How my high school bully humiliated me for good.
Well, in high school, i got bullied a lot, as you may have guessed. Halfway through my sophopmore year, a k** transferred over to our school who became my constant bully from when he came to when i finally graduated... he set sights on me really quick, and chose me to harass and humiliate at every given chance.. He probably would have stopped at some point, but i think i became too much fun for him, because my strategy with bullies was always just to do whatever they told me to instead of fighting back... I was just too afraid to stand up to them at all, and i figured if i did what they said and gave them what they want, maybe theyd get bored and leave me alone... well, turns out that the opposite was pretty much true.. when he saw that id do the things he told me to, he pretty much made it his mission to humiliate me as much as possible. He was actually almost a year younger than me, but he was much much stronger and more developed. he looked like a grown man, and i was stuck seeming prepubescent in every way... hed regularly call me the usual names, faggot, queer, cocksucker, you know. but one day, he came up with a name for me, that he ended up referring me to as from then on. Princess Pussypants. often times hed pin me down, or put me in a headlock, or a full nelson, and hed keep me like that until i obeyed him to his satisfaction, usually it was making me say really embarassing things, like having to shout out "my name is princess pussypants" or things of that nature... One time, near the end of junior year, after i was already long established as his favorite wimp to bully, he and one of his friends did something that far surpassed all the other things... it was after swim PE, so i was just wearing my swim trunks, and i was in the locker room, and he came up behind me and held me in a full nelson, and told me to tell him my name... pretty much the whole pe class was watching me at this point, so i resisted him for a while, and i didnt say it... finally, i said for him " my name is princess pussypants", and he told me i had to say it louder, so i kinda shouted, "my name is princess pussypants!" and right as i finished saying it, one of his friends came behind me, and while i was still incapacitated, he yanked my swim trunks all the way down to my feet, and left me with my embarrassing little penis fully visible to all the other boys... it didnt help that I was completely hairless, and though i was tiny regardless, this was after swim PE, so i had some shrinkage, and i was totally soft... basically, everyone saw me with a bald little dick, less than an inch long, and a tiny shriveled up little sack beneath it... Needless to say, i was mortified, as everyone started laughing and pointing... he released me from the hold to look around at what everyone was laughing at, and determined not to let him get a good look, i reached down, scrambling to pull my trunks back up... now, i forgot that he was already behind me, so i basically bent over with my bare ass facing him. he shouts out "ew, im not gonna fuck you pussypants!" and pushes down on my shoulders, knocking me off balance, and resulting in me falling onto my back, while still exposed... everyone laughed even harder as i fell down, my tiny thing bouncing around for all the bigger, more developed boys to see. that gave him a chance to get a good look at it too. From then on, it wasnt long at all before the boys in the locker room had gossipped to everyone, and the entire school knew i had a humiliatingly tiny little penis... From then on, he bullied me every day, and i would just obey him and do whatever it was he was telling me to do, because hed always threaten to pull down my pants and show everyone my "baby weiner" again... I remember a time not long after that, where he held me up within sight of a group of the most popular and attractive girls in school, and he made me shout out loud enough to get their attention "my name is princess pussypants!" and i remember the girls looking over at me, and laughing then talking to themselves, and it really felt like they were thinking/saying something along the lines of "wow, what a wimp, letting a bully walk all over him like that... no wonder he has such a tiny little dick and balls"
8 years ago