued by my idea.
"Well, they rarely visit at the same time. We would still have Susan's bedroom when one them comes home. And when they're both here, we could buy a couch for the den that converts to a bed so we would have enough space."
"You know, that's a great idea. I know apartments are now renting for $700 to $800 a month. The college dorms are less, but they're not very nice. They're also loud and not conducive to study. How much do you think we should ask for Brian's bedroom, the adjoining computer room, with say breakfast and utilities included?"
"I think $500 a month would be very reasonable. If we can't get that, we could come down to $450."
My husband nodded... obviously thinking. "College students would want to have visitors from time to time. Would you be Ok with that?"
"Why not? No big parties, of course, but a guest now and then. What's the problem?"
"Well..." Cordell hesitated.
I couldn't suppress a grin. "I'm not an old dried up prude, you know. Our k**s are having sex. I assume any college student who might stay with us would too."
My husband seemed taken aback by my comment. "You really think Susan is having sex?" he asked.
"Don't you think that Brian is having sex with any of the girls at the university?" I replied.
"Well, of course. But, he's a guy. That's different."
"Different? How so?"
"You know... It's natural for a young man to have sex with as many women as he can. Don't put me on the defensive here."
"Ok. I didn't mean to make it sound like an attack by a wild feminist. I do see your point. But I am curious."
"About what?"
"About where Brian is finding all these women to fuck. Where's he finding them anyway? I don't think he has enough money to be hiring prostitutes."
My husband gave me an exasperated look. "There are a lot of girls at the university, Nadia. Probably close to half of the students are female. I'm sure Brian doesn't have to look very hard to find ..." My husband stopped in mid-sentence as he became aware of the implication of his comment.
I grinned even more broadly. "Precisely, my darling husband. And the guys at Susan's college don't have to look very hard to find a lot of willing and eager pussy either. So do you think that after almost a year at college that Susan is still a virgin?"
Now cornered, my husband persisted. "Well, she could be," he stated.
Now my grin turned to a laugh. "She's taking birth control pills, Honey. Our darling little girl has been getting laid regularly for at least the last year."
"Ok... ok. You win. I guess I'm just a little behind the times... getting old. One thing's for certain... you wouldn't be having sex with all those men if you were still in college."
I knew better than to respond to that statment. After all, I wasn't born yesterday. Instead, I returned to the original topic. "So, what do you think about renting out Brian's old room and the adjoining computer room?"
"Why don't you answer some of those ads and see what happens. The extra income would be very nice."
While my husband finished his breakfast, I called four of the numbers listed in the ads I found in the newspaper. A young woman answered the first call, but she had already found a place to rent. No one answered the second call. The third and fourth calls both produced interested responses, each from a male student. They both wanted to come over to see the accommodations and discuss price immediately. I put them on "hold" while I discussed the situation with my husband.
"They want to come over this afternoon. but you'll be on the golf course. What do you want me to tell them?"
"Make an appointment with each one and tell them to come over. There's no need for me to be here. You handle it." Following his instructions, I made an appointment with one man at 3 PM and at 4 PM with the second guy.
The first guy was a freshman who was just looking for a bedroom. He had no interest in the extra room, and both $450 and $500 a month were more than he wanted to pay. I told him if I couldn't find anyone, I would call him again to see if he wanted to reconsider. When he just nodded and left, I felt somewhat disappointed as I had thought the deal was so good and the accommodations so attractive that everyone would accept immediately.
When my 4 PM appointment showed up on time, my disappointment over losing the first guy vanished immediately. The man standing at my front door was a senior student, about 20 or 21 years old, and even in his baggy shorts and tennis shoes, sinfully handsome. I invited him inside.
He gave me a dazzling smile, nodded his thanks, and entered without ever taking his eyes off my face. "My name's Kent, Kent Thompson, and you are...?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Nadia, Nadia Kittinger. My husband's teaches math at the college." Hearing my voice, I felt like I was gushing like a school girl. The truth was that the man was so sexy, I was having trouble controlling myself.
Kent ignored my comment about my husband as if it were of no consequence. His eyes remained locked onto mine, his smile still broad and engaging. "You have a beautiful home. I hope I can afford the rent you're asking."
"I'm sure we can work something out," I stammered. "Would you like something to drink?"
"How about a beer?"
"No problem." I walked into the kitchen with Kent right behind me. Cordell kept the beer on the bottom shelf, so I had to bend over to get a couple of bottles. As I did so, I felt my skirt rising up the back of my thighs with Kent right behind me. I felt my face flush with heat and not just a little excitement as I thought about how much he could see. The beer bottles were right in front of me, Coors and Budweiser. Without rising up, I asked, "We're got both Coors and Bud. Which do you prefer?"
There was a slight hesitation before Kent replied, "Bud is supposed to be a man's drink, but frankly, I like the taste of Coors better. I'll take Coors."
His voice was deep and masculine, yet soft and gentle at the same time. I realized that I was bending over more than was necessary to reach the Budweiser. I could feel the cool air high on my thighs. Finally, I knew that I had delayed as long as possible and stood up with two coors in my hand.
I turned quickly to face Kent and found his eyes still looking straight into my own. I was more than just a little surprised as I was certain that I would catch him staring at my legs or at my breasts. In addition to being surprised, I realized that I was also somewhat disappointed. The thought that my legs and breasts weren't attractive enough to interest him was depressing.
"They're good and cold. Hope you like your beer that way."
"I like it anyway I can get it," he said softly.
My feeling of depression instantly vanished to be replaced by the feeling of wetness between my thighs. "Would you like to see the accommodations now?" I asked.
"I would like that very much. Please show me everything."
More wetness soaked my thighs. "Ok. Follow me. We plan to rent out our son's old bedroom along with the adjoining computer room next to it." As I walked down the hallway with Kent following, I wondered if his eyes were inspecting my bottom. "Surely they are," I silently hoped. Almost involuntarily, I realized my hips were undulating more than necessary. "God. What's the matter with me? I'm almost old enough to be his mother."
"Well, this is it. What do you think?" I asked. Kent's eyes were still on mine. Only when he had moved past me into the room, did they move to inspect the bedroom. The room was beautifully furnished. The walls were adorned with framed paintings and photographs. The floor was covered with a thick carpet. There was an attractive desk for study, two lounge chairs, and a table TV. There was also a connecting private bath.
"Fantastic. Exactly the type of room I would have expected to find in your home. And you said something about a second room?"
"Right this way. There's a connecting door so you'll have essentially a two-room apartment." I opened the door and stood aside to allow him to enter. Once again, he smiled into my eyes as he moved past me. As far as I could tell, he had yet to look at my large bosom.
"This is just as nice as the bedroom. Would you mind if I move my computer, printer, etc. into the room?"
"Of course not. I'll have my husband move our son's old computer and printer to storage in the basement. It's out of date now anyway. I should mention that you have kitchen privileges and are free to have invited guests in your rooms at any time. We'll have new locks put on the doors for your privacy and security. The rent includes all utilities and breakfast anytime you care to join us. Or, if you wish, you can prepare your own breakfast."
"That's unbelievable! What are you asking for all of this?"
"My husband and I have thought $500 a month would be fair."
"Fair? It's more than fair. This is far better than anything I could find in an apartment house and those start at $700. I feel like $500 would be cheating you. Shall we make it at least $550?"
"That's very nice of you to offer, but $500 will be fine. Agreed?"
"Absolutely! When can I move in?"
"How about Monday to give us some time to move our son's stuff out?"
"Monday afternoon will work for me."
"Fine. My husband has typed up a brief agreement for us both to sign. Let's go into the den where you can read it and see if it meets with your approval."
I put the agreement on the coffee table in front of the couch, and Kent sat down to read it. I took a seat in the lounge chair opposite the couch and directly facing it. As Kent read, I could feel the increasing wetness between my crossed legs.
The agreement was succinct, and Kent took only a minute to read it. "This looks..." he began but then stopped in mid-sentence when he looked over at me. With my legs crossed and my skirt up high on my thighs, his attention was immediately diverted away from the agreement and his previous thoughts. I loved it... absolutely loved it.
I expected him to look away and pretend nothing had happened, but once again, he surprised me. Clearing his throat, he said, "I'm sorry to stare like a school boy, but you are beautiful. Your husband is a very lucky man. The agreement is fine." He signed it as I watched and felt the wetness increasingly rapidly.
Kent handed me the clipboard with the signed agreement attached. He smiled, continued to stare at me, and waited. At first I didn't understand... but then it dawned on me that he was waiting for me to rise... not out of courtesy, but because I would have to uncross my legs before I could stand up. My excitement was so high, I could hardly breathe.
When I uncrossed and opened my legs, I could hear my heart beating. Now his eyes did leave my face and move downward. Before I rose, I asked him, "Are there any questions you would like to ask? Anything that I may have failed to cover?" As I asked the question, I remained motionless, still seated, my legs still open.
Kent paused seeming to think... to consider. "I think you've shown me every thing that I wanted to see. I will certainly have more questions later... after I move in, but that will do for now. Thank you. I'll see you on Monday."
With that he rose, waited for me, then shook my hand when I did. Actually, he not so much shook my hand as caressed it.
That evening after my husband came in from the golf course, I said nothing about our new boarder until he remembered that I had interviewed a couple of possibilities.
"Did either of the interviews work out? Do we have someone who wants to rent the two rooms?"
"We do. He's a senior student at your college. He seems very polite and nice."
"And the rent? Was there a problem?"
"No, none at all. He not only agreed to the $500 rent, he even suggested that it was too low and offered to pay $550."
"Did you accept?"
"Of course not. That would have been gross. I asked for $500 and that's what we settled on. He signed the agreement you drew up. It's on the table beside the couch in the den. Kent will be moving in on Monday. You need to take Brian's old computer stuff to the basement as he will be bringing his own."
"Sounds great. Did he give you any advance?"
I handed my husband a check for $500. "He paid the first month's rent before he left."
After dinner, Cordell asked, "Anything you want to watch on TV tonight?"
"Not really. Why don't we go out bar hopping like we used to? Dance some."
"After almost five hours on the golf course, I'm too tired to go dancing. How about Monday evening?"
"Ok. I hope you're not too tired for some bedroom exercise tonight. Are you?"
"If golf ever makes me too tired to fuck a sexy woman like you, I'm giving up golf."
"Promises... promises. Come on, Stud. Take your wife to bed and make her love having a cunt between her thighs."
I could see the shock register on my husband's face at my language, but I could also see his cock getting hard as stone. "MMmmmmm... damn, you look big! I want that! Now!"
My husband literally dragged me into the bedroom. Before we made it, my blouse and bra were lying on the floor along the hallway. When we did reach the master bedroom, my big, naked tits were swinging and bouncing, their nipples hard and rigid.
Standing beside the bed, I knelt and jerked my husband's pants and shorts down his thighs releasing his turgid, throbbing sex gun. It looked luscious, precum dangling from its tip. "Ohhhh god! Put that thing in my mouth, you big-dicked stud. Give it to me!" I moaned.
Tilting my head backwards, I stretched my mouth open... wide, inviting with my tongue out. My hands were cupping my tits. I waited, eager... ready. The big-dicked stud stepped closer and inserted his rigid manhood into my waiting mouth hole. As it went in, my cunt throbbed as my vagina contracted and pulsed, eagerly awaiting its turn to house the huge shaft.
Cordell's hands went to the back of my head holding me steady as he thrust himself in and out of my mouth. In moments, the big cockhead was against the back of my throat making me gag. Shocked at what he had done, my husband immediately pulled back.
"Don't do that," I growled in female heat. "Put it back in! Please! If I gag, just hold still until I get used to it... then push in more... I want all of it... down my throat."
I felt the big cock swell and throb at my words. With a determined masculine grunt of pleasure, the big cock was driven back into my mouth and against the opening to my throat. Again I gagged... he held it there... letting me gag... when I calmed, more cock went in. I gagged again.
He held still as I continued to gag. Abruptly, another inch pushed in and this time the big head entered my throat. He let he retch and gag until I got used to the shaft. Then, he yelled, "Like that... ohhh yeah... like that, you hot Slut!" I sucked harder as the rest of his cock pushed down my throat.
My cunt erupted in hard, repeated spasms. The stud fucking my throat knew I was cumming and slammed his meat in and out of my mouth even harder. My pussy spasmed again... and then again.
"Get on the bed, you hot Bitch. I want your cunt!" my lover ordered.
I scrambled as fast as possible to get on the bed. As soon as my back hit the bed, I jacked my legs high and spread wide. The hard male body was between my thighs and socked into my sex saddle in an instant. A moment later, I felt the huge, throbbing male shaft ramming against the opening to my cunt. There was no way I could possible keep it out... it stretched me open and drove into me ... hard... deep... until the big head thudded against the bottom of my contracting hole. I came again... screaming and cursing like a street whore. My husband loved it!
For five minutes or so, I was fucked with repeated, hard, thrusts, each one making me grunt in hot passion.
"You turn to do the work, Slut," my rutting husband growled at me. He turned us over so that I was mounted on him.
"Now fuck that hot cunt on my cock, Bitch!"
I didn't need to be told twice. My hips hammered up and down on the rigid cock spike. I couldn't remember my husband ever being this hard... even the first time he fucked me. Within a minute, that steel-hard, cunt reamer was making me cum again. I moaned and howled helplessly as he pumped me... ripping repeated orgasms from my throbbing body.
Finally, even my randy stud could take no more. "I'm gonna cum, Honey. Can't hold it any longer," he groaned.
"In you mouth, Slut. In you mouth. Suck me... let me cum in your mouth."
I had never permitted my husband to pull out and cream my face and mouth before... but there was no way in hell I was going to say 'no' this time. Scrambling off his body, my body actually trembled when I looked at the rigid throbbing sex spike my husband's penis had become because of me... I LOVED IT!
I didn't hesitate a moment. Wrapping my hand around his pulsing shaft, I rammed my mouth down the prick meat. He thrust it up into my mouth hole as I jacked his shaft with my hand and let him use my mouth as like it was a cunt. Again and again, my head descended over the thrusting shaft until I felt it throbbing, swelling... expanding. The big balls rose high preparing to unleash their huge load.
"Get on your knees... open your mouth... I'm gonna cream you and shoot!"
I couldn't do it fast enough. I held my tits, squeezing the nipples. My head tilted backwards, mouth opening... tongue out... waiting. I stared at the huge cock being jacked an inch away from my face and mouth... the hole at the end expanded... then the huge load exploded in a thick, huge cum jet that splashed over my nose and face. My stud husband adjusted his aim, and the second load fired straight into my open mouth hole coating my tongue and hitting the back of my throat where it slid sensuously down into my belly. Gush after cum gush drenched my face, my eyes, my tits, my mouth as I swallowed more of his huge load. As his load was pouring over my face, my vagina contracted... juices spurted out onto the carpet as the orgasm surged through me.
On Monday, I got off from work early at 3 PM, and true to his word, Kent showed up at 3:30 PM with all of his clothes, computer, boxes, etc. This time I had worn something sexier, a tight pink top with a short, black skirt and heels. It had the desired effect. Even Kent was unable to keep his eyes on my face when he saw me. His eyes dropped helplessly to my exposed legs and the thrusting mounds just barely concealed by the top.
We worked for the better part of an hour carrying his stuff into his new quarters. Every time I bent over to pick up a box from his car or to deposit a box on the floor of his rooms, I could feel his eyes on my bottom and my exposed legs. Once when I had just put a box on the floor by the couch and was about to stand up, I quickly looked back in Kent's direction and caught him staring right at my exposed thighs and particularly where they enticingly disappeared beneath my very brief skirt.
"Is this where you want to put it?" I asked nodding at the box I had just set on the floor.
Even though I was now looking at him, his eyes never left my thighs and my thrusting ass. "That's very close to where I want to put it," he said softly.
By the time we had every thing moved inside, I was even wetter than I had been the previous Saturday. My excitement had risen to the point that I could smell its musky aroma.
"I think that's it," Kent finally commented.
"Want a beer?" I asked.
"Give me a minute to take a quick shower, and I would love one."
Nodding, I walked out of his room and went to the kitchen. It only took a couple of minutes to get out a beer for each of us. "I should have asked him if he would like a sandwich," I thought. "Well, I can always go back and ask him now," I thought wickedly.
Without giving myself enough time to get nervous, I hurried to Kent's bedroom door, knocked, and, without waiting for an answer, opened the door. He had just started undressing. He was naked to the waist and was in the process of removing his pants when I opened the door. If I had waited another five seconds, I would have found out the size of his cock. Even so, the sight was breathtaking.
Kent's perfectly proportioned, muscular chest, abs, and biceps sent shivers of delight coursing through my now soaked pussy. His pants were down enough for me to see that he wore tight jockey shorts rather than boxers. The tight briefs showed a substantial bulge even though his cock was still soft.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from his gorgeous body. And just as I had been holding sexy poses for his pleasure all afternoon, he returned the favor by lowering his pants enough for me to see the full extent of the bulge in his briefs.
"You should have knocked," he said teasingly, not in the least embarrassed.
"I know. I'm sorry to have embarrassed you."
"You didn't. I'm glad you didn't knock. Are you?"
I couldn't breathe my excitement was so great. And I knew there was no point in lying. He could see how excited the sight of his body had me. "Yes... I'm glad too. I'm going to fix myself some food to go with the beer. Would like some?"
"Yes. I would like some. Very much."
The double entendre produced a soft gasp from my upper lips and a sensuous contraction of my lower ones. "Ok. I'll let you take your shower. I'll be in the kitchen."
When I got back to the kitchen, I leaned against the counter, spread my legs, and slipped my hand onto my panty-covered pussy. It was soaked and as ready as it had ever been. Just lightly running my fingers up the length of my slit almost made me cum. I desperately wanted to masturbate, but I also wanted to stay on a sexual high for Kent. I wanted him to know how hot he had me. So, with the exercise of a not just a little will power, I removed my hand from my steaming cunt.
When Kent joined me ten minutes later, he was wearing a skin-tight T-shirt that molded every rippling muscle of his torso. His tight-fitting jeans also showed the substantial bulge of his manhood which was no longer soft. He leaned back against the counter so I could inspect his body as I put the food and beer on the kitchen table. I was boiling hot and I knew that he knew it. I wondered... no... I hoped... that he would decide to fuck me.
We sat down and ate the beer and sandwiches I had made. I hoped he liked them... for myself, I could hardly taste what I was eating as my mind was between my thighs and his. When Kent had finished eating, he stood up. The bulge in his jeans had increased considerably. He was almost thrusting it into my face. My mouth opened involuntarily.
"Time to feed you something else don't you think?" he stated.
