Part 2: A Slut is Born

Shortly after I left home for college, I let my inner nymphomaniac loose and went wild! Okay, it wasn't like I banged the first ten guys I saw on the front lawn of the campus the minute I arrived, but it happened sooner than you might think.

Initially, my Dad wanted me to live in a small, secured all girl dormitory on campus. But I intentionally sent in my application for student housing late so the girls dorm was filled to capacity by that time and I was “forced” to share a room in a large coed dormitory instead. Heh, heh, sorry Dad! Gotta spread my legs...I mean, “wings”.

Because I was from out of state, I was allowed to move in on a Friday. The dorm itself was rather unassuming. The even numbered floors were for the girls and the odd numbered floors were for the guys. Each floor had it's own shower/bathroom facility and a common area.

On my first night, there were only couple dozen students in the entire building and just two other girls on my floor. I thought to myself, “This isn't so bad, my Dad might actually approve of me living in this dorm.” Famous last words...

The next morning, the dorms officially opened and a SHIT LOAD of people began to move in. What I thought would be a quiet dorm turned into utter chaos. There were people and boxes moving everywhere. Then the music started pumping, followed by cases of beer and hard liquor being trucked in, and next thing I knew, I was smack dab in the middle of “party central”. I was so scared to leave my room, I just curled up, hid under my sheets, and didn't move the whole night.

Total culture shock for me. It actually crossed my mind to call my Dad and say, “Dad, get me a taxi and an airline ticket, NOW! You were right, I'm heading back home and I'm never leaving again, I promise!” It also didn't help that my roommate didn't show up until a couple days later. So I was both scared and lonely.

By Sunday, it got a lot quieter. There were some students still moving in but most of the other students were asleep and hung over. Aside from going to the cafeteria and using the bathroom, I really didn't venture out much during the first two days. But now that things appeared to be “normalizing”, I decided to see if I could meet some of the other girls on my floor.

So, I made my way to the common area, thinking that there should be several girls there that I could talk to. Instead, I only found about a dozen guys hanging out and drinking beers. Even though this was a lot mellower crowd compared to Saturday night, it really didn't help me much. I wasn't used to being with just guys and more so with guys I don't know. But at the same time, I didn't want to be know as a “prude” or a “nun”. So I walked to the nearest sofa and just sat there, nervous as hell.

A few moments later, one of the guys sat down next to me and handed me a beer. I didn't want to be a noob, so I smiled, held my breath and proceeded to chug half the bottle of beer. Keep in mind that this was my very first taste of beer or alcohol of any kind. I thought it tasted like shit and nearly gagged! Then came the loudest burp a 4'10, 80 pound girl has ever made. Oh my God, I thought I was going to die! Everyone was shocked at first by the sound I made, then they started laughing. I literally sunk into my seat and dropped my head into my lap.

Fortunately, the guy who gave me the beer said to me, “That was the cutest burp I have ever heard.” I was still embarrassed but it helped break the ice for me. We started talking and I eventually managed to drink another beer. Which still tasted like shit, but probably wasn't the wisest move on my part, because by then I was pretty wasted.

The next thing I knew, I was in my bed making out with this guy and I didn't even know his name! Up until then, I'd never kissed a guy before except on the cheek. But now I'm kissing a hot guy, or at least what I though was a hot guy at the time (alcohol does that to you), right on the lips. And then he stuck his tongue in my mouth. I wasn't sure what to do so I did what came naturally, I sucked on it. He then started to swirl it, so I began swirling the tip of my tongue all around his. When he pulled his tongue back, I immediately shoved my tongue into his mouth. I was so fucking turned on, I swear my panties were getting soaked.

My hands then dropped below his waist and did something I've always wanted to do (and it's probably not what you're expecting). I put both of my hands on his butt and dug my fingers into the crease at the bottom of each cheek. I think it surprised him a little because he arched his back and lifted his chest off of me. I guess he also thought I was signaling him that I was in the mood for more because he used this opportunity to remove his shirt as well as both my blouse and bra. Holy shit, my nipples were hard like pebbles, I just wish he had sucked on them.

But that didn't matter because he then sat up and dropped his shorts to the ground. When he did that, his cock shot straight up like it was on a spring. Whoa! It was super duper hard. My eyes were totally fixated on it. That was the first cock I had ever seen and it was staring straight at me. That was so HOT!

He then reached down into his shorts and pulled out a condom. Thank God at least he remembered! I was so turned on and ready for his cock, I probably would have let him fuck me without it.

