Part 1: My “Good Girl” Years
I grew up as a "PK" or Pastor's k** and went to a private girls school all the way through high school. Yup, I even had to wear those stupid uniforms with the checkered skirts and matching tie. (For those of you with anime/hentai fetishes, NO, I will not dress up in a school girl uniform and I don't care how much you love Sailor Moon or Bible Black. I am not putting that shit on ever again! It brings back too many bad memories of growing up.)
As much as I love my Dad, he was just overly protective of me at times. No boyfriends, no dating, no sex, no nothing. But I did get to go out with my friends granted either my Mom or Dad was there to chaperone. Which explains why they didn't allow me to get my driver's license.
I think all of my Dad's fears stemmed from an incident that happened to another pastor's daughter. She got pregnant during her freshmen year in high school and they ended up home schooling her until her junior year. You'd think the girl learned her lesson the first time, but she went back to high school and half way through her junior year, she got pregnant again. Mother of two, from two different dads, and not even 18. Sad...
Like I said, I love my Dad and wouldn't do anything to embarrass him or his congregation. So, even though it drove me insane at times, I played the role of the “good girl” daughter (with a “sneaky” side as you'll read later). But in reality, compared to today, I was more than just a “good girl”, I was living a very sheltered life.
Back then, we only had basic cable for TV. My Dad was a tight wad and wouldn't let me watch anything even remotely raunchy. Any movie that I wanted to see in the theater or DVD that we rented had to be cleared by my Dad, first.
There weren't any smart phones at the time. The iPhone didn't come out until the summer after I graduated from high school. All I had was a tiny Nokia cell phone that only made Dad was too cheap to add texting to our plan. He was worried I'd send out a million texts and he'd have to file for bankruptcy when the bill came in.
Our home computer and my school laptop all had internet filters on them, so watching porn was out of the question. Aside from what little sex education we had at school and gossip among my friends, the closest thing I came to porn was going to a bookstore and thumbing through s*******n and Teen Vogue magazines for articles in the Love and Life sections.
My God, I just realized...I'm really showing my age.
During my senior year, my Dad pushed me to go to a tiny private college near our home. But seriously, that meant living at home and being under my Dad's ever watchful eye until I was...gasp!...22. So I had to come up with a legitimate excuse of why I couldn't attend this school. I was initially going to major in accounting but this school offered that program; however, they lacked an engineering program. So guess what I decided to major in? Yup, EE; even though I had no clue what an electrical engineer does other than work with electricity. But that was my ticket out of the house, off to another state, and more importantly, away from Mom and Dad.
(For those of you sick puppies out know who you are!...I will not talk about my sexual life prior to my college years. I was a virgin up until then...enough said.)
As much as I love my Dad, he was just overly protective of me at times. No boyfriends, no dating, no sex, no nothing. But I did get to go out with my friends granted either my Mom or Dad was there to chaperone. Which explains why they didn't allow me to get my driver's license.
I think all of my Dad's fears stemmed from an incident that happened to another pastor's daughter. She got pregnant during her freshmen year in high school and they ended up home schooling her until her junior year. You'd think the girl learned her lesson the first time, but she went back to high school and half way through her junior year, she got pregnant again. Mother of two, from two different dads, and not even 18. Sad...
Like I said, I love my Dad and wouldn't do anything to embarrass him or his congregation. So, even though it drove me insane at times, I played the role of the “good girl” daughter (with a “sneaky” side as you'll read later). But in reality, compared to today, I was more than just a “good girl”, I was living a very sheltered life.
Back then, we only had basic cable for TV. My Dad was a tight wad and wouldn't let me watch anything even remotely raunchy. Any movie that I wanted to see in the theater or DVD that we rented had to be cleared by my Dad, first.
There weren't any smart phones at the time. The iPhone didn't come out until the summer after I graduated from high school. All I had was a tiny Nokia cell phone that only made Dad was too cheap to add texting to our plan. He was worried I'd send out a million texts and he'd have to file for bankruptcy when the bill came in.
Our home computer and my school laptop all had internet filters on them, so watching porn was out of the question. Aside from what little sex education we had at school and gossip among my friends, the closest thing I came to porn was going to a bookstore and thumbing through s*******n and Teen Vogue magazines for articles in the Love and Life sections.
My God, I just realized...I'm really showing my age.
During my senior year, my Dad pushed me to go to a tiny private college near our home. But seriously, that meant living at home and being under my Dad's ever watchful eye until I was...gasp!...22. So I had to come up with a legitimate excuse of why I couldn't attend this school. I was initially going to major in accounting but this school offered that program; however, they lacked an engineering program. So guess what I decided to major in? Yup, EE; even though I had no clue what an electrical engineer does other than work with electricity. But that was my ticket out of the house, off to another state, and more importantly, away from Mom and Dad.
(For those of you sick puppies out know who you are!...I will not talk about my sexual life prior to my college years. I was a virgin up until then...enough said.)
8 years ago
Back then, I probably would have despised them, but look at me now...