"Oohhh Gawd!" I was too excited to say any more than that.
Stepping behind me, Kent's arms circled my body and cupped both of my breasts as his huge erection pressed into the crease of my ass. "I'm going back to my bedroom now. You can stay here or follow me. Your choice. I hope you follow me."
He walked back down the hallway toward his bedroom with me following behind him... eager... helpless... throbbingly hot. We had not quite entered the hallway when the front door opened and Cordell entered.
"Hi. Thought I'd leave work early so I could meet our new boarder. I'm Cordell, Cordell Kittinger," he said as he extended his hand toward Kent. "I'm Nadia husband. I hope the accommodations are to your liking?"
"I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Kittinger, and everything is very, very much to my liking. I'm really looking forward to living here this year," he said as he shook my husband's hand.
"Great. And please, call me 'Cordell'. We'll be living too close to bother with formalities."
The two men continued this banter while I sat down in a chair. I was afraid to stand for fear that my legs wouldn't hold me. My vagina was a throbbing cauldron of female steaming heat and juices. I knew if I got too close, these male a****ls would smell me. "Damn it to hell! Why did you pick today to come home early, Cordell," I raged to myself.
The only good thing about the situation was that my husband had come home when he did instead of ten minutes later when he would have found me on my back, screaming and panting, as a strong male stud fucked the shit out of his wife.
My husband took me out to dinner Monday evening. I wore an attractive, but conservative, black dress with thigh-high hose and heels. I was too hot to wear panties, but no one would know that. Nevertheless, men looked. It was almost as if they could sense that I was a raging inferno of sexual desire between my thighs. During the meal, I couldn't sit still, much less pay any attention to what I was eating or what topic my husband was discussing.
The man at the next table noticed my undulating body and the way my thighs were working against one another to try to assuage my throbbing clitoris. He began to watch me, becoming more excited himself as he did so. His attention was turning my pussy into a firestorm of female desire. In spite of the fact that my husband was just across the table from me and the man's wife was with him, I moved my legs out from under the table and crossed them with my ankle on my knee so that he had a clear view of my naked cunt.
It was risky but not absurdly so. The man's wife had her back toward me. Unless she turned around, she couldn't see what I was doing. The table blocked my husband's view. Our waiter did get a perfect beaver shot, but that only added to my excitement.
If he could have found a reason to get away from his wife and approach me, I would have spread my legs for him without hesitating. I think he was aware of that. When his wife rose to leave, he looked longingly at me, turned his palms up, stared directly at my exposed cunt, and shrugged in a silent apology.
On the drive home, I attacked my husband. Unzipping his pants, I extracted his cock and went down on him while he was trying to drive. He tried to get me to stop, but I just sucked him deeper and harder until he had an iron-hard erection that he was ramming into my throat. All the way home, he kept calling me a dirty slut. I loved it. Somehow, he managed to keep from cumming even though I got off twice on my fingers before we reached our driveway.
Before we were even inside our house, I had my jacket off, my blouse opened, my tits out of my bra, and my skirt hiked up to my waist. As soon as my husband had shut and locked the front door, I was pulling his pants down and shoving him into a chair where I devoured his still-rigid shaft.
"Damn, Woman! Let's go to our bedroom. Kent might come in at any time," Cordell pleaded. It did him no good. I was too hot to wait.
"So what. So he sees me sucking my husband's cock. I'm sure he knows I suck you. Pump a load down my throat and we'll go to the bedroom... not before."
I went back to sucking his rod, and, giving up, my husband began thrusting his dick deep in and out of my throat. My naked tits were bouncing as he mouth fucked me. As long as I had been sucking him, there was no way he could last. Within a minute, his first load fired out of his throbbing sex gun into my waiting throat and belly.
Without giving him any time at all to come down from his orgasm, I pulled him to his feet and led him by his still-throbbing cock to our bedroom. Once inside, I fell on the bed, my legs spreading wide open, and ordered him to suck me.
"Get your face in my cunt, Baby. I need to cum. OOOhhhh god.!! Please!! Suck Me!!"
Cordell fell to his knees, pushed his face into my gushing cunt and ran his tongue up the entire length of me my sex trench.
"AAAAAAaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHhhhhhh.... UUUnnnnGGGHHH.... Yes! SUCK MEEEEEEEE!!" I screamed. If Kent was in the house, he knew I was getting it.
Cordell was no slouch in bed. Quickly, he moved up to my pulsing clitoris, sucked it hard, and lashed his tongue up and down the shaft sending me into the uncontrollable spasms of an intense orgasm. I shrieked and wailed as juices from my erupting cunt spurted all over his face.
My vagina and clitoris were still contracting in hard spasms when I screamed at my husband, "GET ON ME! GET IN ME! HURRY... OH GOD! HURRY. I NEED COCK IN ME!"
Cordell pushed me backwards onto the bed, yanked my leg up high so that the heel was pointed right at the ceiling and nailed his rigid sex stick deep into my still throbbing sex channel. I began to cum as soon as I felt it entering. It slugged into the bottom of my cunt causing me to howl like a cat in heat.
When my husband felt me cumming yet again, he pulled out, flipped me over and slammed his raging meat back into me in doggy position. I arched my ass high to get all of it... and he gave it to me like a rutting stallion on a mare. I came twice more before my stud husband pumped his final load deep into my convulsing cunt hole.
Cordell's Investigation:
Cordell sat in his college office totally confused. The board, as well as all the of the numerous papers on his desk, were covered with the obscure mathematical symbols that were part of an elaborate proof he had been working on for the past six months. If he could complete the proof of the final step needed to verify his central theorem, the manuscript he would write would be an excellent contribution to any one of a number of prestigious international journals. Occasionally, he would even fantasize about winning the Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize of Mathematics that was first awarded in 1936.
On this particular day, however, his mind was on other things, less prestigious perhaps, but far more pressing. Up to a month ago, he and Nadia had been having sex once or twice a week. Usually, it was routine. Occasionally, it was hot. In contrast, for the past month, she had been insatiable. He was screwing her almost everyday except during her period and every time the sex was intense, passionate, wild, and kinky. Yet, it didn't seem to be enough. She was wearing him out, but the more sex they had, they more she seemed to want and need. She had even sucked him off and then demanded anal sex during her last period. She had howled with passion when he had fucked her ass, cumming twice before he had pumped his load deep inside her bowels.
Tracing events backwards in time in an attempt to determine what had happened to produce Nadia's transformation, Cordell quickly realized that it corresponded to the day Kent rented the rooms in their home. Obviously, Kent was a very handsome, sexy, and sensuous young man who probably turned his wife on... in fact, he probably turned her on a lot. Maybe even enough to make her wild for sex, he thought.
"I need to be more analytical about this," Cordell thought. Clearing a space on his cluttered desk, he took out a small notebook and began to write notes and questions"
Question #1: Is Nadia sexually turned on by Kent? Answer: Yes!
Question #2: Is Kent fucking Nadia? Answer: Maybe. If so, he isn't giving her enough to satisfy her needs as she constantly wants sex from me. More likely, he is exciting her enormously but not interested in screwing her. That would drive her wild.
Question #3: What are they doing together when I not around? Answer: Uncertain. Perhaps fucking. More likely, he is just teasing and playing around to excite her and then leaving her unsatisfied. Or maybe she's hot as fire for his cock but won't have sex with him because she wants to remain faithful.
Question #4: Do I want to put a stop to whatever is happening? Answer: Absolutely not! Having a woman wild and kinky for sex is a delight even if it does kill me.
Question #5: Do I want to find out what happening or just enjoy the results? Answer: I want both.
Question #6: How can I find out what is going on? Answer: Not sure. Maybe hire a private detective? Maybe install video and audio equipment to spy on them? Maybe come home unexpectedly and spy on them?
Question #7: If he is fucking my wife, is he likely to get her pregnant? Answer: No. She takes birth control pills. Question #8: What if he's screwing my wife and wants her to stop taking
birth control. Would she? Answer: Don't know. No data, but it seems unlikely at her age and two grown c***dren.
I continued writing questions and possible answers for another hour. At the end of that time, a half dozen pages in my notebook were filled, but I still had no real information save for the fact that Nadia had become a beautiful, hot slut, and I loved it!
At breakfast the next morning, I was pretending to read the newspaper as was my usual practice, but in reality, I was doing my best to watch Kent and Nadia through the small hole I had strategically cut in the paper. Nadia was already dressed for work. Her tight purple sweater molded her breasts perfectly and exposed a conservative amount of cleavage appropriate for work. Her black skirt came within two inches of knees, also appropriate for work I thought, but there was a split on the left side that exposed most of her thigh when it opened. That didn't seem so appropriate to me. Kent, however, obviously liked what he saw as he kept stealing glances at my wife's chest and her occasionally exposed thigh.
"Is that skirt Ok for work?" I asked my wife.
"Why wouldn't it be?" she responded.
"Well, most of your thigh is exposed when you move."
"Don't you like it? How about you, Kent? Do you like it?"
"Of course I like it," I answered, but I was just concerned about how your employers will respond." For his part, Kent just smiled but otherwise remained silent... discretion being the better part of valor.
"All of my employers are men, Honey. Don't worry. They'll like the way I look. Bet on it!"
"I guess that's right. Sorry."
Nadia moved over to me, kissed me, and said, "No need for you to be sorry. I love the fact that you noticed how I look and obviously think I look sexy and hot."
"You certainly do," Kent finally commented. I said no more, but went back to reading my newspaper.
For his part, Kent continued to look at my wife's exposed charms. When she bent over to pour him so more coffee, he was staring straight down her bodice. She took her time pouring the coffee, but suddenly stiffened slightly. Her eyes opened wider at the same time.
If I had not been watching, I would have missed it. Nadia stood up from pouring Kent's coffee but did not immediately move away from the table. She glanced quickly in my direction, but seeing that I was hidden behind the paper apparently absorbed in the news, she relaxed. The fact that Kent's right arm was out of sight beneath the table was not lost on me. He obviously had taken advantage of the slit in my wife's skirt to slide his hand onto her thigh.
I continued to pretend to read the paper. A moment later, I saw my wife move her feet further apart. Her tongue slipped out and began to flick over her top lip as her hips undulated. I realized that I was wrong... Kent was not feeling of my wife's thigh... he was feeling her pussy. As I watched Nadia's hips move back and forth on Kent's hand, it became obvious that I was wrong again... he wasn't feeling her pussy... he was finger fucking it!
I let it continue, staying hidden behind the newspaper pretending to read. My cock was hard... incredibly hard. There was no way I could stand and not have them both realize that I had been watching. Suddenly, Nadia's eyes closed, her body shuddered. She had to place her hands on the table for support as the orgasm engulfed her. It went on for 15 seconds or so until Kent finally moved his hand off her convulsing pussy. My wife moved away toward the sink, and a little later, I laid the paper aside and finished my breakfast.
"That was delicious, Honey," I said. "Didn't you think it was delicious, Kent?"
"Very much so, Cordell. Your wife is really incredible." He paused for moment and then added, "A really incredible cook, and beautiful to boot. You're a lucky man, Cordell. I gotta get to class."
"And I have to get to work," my wife added.
Ten minutes later, we had all left for our respective jobs.
Later, thinking about the episode at the breakfast table, it seemed obvious to me that I had the answer to at least a couple of my questions. Kent was clearly fucking my wife. I just didn't when, or how, or how frequently. And I still couldn't figure out why Nadia was always so wild for sex with me if Kent was banging her regularly.
After making my wife cum right in front of me, I assumed that Kent would be wildly excited and desperate to screw my wife. My classes were all in the morning, so I decided to take the afternoon off and spy on the house to see if I could catch them having sex.
Slightly after 1 PM, I unlocked the front door and entered our home. As I expected, no one was home. Kent's classes were over until 1 PM and it would take him at least 15 minutes to get back to our house. Nadia was, of course, at work, but her boss would usually let her off early if she asked. So, I hid in Susan's old bedroom and waited with a math journal to keep me company.
It was nearly 2 PM when I heard the front door open. Since I didn't hear the clicking of heels on the entryway tile, I assumed it was Kent. I heard him walking into the kitchen... then the fridge door opened... closed. He was probably getting himself a beer. Somewhat later, I heard his bedroom door open... then close.
Around 2:30, I again heard the front door open. This was quickly followed by the clicking sound of a woman's heels on the tile floor. Next, I heard Kent's voice: "Damn, I've been going wild waiting for you, Honey. Come on. Let's not waste the time we have." A moment later, I heard Kent's bedroom door open... then close behind them.
I removed my shoes and waited for 10 minutes or so. Then, as quietly as possible, I left Susan's room and walked halfway down the hallway to Kent's bedroom. I didn't need to press my ear to the door to hear the moans of the woman inside.
My wife was grunting over and over. I could imagine the hard cock slugging in and out of her waiting cunt... her legs up in the air... her feet jerking back and forth as her vagina was rammed and vacated... her big tits bouncing each time Kent drove his organ into her pussy. My cock was so hard it hurt.
"OOOhhh more, Stud... More... Hammer meeeeeeeee!"
Obviously, I had found out what I wanted to know. Kent was screwing my wife, but now that I knew, I realized I wanted to see him doing it. I tried the hallway door leading to the adjoining computer room, but it was locked, and I had no idea where Nadia kept the key. The back of our house is shielded by dense woods. Maybe they had failed to close the shutters.
Exiting through the utility room door into our back yard, I entered the woods and made my way to the double window of Kent's bedroom. As luck would have it, they had not closed the shutters. Moving closer, I saw that while they had not closed the shutters, the curtains were drawn across the windows. I cursed to myself. The curtains obscured most of the detail, but I could still see how Kent was giving it to my wife.
From the edge of the woods, I could see two bodies on the bed but not together. There was sufficient clarity to see that my wife was on her back with her legs up in the air and pulled back. She was obviously waiting for Kent to mount her. Kent moved his head between the spread legs and spent some time eating her pussy. Even from the woods, I could hear the woman screaming as she came.
As soon as she screamed, Kent mounted her and even though the curtains blurred every thing, I could tell when he drove his whang into her cunt. The female shriek at being entered confirmed what I thought I saw. As he fucked her, he kept her legs up in the air where they were jerking back and forth... just as I had imagined.
They fucked in that position for a long time... female cries and screams occasionally reaching my ears in the woods. Then, abruptly, Kent moved out of my wife's sex saddle and rolled her over into doggy position. It was so damn hot. I wished I could see better. Even so, I couldn't suppress the urge to jerk off as I watched.
Kent moved up behind the kneeling female... I could see him rising over her hips and then driving down into her. Although I couldn't actually see his cock entering my wife's cunt, I heard the loud moan and knew that he was sinking into her.
When I heard my wife screaming that she was cumming, she was begging him to fuck her harder... deeper. I shot my load at that point and drenched a tree trunk.
Not much later, I saw Kent pull out of and reposition his cock. My cock surged to another erection when I realized that he was about to fuck my wife's ass. It took a moment for him to work it into her. Again, I knew when he got it in by her deep groan and by her pleas to go slow.
Gradually, he seemed to working his prick deeper and deeper into the hot ass beneath him. When he finally had it buried, the ass fucking began in earnest. My wife screeched and howled as the big phallus hammered in and out of her ass. I wished I could see how much it was stretching her.
After five minutes of hard fucking, I heard Kent yell out that he was going to cum. A minute after that, my wife had a huge cum load up her ass.
They rested a bit and then she sucked his cock until it was hard. Once hard, I could see the female shape mounting the big sex spike. When it entered, the female groan of passion announced the fact. After that, my wife's ass became a blur of motion as she jammed her sex hole up and down the thick shaft until she exploded in orgasm and collapsed atop of her lover.
The action continued until around 4 PM after which the woman got up and quickly dressed. Obviously, they were worried about my coming home a little early. By 4:10 PM, my wife had left and Kent walked into the bathroom to shower. I made my way back down the block to the park where I had left my car.
I "returned" home at 5 PM after spending an hour in a local pub having a beer and thinking about what I had seen that afternoon. Nadia was in the kitchen preparing our dinner.
"Hi," I said. "How was your day?"
"Same as usual," my wife replied. "Yours?"
"I got a lot done on the proof of my central theorem. I'm pretty certain that I will have it done in time for the San Francisco conference."
"That's wonderful! Is it as good as you hoped?"
"It is. I hope that it will be well received. I'm pretty certain that it will be. Did anyone say anything about your skirt at work?"
Nadia grinned devilishly. "No. No one said anything, but every male spent a lot of time looking. I told you they would like my outfit. Even the clients stared."
"Did it bother you?"
"Bother me? Not at all... but it did get me hot as hell. I hope you're ready tonight because I feel like I'm on fire. In fact, it's going to take another 30 minutes for the manicotti to bake." Nadia pressed her body against mine, rotating her mound over my hardening cock. "MMMmmmmm...feels like you're ready. I would really appreciate it if you would eat me before dinner, Darling. I promise I'll make it up to you later tonight. Please!"
For an answer, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the master bedroom. She clung to me moaning softly all the way there. As soon as we were inside, I kicked the door shut, and put my wife on the bed on her back. "Pull your skirt up, you hot Slut. Don't undress... just get your pull up your skirt and spread wide."
Planting her heels on the bed, Nadia arched her butt high and yanked her skirt up around her waist and pulled down her top to expose both of her big tits. Dropping her ass to the bed, she steepled her knees and spread her legs wide open. The gusset of her panties was soaked. She was hot and ready. I was amazed considering the fact that she had been thoroughly fucked just an hour and a half before.
"Please... Hurry. Do it to me! I'm on fire!" my wife moaned in desperation.
As soon as my head was between her thighs in her saddle, and I had gotten her panties pulled to one side, her legs came up, her thighs locking tightly about my head. Her hands moved to the back of my head and she pulled my face deep into her soaked, throbbing cunt.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH... fuckkkkkkkkkk.... hot...HOT... DO IT TO MEEEEEEEEEE!" she screamed.
Pushing my tongue into her sex trench, I stroked it up the length of her pulsing slit. Her vagina convulsed in hard spasms. I did it again, and the cuntal convulsions increased in intensity. My wife was babbling incoherently, her hips hammering up and down on the bed.
After several passes up and down her hot slit, I moved upward to the engorged, swollen clitoris. As soon as my tongue circled the throbbing organ, she erupted, her juices spurting over my face in an intense orgasm. I was stunned. One touch on her clit and she came.
Her orgasm grew as I dragged my tongue over her dancing organ. I tried to retreat into its protective hood, but I having none of that. My stroking tongue followed the dancing organ, dug it out of its hood, and flicked the tip rapidly.
"AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE...." came the shriek of female pleasure from my wife's lungs. It sounded like the sound must be coming directly from her cunt it was so hot and passionate.
I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and her juices gushed again, soaking my lips and spurting into my mouth. Holding the throbbing organ between my lips, I sucked and licked alternately. The spastic contractions of her vagina caused her to whoosh air.
By this time, Nadia's body was thrashing wildly on the bed amid her groans and screams of sexual passion and release. After 10 minutes, she began to beg me to stop... to let her rest.
"You're killing meeeeeeeeeee!!... ooohhhh god... please stop! I can't take any more of this... please... ohhhh please," she wailed. I licked her clit faster, and she convulsed again.
I tried to thrust two fingers into her anus, but she was too tight to permit entry. I settled for one finger but that was enough to cause her to arch her hips a foot off the bed where they jack hammered up and down on the probing finger. When she came again, I could feel the rippling contraction up and down the entire length of ass as well as in her cunt.
Finally, my wife collapsed onto the bed... her chest heaving as she desperately sucked air into her tortured lungs. When I withdrew my head from between her thighs, she clamped her thighs together and rolled up into a ball in fetal position, tremors still shaking her body.
I let her rest for 10 minutes before I said gently, "The dinner is going to burn."
"MMmmmmmmmmm... There's no way I'm gonna let your dinner burn after that performance, Lover! That was out of his world! God... you are a fabulous stud."
As we walked, hand-in-hand back to the kitchen, my wife was literally purring and I felt 10 feet tall. I was also a little disappointed. My wife must have bathed and douched before I came home because there was no taste of semen in her cunt. I was sort of looking forward to that experience.
The night was a repeat of most evenings for the past several weeks. Although Kent had fucked her several times that afternoon, and I had eaten her until she was begging me to stop, dinner had not been over more than two hours before my randy, insatiable wife was all over me.
"I promised I'd make it up to you, Honey. Now you just sit back and let your hot slutty whore suck that big dick of yours."
She stood right in front of me and pulled her skirt up to her waist and stripped off her panties. "Like my naked cunt, Stud?" she asked while thrusting her hips and her sex right in my face.
"Oh hell yes!" I moaned. "I'm already hard."
"Not as hard as you're going to be, Baby," she breathed as her top came down releasing both big tits. Leaning over me, she smoothly unzipped my pants, opened the belt, and in seconds had my hard erection out and firmly encased in her hand.
"Damn! You're big, Cordell. Really big. I love this big, hard cock."
"What about Kent?"
"He's studying or out. Forget him." With that, her hot mouth slid down the length of my rigid erection. When it hit the back of her mouth, she paused to adjust the head at the opening to her throat and then smoothly pushed all of my cock inside her.
She pumped her mouth slowly up and down until I was throbbing. Pulling it out, she smiled seductively, "Do you like using your wife's hot suck hole, Honey?"
"AAAHHHh God!" I moaned, my manhood throbbing in her hand, swelling, jerking... aching to shoot.
She realized how close I was and immediately pushed my rod all the way back down her throat. Her lips closed tightly about the base of my cock. Sucking hard, she had me on the edge almost immediately. I thought she might pull it out, but she continued to suck and jerk on the shaft when it slide out of her mouth until finally, I grunted and shot off a monster load that went straight into her belly.
My wife refused to relinquish my prick. She let it bathe inside her mouth for quite awhile. Slowly, she began to suck me again. Her hands cupped my balls and caressed them with both her lips and her tits. Within minutes, she had me fully erect again.
"Mmmmm... that's the way I like it... hard and ready for my hot cunt."
Standing up, Nadia turned her back to me, straddled my legs and carefully lowered her hot sex hole over my erect prong. She fitted the head into the folds of her cunt and settled her hips down onto my legs, taking my entire length deep inside her boiling hot sex tunnel.
Ramming her hips up and down on my rod, she brought herself off quickly... screaming and moaning as her cunt contracted around my cock. Her first orgasm just seemed to whet her appetite for more. In five minutes of hard fucking, she had cum three times and I was throbbing inside her pussy.
"Now bend me over, Stud, and fuck the shit out of your wife. I want you to really ram me. Hard! Don't worry about whether you hurt me or not. Fuck me like a sex slave!"
My wife bent over in front of me, arched her ass high, and reached back and pulled her cunt wide open for me. "STICK IT, BABY. STICK ME HARD!"
A few minutes later, my second load pumped into her pulsing pussy.
For the rest of the week and the next, I watched from behind my newspaper as Kent fondled my wife at breakfast. Each time, she either had an orgasm or almost did. Once more that week and twice the following week, I came home early and spied on Kent and my wife. Each time, I followed the same procedure of hiding in Susan's bedroom until Kent came home. Then I waited to see if my wife would come home early for sex. On two of those occasions, she came home early and they went off to Kent's bedroom as before.
The only thing that was different was that they had remembered to close the shutters so that I couldn't see anything from the woods as I had the first time. The only thing I could do was listen outside the bedroom door to the passionate female cries of pleasure and the male grunts of satisfaction as Kent's cock slugged in and out of my wife's hot cunt. When my wife came, her cries of pleasure would turn to screams, and when Kent pumped his load into her, his grunts changed to the roar of a male planting seed.
Nadia's sexual drive showed no signs of decreasing. If anything, she wanted it even more. She was even asking me to do anal sex with her, something that she had previously usually refused.
It was Saturday night, and Kent had gone out on a date with one of his college girlfriends. As he left the house, I carefully watched my wife to see how she would react to him being with another woman. It seemed not to faze her at all, which was just one more thing that I didn't understand.
After Kent had left, my wife disappeared into our bedroom while I searched the TV programming to see if there was anything scheduled that might be worth watching. I was still searching when Nadia came back into the room wearing a black top, gray skirt, white stockings, and heels. She looked hot, and I knew wanted another evening of hot sex.
She flipped off TV set and sat on top of the unit. "Forget the TV, Honey. I'm a lot more interesting than anything you'll find on TV. Don't you think so?" With that question, she pulled down her top and exposed one of her big tits with the second one almost out. She also pulled up her skirt and spread wide so I could see the crotch of her thin white panties. "This is what the guys at work are dying to see. They never stop trying to see your wife's big tits, her legs and her panties. Can you blame them, Honey?"
"No. Not at all. You look delicious."
"Are you hard?"
"Oh hell yes. As soon as I you sat down on top of the TV and opened your legs."
"Show me. Take it out. Show me how hard it is."
I unzipped and pulled out my stiff organ. The head was already purple and swollen... the 7 inch shaft enlarging toward 7 and a half inches. I squeezed the base making my cock swell even larger. "This what you wanted to see, Honey?"
"Oh fuck yes! I love see it hard and hot. Throbbing... wanting to get into me. You know sometimes I take off my panties in the ladies room at work and then flash my pussy at the men. They go nuts. Some of them go to the men's room so they can jack off." My wife pulled off her panties and exposed both of her tits.
"When I bend over without any panties on, they can see my ass. Like this." Nadia bent over the TV and arched her ass toward me while spreading her cheeks so her entire cunt was exposed. I felt like I was about to cum. In fact, I had to press my thighs together to keep myself from shooting off like a cannon.
"That's all they ever get to see, but you know what the really want to see don't you?"
"Your cunt with your legs spread," I replied.
"MMMmmmmm... you guessed. That's right. They want me to spread for them... to expose my cunt and tits... to lie back and let them fuck your wife." Nadia leaned back atop the TV, spread wide open and exposed her cunt for my pleasure. God... so damn hot.
"I want you to fuck me right here in the den. In fact, I want it right now while I'm lying on the TV set. Come on, Stud. Fuck your hot slut."
"I'm going to," I replied, "but not until you answer some questions for me. Ok?"
"What do you want to know, Baby? Just ask and I'll tell you all the hot details."
I took a deep breath and began. "I love the new you... the sex for the last month as been my biggest fantasy for years, but I never thought that I would ever live to enjoy it."
"I'm sorry about that, Honey. I was such a prudish bitch. That's never going to be the case again. I promise."
"Thank you! I absolutely love that. I have just one question. I know you're having sex with Kent all the time. I just don't understand how you can be hot as fire when he's screwing you at least several times a week. How can that be?"
At this point, Nadia came over and sat on my lap, pressing her big tits into my face and grinding her naked cunt against my erection without letting me penetrate her cunt. "What makes you think Kent is fucking me?"
"Lots of things. He fondles you and finger fucks your pussy at breakfast almost everyday for one thing."
"Oh... you were spying. You hot sexy bastard. We thought you were busy reading the newspaper."
"That's what you were supposed to think. I cut a small hole in it so I could see you but you couldn't see that I was watching."
"Now that's really sneaky. Did it turn you on to see Kent finger fucking me... making me cum right there at the table?"
"I came in my pants a couple of times watching I got so hot."
"Really? You really shot off in your pants."
"Yes. I couldn't help it. It was too hot."
"Ooohhh fuck!" my wife moaned as her pussy contacted against my hard cock. "That really is erotic to imagine. You shooting in your pants. So you think he must be fucking me just because I let him feel me up... is that it?"
"No... there's more. I've come home early a half dozen times and hid in Susan's room. On four occasions during the last two weeks, you came home early and the two of you went to his room where you fucked for almost two hours."
Nadia grinned and then laughed. "Did you actually see me?" she asked.
"Well, once I did. Sort of."
"What does 'sort of' mean?"
I described how I hid in the woods and watched through the curtains but couldn't see all that clearly.
"And what about the other occasions?" she asked.
"They had the shutters closed and I couldn't see anything. But I could hear you moaning and begging him to fuck you harder...deeper."
"How do you know it was me?"
"It sounded like your voice."
"Honey, you don't have that much experience with women. All women sound the same when they're being fucked by a big dicked stud and are about to cum."
"Are you telling you haven't had sex with Kent?"
"That's what I'm telling you. I have never had sex with Kent, and that's the truth. The women you've seen him with are girls he knows at college. He brings them over here for sex after I get him so hot he can't stand the pressure any longer. That's why I'm so hot for sex with you all the time. I'm not getting any from Kent and he gets me hot as fire in the morning playing with my cunt and tits."
"But I don't understand. Don't you want him to fuck you? Why do you let him make you cum at the breakfast table?"
"Well, here's the story. And it's the truth. The first day he moved in, we played around and I got hotter and hotter and hotter. Finally, he had me on fire and knew I was ready to fuck. He told me to follow him to his bedroom if I wanted his cock. He was walking toward his room and I was right behind, and you came home early before we made it to his bedroom. If you had come home five minutes later, you would have caught us fucking in his room."
"I never realized that. But why didn't you fuck him on other occasions?"
"That close call really scared me. I love you and don't want to lose you. I know you have a lot of free time and could come home at any time if you want to. So, I told Kent we could play around when it was when you have your nose buried in the newspaper at breakfast... or when we're home alone, but we can't have sex when there's a chance you might come home and catch us."
I nodded, my mouth open in stunned amazement. Nadia continued: "So, you can figure out the rest. We tease each other and play around. I get hot as fire and sex between us has been incredible. I never realized before what a superb lover you are, which is no one's fault but mine. I was just too prudish. It took a young stud to loosen me up. Kent has been going crazy to fuck me, but I won't spread for him. So, he brings girls here to work off his sexual frustrations on them... or in them, I guess I should say. Naturally, he doesn't tell them that."
"I guess I understand. I'm sorry I misread the situation, but I just love the fact that you love me and didn't want to lose me. There's no chance of that. You're the love of my life, and for the last month, I've been in heaven with the new sexual you."
Nadia kissed me with passion. When the kiss ended, I said, "I have one more question. Did you just plan to keep this up indefinitely? Wasn't Kent ever going to get into you?"
My wife lapsed into silence for a long time... so long, in fact, that I became worried. "Did I say something wrong. Did I make you mad?"
"Oh no... NO! Not at all. I'm just afraid to answer you for fear that you won't want me as your wife any longer."
"Look. You know that's not going to happen. I thought you and Kent had been screwing each other for the last month, and I never, ever considered leaving you. It turns out I was wrong, but the fact is that I'm not leaving you because Kent turns you on. Other women turn me on too. I'm just not sexy enough to attract them like you can attract men. So you can answer without any worry."
"Ok. The answer is that I told Kent he could fuck me as much as he wanted when there was no chance that you might come in unexpectedly and catch us."
"And when was that supposed to happen. I might come home at any time. My job is very flexible as you know."
"The first time it will happen is when you go to the San Francisco conference to present your paper reporting the proof of your central theorem. I've told Kent he can sleep with me and fuck me anytime he wants while you're gone. There! I've said it! Now you know."
"Why wait? Now that you know I'm Ok with this. Why not fuck him tomorrow?"
"Because I'm enjoying teasing him enormously. And the truth is that I've discovered that my husband is better lover than Kent by far... so I'm not that wild to fuck him. It will be fun, of course, but not as hot as it is with you."
"Since you haven't let him screw you yet, how can you be that sure that I'm a better lover?"
"You really pump a girl for all her secrets don't you. Aren't you going to allow me to keep any secrets?"
"No. Tell me, you hot slut."
"First, you get me hotter when you play with my tits and pussy. Second, you finger fucking technique is far superior to Kent's. He's just a young boy... you're an experienced man. Third, I cum twice as hard and twice as much when you eat me than I do when Kent does."
" you have let Kent eat your pussy?"
"Yes... quite a few times. Does that make you mad?"
"No. But it does make me hard as stone.t When we finish talking, you aren't going to believe how hard you're going to be fucked tonight. Go on."
"Ooohh shit," my wife moaned... her hands moving between her thighs over her pussy.
"Quit playing with yourself and continue."
"You hot bastard! All right. Fourth, I had 15 different men before we got married. Some young studs... just like Kent. Once I quit being a prude and let you fuck me and make love to me like the man you are, I discovered that you are twice as good as any man I've ever had. Now are you satisfied knowing how much of a slut your wife really is?"
For an answer, I carried my wife into the master bedroom. The clock on the wall read 10 PM. At 2 AM, Nadia was having still another climax. Three huge loads of cum filled her cunt and asshole and I was close to shooting the fourth load in her convulsing vagina. She would beg me to stop... I fucked her harder... finally, she would beg me not to stop.
It was nearly 3 AM when we were sated. We were in spoon position, my cock still inside her pussy, as I whispered how much I loved and adored her. Just before we collapsed in an exhausted sleep, my wife whispered in my ear, "I won't let Kent fuck me while you're in San Francisco. You're all the man I need."
I whispered back, "You most certainly will spread for that young man while I'm gone... just like you promised. I have no intention of being married to a prick tease. Understand?"
"Yes Sir. Whatever my darling stud husband wants," my wife said with a sly smile.
San Francisco Trip:
My husband's plane was scheduled to leave at 9 AM, Sunday morning. The schedule would get him to the conference hotel in time for the mixer that evening. It would also allow him to get a good night's sleep before the five-day conference began Monday morning with the Plenary Lecture. Cordell's invited hour lecture was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. It was a toss up as to who was more nervous, my husband, Kent, or me.
Late Saturday night, Cordell had me in bed. He had already fucked me once and was slowly and sensuously moving his reawakening cock in and out of my very wet and receptive vagina.
"Are you sure about my having sex with Kent while you're gone?" I asked. "I can tell him I've changed my mind. He's young. He'll get over it in a just a few days."
I felt Cordell's cock stiffen and throb inside my pussy when I asked the question. "I'm absolutely certain. The thought of him fucking you is going to keep me hot all week. Just don't abandon me for him, and I would prefer that you not tell him that I know."
Locking my legs around my husband's hips, I squeezed his newly hardened cock with my pussy. He moaned, and I loved it! "I'm not going to tell him. I don't want him all over me all the time after you return. And you don't have to worry... I'm not leaving a brilliant and sensuous hot Stud for a boy... not even a boy with a big cock."
"He's big huh?"
"Oh yeah... he's really big. Do you want me to call it off?"
"Don't you want to see how his big cock feels inside your cunt?"
I hesitated, but there was no need. My husband knew very well that I wanted it. "Oh yes. I can hardly wait," I finally replied.
"Do you think he'll fuck you much?"
"I think, dear Husband, that he's going to fuck me constantly the entire time your in San Francisco. Does that bother you a lot? Want me to call it off?"
"No. I want you to enjoy his big cock. Will you call me and tell me how it's going?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Oh yes. Every chance you get."
"Mmmmmm... you're hard as stone again... come on, Stud. Fuck me? Give it to me harder. Shoot another load up your slutty wife's cunt, Baby."
On Sunday morning, Cordell was packing his bags in our bedroom when I came in and sat down on the side of the bed. He didn't a double take when he saw the low-cut neckline of my tan sweater, the short black mini-skirt, the hot thigh-high stockings, and the gold heels I was wearing. I leaned back on the bed and thrust my big tits at him.
"Oh fuck!", he moaned. "You look incredible. Is all this in honor of my leaving?"
"What do you think?" I teased.
"I think not. I think it's for your young stud who's probably going to be in you before I get to the airport. Will he?"
"I think so. He tried to fuck me yesterday afternoon he was so hot."
"What's under the skirt?" my husband asked, the bulge at his crotch getting bigger by the second.
"Just a leopard-skin thong and my bra."
"Oh god. Show me!"
"Love to." I leaned back on the bed supporting myself on my elbows and raised my feet up onto the surface of the bed. As my husband squeezed his cock, I opened my steepled knees and let him see the thong pulled into my ass crack and just barely managing to cover my cunt. "Well... do you think Kent will like it?"
"If he doesn't, call me, and I'll come back."
"I don't think that will be necessary, Honey."
As I stood in the doorway watching my husband's car backing out of our driveway and waving goodbye to him, Kent was standing behind me out of Cordell line of sight with his hand under my mini-skirt caressing my ass and letting his fingers trace back and forth over the crotch of my thong. With each pass, his fingers forced the material further and further into the folds of my pussy. It was torture keeping my hips still so Cordell wouldn't realize that I was already getting it before his car was even out of the driveway.
As soon as his car moved down the street toward the freeway to the airport, Kent spun me around and kissed me, his tongue driving deep inside my mouth which opened wide to receive it.
"Oh god... I've got to fuck you. You're driving me crazy. Here... right here... on the floor... NOW!" Kent groaned.
"Wait. Stop!" I ordered. His face fell. "We can't do it yet. My husband might have forgotten something and could come back. We have to wait until he's boarding his plane. Come on. Show some patience. We've got the rest of the week."
Kent looked to me as if he were in pain. His erection looked huge! And as I watched, it throbbed and pulsed inside his pants like a huge, love snake... writhing... twisting... struggling to get out and get into me. It was getting me so hot just watching his cock throbbing, I wasn't sure I would be able to wait either.