Thinking back on it now, I can totally understand how some girls get pregnant. It's not so much the inconvenience of putting on some sort of protection or the condom breaking. It's just that you get so caught up in the moment, your mind goes totally blank and you don't care what might happen later. You're just dying to get his cock inside of you so he can shoot his sperm and put out that fire that's raging deep in your pussy. And if he's good and makes you cum hard, that's it, game over...YOU'RE HOOKED! That's what happened to me! It's almost like a d**g, you're constantly chasing the excitement and the feel of that first orgasm. No matter how much you tell yourself that you want to stop and stay a virgin, once your mind has past all of your rational thought processes and is veering past the point of no return, there's absolutely nothing to stop you from yelling, “Yes, yes, yes...oh shit, YES...YEEEEEEEES! OH GOD, DON'T STOP! YES, YES! DON'T STO...AAAAAAHHHHHH! (followed by a short high pitched scream, then holding your breath for what feels like an eternity, and...) OOOOOOhhh.” I should know, those were the exact words that came out of my mouth.

To this day, I still can't believe those words came out of my mouth. Up until that night, I thought girls were just supposed to moan or something. Who would have thought all that came out of a tiny Asian wallflower. No one would have believed it...unless they were there.

And from what I was told over the course of the next week, just about everyone in the dorm heard it loud and clear. That's what happens when you have a mind blowing orgasm at about 10:15 pm when just about everyone was still up. I nearly died from the embarrassment. Fortunately for me, it gave me instant notoriety and now every guy in the dorm wanted to meet me...and of course, fuck me, too. As soon as my cherry was popped that first weekend, there was no turning back for me. As they say, "Once you pop, you don't stop!"

One odd thing I'd like to mention about losing my virginity, just about every girl I talked to said that their first time was the most painful. But I didn't feel any pain whatsoever, I only felt pure toe curling ecstasy...followed by disappointment (as noted further below). Maybe because I used tampons instead of pads during high school, I stretched my vag/cherry out a little bit. I don't know. I was just happy to no longer be a virgin.

Aside from the guy remembering to put on a condom the night before, my other saving grace the next day was that my alarm clock was automatically set to go off. So at 6:30 am, I woke up feeling the most relaxed I had ever felt in my entire life. Had it not gone off, I probably would have slept until noon and miss my first class! However, I woke up alone in my bed. The guy who took my virginity must have snuck out when I passed out. But the least he could have done was throw away the empty condom wrapper, rather than leave it on the ground. Bastard!

After my first class, I went to the Student Health Center to see if I could pick up a box of condoms just in case the next guy I fuck wasn't as prepared as my first guy. Girl's gotta be prepared! When I asked the nurse at the counter for a box of condoms, she asked me, “Don't all the men's bathrooms in the dorms have condom dispensers on the wall?” I just gave her a weird inquisitive yet dumbfounded look on my face. No one ever told me these things. Damn it!

But before I left feeling like an idiot, the nurse asked if I was interested in any of the other types of birth control, namingly “the pill”. I raised my eyebrow as she peaked my interest. Apparently the pill is the easiest, effective, and most popular method of birth control on campus. All I needed was an exam, pay for the cost of the pills and I'm ready to go. Some of the other methods would require me to go to an off campus clinic to receive a procedure...shit that, I'll take the pill. Plus, I made sure they forwarded all bills, notices and statements directly to my dorm room. The last thing I needed was for my Dad to find out that his precious little daughter was on birth control and making preparations to have a lot of sex.

So by the end of my first week in college, I went from a naive virgin wallflower to a birth control pill popping, screaming slut in training. Thank God for the Student Heath Center, I could never have gotten the pill at home!

Unfortunately for first time users, the pill does takes a few days to weeks to build up in your system. Well, I wasn't about to wait, now that I've just cashed in on my newly found sexuality. So I did what worked the last time. I went to the commons, met a guy, made sure he carried a condom before I got drunk, had a beer or two (which, along with condoms, was also surprisingly available), went back to my dorm room and fucked the lucky guy.

However, like I mentioned earlier, if your first fuck is a total mind scrambler, there's no where else to go but down from there, at least for now. The sex during the rest of the week, to say the least. Because there weren't any pussy clenching screams, I felt a little disappointed.

I even tried to hook up with that first guy again, thinking that maybe he's a sexpert or something. All of his friends seemed to be treating him that way, because no one else had made a girl scream like that before. But after a second night of fucking and not so much as a peep out of me, he went from king no status. I'm not sure who was more shocked; him, me, or his friends. Still, it didn't stop me from fucking more guys, I was curious to discover what made me tick.

