First time I was spanked .

Ok my names Zoe now 20 yrs old .
The first time I experienced the sting of a spanking was at the age of ?? Pm me for that question lol
I was hiding in the bushes outside my future dad in laws study , I was at my s!sters boyfriends house just after she had first met him . Yes my s!ster did marry him some years after but so did I , yep that's not right we know , but we like it lol .

Anyway dad spanks naughty girls who have done bad things and this girl was one of them , she had a party and trashed the house ,
I watched her take her jeans off then dad pointed to her knickers and off they came too . She would be around 15/16 yrs old looking at her . Her dad was in the same room and she looked terrified .
She bent over touching her toes and dad didn't waste time ,
Crack crack crack crack crack crack , I counted six ,
I was stuck to the spot watching omg I'd never seen this "ever "
She rubbed her bottom Then
Six more landed .
He then put her over his desk , she stretched her arms out and then .
Omg twelve more strokes found their home across her bottom . I heard her crying after twelve , but by 24 she was sobbing very hard .

As she turned round and stood up " fucking h@ll her bottom was sooo striped " looked red and angry
I watched her and her dad leave the study , she was in tears ,
She had managed her knickers but her jeans were to tight .
I walked to the front door and saw them leaving , she was hugging her dad and crying like a baby , I could see her bottom was very sore looking with dark blue lines across both cheeks .

As I went in the house dad shouts , ZOE IN HERE NOW , omg what had I done ?

Seen you girl peeping thru the window in the bushes , do you know that's really private , you must not do that again , he was fuming omg was he .
I'm going sorry sorry sorry .
Girl your going to receive six of the best with the same cane .
Jeans and knickers off now .
Bend over and touch your toes . Don't move your hands or you get twelve strokes " gulp "
He was fuming mad
I was trembling like a jelly :(
I touched my toes shaking uncontrollably.
Fuck me the first one hit my bottom , the pain surged , my bottom , legs , tummy shook from the pain omg it hurt .
I got four in quick succession.
Now I was crying , sobbing from the horrendous pain shooting through my body .

Was told to brace myself for the last one as this will make your remember what you've done girl he said .
I stood bent over shaking , sobbing , crying trembling waiting for the last stroke .
OMG OMG OMG the wait was forever
BANG IT FOUND ITS HOME across my tender burning cheeks .
It lifted me onto my toes and I remember yelling out , the burning pain from that stroke still remains in my head today . God it hurt .
I found out later he had changed canes to a more vicious version , that's why I nearly fainted .

Stay bent over girl he said .
Then started rubbing cream into my bottom , it made the pain of burning tend to go slightly .
Then he touched my pussy omg omg a guy had never touched me there , I froze .
More to come :)
Zoe x

Published by nipkor
8 years ago
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The way,the truth,the path!!
SancheZ069 2 years ago
hot :smile:
xx1236 3 years ago
Pleasure usually followes ..!!
Whatever you got it wasn't enough.
You have never been spanked as hard as I'm going to spank you.
to nipkor : Guess what.  you and I are met to be together you little slut.
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Leomoore 3 years ago
Mm. Sounds good
to nipkor : It wasn't enough
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artherzod 3 years ago
Great read, leaving me wanting more. :smile:
to nipkor : You learned to be more naughty.
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nipkor Publisher 3 years ago
to ##deleted_60616 : I got six strokes of a junior rattan cane on my bare little bottom , stung like crazy . Six deep blue lines made walking hard never mind sitting . I've never forgot that day ? 
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Whatever you got I'm sure it wasn't enough.
Paul6748 3 years ago
to nipkor : Just paying attention ?
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nipkor Publisher 3 years ago
to Paul6748 : Your maths is quite good ? 
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Paul6748 3 years ago
That would make you 11/12? I'd recommend one lash for each year, especially as you continued to ask for it by finding (I'm sure) increasingly naughty things to get attention from Daddy!
lone_wolf763 4 years ago
dam that made me hard reading it
oldermale0303 4 years ago
Nice story
I think your friend deserved the cane as punishment for her naughty behaviour. I'm glad she received those painful strokes to her bare bottom and I hope she learned her lesson. I don't think your naughty behaviour actually warranted the cane though Zoe, as I believe that should be reserved for the most egregious rule violations, like trashing a house as your friend did. Had I been charged with punishing you, I would have probably administered either a leather strap or the paddle to your bare bottom instead. It matters little as both of you were properly punished and were taught a lesson. The ending is quite enticing as it sounds as though your pussy was about to receive some welcome attention from dad...      
Rooster60 4 years ago
Can't stop got to read more :smile:
sunny791 5 years ago
Ahh YES! xx
xander763 5 years ago
Very horny reading zoe xxx
SancheZ069 5 years ago
Hot :smile:
ct_switch 6 years ago
I was hoping you got turned on and asked for more whipping, and maybe took a turn or two at caning his naughty ass too! :wink:
meforu21 6 years ago
Dammmmmmmm don't stop.. keep going..
Bmw520iest 7 years ago
You cant leave us there, so many questions unanswered lol. But serves you right for spying on them. I bet your bottom was so soft before at that age (im only imagining how old). I hope you took to this in a sexual way after for first time. Great story as ever. Kisses for your red ass xx
dncntlvr 7 years ago
You deserved the spanking you received.
And you loved it too---you dirty filthy little teenage slut.
And you loved it even more when he touched your pussy.
What happened next, bitch?

catmanworld 8 years ago
:;) hmmm
Volfy 8 years ago
JUST when it gets interesting
nipkor Publisher 8 years ago
Still get spanked now 9 yrs later .
20 now and still get a sore bottom :smile:
Zoe xx
nipkor Publisher 8 years ago
to andypandy0 : Trust you lol
You just love to hear about my bottom burning ha ha lol

Zoe x
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