"OOHHH... Jezzz... you have no idea how hot I am for you," Kent moaned.
"I think I have a pretty good idea. Just hold it until I can confirm that Cordell is boarding his plane."
"All right... Damn! At least spread your legs and let me see what's under that skirt."
Smiling seductively, I crooked my finger at the desperate young stud and said, "Follow me, Honey. Let's go to my bedroom."
"We're going to do it in your bedroom?" Kent gasped. He had assumed we would go to his.
"Don't you want to fuck me in the same bed where my husband screws me? Doesn't it excite you to think about screwing a married woman's cunt in her own bed?"
"AAAHHHHhhhhh... I'm about to cum," Kent moaned as he squeezed his cock to hold back the imminent explosion of cum.
"Do I have to wear a condom?" he asked.
"You can wear one if you like. That's up to you. I get to decide if you get to fuck me. And I've decided... the answer is yes. After I say 'yes', then you get to decide where I get it, when I get it, how often it sinks into me, and where I have to take your big cum loads."
"Ooohhhhhhhhhh!" Kent moaned. I didn't think he would be able to hold off cumming, but somehow, he managed it.
Inside the bedroom, I laid down on the bed, pulled my skirt up around my hips, raised my legs, and spread wide open. I had my legs rigid and pointed straight out to the sides. The position completely opened my thong-covered cunt to Kent's view. "Like the way I look, Honey? Am I slutty enough to interest you?"
"Oh fuck! OH Fuck! OH FUCK! Show me your tits. Pull down your sweater. Let me see you big tits. And take off that damn thong so I can see your hot cunt," he demanded. "You said I get to decide things so show it all to me. NOW!"
Quickly I yanked the sweater down releasing my tits. Raising my ass from the bed, I stripped the thong over my ass and down my thighs, keeping my legs wide open as I did so. When it was off, I posed with my legs up and open, my cunt on full display. Kent was jerking his cock through his pants now.
"Take that big thing out, Honey, and bring it over here so I can get a really good look at it."
Kent set a world record for getting his pants off and his cock out. He moved closer, thrust his cock right at my face. It was just huge... even bigger than I had imagined. I felt my vagina throb in repeated contractions in anticipation. My brain wanted to wait until I was certain that Cordell would not return to the house, but my cunt wanted that cock.
Finally, Kent was begging. "Oh please, Nadia. I've waited a month. I want to shoot my first load in your pussy, not all over the floor. Please let me fuck me fuck you."
Smiling to myself, I thought, "That's the difference between a boy and a real man like my husband. Cordell would just take off his belt and give me one warning... either spread my legs and get into female fucking position or else! Kent's solution to his problem is to beg me. I was sure I was going to enjoy the week, but there was no way I would be leaving Cordell for Kent."
"I'll call him on his cell. If he's about to board the plane, my pussy and every thing else is all yours."
I dialed my husband's number. He answered on the second ring. "Hi. Did you make it safely to the airport?"
"I did. I'm in the waiting area now. Already cleared security. They said the plane would board in 15 minutes." There was a pause, and then my husband asked, "What's happening?"
"Don't worry. Every thing here is going just like we expected. I'm fine."
"Has he fucked you yet?"
"No. I haven't gotten around to that yet. You just left."
"He's with you?"
"Yes. I promise I will get that done today."
"Are you naked?"
"Not quite... almost. I'm about ready to get started."
"Is he hard?"
"Oh yes. Very much so. I really do miss you already."
"Why did you call? Are you still making him wait."
"Yes. That's right. I think I need to go, Honey. I have a lot of things that need my attention right now. Have a great flight!"
I clicked the cell phone shut and stripped off the remainder of my clothes. Turning onto my hands and knees, I lowered my head to the bed, spread my knees wide, and slid my hand between my spread thighs to my cunt. I pried it open with my fingers and moaned, "Come on, Kent. I'm all yours. Come fuck me! Shoot that big load up my hot cunt. By the way, I stopped taking my birth control pills, but I think I'm safe. Do you want to use a condom or take a chance on breeding me, Honey?"
It wasn't a question about which I was uncertain of his answer. A few seconds later, I had a wildly randy and excited male body mounted on me and a second after that my cunt was speared with a huge male organ that slugged into the bottom of my hole. Kent held my hips and fucked me like a wild stallion.
Again and again, he hammered his rod into and out of my squishing cunt hole. I thought he would cum instantly, but the boy had more staying power than I had given him credit for. Before he unleashed his powerful spew of semen into me, my pussy erupted in a series of intense spasms. "OOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh... give it to me!! Hard! FUCK MY CUNT, KENT. I'M CUMMINGGGG..........AAAHHHHHHH... YOU'RE MAKING ME CUMMMMMMMMMM!!"
Kent's rod contracted in hard spasms deep inside my vagina. On every contraction, a thick jet of male juice shot into my hole. He seemed to have an endless supply as the load continued to fill me until it was spurting out between his surging cock and the lips of my pussy. He continued to stroke in and out of my pussy for several minutes... his cock twitching and spurting. Finally, he collapsed over my back, and we both fell to the bed.
The fucking was almost continuous all day. I lost count of the number of times I came as well as the number of cum loads that Kent pumped into my cunt. Finally, at 5 PM, I called a halt.
"I'm starved. We need to stop for awhile. My pussy is getting sore and my stomach thinks my throat must be cut. Come on, Lover. I'm going to take a shower and get dressed. I'll fix us some dinner while you shower and dress."
"I'd rather fuck you some more," Kent protested.
"After dinner, Honey. You don't want me to faint from hunger. I'm a much better fuck when I'm conscious."
An hour or so later, I was fixing us a nice dinner... steak, fries, tomatoes, a salad, and fruit for dessert. Kent came in and spent half the time helping me set the table and the other half feeling my ass, tits, and cunt.
We almost made it to the dinner table, but just as I sat down, Kent was standing beside me with his pants open and his hard erection sticking in my face.
"Suck me, Nadia. I want to shoot a load down your throat before we eat. Please. It won't take long for you get me off, I'm so damn hot for you."
Again, I wished he would just order me to open my mouth and stick his cock in rather than beg. But, eventually he would learn... at least I hoped so. "Ok... come here, Baby. Give that big fuck stick to momma... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..., " I groaned around the big shaft as it pushed into my mouth.
Gradually, I sucked in more and more but he was so thick, it was impossible for me to deep throat him. Finally, he was hammering five inches in and out of my mouth while holding the back of my head. True to his word, he shot a stream of semen down my throat after I had sucked him for about five minutes.
After we had eaten and cleared the table, Kent spent the time stripping me naked while I tried to put the dishes into the dishwasher. We finished out tasks about the same time, and this time, he didn't ask or beg. He just put me on the kitchen table on my stomach, pulled my hips high, and nailed his cock into my wet cunt.
"Ohhhh yesss! Like that, Honey. Fuck my hot hole, Stud. Give it to me!" I wailed in helpless passion as the young stud took me like a whore. As his rod rammed in and out of my upturned cunt, the cell phone rang.
"Forget it. Keep fucking!" Kent demanded.
"I need to answer it. It might be my husband. Wouldn't you enjoy fucking me while I'm talking to my husband on the phone?"
Judging from the way Kent's cock jerked and throbbed inside my pussy, I knew the thought really excited him. "Yeah... Oh YEAH! Answer it while if fuck you!" he ordered.
Flipping open my cell, I checked caller-ID and saw that it the call was from Cordell. "It's from my husband, Honey. Be quiet. Fuck me, but don't say anything. Ok?"
"Ok. Just keep your hot ass up in the air for me, Baby."
"Hi, Honey. Did you flight arrive safely?"
"Yep! I'm in my hotel room now. Every thing going Ok?"
"Absolutely... I'm getting a lot... eh... getting a lot done. I've got Kent cleaning my oven right now."
Oh god... I thought... and how he's cleaning it. The huge shaft was fucking the shit out of me. I wonder if Cordell could tell how hard I was being screwed.
My husband whispered in the phone, "Oh shit! Really? Is he fucking you right now?"
"Yeah. He is. Honest. He's bent over right now working hard to get into to all the places that really need cleaning. UUGGHH!"
"He hurt you?"
"No... I'm fine, Darling. Just coughed. No need for you to worry. Kent's here. He's helping me a lot. I fixed us dinner and then he went right to work cleaning my oven. I gotta go, Honey. Kent needs some help cleaning things out properly."
"Just tell me how many times he's fucked you today."
"We finished around 6, I think. It'll be 7 soon. I'll call you tomorrow while I'm at work. Good night, Honey... big kiss!"
I broke the connection, lowered my head to the table... and moaned, "Ooohhhhh that was so damn hot and dirty... fuck me you hot bastard... fuck my chating married cunt, Stud. Shoot me full... AAAahhhhhhhh....ooohhh fuckkk... cumminggg... You're making me cum!!"
Kent plowed in and out of my convulsing vagina until he had me howling and gasping for breath. Abruptly, he pulled his 8-inch thick spear out of my throbbing snatch as I begged him to put it back in. "Get on your back, Nadia. I'm going to fuck a big load up your cunt." He growled... no longer begging.
Rolling onto my back on the table, I jacked my legs up and pulled them back into female fucking position. "God... you look incredibly delicious and slutty," my young lover whispered as he nailed me to the table with his big whang.
"UUNNGGHHHH... More... More... FUCK ME MORE!!" I hissed in hot female heat, unable to suppress the throbbing need of my pussy.
Kent responded to my plea by driving his organ straight down into my waiting sex hole. Another wail of pleasure erupted from my lungs: "AAAHHHHHHHHHHhhh...!!!"
"I'm gonna shoot, Baby. Gonna cream your hot fuck hole!" Kent screamed with masculine authority. A moment later, he was ejaculating into his girl's hot cunt hole.
The next day at work and every work day thereafter, Kent had me meet him during the lunch hour. He parked our van on the top floor of the parking garage which was almost always empty since there normally weren't enough cars to use the top floor. I would take the elevator to the top floor and hurry to the van. Kent was always waiting for me in the back seat.
As we had very little time, he would usually just strip off my skirt and panties and then bend me over the seat. Every noon hour that week I got doggy fucked in the back of our van that way. Occasionally, he would get me on my back and give it to me missionary or have me suck him off.
As soon as I got home from work, the sex play and eventually the fucking would begin again. About the middle of the week, I decided not to tell Cordell how hard and how often Kent was screwing me. My husband is a very confident man, but there's a limit to what any man's ego can take.
Cordell Returns:
After my lecture on Wednesday, I decided to stay for the sessions on Thursday, but then skip the meeting on Friday and fly home. Nadia and Kent weren't expecting me until Saturday. So, my devious plan was to arrive Friday afternoon, get a room in a motel, and then call my wife on the cell phone to see when they were having sex. When they were, I planned to sneak back into the house and watch without them knowing I was watching.
It wasn't difficult to change my flight plans so at 8 AM on Friday, I was boarding the plane. With the two hour time loss, I figured to arrive home in mid-afternoon... plenty of time to collect my luggage, drive to a motel, have dinner, and then call my wife. I was already hard just thinking about what I might see.
I called at 8:45 PM, unable to wait any longer. I had to let the phone ring 6 times before my wife answer. She seemed out of breath. "Hi. Just checking in. I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. Is every thing ok?"
"Aahhh yeah... I was running the vacuum cleaner and didn't hear the phone. Sorry. I'm really busy right now... I'll call you back later. Ok?"
"Is he fucking you?" I whispered low enough so that Kent would be unable to hear what I was saying.
"Yes... Yes... hard.. very hard work running the vacuum cleaner. We need to get a smaller one. These big cleaners really use all of a girl's energy to handle. Talk to you later."
I was out of the motel room and into my car in a flash. Ten minutes later, I was unlocking the back door of our house and sneaking in through the utility room. The house was dark except for the night lights along the floorboards and from the light coming from the master bedroom. They had left the door wide open as there was no need to close it.
I could hear my wife screeching in hot female passion even from the utility room. Her shrieks of pleasure were coming in bursts... "AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII..." Obviously, she was shrieking every time Kent's big cock pounded into her cunt.
Taking off my shoes, I carefully walked down the hallway to the open door of the master bedroom. Kent had my wife on her hands and knees in the center of the bed. Nadia's head rested on the bed with her ass and hips arched as high as she could get them. He was mounted on her with his body held above her hips so he could drive his big prick straight down into her cunt.
I suddenly realized that in that position, it would be difficult to penetrate my wife's cunt. On the other hand, fucking her ass would be facilitated. I looked more closely at their coupled loins... and without a doubt, Kent was ass fucking my wife. No wonder she was howling and screaming as that huge phallus stretched her asshole into a big hole that didn't come close to closing when he occasionally pulled out of her to enjoy the erotic site of my wife's gaping asshole.
He would pull out, and grin at the huge gaping hole, and then slam his prick back into the hole causing grunts and moans of pleasure from my wife who was frantically working her fingers over her engorged clitoris. She seemed to be having a near continuous series of climaxes.
Kent ass fucked her for at least 15 minutes before he asked, "Are you ready for a big cum load up your hot ass, Baby?"
"Ohhhh yeah... shoot it to me, Stud. Hammer it in deep, and pump me full of your hot cum load."
"Ooohhh YEAH!" Kent howled with total male authority. "HERE IT CUMS, HONEY. TAKE MY BIG LOAD!" Even from my position, I could see Kent's buttocks clenching again and again as he injected jet after jet of cum into Nadia's waiting ass. About a minute later, his thrusts slowed... then they stopped, but he kept his rod inside my wife's ass for another minute before he slowly withdrew. As his cock exited, it was followed by a thick, river of cum that ran from my wife's dilated asshole and formed a long cum rope that hung downward from her cunt and swung back and forth in the air before it eventually broke and fell to the bed.
I retreated to Susan's room and hide while the rested and cleaned up. It was about 30 minutes later when I again heard the sounds of kissing and contented female moans coming from our bedroom. Slipping out of hiding place, I once more approached the open doorway. Both Kent and Nadia were totally naked. They stood beside the couch, embracing and kissing. Her hands explored his muscular body; his hands played with her delectable curves and hot ass.
They continued this way for quite awhile until finally Kent pulled back and I could see he was hard again. "Get on the couch, Nadia. On your back so I can fuck you."
My wife obeyed immediately. Lying back, she raised her legs straight up into the air, spread them wide, and whispered, "I'm ready for it, Stud. Come get on me. Get in me. Fuck my hot married cunt, Lover."
It wasn't necessary to ask him twice. He moved into my wife's sex saddle as her hand wrapped around his sex gun and adjusted it against her cuntal opening. His hips snapped forward, my wife groaned, and the cock sank out of sight into her hot fuck hole.
I was unable to see his cock pumping in and out of my wife's vagina because his body blocked my view, but the jerking motions of my wife's feet up in the air announced clearly every time the big cock thudded into the bottom of her cunt. It that wasn't enough of a clue, my wife's incessant moans and howls of pleasure gave even more evidence of the fact she was being fucked by a big-cocked, hot stud.
Before I made my way back to the motel, I watched my wife riding his huge prick. Her back was facing me and this time, I could easily see the thick phallus as it pumped in and out of the wet, eager pussy. At first, I tried to count the number of times my wife came, but it was so many that I quickly lost the count. I could, however, count the number of loads Kent shot into my wife. One had gone into her ass when I first saw them. Two more were pumped into her bottom of her cunt, and as she rode his dick, I was certain that a third would very shortly be pooling up against her womb.
Cordell's Homecoming:
Around mid-afternoon the next day, I drove into my driveway. Nadia rushed out to meet me with open arms. As soon as I was out of the car, she was in my arms, hugging me, planting wet kisses all over my face and mouth, her mound grinding furiously against my now erect cock.
"Oh god... missed you and your wonder cock, Honey. I sent Kent away. Let's go to bed. I want your cock buried in my pussy."
"Was Kent any good in bed?" I asked, pretending that I didn't already know the answer. My wife surprised me.
"Oh yeah. He's really good. Big cock... hard as stone. He can get it up a lot and I got really screwed royally this last week. He even screwed my ass. So from now on, you can have my ass anytime you want it. I'm sorry I withheld it from you before. That's never going to happen again. I promise."
"If he was that good, I'm worried that you won't be satisfied with my smaller cock."
"Bull Shit! Seven inches is not that much smaller than 8 inches. And besides, you're a far better lover than Kent. He's enthusiastic. He makes me cum a lot, but not with the intensity I feel when you're giving it to me. He's just a boy... a hot sex toy that I really enjoyed, but you're my man... my stud... the climaxes I have with you are far more satisfying than the ones I had with Kent. But it was nice to have a change...some variety."
"Now that he's fucked you, will he be doing you regularly?"
"Absolutely not! That's why I didn't tell him that you know. I wanted a way to shut him off without hurting his feelings. I've told him that the same rules apply. As long as there's any possibility that you might come home and catch us, we can't have sex. Only when you're some place like San Francisco can we do it. Now tell me about the conference. How was your lecture and proof received?"
"It was unbelievable... really it was. Wednesday night and all day Thursday, it was the only thing the conferees were discussing. I've had two editors of major journals ask me to please submit the full paper to their journals for publication. I've also had invitations to present seminars at no less than four major universities over the next three months. I'm sure other invitations will be coming as well."
"Does that mean you'll have to leave town once a month or so in the future?"
"I guess it does. I can't turn down invitations from such prestigious universities," I said with a knowing smile.
"Do you think you can find something to do when I have to be out of town?"
"I'm sure I'll think of something, Lover.
Nadia and Cordell Kittinger had just celebrated their 19th wedding anniversary. It was a festive occasion. Susan took two days off from her Spanish language studies at a liberal arts college to attend as did their son who was a pre-med student at an out-of-state university.
Cordell was a mathematics professor at the local four-year college while Nadia worked as a secretary for a local law firm. With both Cordell and Nadia working, there was sufficient income to provide tuition, fees, books, and room and board for their c***dren's education with enough left over to pay the monthly bills and provide a few comforts. Nevertheless, money was somewhat tight.
On Saturday morning the week following their anniversary celebration, Cordell and Nadia had slept late and were enjoying a delicious breakfast of eggs, hash browns, bacon, and coffee that Nadia had prepared. She had not bothered to dress after sleeping late, opting instead for a tight-fitting, short robe and a pair of slippers. As she had prepared the meal, she was somewhat disappointed to see her husband was more interested in reading the morning newspaper than he was in checking out her long legs and cleavage that the robe exposed. But after 19 years of marriage, she knew that was to be expected. "After all," she thought, "it's pretty hard for a guy to get turned on by the body of a woman he's screwed maybe 2,000 times." Even so, the thought depressed her.