On a more positive note, one of the guys I met that week taught me how to give a blowjob. But what the bastard didn't tell me was that if the guy gets really excited, he is capable of shooting a thick wad of semen down the back of your throat. He also clenched both of his hands behind my head and held it in place so I couldn't pull my head away. Asshole! Fortunately for me, I just so happened to have my tongue pulled back at the precise moment he squirted his cum. If not for that, I probably would have choked on it. Instead, I ended up with a nice mouthful of thick warm cum.

I was about to spit it out but I remembered my friend telling me that guys get turned on when you swallow their cum and others considered the act of swallowing, the ultimate gesture of love. As far as I was concerned, I just wanted to get it out of my mouth. But there wasn't really anywhere in my dorm room to spit, unless I got up and ran to the toilet. So instead I held my breath, closed my eyes and gulped it down as quickly as I could. Yummy...not! I just wish someone told me that cum will coat your entire mouth and it will take several swallows to get rid of it all. Damn it!

By the second weekend, my roommate finally showed up. At least now I had someone I could readily talk to, but this also meant that I couldn't bring guys over to fuck whenever I felt like it. Actually, she nearly walked in on me while I was giving another guy a blowjob (practice makes perfect). So we came up with our own little system of signals. She would call my cell phone, let it ring twice and hang up if she was heading back to the dorm and was within a hundred feet of the building. Also, if she saw a sock on the door knob, that was the signal to knock first and wait a minute before opening the door to insure we had enough time to put our clothes back on. It was a little inconvenient, but it worked.

I loved the dorms, there was always someone around to fuck at any time of day. If memory serves me right, I fucked 61 different guys that first semester.
Published by yariman
8 years ago
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yariman Publisher 2 months ago
to AireyPorter : Glad you like them.  You won't be disappointed.
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AireyPorter 2 months ago
Wow ! Great honest and open tale of your first fuck(s).
I'll be back to read more of your other tales   😋
yariman Publisher 3 months ago
to roamingpirate : Glad you are enjoying them.  I'm guessing you've gone through a box of tissues by now.  LOL
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roamingpirate 3 months ago
Glad you have so many stories posted.  They're working for me, imagining a tight little lady like yourself working cock like a champ.
ropaul45 3 months ago
yariman Publisher 1 year ago
to littlestiffie : Yup, like a slut to sperm.
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littlestiffie 1 year ago
it seems like you took to sex like a duck to water - all your enthusiasm tells me there were some lucky guys in that dormitory !!
Tricia54 2 years ago
Great beginning 
yariman Publisher 2 years ago
Yeah, I kinda agree with you there.
blackspear91 3 years ago
So hot and wild.
pcm69 3 years ago
to yariman : definitely becoming fan of you. will read all your stories. not anal yet... too tight for BBC?  unfortunately not a BBC : (
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yariman Publisher 3 years ago
to pcm69 : Glad you liked it.  I know I enjoyed it happening to me.
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pcm69 3 years ago
great story
PornDumb 6 years ago
Imagine if you had not been willing to put yourself out there that first night!
cagedcuckold30 6 years ago
An absolutely wonder account of your early years!
n2oral 7 years ago
Your remark about forgetting condoms is true for guys as well. Many’s the time I had condoms but in the heat of the moment the urges to bury myself in a wet and ready vagina we just didn’t ever take the moment to get one out and put it on - sometimes the magnetism that draws penis to cunt is just tooo strong...
semenazo 7 years ago
Wow I wish I would have been there
dcthuginasuit 8 years ago
hobokeneddie 8 years ago
Great post. You are bright and articulate...and you're honest. A lot of guys wouldn't be able to handle you. I'm not BBC, so I probably wouldnt be able to play in your field, but I get it. I'm a self acknowledged man-whore.
yariman Publisher 8 years ago
You know, now that I think of it. A long time ago at a slumber party, we were talking with a girl who wasn't a virgin. I remember her saying that if a girl really loves her guy, she won't allow him to wear a condom. Not so that gets pregnant or anything. She's supposed to use spermicidal foam, cream or suppositories instead. This way she can feel the guy "shoot". Pretty crazy if you ask me. You gotta use protection that works, not sort of works.
allfantasies 8 years ago
Smoking hot post. Keep em (and us) cumming.
famlytree 8 years ago
Great story... College is the perfect place to spread your wings and learn how to fuck. er, Fly. That's what I meant, fly lol