While Cordell buried himself in the sports page, Nadia read the front page and fashion section. After finishing those, she was looking over the classified ads to see if there was anything of interest there. As she did so, she noticed a couple of ads from students who were seeking living accommodations in a private home.
"Cordell, have you noticed any of these ads from students looking to rent rooms in a private home rather than in an apartment complex?"
Her husband looked up from the sports page. "No, I haven't. What do they want. Wonder why they don't want an apartment somewhere?"
"Well, they probably hope to find something cheaper than a full apartment, but still something nice, in a good neighborhood. Perhaps with breakfast included. I don't know. What do you think about the possibility of us renting out Brian's old bedroom? It has a private bath, and we could also include the room he used for his computer stuff. It would certainly provide us more income, which would be really helpful."
"What would we do when the c***dren visit?" Cordell asked, clearly intrigued by my idea.
"Well, they rarely visit at the same time. We would still have Susan's bedroom when one them comes home. And when they're both here, we could buy a couch for the den that converts to a bed so we would have enough space."
"You know, that's a great idea. I know apartments are now renting for $700 to $800 a month. The college dorms are less, but they're not very nice. They're also loud and not conducive to study. How much do you think we should ask for Brian's bedroom, the adjoining computer room, with say breakfast and utilities included?"
"I think $500 a month would be very reasonable. If we can't get that, we could come down to $450."
My husband nodded... obviously thinking. "College students would want to have visitors from time to time. Would you be Ok with that?"
"Why not? No big parties, of course, but a guest now and then. What's the problem?"
"Well..." Cordell hesitated.
I couldn't suppress a grin. "I'm not an old dried up prude, you know. Our k**s are having sex. I assume any college student who might stay with us would too."
My husband seemed taken aback by my comment. "You really think Susan is having sex?" he asked.
"Don't you think that Brian is having sex with any of the girls at the university?" I replied.
"Well, of course. But, he's a guy. That's different."
"Different? How so?"
"You know... It's natural for a young man to have sex with as many women as he can. Don't put me on the defensive here."
"Ok. I didn't mean to make it sound like an attack by a wild feminist. I do see your point. But I am curious."
"About what?"
"About where Brian is finding all these women to fuck. Where's he finding them anyway? I don't think he has enough money to be hiring prostitutes."
My husband gave me an exasperated look. "There are a lot of girls at the university, Nadia. Probably close to half of the students are female. I'm sure Brian doesn't have to look very hard to find ..." My husband stopped in mid-sentence as he became aware of the implication of his comment.
I grinned even more broadly. "Precisely, my darling husband. And the guys at Susan's college don't have to look very hard to find a lot of willing and eager pussy either. So do you think that after almost a year at college that Susan is still a virgin?"
Now cornered, my husband persisted. "Well, she could be," he stated.
Now my grin turned to a laugh. "She's taking birth control pills, Honey. Our darling little girl has been getting laid regularly for at least the last year."
"Ok... ok. You win. I guess I'm just a little behind the times... getting old. One thing's for certain... you wouldn't be having sex with all those men if you were still in college."
I knew better than to respond to that statment. After all, I wasn't born yesterday. Instead, I returned to the original topic. "So, what do you think about renting out Brian's old room and the adjoining computer room?"
"Why don't you answer some of those ads and see what happens. The extra income would be very nice."
While my husband finished his breakfast, I called four of the numbers listed in the ads I found in the newspaper. A young woman answered the first call, but she had already found a place to rent. No one answered the second call. The third and fourth calls both produced interested responses, each from a male student. They both wanted to come over to see the accommodations and discuss price immediately. I put them on "hold" while I discussed the situation with my husband.
"They want to come over this afternoon. but you'll be on the golf course. What do you want me to tell them?"
"Make an appointment with each one and tell them to come over. There's no need for me to be here. You handle it." Following his instructions, I made an appointment with one man at 3 PM and at 4 PM with the second guy.
The first guy was a freshman who was just looking for a bedroom. He had no interest in the extra room, and both $450 and $500 a month were more than he wanted to pay. I told him if I couldn't find anyone, I would call him again to see if he wanted to reconsider. When he just nodded and left, I felt somewhat disappointed as I had thought the deal was so good and the accommodations so attractive that everyone would accept immediately.
When my 4 PM appointment showed up on time, my disappointment over losing the first guy vanished immediately. The man standing at my front door was a senior student, about 20 or 21 years old, and even in his baggy shorts and tennis shoes, sinfully handsome. I invited him inside.
He gave me a dazzling smile, nodded his thanks, and entered without ever taking his eyes off my face. "My name's Kent, Kent Thompson, and you are...?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Nadia, Nadia Kittinger. My husband's teaches math at the college." Hearing my voice, I felt like I was gushing like a school girl. The truth was that the man was so sexy, I was having trouble controlling myself.
Kent ignored my comment about my husband as if it were of no consequence. His eyes remained locked onto mine, his smile still broad and engaging. "You have a beautiful home. I hope I can afford the rent you're asking."
"I'm sure we can work something out," I stammered. "Would you like something to drink?"
"How about a beer?"
"No problem." I walked into the kitchen with Kent right behind me. Cordell kept the beer on the bottom shelf, so I had to bend over to get a couple of bottles. As I did so, I felt my skirt rising up the back of my thighs with Kent right behind me. I felt my face flush with heat and not just a little excitement as I thought about how much he could see. The beer bottles were right in front of me, Coors and Budweiser. Without rising up, I asked, "We're got both Coors and Bud. Which do you prefer?"
There was a slight hesitation before Kent replied, "Bud is supposed to be a man's drink, but frankly, I like the taste of Coors better. I'll take Coors."
His voice was deep and masculine, yet soft and gentle at the same time. I realized that I was bending over more than was necessary to reach the Budweiser. I could feel the cool air high on my thighs. Finally, I knew that I had delayed as long as possible and stood up with two coors in my hand.
I turned quickly to face Kent and found his eyes still looking straight into my own. I was more than just a little surprised as I was certain that I would catch him staring at my legs or at my breasts. In addition to being surprised, I realized that I was also somewhat disappointed. The thought that my legs and breasts weren't attractive enough to interest him was depressing.
"They're good and cold. Hope you like your beer that way."
"I like it anyway I can get it," he said softly.
My feeling of depression instantly vanished to be replaced by the feeling of wetness between my thighs. "Would you like to see the accommodations now?" I asked.
"I would like that very much. Please show me everything."
More wetness soaked my thighs. "Ok. Follow me. We plan to rent out our son's old bedroom along with the adjoining computer room next to it." As I walked down the hallway with Kent following, I wondered if his eyes were inspecting my bottom. "Surely they are," I silently hoped. Almost involuntarily, I realized my hips were undulating more than necessary. "God. What's the matter with me? I'm almost old enough to be his mother."
"Well, this is it. What do you think?" I asked. Kent's eyes were still on mine. Only when he had moved past me into the room, did they move to inspect the bedroom. The room was beautifully furnished. The walls were adorned with framed paintings and photographs. The floor was covered with a thick carpet. There was an attractive desk for study, two lounge chairs, and a table TV. There was also a connecting private bath.
"Fantastic. Exactly the type of room I would have expected to find in your home. And you said something about a second room?"
"Right this way. There's a connecting door so you'll have essentially a two-room apartment." I opened the door and stood aside to allow him to enter. Once again, he smiled into my eyes as he moved past me. As far as I could tell, he had yet to look at my large bosom.
"This is just as nice as the bedroom. Would you mind if I move my computer, printer, etc. into the room?"
"Of course not. I'll have my husband move our son's old computer and printer to storage in the basement. It's out of date now anyway. I should mention that you have kitchen privileges and are free to have invited guests in your rooms at any time. We'll have new locks put on the doors for your privacy and security. The rent includes all utilities and breakfast anytime you care to join us. Or, if you wish, you can prepare your own breakfast."
"That's unbelievable! What are you asking for all of this?"
"My husband and I have thought $500 a month would be fair."
"Fair? It's more than fair. This is far better than anything I could find in an apartment house and those start at $700. I feel like $500 would be cheating you. Shall we make it at least $550?"
"That's very nice of you to offer, but $500 will be fine. Agreed?"
"Absolutely! When can I move in?"
"How about Monday to give us some time to move our son's stuff out?"
"Monday afternoon will work for me."
"Fine. My husband has typed up a brief agreement for us both to sign. Let's go into the den where you can read it and see if it meets with your approval."
I put the agreement on the coffee table in front of the couch, and Kent sat down to read it. I took a seat in the lounge chair opposite the couch and directly facing it. As Kent read, I could feel the increasing wetness between my crossed legs.
The agreement was succinct, and Kent took only a minute to read it. "This looks..." he began but then stopped in mid-sentence when he looked over at me. With my legs crossed and my skirt up high on my thighs, his attention was immediately diverted away from the agreement and his previous thoughts. I loved it... absolutely loved it.
I expected him to look away and pretend nothing had happened, but once again, he surprised me. Clearing his throat, he said, "I'm sorry to stare like a school boy, but you are beautiful. Your husband is a very lucky man. The agreement is fine." He signed it as I watched and felt the wetness increasingly rapidly.
Kent handed me the clipboard with the signed agreement attached. He smiled, continued to stare at me, and waited. At first I didn't understand... but then it dawned on me that he was waiting for me to rise... not out of courtesy, but because I would have to uncross my legs before I could stand up. My excitement was so high, I could hardly breathe.
When I uncrossed and opened my legs, I could hear my heart beating. Now his eyes did leave my face and move downward. Before I rose, I asked him, "Are there any questions you would like to ask? Anything that I may have failed to cover?" As I asked the question, I remained motionless, still seated, my legs still open.
Kent paused seeming to think... to consider. "I think you've shown me every thing that I wanted to see. I will certainly have more questions later... after I move in, but that will do for now. Thank you. I'll see you on Monday."
With that he rose, waited for me, then shook my hand when I did. Actually, he not so much shook my hand as caressed it.
That evening after my husband came in from the golf course, I said nothing about our new boarder until he remembered that I had interviewed a couple of possibilities.
"Did either of the interviews work out? Do we have someone who wants to rent the two rooms?"
"We do. He's a senior student at your college. He seems very polite and nice."
"And the rent? Was there a problem?"
"No, none at all. He not only agreed to the $500 rent, he even suggested that it was too low and offered to pay $550."
"Did you accept?"
"Of course not. That would have been gross. I asked for $500 and that's what we settled on. He signed the agreement you drew up. It's on the table beside the couch in the den. Kent will be moving in on Monday. You need to take Brian's old computer stuff to the basement as he will be bringing his own."
"Sounds great. Did he give you any advance?"
I handed my husband a check for $500. "He paid the first month's rent before he left."
After dinner, Cordell asked, "Anything you want to watch on TV tonight?"
"Not really. Why don't we go out bar hopping like we used to? Dance some."
"After almost five hours on the golf course, I'm too tired to go dancing. How about Monday evening?"
"Ok. I hope you're not too tired for some bedroom exercise tonight. Are you?"
"If golf ever makes me too tired to fuck a sexy woman like you, I'm giving up golf."
"Promises... promises. Come on, Stud. Take your wife to bed and make her love having a cunt between her thighs."
I could see the shock register on my husband's face at my language, but I could also see his cock getting hard as stone. "MMmmmmm... damn, you look big! I want that! Now!"
My husband literally dragged me into the bedroom. Before we made it, my blouse and bra were lying on the floor along the hallway. When we did reach the master bedroom, my big, naked tits were swinging and bouncing, their nipples hard and rigid.
Standing beside the bed, I knelt and jerked my husband's pants and shorts down his thighs releasing his turgid, throbbing sex gun. It looked luscious, precum dangling from its tip. "Ohhhh god! Put that thing in my mouth, you big-dicked stud. Give it to me!" I moaned.
Tilting my head backwards, I stretched my mouth open... wide, inviting with my tongue out. My hands were cupping my tits. I waited, eager... ready. The big-dicked stud stepped closer and inserted his rigid manhood into my waiting mouth hole. As it went in, my cunt throbbed as my vagina contracted and pulsed, eagerly awaiting its turn to house the huge shaft.
Cordell's hands went to the back of my head holding me steady as he thrust himself in and out of my mouth. In moments, the big cockhead was against the back of my throat making me gag. Shocked at what he had done, my husband immediately pulled back.
"Don't do that," I growled in female heat. "Put it back in! Please! If I gag, just hold still until I get used to it... then push in more... I want all of it... down my throat."
I felt the big cock swell and throb at my words. With a determined masculine grunt of pleasure, the big cock was driven back into my mouth and against the opening to my throat. Again I gagged... he held it there... letting me gag... when I calmed, more cock went in. I gagged again.
He held still as I continued to gag. Abruptly, another inch pushed in and this time the big head entered my throat. He let he retch and gag until I got used to the shaft. Then, he yelled, "Like that... ohhh yeah... like that, you hot Slut!" I sucked harder as the rest of his cock pushed down my throat.
My cunt erupted in hard, repeated spasms. The stud fucking my throat knew I was cumming and slammed his meat in and out of my mouth even harder. My pussy spasmed again... and then again.
"Get on the bed, you hot Bitch. I want your cunt!" my lover ordered.
I scrambled as fast as possible to get on the bed. As soon as my back hit the bed, I jacked my legs high and spread wide. The hard male body was between my thighs and socked into my sex saddle in an instant. A moment later, I felt the huge, throbbing male shaft ramming against the opening to my cunt. There was no way I could possible keep it out... it stretched me open and drove into me ... hard... deep... until the big head thudded against the bottom of my contracting hole. I came again... screaming and cursing like a street whore. My husband loved it!
For five minutes or so, I was fucked with repeated, hard, thrusts, each one making me grunt in hot passion.
"You turn to do the work, Slut," my rutting husband growled at me. He turned us over so that I was mounted on him.
"Now fuck that hot cunt on my cock, Bitch!"
I didn't need to be told twice. My hips hammered up and down on the rigid cock spike. I couldn't remember my husband ever being this hard... even the first time he fucked me. Within a minute, that steel-hard, cunt reamer was making me cum again. I moaned and howled helplessly as he pumped me... ripping repeated orgasms from my throbbing body.
Finally, even my randy stud could take no more. "I'm gonna cum, Honey. Can't hold it any longer," he groaned.
"In you mouth, Slut. In you mouth. Suck me... let me cum in your mouth."
I had never permitted my husband to pull out and cream my face and mouth before... but there was no way in hell I was going to say 'no' this time. Scrambling off his body, my body actually trembled when I looked at the rigid throbbing sex spike my husband's penis had become because of me... I LOVED IT!
I didn't hesitate a moment. Wrapping my hand around his pulsing shaft, I rammed my mouth down the prick meat. He thrust it up into my mouth hole as I jacked his shaft with my hand and let him use my mouth as like it was a cunt. Again and again, my head descended over the thrusting shaft until I felt it throbbing, swelling... expanding. The big balls rose high preparing to unleash their huge load.
"Get on your knees... open your mouth... I'm gonna cream you and shoot!"
I couldn't do it fast enough. I held my tits, squeezing the nipples. My head tilted backwards, mouth opening... tongue out... waiting. I stared at the huge cock being jacked an inch away from my face and mouth... the hole at the end expanded... then the huge load exploded in a thick, huge cum jet that splashed over my nose and face. My stud husband adjusted his aim, and the second load fired straight into my open mouth hole coating my tongue and hitting the back of my throat where it slid sensuously down into my belly. Gush after cum gush drenched my face, my eyes, my tits, my mouth as I swallowed more of his huge load. As his load was pouring over my face, my vagina contracted... juices spurted out onto the carpet as the orgasm surged through me.
On Monday, I got off from work early at 3 PM, and true to his word, Kent showed up at 3:30 PM with all of his clothes, computer, boxes, etc. This time I had worn something sexier, a tight pink top with a short, black skirt and heels. It had the desired effect. Even Kent was unable to keep his eyes on my face when he saw me. His eyes dropped helplessly to my exposed legs and the thrusting mounds just barely concealed by the top.
We worked for the better part of an hour carrying his stuff into his new quarters. Every time I bent over to pick up a box from his car or to deposit a box on the floor of his rooms, I could feel his eyes on my bottom and my exposed legs. Once when I had just put a box on the floor by the couch and was about to stand up, I quickly looked back in Kent's direction and caught him staring right at my exposed thighs and particularly where they enticingly disappeared beneath my very brief skirt.
"Is this where you want to put it?" I asked nodding at the box I had just set on the floor.
Even though I was now looking at him, his eyes never left my thighs and my thrusting ass. "That's very close to where I want to put it," he said softly.
By the time we had every thing moved inside, I was even wetter than I had been the previous Saturday. My excitement had risen to the point that I could smell its musky aroma.
"I think that's it," Kent finally commented.
"Want a beer?" I asked.
"Give me a minute to take a quick shower, and I would love one."
Nodding, I walked out of his room and went to the kitchen. It only took a couple of minutes to get out a beer for each of us. "I should have asked him if he would like a sandwich," I thought. "Well, I can always go back and ask him now," I thought wickedly.
Without giving myself enough time to get nervous, I hurried to Kent's bedroom door, knocked, and, without waiting for an answer, opened the door. He had just started undressing. He was naked to the waist and was in the process of removing his pants when I opened the door. If I had waited another five seconds, I would have found out the size of his cock. Even so, the sight was breathtaking.
Kent's perfectly proportioned, muscular chest, abs, and biceps sent shivers of delight coursing through my now soaked pussy. His pants were down enough for me to see that he wore tight jockey shorts rather than boxers. The tight briefs showed a substantial bulge even though his cock was still soft.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from his gorgeous body. And just as I had been holding sexy poses for his pleasure all afternoon, he returned the favor by lowering his pants enough for me to see the full extent of the bulge in his briefs.
"You should have knocked," he said teasingly, not in the least embarrassed.
"I know. I'm sorry to have embarrassed you."
"You didn't. I'm glad you didn't knock. Are you?"
I couldn't breathe my excitement was so great. And I knew there was no point in lying. He could see how excited the sight of his body had me. "Yes... I'm glad too. I'm going to fix myself some food to go with the beer. Would like some?"
"Yes. I would like some. Very much."
The double entendre produced a soft gasp from my upper lips and a sensuous contraction of my lower ones. "Ok. I'll let you take your shower. I'll be in the kitchen."
When I got back to the kitchen, I leaned against the counter, spread my legs, and slipped my hand onto my panty-covered pussy. It was soaked and as ready as it had ever been. Just lightly running my fingers up the length of my slit almost made me cum. I desperately wanted to masturbate, but I also wanted to stay on a sexual high for Kent. I wanted him to know how hot he had me. So, with the exercise of a not just a little will power, I removed my hand from my steaming cunt.
When Kent joined me ten minutes later, he was wearing a skin-tight T-shirt that molded every rippling muscle of his torso. His tight-fitting jeans also showed the substantial bulge of his manhood which was no longer soft. He leaned back against the counter so I could inspect his body as I put the food and beer on the kitchen table. I was boiling hot and I knew that he knew it. I wondered... no... I hoped... that he would decide to fuck me.
We sat down and ate the beer and sandwiches I had made. I hoped he liked them... for myself, I could hardly taste what I was eating as my mind was between my thighs and his. When Kent had finished eating, he stood up. The bulge in his jeans had increased considerably. He was almost thrusting it into my face. My mouth opened involuntarily.
"Time to feed you something else don't you think?" he stated.
"Oohhh Gawd!" I was too excited to say any more than that.
Stepping behind me, Kent's arms circled my body and cupped both of my breasts as his huge erection pressed into the crease of my ass. "I'm going back to my bedroom now. You can stay here or follow me. Your choice. I hope you follow me."
He walked back down the hallway toward his bedroom with me following behind him... eager... helpless... throbbingly hot. We had not quite entered the hallway when the front door opened and Cordell entered.
"Hi. Thought I'd leave work early so I could meet our new boarder. I'm Cordell, Cordell Kittinger," he said as he extended his hand toward Kent. "I'm Nadia husband. I hope the accommodations are to your liking?"
"I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Kittinger, and everything is very, very much to my liking. I'm really looking forward to living here this year," he said as he shook my husband's hand.
"Great. And please, call me 'Cordell'. We'll be living too close to bother with formalities."
The two men continued this banter while I sat down in a chair. I was afraid to stand for fear that my legs wouldn't hold me. My vagina was a throbbing cauldron of female steaming heat and juices. I knew if I got too close, these male a****ls would smell me. "Damn it to hell! Why did you pick today to come home early, Cordell," I raged to myself.
The only good thing about the situation was that my husband had come home when he did instead of ten minutes later when he would have found me on my back, screaming and panting, as a strong male stud fucked the shit out of his wife.
My husband took me out to dinner Monday evening. I wore an attractive, but conservative, black dress with thigh-high hose and heels. I was too hot to wear panties, but no one would know that. Nevertheless, men looked. It was almost as if they could sense that I was a raging inferno of sexual desire between my thighs. During the meal, I couldn't sit still, much less pay any attention to what I was eating or what topic my husband was discussing.
The man at the next table noticed my undulating body and the way my thighs were working against one another to try to assuage my throbbing clitoris. He began to watch me, becoming more excited himself as he did so. His attention was turning my pussy into a firestorm of female desire. In spite of the fact that my husband was just across the table from me and the man's wife was with him, I moved my legs out from under the table and crossed them with my ankle on my knee so that he had a clear view of my naked cunt.
It was risky but not absurdly so. The man's wife had her back toward me. Unless she turned around, she couldn't see what I was doing. The table blocked my husband's view. Our waiter did get a perfect beaver shot, but that only added to my excitement.
If he could have found a reason to get away from his wife and approach me, I would have spread my legs for him without hesitating. I think he was aware of that. When his wife rose to leave, he looked longingly at me, turned his palms up, stared directly at my exposed cunt, and shrugged in a silent apology.
On the drive home, I attacked my husband. Unzipping his pants, I extracted his cock and went down on him while he was trying to drive. He tried to get me to stop, but I just sucked him deeper and harder until he had an iron-hard erection that he was ramming into my throat. All the way home, he kept calling me a dirty slut. I loved it. Somehow, he managed to keep from cumming even though I got off twice on my fingers before we reached our driveway.
Before we were even inside our house, I had my jacket off, my blouse opened, my tits out of my bra, and my skirt hiked up to my waist. As soon as my husband had shut and locked the front door, I was pulling his pants down and shoving him into a chair where I devoured his still-rigid shaft.
"Damn, Woman! Let's go to our bedroom. Kent might come in at any time," Cordell pleaded. It did him no good. I was too hot to wait.
"So what. So he sees me sucking my husband's cock. I'm sure he knows I suck you. Pump a load down my throat and we'll go to the bedroom... not before."
I went back to sucking his rod, and, giving up, my husband began thrusting his dick deep in and out of my throat. My naked tits were bouncing as he mouth fucked me. As long as I had been sucking him, there was no way he could last. Within a minute, his first load fired out of his throbbing sex gun into my waiting throat and belly.
Without giving him any time at all to come down from his orgasm, I pulled him to his feet and led him by his still-throbbing cock to our bedroom. Once inside, I fell on the bed, my legs spreading wide open, and ordered him to suck me.
"Get your face in my cunt, Baby. I need to cum. OOOhhhh god.!! Please!! Suck Me!!"
Cordell fell to his knees, pushed his face into my gushing cunt and ran his tongue up the entire length of me my sex trench.
"AAAAAAaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHhhhhhh.... UUUnnnnGGGHHH.... Yes! SUCK MEEEEEEEE!!" I screamed. If Kent was in the house, he knew I was getting it.
Cordell was no slouch in bed. Quickly, he moved up to my pulsing clitoris, sucked it hard, and lashed his tongue up and down the shaft sending me into the uncontrollable spasms of an intense orgasm. I shrieked and wailed as juices from my erupting cunt spurted all over his face.
My vagina and clitoris were still contracting in hard spasms when I screamed at my husband, "GET ON ME! GET IN ME! HURRY... OH GOD! HURRY. I NEED COCK IN ME!"
Cordell pushed me backwards onto the bed, yanked my leg up high so that the heel was pointed right at the ceiling and nailed his rigid sex stick deep into my still throbbing sex channel. I began to cum as soon as I felt it entering. It slugged into the bottom of my cunt causing me to howl like a cat in heat.
When my husband felt me cumming yet again, he pulled out, flipped me over and slammed his raging meat back into me in doggy position. I arched my ass high to get all of it... and he gave it to me like a rutting stallion on a mare. I came twice more before my stud husband pumped his final load deep into my convulsing cunt hole.
Cordell's Investigation:
Cordell sat in his college office totally confused. The board, as well as all the of the numerous papers on his desk, were covered with the obscure mathematical symbols that were part of an elaborate proof he had been working on for the past six months. If he could complete the proof of the final step needed to verify his central theorem, the manuscript he would write would be an excellent contribution to any one of a number of prestigious international journals. Occasionally, he would even fantasize about winning the Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize of Mathematics that was first awarded in 1936.
On this particular day, however, his mind was on other things, less prestigious perhaps, but far more pressing. Up to a month ago, he and Nadia had been having sex once or twice a week. Usually, it was routine. Occasionally, it was hot. In contrast, for the past month, she had been insatiable. He was screwing her almost everyday except during her period and every time the sex was intense, passionate, wild, and kinky. Yet, it didn't seem to be enough. She was wearing him out, but the more sex they had, they more she seemed to want and need. She had even sucked him off and then demanded anal sex during her last period. She had howled with passion when he had fucked her ass, cumming twice before he had pumped his load deep inside her bowels.
Tracing events backwards in time in an attempt to determine what had happened to produce Nadia's transformation, Cordell quickly realized that it corresponded to the day Kent rented the rooms in their home. Obviously, Kent was a very handsome, sexy, and sensuous young man who probably turned his wife on... in fact, he probably turned her on a lot. Maybe even enough to make her wild for sex, he thought.
"I need to be more analytical about this," Cordell thought. Clearing a space on his cluttered desk, he took out a small notebook and began to write notes and questions"
Question #1: Is Nadia sexually turned on by Kent? Answer: Yes!
Question #2: Is Kent fucking Nadia? Answer: Maybe. If so, he isn't giving her enough to satisfy her needs as she constantly wants sex from me. More likely, he is exciting her enormously but not interested in screwing her. That would drive her wild.
Question #3: What are they doing together when I not around? Answer: Uncertain. Perhaps fucking. More likely, he is just teasing and playing around to excite her and then leaving her unsatisfied. Or maybe she's hot as fire for his cock but won't have sex with him because she wants to remain faithful.
Question #4: Do I want to put a stop to whatever is happening? Answer: Absolutely not! Having a woman wild and kinky for sex is a delight even if it does kill me.
Question #5: Do I want to find out what happening or just enjoy the results? Answer: I want both.
Question #6: How can I find out what is going on? Answer: Not sure. Maybe hire a private detective? Maybe install video and audio equipment to spy on them? Maybe come home unexpectedly and spy on them?
Question #7: If he is fucking my wife, is he likely to get her pregnant? Answer: No. She takes birth control pills. Question #8: What if he's screwing my wife and wants her to stop taking
birth control. Would she? Answer: Don't know. No data, but it seems unlikely at her age and two grown c***dren.
I continued writing questions and possible answers for another hour. At the end of that time, a half dozen pages in my notebook were filled, but I still had no real information save for the fact that Nadia had become a beautiful, hot slut, and I loved it!
At breakfast the next morning, I was pretending to read the newspaper as was my usual practice, but in reality, I was doing my best to watch Kent and Nadia through the small hole I had strategically cut in the paper. Nadia was already dressed for work. Her tight purple sweater molded her breasts perfectly and exposed a conservative amount of cleavage appropriate for work. Her black skirt came within two inches of knees, also appropriate for work I thought, but there was a split on the left side that exposed most of her thigh when it opened. That didn't seem so appropriate to me. Kent, however, obviously liked what he saw as he kept stealing glances at my wife's chest and her occasionally exposed thigh.
"Is that skirt Ok for work?" I asked my wife.
"Why wouldn't it be?" she responded.
"Well, most of your thigh is exposed when you move."
"Don't you like it? How about you, Kent? Do you like it?"
"Of course I like it," I answered, but I was just concerned about how your employers will respond." For his part, Kent just smiled but otherwise remained silent... discretion being the better part of valor.
"All of my employers are men, Honey. Don't worry. They'll like the way I look. Bet on it!"
"I guess that's right. Sorry."
Nadia moved over to me, kissed me, and said, "No need for you to be sorry. I love the fact that you noticed how I look and obviously think I look sexy and hot."
"You certainly do," Kent finally commented. I said no more, but went back to reading my newspaper.
For his part, Kent continued to look at my wife's exposed charms. When she bent over to pour him so more coffee, he was staring straight down her bodice. She took her time pouring the coffee, but suddenly stiffened slightly. Her eyes opened wider at the same time.
If I had not been watching, I would have missed it. Nadia stood up from pouring Kent's coffee but did not immediately move away from the table. She glanced quickly in my direction, but seeing that I was hidden behind the paper apparently absorbed in the news, she relaxed. The fact that Kent's right arm was out of sight beneath the table was not lost on me. He obviously had taken advantage of the slit in my wife's skirt to slide his hand onto her thigh.
I continued to pretend to read the paper. A moment later, I saw my wife move her feet further apart. Her tongue slipped out and began to flick over her top lip as her hips undulated. I realized that I was wrong... Kent was not feeling of my wife's thigh... he was feeling her pussy. As I watched Nadia's hips move back and forth on Kent's hand, it became obvious that I was wrong again... he wasn't feeling her pussy... he was finger fucking it!
I let it continue, staying hidden behind the newspaper pretending to read. My cock was hard... incredibly hard. There was no way I could stand and not have them both realize that I had been watching. Suddenly, Nadia's eyes closed, her body shuddered. She had to place her hands on the table for support as the orgasm engulfed her. It went on for 15 seconds or so until Kent finally moved his hand off her convulsing pussy. My wife moved away toward the sink, and a little later, I laid the paper aside and finished my breakfast.
"That was delicious, Honey," I said. "Didn't you think it was delicious, Kent?"
"Very much so, Cordell. Your wife is really incredible." He paused for moment and then added, "A really incredible cook, and beautiful to boot. You're a lucky man, Cordell. I gotta get to class."
"And I have to get to work," my wife added.
Ten minutes later, we had all left for our respective jobs.
Later, thinking about the episode at the breakfast table, it seemed obvious to me that I had the answer to at least a couple of my questions. Kent was clearly fucking my wife. I just didn't when, or how, or how frequently. And I still couldn't figure out why Nadia was always so wild for sex with me if Kent was banging her regularly.
After making my wife cum right in front of me, I assumed that Kent would be wildly excited and desperate to screw my wife. My classes were all in the morning, so I decided to take the afternoon off and spy on the house to see if I could catch them having sex.
Slightly after 1 PM, I unlocked the front door and entered our home. As I expected, no one was home. Kent's classes were over until 1 PM and it would take him at least 15 minutes to get back to our house. Nadia was, of course, at work, but her boss would usually let her off early if she asked. So, I hid in Susan's old bedroom and waited with a math journal to keep me company.
It was nearly 2 PM when I heard the front door open. Since I didn't hear the clicking of heels on the entryway tile, I assumed it was Kent. I heard him walking into the kitchen... then the fridge door opened... closed. He was probably getting himself a beer. Somewhat later, I heard his bedroom door open... then close.
Around 2:30, I again heard the front door open. This was quickly followed by the clicking sound of a woman's heels on the tile floor. Next, I heard Kent's voice: "Damn, I've been going wild waiting for you, Honey. Come on. Let's not waste the time we have." A moment later, I heard Kent's bedroom door open... then close behind them.
I removed my shoes and waited for 10 minutes or so. Then, as quietly as possible, I left Susan's room and walked halfway down the hallway to Kent's bedroom. I didn't need to press my ear to the door to hear the moans of the woman inside.
My wife was grunting over and over. I could imagine the hard cock slugging in and out of her waiting cunt... her legs up in the air... her feet jerking back and forth as her vagina was rammed and vacated... her big tits bouncing each time Kent drove his organ into her pussy. My cock was so hard it hurt.
"OOOhhh more, Stud... More... Hammer meeeeeeeee!"
Obviously, I had found out what I wanted to know. Kent was screwing my wife, but now that I knew, I realized I wanted to see him doing it. I tried the hallway door leading to the adjoining computer room, but it was locked, and I had no idea where Nadia kept the key. The back of our house is shielded by dense woods. Maybe they had failed to close the shutters.
Exiting through the utility room door into our back yard, I entered the woods and made my way to the double window of Kent's bedroom. As luck would have it, they had not closed the shutters. Moving closer, I saw that while they had not closed the shutters, the curtains were drawn across the windows. I cursed to myself. The curtains obscured most of the detail, but I could still see how Kent was giving it to my wife.
From the edge of the woods, I could see two bodies on the bed but not together. There was sufficient clarity to see that my wife was on her back with her legs up in the air and pulled back. She was obviously waiting for Kent to mount her. Kent moved his head between the spread legs and spent some time eating her pussy. Even from the woods, I could hear the woman screaming as she came.
As soon as she screamed, Kent mounted her and even though the curtains blurred every thing, I could tell when he drove his whang into her cunt. The female shriek at being entered confirmed what I thought I saw. As he fucked her, he kept her legs up in the air where they were jerking back and forth... just as I had imagined.
They fucked in that position for a long time... female cries and screams occasionally reaching my ears in the woods. Then, abruptly, Kent moved out of my wife's sex saddle and rolled her over into doggy position. It was so damn hot. I wished I could see better. Even so, I couldn't suppress the urge to jerk off as I watched.
Kent moved up behind the kneeling female... I could see him rising over her hips and then driving down into her. Although I couldn't actually see his cock entering my wife's cunt, I heard the loud moan and knew that he was sinking into her.
When I heard my wife screaming that she was cumming, she was begging him to fuck her harder... deeper. I shot my load at that point and drenched a tree trunk.
Not much later, I saw Kent pull out of and reposition his cock. My cock surged to another erection when I realized that he was about to fuck my wife's ass. It took a moment for him to work it into her. Again, I knew when he got it in by her deep groan and by her pleas to go slow.
Gradually, he seemed to working his prick deeper and deeper into the hot ass beneath him. When he finally had it buried, the ass fucking began in earnest. My wife screeched and howled as the big phallus hammered in and out of her ass. I wished I could see how much it was stretching her.
After five minutes of hard fucking, I heard Kent yell out that he was going to cum. A minute after that, my wife had a huge cum load up her ass.
They rested a bit and then she sucked his cock until it was hard. Once hard, I could see the female shape mounting the big sex spike. When it entered, the female groan of passion announced the fact. After that, my wife's ass became a blur of motion as she jammed her sex hole up and down the thick shaft until she exploded in orgasm and collapsed atop of her lover.
The action continued until around 4 PM after which the woman got up and quickly dressed. Obviously, they were worried about my coming home a little early. By 4:10 PM, my wife had left and Kent walked into the bathroom to shower. I made my way back down the block to the park where I had left my car.
I "returned" home at 5 PM after spending an hour in a local pub having a beer and thinking about what I had seen that afternoon. Nadia was in the kitchen preparing our dinner.
"Hi," I said. "How was your day?"
"Same as usual," my wife replied. "Yours?"
"I got a lot done on the proof of my central theorem. I'm pretty certain that I will have it done in time for the San Francisco conference."
"That's wonderful! Is it as good as you hoped?"
"It is. I hope that it will be well received. I'm pretty certain that it will be. Did anyone say anything about your skirt at work?"
Nadia grinned devilishly. "No. No one said anything, but every male spent a lot of time looking. I told you they would like my outfit. Even the clients stared."
"Did it bother you?"
"Bother me? Not at all... but it did get me hot as hell. I hope you're ready tonight because I feel like I'm on fire. In fact, it's going to take another 30 minutes for the manicotti to bake." Nadia pressed her body against mine, rotating her mound over my hardening cock. "MMMmmmmm...feels like you're ready. I would really appreciate it if you would eat me before dinner, Darling. I promise I'll make it up to you later tonight. Please!"
For an answer, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the master bedroom. She clung to me moaning softly all the way there. As soon as we were inside, I kicked the door shut, and put my wife on the bed on her back. "Pull your skirt up, you hot Slut. Don't undress... just get your pull up your skirt and spread wide."
Planting her heels on the bed, Nadia arched her butt high and yanked her skirt up around her waist and pulled down her top to expose both of her big tits. Dropping her ass to the bed, she steepled her knees and spread her legs wide open. The gusset of her panties was soaked. She was hot and ready. I was amazed considering the fact that she had been thoroughly fucked just an hour and a half before.
"Please... Hurry. Do it to me! I'm on fire!" my wife moaned in desperation.
As soon as my head was between her thighs in her saddle, and I had gotten her panties pulled to one side, her legs came up, her thighs locking tightly about my head. Her hands moved to the back of my head and she pulled my face deep into her soaked, throbbing cunt.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH... fuckkkkkkkkkk.... hot...HOT... DO IT TO MEEEEEEEEEE!" she screamed.
Pushing my tongue into her sex trench, I stroked it up the length of her pulsing slit. Her vagina convulsed in hard spasms. I did it again, and the cuntal convulsions increased in intensity. My wife was babbling incoherently, her hips hammering up and down on the bed.
After several passes up and down her hot slit, I moved upward to the engorged, swollen clitoris. As soon as my tongue circled the throbbing organ, she erupted, her juices spurting over my face in an intense orgasm. I was stunned. One touch on her clit and she came.
Her orgasm grew as I dragged my tongue over her dancing organ. I tried to retreat into its protective hood, but I having none of that. My stroking tongue followed the dancing organ, dug it out of its hood, and flicked the tip rapidly.
"AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE...." came the shriek of female pleasure from my wife's lungs. It sounded like the sound must be coming directly from her cunt it was so hot and passionate.
I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and her juices gushed again, soaking my lips and spurting into my mouth. Holding the throbbing organ between my lips, I sucked and licked alternately. The spastic contractions of her vagina caused her to whoosh air.
By this time, Nadia's body was thrashing wildly on the bed amid her groans and screams of sexual passion and release. After 10 minutes, she began to beg me to stop... to let her rest.
"You're killing meeeeeeeeeee!!... ooohhhh god... please stop! I can't take any more of this... please... ohhhh please," she wailed. I licked her clit faster, and she convulsed again.
I tried to thrust two fingers into her anus, but she was too tight to permit entry. I settled for one finger but that was enough to cause her to arch her hips a foot off the bed where they jack hammered up and down on the probing finger. When she came again, I could feel the rippling contraction up and down the entire length of ass as well as in her cunt.
Finally, my wife collapsed onto the bed... her chest heaving as she desperately sucked air into her tortured lungs. When I withdrew my head from between her thighs, she clamped her thighs together and rolled up into a ball in fetal position, tremors still shaking her body.
I let her rest for 10 minutes before I said gently, "The dinner is going to burn."
"MMmmmmmmmmm... There's no way I'm gonna let your dinner burn after that performance, Lover! That was out of his world! God... you are a fabulous stud."
As we walked, hand-in-hand back to the kitchen, my wife was literally purring and I felt 10 feet tall. I was also a little disappointed. My wife must have bathed and douched before I came home because there was no taste of semen in her cunt. I was sort of looking forward to that experience.
The night was a repeat of most evenings for the past several weeks. Although Kent had fucked her several times that afternoon, and I had eaten her until she was begging me to stop, dinner had not been over more than two hours before my randy, insatiable wife was all over me.
"I promised I'd make it up to you, Honey. Now you just sit back and let your hot slutty whore suck that big dick of yours."
She stood right in front of me and pulled her skirt up to her waist and stripped off her panties. "Like my naked cunt, Stud?" she asked while thrusting her hips and her sex right in my face.
"Oh hell yes!" I moaned. "I'm already hard."
"Not as hard as you're going to be, Baby," she breathed as her top came down releasing both big tits. Leaning over me, she smoothly unzipped my pants, opened the belt, and in seconds had my hard erection out and firmly encased in her hand.
"Damn! You're big, Cordell. Really big. I love this big, hard cock."
"What about Kent?"
"He's studying or out. Forget him." With that, her hot mouth slid down the length of my rigid erection. When it hit the back of her mouth, she paused to adjust the head at the opening to her throat and then smoothly pushed all of my cock inside her.
She pumped her mouth slowly up and down until I was throbbing. Pulling it out, she smiled seductively, "Do you like using your wife's hot suck hole, Honey?"
"AAAHHHh God!" I moaned, my manhood throbbing in her hand, swelling, jerking... aching to shoot.
She realized how close I was and immediately pushed my rod all the way back down her throat. Her lips closed tightly about the base of my cock. Sucking hard, she had me on the edge almost immediately. I thought she might pull it out, but she continued to suck and jerk on the shaft when it slide out of her mouth until finally, I grunted and shot off a monster load that went straight into her belly.
My wife refused to relinquish my prick. She let it bathe inside her mouth for quite awhile. Slowly, she began to suck me again. Her hands cupped my balls and caressed them with both her lips and her tits. Within minutes, she had me fully erect again.
"Mmmmm... that's the way I like it... hard and ready for my hot cunt."
Standing up, Nadia turned her back to me, straddled my legs and carefully lowered her hot sex hole over my erect prong. She fitted the head into the folds of her cunt and settled her hips down onto my legs, taking my entire length deep inside her boiling hot sex tunnel.
Ramming her hips up and down on my rod, she brought herself off quickly... screaming and moaning as her cunt contracted around my cock. Her first orgasm just seemed to whet her appetite for more. In five minutes of hard fucking, she had cum three times and I was throbbing inside her pussy.
"Now bend me over, Stud, and fuck the shit out of your wife. I want you to really ram me. Hard! Don't worry about whether you hurt me or not. Fuck me like a sex slave!"
My wife bent over in front of me, arched her ass high, and reached back and pulled her cunt wide open for me. "STICK IT, BABY. STICK ME HARD!"
A few minutes later, my second load pumped into her pulsing pussy.
For the rest of the week and the next, I watched from behind my newspaper as Kent fondled my wife at breakfast. Each time, she either had an orgasm or almost did. Once more that week and twice the following week, I came home early and spied on Kent and my wife. Each time, I followed the same procedure of hiding in Susan's bedroom until Kent came home. Then I waited to see if my wife would come home early for sex. On two of those occasions, she came home early and they went off to Kent's bedroom as before.
The only thing that was different was that they had remembered to close the shutters so that I couldn't see anything from the woods as I had the first time. The only thing I could do was listen outside the bedroom door to the passionate female cries of pleasure and the male grunts of satisfaction as Kent's cock slugged in and out of my wife's hot cunt. When my wife came, her cries of pleasure would turn to screams, and when Kent pumped his load into her, his grunts changed to the roar of a male planting seed.
Nadia's sexual drive showed no signs of decreasing. If anything, she wanted it even more. She was even asking me to do anal sex with her, something that she had previously usually refused.
It was Saturday night, and Kent had gone out on a date with one of his college girlfriends. As he left the house, I carefully watched my wife to see how she would react to him being with another woman. It seemed not to faze her at all, which was just one more thing that I didn't understand.
After Kent had left, my wife disappeared into our bedroom while I searched the TV programming to see if there was anything scheduled that might be worth watching. I was still searching when Nadia came back into the room wearing a black top, gray skirt, white stockings, and heels. She looked hot, and I knew wanted another evening of hot sex.
She flipped off TV set and sat on top of the unit. "Forget the TV, Honey. I'm a lot more interesting than anything you'll find on TV. Don't you think so?" With that question, she pulled down her top and exposed one of her big tits with the second one almost out. She also pulled up her skirt and spread wide so I could see the crotch of her thin white panties. "This is what the guys at work are dying to see. They never stop trying to see your wife's big tits, her legs and her panties. Can you blame them, Honey?"
"No. Not at all. You look delicious."
"Are you hard?"
"Oh hell yes. As soon as I you sat down on top of the TV and opened your legs."
"Show me. Take it out. Show me how hard it is."
I unzipped and pulled out my stiff organ. The head was already purple and swollen... the 7 inch shaft enlarging toward 7 and a half inches. I squeezed the base making my cock swell even larger. "This what you wanted to see, Honey?"
"Oh fuck yes! I love see it hard and hot. Throbbing... wanting to get into me. You know sometimes I take off my panties in the ladies room at work and then flash my pussy at the men. They go nuts. Some of them go to the men's room so they can jack off." My wife pulled off her panties and exposed both of her tits.
"When I bend over without any panties on, they can see my ass. Like this." Nadia bent over the TV and arched her ass toward me while spreading her cheeks so her entire cunt was exposed. I felt like I was about to cum. In fact, I had to press my thighs together to keep myself from shooting off like a cannon.
"That's all they ever get to see, but you know what the really want to see don't you?"
"Your cunt with your legs spread," I replied.
"MMMmmmmm... you guessed. That's right. They want me to spread for them... to expose my cunt and tits... to lie back and let them fuck your wife." Nadia leaned back atop the TV, spread wide open and exposed her cunt for my pleasure. God... so damn hot.
"I want you to fuck me right here in the den. In fact, I want it right now while I'm lying on the TV set. Come on, Stud. Fuck your hot slut."
"I'm going to," I replied, "but not until you answer some questions for me. Ok?"
"What do you want to know, Baby? Just ask and I'll tell you all the hot details."
I took a deep breath and began. "I love the new you... the sex for the last month as been my biggest fantasy for years, but I never thought that I would ever live to enjoy it."
"I'm sorry about that, Honey. I was such a prudish bitch. That's never going to be the case again. I promise."
"Thank you! I absolutely love that. I have just one question. I know you're having sex with Kent all the time. I just don't understand how you can be hot as fire when he's screwing you at least several times a week. How can that be?"
At this point, Nadia came over and sat on my lap, pressing her big tits into my face and grinding her naked cunt against my erection without letting me penetrate her cunt. "What makes you think Kent is fucking me?"
"Lots of things. He fondles you and finger fucks your pussy at breakfast almost everyday for one thing."
"Oh... you were spying. You hot sexy bastard. We thought you were busy reading the newspaper."
"That's what you were supposed to think. I cut a small hole in it so I could see you but you couldn't see that I was watching."
"Now that's really sneaky. Did it turn you on to see Kent finger fucking me... making me cum right there at the table?"
"I came in my pants a couple of times watching I got so hot."
"Really? You really shot off in your pants."
"Yes. I couldn't help it. It was too hot."
"Ooohhh fuck!" my wife moaned as her pussy contacted against my hard cock. "That really is erotic to imagine. You shooting in your pants. So you think he must be fucking me just because I let him feel me up... is that it?"
"No... there's more. I've come home early a half dozen times and hid in Susan's room. On four occasions during the last two weeks, you came home early and the two of you went to his room where you fucked for almost two hours."
Nadia grinned and then laughed. "Did you actually see me?" she asked.
"Well, once I did. Sort of."
"What does 'sort of' mean?"
I described how I hid in the woods and watched through the curtains but couldn't see all that clearly.
"And what about the other occasions?" she asked.
"They had the shutters closed and I couldn't see anything. But I could hear you moaning and begging him to fuck you harder...deeper."
"How do you know it was me?"
"It sounded like your voice."
"Honey, you don't have that much experience with women. All women sound the same when they're being fucked by a big dicked stud and are about to cum."
"Are you telling you haven't had sex with Kent?"
"That's what I'm telling you. I have never had sex with Kent, and that's the truth. The women you've seen him with are girls he knows at college. He brings them over here for sex after I get him so hot he can't stand the pressure any longer. That's why I'm so hot for sex with you all the time. I'm not getting any from Kent and he gets me hot as fire in the morning playing with my cunt and tits."
"But I don't understand. Don't you want him to fuck you? Why do you let him make you cum at the breakfast table?"
"Well, here's the story. And it's the truth. The first day he moved in, we played around and I got hotter and hotter and hotter. Finally, he had me on fire and knew I was ready to fuck. He told me to follow him to his bedroom if I wanted his cock. He was walking toward his room and I was right behind, and you came home early before we made it to his bedroom. If you had come home five minutes later, you would have caught us fucking in his room."
"I never realized that. But why didn't you fuck him on other occasions?"
"That close call really scared me. I love you and don't want to lose you. I know you have a lot of free time and could come home at any time if you want to. So, I told Kent we could play around when it was when you have your nose buried in the newspaper at breakfast... or when we're home alone, but we can't have sex when there's a chance you might come home and catch us."
I nodded, my mouth open in stunned amazement. Nadia continued: "So, you can figure out the rest. We tease each other and play around. I get hot as fire and sex between us has been incredible. I never realized before what a superb lover you are, which is no one's fault but mine. I was just too prudish. It took a young stud to loosen me up. Kent has been going crazy to fuck me, but I won't spread for him. So, he brings girls here to work off his sexual frustrations on them... or in them, I guess I should say. Naturally, he doesn't tell them that."
"I guess I understand. I'm sorry I misread the situation, but I just love the fact that you love me and didn't want to lose me. There's no chance of that. You're the love of my life, and for the last month, I've been in heaven with the new sexual you."
Nadia kissed me with passion. When the kiss ended, I said, "I have one more question. Did you just plan to keep this up indefinitely? Wasn't Kent ever going to get into you?"
My wife lapsed into silence for a long time... so long, in fact, that I became worried. "Did I say something wrong. Did I make you mad?"
"Oh no... NO! Not at all. I'm just afraid to answer you for fear that you won't want me as your wife any longer."
"Look. You know that's not going to happen. I thought you and Kent had been screwing each other for the last month, and I never, ever considered leaving you. It turns out I was wrong, but the fact is that I'm not leaving you because Kent turns you on. Other women turn me on too. I'm just not sexy enough to attract them like you can attract men. So you can answer without any worry."
"Ok. The answer is that I told Kent he could fuck me as much as he wanted when there was no chance that you might come in unexpectedly and catch us."
"And when was that supposed to happen. I might come home at any time. My job is very flexible as you know."
"The first time it will happen is when you go to the San Francisco conference to present your paper reporting the proof of your central theorem. I've told Kent he can sleep with me and fuck me anytime he wants while you're gone. There! I've said it! Now you know."
"Why wait? Now that you know I'm Ok with this. Why not fuck him tomorrow?"
"Because I'm enjoying teasing him enormously. And the truth is that I've discovered that my husband is better lover than Kent by far... so I'm not that wild to fuck him. It will be fun, of course, but not as hot as it is with you."
"Since you haven't let him screw you yet, how can you be that sure that I'm a better lover?"
"You really pump a girl for all her secrets don't you. Aren't you going to allow me to keep any secrets?"
"No. Tell me, you hot slut."
"First, you get me hotter when you play with my tits and pussy. Second, you finger fucking technique is far superior to Kent's. He's just a young boy... you're an experienced man. Third, I cum twice as hard and twice as much when you eat me than I do when Kent does."
" you have let Kent eat your pussy?"
"Yes... quite a few times. Does that make you mad?"
"No. But it does make me hard as stone.t When we finish talking, you aren't going to believe how hard you're going to be fucked tonight. Go on."
"Ooohh shit," my wife moaned... her hands moving between her thighs over her pussy.
"Quit playing with yourself and continue."
"You hot bastard! All right. Fourth, I had 15 different men before we got married. Some young studs... just like Kent. Once I quit being a prude and let you fuck me and make love to me like the man you are, I discovered that you are twice as good as any man I've ever had. Now are you satisfied knowing how much of a slut your wife really is?"
For an answer, I carried my wife into the master bedroom. The clock on the wall read 10 PM. At 2 AM, Nadia was having still another climax. Three huge loads of cum filled her cunt and asshole and I was close to shooting the fourth load in her convulsing vagina. She would beg me to stop... I fucked her harder... finally, she would beg me not to stop.
It was nearly 3 AM when we were sated. We were in spoon position, my cock still inside her pussy, as I whispered how much I loved and adored her. Just before we collapsed in an exhausted sleep, my wife whispered in my ear, "I won't let Kent fuck me while you're in San Francisco. You're all the man I need."
I whispered back, "You most certainly will spread for that young man while I'm gone... just like you promised. I have no intention of being married to a prick tease. Understand?"
"Yes Sir. Whatever my darling stud husband wants," my wife said with a sly smile.
San Francisco Trip:
My husband's plane was scheduled to leave at 9 AM, Sunday morning. The schedule would get him to the conference hotel in time for the mixer that evening. It would also allow him to get a good night's sleep before the five-day conference began Monday morning with the Plenary Lecture. Cordell's invited hour lecture was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. It was a toss up as to who was more nervous, my husband, Kent, or me.
Late Saturday night, Cordell had me in bed. He had already fucked me once and was slowly and sensuously moving his reawakening cock in and out of my very wet and receptive vagina.
"Are you sure about my having sex with Kent while you're gone?" I asked. "I can tell him I've changed my mind. He's young. He'll get over it in a just a few days."
I felt Cordell's cock stiffen and throb inside my pussy when I asked the question. "I'm absolutely certain. The thought of him fucking you is going to keep me hot all week. Just don't abandon me for him, and I would prefer that you not tell him that I know."
Locking my legs around my husband's hips, I squeezed his newly hardened cock with my pussy. He moaned, and I loved it! "I'm not going to tell him. I don't want him all over me all the time after you return. And you don't have to worry... I'm not leaving a brilliant and sensuous hot Stud for a boy... not even a boy with a big cock."
"He's big huh?"
"Oh yeah... he's really big. Do you want me to call it off?"
"Don't you want to see how his big cock feels inside your cunt?"
I hesitated, but there was no need. My husband knew very well that I wanted it. "Oh yes. I can hardly wait," I finally replied.
"Do you think he'll fuck you much?"
"I think, dear Husband, that he's going to fuck me constantly the entire time your in San Francisco. Does that bother you a lot? Want me to call it off?"
"No. I want you to enjoy his big cock. Will you call me and tell me how it's going?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Oh yes. Every chance you get."
"Mmmmmm... you're hard as stone again... come on, Stud. Fuck me? Give it to me harder. Shoot another load up your slutty wife's cunt, Baby."
On Sunday morning, Cordell was packing his bags in our bedroom when I came in and sat down on the side of the bed. He didn't a double take when he saw the low-cut neckline of my tan sweater, the short black mini-skirt, the hot thigh-high stockings, and the gold heels I was wearing. I leaned back on the bed and thrust my big tits at him.
"Oh fuck!", he moaned. "You look incredible. Is all this in honor of my leaving?"
"What do you think?" I teased.
"I think not. I think it's for your young stud who's probably going to be in you before I get to the airport. Will he?"
"I think so. He tried to fuck me yesterday afternoon he was so hot."
"What's under the skirt?" my husband asked, the bulge at his crotch getting bigger by the second.
"Just a leopard-skin thong and my bra."
"Oh god. Show me!"
"Love to." I leaned back on the bed supporting myself on my elbows and raised my feet up onto the surface of the bed. As my husband squeezed his cock, I opened my steepled knees and let him see the thong pulled into my ass crack and just barely managing to cover my cunt. "Well... do you think Kent will like it?"
"If he doesn't, call me, and I'll come back."
"I don't think that will be necessary, Honey."
As I stood in the doorway watching my husband's car backing out of our driveway and waving goodbye to him, Kent was standing behind me out of Cordell line of sight with his hand under my mini-skirt caressing my ass and letting his fingers trace back and forth over the crotch of my thong. With each pass, his fingers forced the material further and further into the folds of my pussy. It was torture keeping my hips still so Cordell wouldn't realize that I was already getting it before his car was even out of the driveway.
As soon as his car moved down the street toward the freeway to the airport, Kent spun me around and kissed me, his tongue driving deep inside my mouth which opened wide to receive it.
"Oh god... I've got to fuck you. You're driving me crazy. Here... right here... on the floor... NOW!" Kent groaned.
"Wait. Stop!" I ordered. His face fell. "We can't do it yet. My husband might have forgotten something and could come back. We have to wait until he's boarding his plane. Come on. Show some patience. We've got the rest of the week."
Kent looked to me as if he were in pain. His erection looked huge! And as I watched, it throbbed and pulsed inside his pants like a huge, love snake... writhing... twisting... struggling to get out and get into me. It was getting me so hot just watching his cock throbbing, I wasn't sure I would be able to wait either.
"OOHHH... Jezzz... you have no idea how hot I am for you," Kent moaned.
"I think I have a pretty good idea. Just hold it until I can confirm that Cordell is boarding his plane."
"All right... Damn! At least spread your legs and let me see what's under that skirt."
Smiling seductively, I crooked my finger at the desperate young stud and said, "Follow me, Honey. Let's go to my bedroom."
"We're going to do it in your bedroom?" Kent gasped. He had assumed we would go to his.
"Don't you want to fuck me in the same bed where my husband screws me? Doesn't it excite you to think about screwing a married woman's cunt in her own bed?"
"AAAHHHHhhhhh... I'm about to cum," Kent moaned as he squeezed his cock to hold back the imminent explosion of cum.
"Do I have to wear a condom?" he asked.
"You can wear one if you like. That's up to you. I get to decide if you get to fuck me. And I've decided... the answer is yes. After I say 'yes', then you get to decide where I get it, when I get it, how often it sinks into me, and where I have to take your big cum loads."
"Ooohhhhhhhhhh!" Kent moaned. I didn't think he would be able to hold off cumming, but somehow, he managed it.
Inside the bedroom, I laid down on the bed, pulled my skirt up around my hips, raised my legs, and spread wide open. I had my legs rigid and pointed straight out to the sides. The position completely opened my thong-covered cunt to Kent's view. "Like the way I look, Honey? Am I slutty enough to interest you?"
"Oh fuck! OH Fuck! OH FUCK! Show me your tits. Pull down your sweater. Let me see you big tits. And take off that damn thong so I can see your hot cunt," he demanded. "You said I get to decide things so show it all to me. NOW!"
Quickly I yanked the sweater down releasing my tits. Raising my ass from the bed, I stripped the thong over my ass and down my thighs, keeping my legs wide open as I did so. When it was off, I posed with my legs up and open, my cunt on full display. Kent was jerking his cock through his pants now.
"Take that big thing out, Honey, and bring it over here so I can get a really good look at it."
Kent set a world record for getting his pants off and his cock out. He moved closer, thrust his cock right at my face. It was just huge... even bigger than I had imagined. I felt my vagina throb in repeated contractions in anticipation. My brain wanted to wait until I was certain that Cordell would not return to the house, but my cunt wanted that cock.
Finally, Kent was begging. "Oh please, Nadia. I've waited a month. I want to shoot my first load in your pussy, not all over the floor. Please let me fuck me fuck you."
Smiling to myself, I thought, "That's the difference between a boy and a real man like my husband. Cordell would just take off his belt and give me one warning... either spread my legs and get into female fucking position or else! Kent's solution to his problem is to beg me. I was sure I was going to enjoy the week, but there was no way I would be leaving Cordell for Kent."
"I'll call him on his cell. If he's about to board the plane, my pussy and every thing else is all yours."
I dialed my husband's number. He answered on the second ring. "Hi. Did you make it safely to the airport?"
"I did. I'm in the waiting area now. Already cleared security. They said the plane would board in 15 minutes." There was a pause, and then my husband asked, "What's happening?"
"Don't worry. Every thing here is going just like we expected. I'm fine."
"Has he fucked you yet?"
"No. I haven't gotten around to that yet. You just left."
"He's with you?"
"Yes. I promise I will get that done today."
"Are you naked?"
"Not quite... almost. I'm about ready to get started."
"Is he hard?"
"Oh yes. Very much so. I really do miss you already."
"Why did you call? Are you still making him wait."
"Yes. That's right. I think I need to go, Honey. I have a lot of things that need my attention right now. Have a great flight!"
I clicked the cell phone shut and stripped off the remainder of my clothes. Turning onto my hands and knees, I lowered my head to the bed, spread my knees wide, and slid my hand between my spread thighs to my cunt. I pried it open with my fingers and moaned, "Come on, Kent. I'm all yours. Come fuck me! Shoot that big load up my hot cunt. By the way, I stopped taking my birth control pills, but I think I'm safe. Do you want to use a condom or take a chance on breeding me, Honey?"
It wasn't a question about which I was uncertain of his answer. A few seconds later, I had a wildly randy and excited male body mounted on me and a second after that my cunt was speared with a huge male organ that slugged into the bottom of my hole. Kent held my hips and fucked me like a wild stallion.
Again and again, he hammered his rod into and out of my squishing cunt hole. I thought he would cum instantly, but the boy had more staying power than I had given him credit for. Before he unleashed his powerful spew of semen into me, my pussy erupted in a series of intense spasms. "OOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh... give it to me!! Hard! FUCK MY CUNT, KENT. I'M CUMMINGGGG..........AAAHHHHHHH... YOU'RE MAKING ME CUMMMMMMMMMM!!"
Kent's rod contracted in hard spasms deep inside my vagina. On every contraction, a thick jet of male juice shot into my hole. He seemed to have an endless supply as the load continued to fill me until it was spurting out between his surging cock and the lips of my pussy. He continued to stroke in and out of my pussy for several minutes... his cock twitching and spurting. Finally, he collapsed over my back, and we both fell to the bed.
The fucking was almost continuous all day. I lost count of the number of times I came as well as the number of cum loads that Kent pumped into my cunt. Finally, at 5 PM, I called a halt.
"I'm starved. We need to stop for awhile. My pussy is getting sore and my stomach thinks my throat must be cut. Come on, Lover. I'm going to take a shower and get dressed. I'll fix us some dinner while you shower and dress."
"I'd rather fuck you some more," Kent protested.
"After dinner, Honey. You don't want me to faint from hunger. I'm a much better fuck when I'm conscious."
An hour or so later, I was fixing us a nice dinner... steak, fries, tomatoes, a salad, and fruit for dessert. Kent came in and spent half the time helping me set the table and the other half feeling my ass, tits, and cunt.
We almost made it to the dinner table, but just as I sat down, Kent was standing beside me with his pants open and his hard erection sticking in my face.
"Suck me, Nadia. I want to shoot a load down your throat before we eat. Please. It won't take long for you get me off, I'm so damn hot for you."
Again, I wished he would just order me to open my mouth and stick his cock in rather than beg. But, eventually he would learn... at least I hoped so. "Ok... come here, Baby. Give that big fuck stick to momma... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..., " I groaned around the big shaft as it pushed into my mouth.
Gradually, I sucked in more and more but he was so thick, it was impossible for me to deep throat him. Finally, he was hammering five inches in and out of my mouth while holding the back of my head. True to his word, he shot a stream of semen down my throat after I had sucked him for about five minutes.
After we had eaten and cleared the table, Kent spent the time stripping me naked while I tried to put the dishes into the dishwasher. We finished out tasks about the same time, and this time, he didn't ask or beg. He just put me on the kitchen table on my stomach, pulled my hips high, and nailed his cock into my wet cunt.
"Ohhhh yesss! Like that, Honey. Fuck my hot hole, Stud. Give it to me!" I wailed in helpless passion as the young stud took me like a whore. As his rod rammed in and out of my upturned cunt, the cell phone rang.
"Forget it. Keep fucking!" Kent demanded.
"I need to answer it. It might be my husband. Wouldn't you enjoy fucking me while I'm talking to my husband on the phone?"
Judging from the way Kent's cock jerked and throbbed inside my pussy, I knew the thought really excited him. "Yeah... Oh YEAH! Answer it while if fuck you!" he ordered.
Flipping open my cell, I checked caller-ID and saw that it the call was from Cordell. "It's from my husband, Honey. Be quiet. Fuck me, but don't say anything. Ok?"
"Ok. Just keep your hot ass up in the air for me, Baby."
"Hi, Honey. Did you flight arrive safely?"
"Yep! I'm in my hotel room now. Every thing going Ok?"
"Absolutely... I'm getting a lot... eh... getting a lot done. I've got Kent cleaning my oven right now."
Oh god... I thought... and how he's cleaning it. The huge shaft was fucking the shit out of me. I wonder if Cordell could tell how hard I was being screwed.
My husband whispered in the phone, "Oh shit! Really? Is he fucking you right now?"
"Yeah. He is. Honest. He's bent over right now working hard to get into to all the places that really need cleaning. UUGGHH!"
"He hurt you?"
"No... I'm fine, Darling. Just coughed. No need for you to worry. Kent's here. He's helping me a lot. I fixed us dinner and then he went right to work cleaning my oven. I gotta go, Honey. Kent needs some help cleaning things out properly."
"Just tell me how many times he's fucked you today."
"We finished around 6, I think. It'll be 7 soon. I'll call you tomorrow while I'm at work. Good night, Honey... big kiss!"
I broke the connection, lowered my head to the table... and moaned, "Ooohhhhh that was so damn hot and dirty... fuck me you hot bastard... fuck my chating married cunt, Stud. Shoot me full... AAAahhhhhhhh....ooohhh fuckkk... cumminggg... You're making me cum!!"
Kent plowed in and out of my convulsing vagina until he had me howling and gasping for breath. Abruptly, he pulled his 8-inch thick spear out of my throbbing snatch as I begged him to put it back in. "Get on your back, Nadia. I'm going to fuck a big load up your cunt." He growled... no longer begging.
Rolling onto my back on the table, I jacked my legs up and pulled them back into female fucking position. "God... you look incredibly delicious and slutty," my young lover whispered as he nailed me to the table with his big whang.
"UUNNGGHHHH... More... More... FUCK ME MORE!!" I hissed in hot female heat, unable to suppress the throbbing need of my pussy.
Kent responded to my plea by driving his organ straight down into my waiting sex hole. Another wail of pleasure erupted from my lungs: "AAAHHHHHHHHHHhhh...!!!"
"I'm gonna shoot, Baby. Gonna cream your hot fuck hole!" Kent screamed with masculine authority. A moment later, he was ejaculating into his girl's hot cunt hole.
The next day at work and every work day thereafter, Kent had me meet him during the lunch hour. He parked our van on the top floor of the parking garage which was almost always empty since there normally weren't enough cars to use the top floor. I would take the elevator to the top floor and hurry to the van. Kent was always waiting for me in the back seat.
As we had very little time, he would usually just strip off my skirt and panties and then bend me over the seat. Every noon hour that week I got doggy fucked in the back of our van that way. Occasionally, he would get me on my back and give it to me missionary or have me suck him off.
As soon as I got home from work, the sex play and eventually the fucking would begin again. About the middle of the week, I decided not to tell Cordell how hard and how often Kent was screwing me. My husband is a very confident man, but there's a limit to what any man's ego can take.
Cordell Returns:
After my lecture on Wednesday, I decided to stay for the sessions on Thursday, but then skip the meeting on Friday and fly home. Nadia and Kent weren't expecting me until Saturday. So, my devious plan was to arrive Friday afternoon, get a room in a motel, and then call my wife on the cell phone to see when they were having sex. When they were, I planned to sneak back into the house and watch without them knowing I was watching.
It wasn't difficult to change my flight plans so at 8 AM on Friday, I was boarding the plane. With the two hour time loss, I figured to arrive home in mid-afternoon... plenty of time to collect my luggage, drive to a motel, have dinner, and then call my wife. I was already hard just thinking about what I might see.
I called at 8:45 PM, unable to wait any longer. I had to let the phone ring 6 times before my wife answer. She seemed out of breath. "Hi. Just checking in. I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. Is every thing ok?"
"Aahhh yeah... I was running the vacuum cleaner and didn't hear the phone. Sorry. I'm really busy right now... I'll call you back later. Ok?"
"Is he fucking you?" I whispered low enough so that Kent would be unable to hear what I was saying.
"Yes... Yes... hard.. very hard work running the vacuum cleaner. We need to get a smaller one. These big cleaners really use all of a girl's energy to handle. Talk to you later."
I was out of the motel room and into my car in a flash. Ten minutes later, I was unlocking the back door of our house and sneaking in through the utility room. The house was dark except for the night lights along the floorboards and from the light coming from the master bedroom. They had left the door wide open as there was no need to close it.
I could hear my wife screeching in hot female passion even from the utility room. Her shrieks of pleasure were coming in bursts... "AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII... AAEEIII..." Obviously, she was shrieking every time Kent's big cock pounded into her cunt.
Taking off my shoes, I carefully walked down the hallway to the open door of the master bedroom. Kent had my wife on her hands and knees in the center of the bed. Nadia's head rested on the bed with her ass and hips arched as high as she could get them. He was mounted on her with his body held above her hips so he could drive his big prick straight down into her cunt.
I suddenly realized that in that position, it would be difficult to penetrate my wife's cunt. On the other hand, fucking her ass would be facilitated. I looked more closely at their coupled loins... and without a doubt, Kent was ass fucking my wife. No wonder she was howling and screaming as that huge phallus stretched her asshole into a big hole that didn't come close to closing when he occasionally pulled out of her to enjoy the erotic site of my wife's gaping asshole.
He would pull out, and grin at the huge gaping hole, and then slam his prick back into the hole causing grunts and moans of pleasure from my wife who was frantically working her fingers over her engorged clitoris. She seemed to be having a near continuous series of climaxes.
Kent ass fucked her for at least 15 minutes before he asked, "Are you ready for a big cum load up your hot ass, Baby?"
"Ohhhh yeah... shoot it to me, Stud. Hammer it in deep, and pump me full of your hot cum load."
"Ooohhh YEAH!" Kent howled with total male authority. "HERE IT CUMS, HONEY. TAKE MY BIG LOAD!" Even from my position, I could see Kent's buttocks clenching again and again as he injected jet after jet of cum into Nadia's waiting ass. About a minute later, his thrusts slowed... then they stopped, but he kept his rod inside my wife's ass for another minute before he slowly withdrew. As his cock exited, it was followed by a thick, river of cum that ran from my wife's dilated asshole and formed a long cum rope that hung downward from her cunt and swung back and forth in the air before it eventually broke and fell to the bed.
I retreated to Susan's room and hide while the rested and cleaned up. It was about 30 minutes later when I again heard the sounds of kissing and contented female moans coming from our bedroom. Slipping out of hiding place, I once more approached the open doorway. Both Kent and Nadia were totally naked. They stood beside the couch, embracing and kissing. Her hands explored his muscular body; his hands played with her delectable curves and hot ass.
They continued this way for quite awhile until finally Kent pulled back and I could see he was hard again. "Get on the couch, Nadia. On your back so I can fuck you."
My wife obeyed immediately. Lying back, she raised her legs straight up into the air, spread them wide, and whispered, "I'm ready for it, Stud. Come get on me. Get in me. Fuck my hot married cunt, Lover."
It wasn't necessary to ask him twice. He moved into my wife's sex saddle as her hand wrapped around his sex gun and adjusted it against her cuntal opening. His hips snapped forward, my wife groaned, and the cock sank out of sight into her hot fuck hole.
I was unable to see his cock pumping in and out of my wife's vagina because his body blocked my view, but the jerking motions of my wife's feet up in the air announced clearly every time the big cock thudded into the bottom of her cunt. It that wasn't enough of a clue, my wife's incessant moans and howls of pleasure gave even more evidence of the fact she was being fucked by a big-cocked, hot stud.
Before I made my way back to the motel, I watched my wife riding his huge prick. Her back was facing me and this time, I could easily see the thick phallus as it pumped in and out of the wet, eager pussy. At first, I tried to count the number of times my wife came, but it was so many that I quickly lost the count. I could, however, count the number of loads Kent shot into my wife. One had gone into her ass when I first saw them. Two more were pumped into her bottom of her cunt, and as she rode his dick, I was certain that a third would very shortly be pooling up against her womb.
Cordell's Homecoming:
Around mid-afternoon the next day, I drove into my driveway. Nadia rushed out to meet me with open arms. As soon as I was out of the car, she was in my arms, hugging me, planting wet kisses all over my face and mouth, her mound grinding furiously against my now erect cock.
"Oh god... missed you and your wonder cock, Honey. I sent Kent away. Let's go to bed. I want your cock buried in my pussy."
"Was Kent any good in bed?" I asked, pretending that I didn't already know the answer. My wife surprised me.
"Oh yeah. He's really good. Big cock... hard as stone. He can get it up a lot and I got really screwed royally this last week. He even screwed my ass. So from now on, you can have my ass anytime you want it. I'm sorry I withheld it from you before. That's never going to happen again. I promise."
"If he was that good, I'm worried that you won't be satisfied with my smaller cock."
"Bull Shit! Seven inches is not that much smaller than 8 inches. And besides, you're a far better lover than Kent. He's enthusiastic. He makes me cum a lot, but not with the intensity I feel when you're giving it to me. He's just a boy... a hot sex toy that I really enjoyed, but you're my man... my stud... the climaxes I have with you are far more satisfying than the ones I had with Kent. But it was nice to have a change...some variety."
"Now that he's fucked you, will he be doing you regularly?"
"Absolutely not! That's why I didn't tell him that you know. I wanted a way to shut him off without hurting his feelings. I've told him that the same rules apply. As long as there's any possibility that you might come home and catch us, we can't have sex. Only when you're some place like San Francisco can we do it. Now tell me about the conference. How was your lecture and proof received?"
"It was unbelievable... really it was. Wednesday night and all day Thursday, it was the only thing the conferees were discussing. I've had two editors of major journals ask me to please submit the full paper to their journals for publication. I've also had invitations to present seminars at no less than four major universities over the next three months. I'm sure other invitations will be coming as well."
"Does that mean you'll have to leave town once a month or so in the future?"
"I guess it does. I can't turn down invitations from such prestigious universities," I said with a knowing smile.
"Do you think you can find something to do when I have to be out of town?"
"I'm sure I'll think of something, Lover.
8 years ago