The Things (Words) I've Learned
Clearly I chat more in French than other languages as these lists show. It has actually been quite useful and I'm pleased at how my fluidity in writing French has improved. Partly due to the lovely (usually accurate) auto-correct function; partly due to the kind corrections received by many users; but, above all, simply by receiving interesting, intelligent, sophisticated, creative messages from some of you that have constantly (and pleasantly) expanded my vocabulary. THANK YOU! MWAH!
Most recent updates in BOLD
NEW Words I learned
apprivoiser - to tame (;-0)
bagarre - fight, brawl
beur - Arab (but is it a negative connotation? Or, would an Arab be OK with someone calling them that?)
bouille - mug, face
bourreau de travail - workaholic (but, also listed ‘work dork’…not sure which is worse?)
bougres - guys (but, even better: buggers, blighters, wretches!)
branler - jerk off, wank
chavirer - to founder, to capsize
clichês - snapshots
convoitée - coveted (mmmmm)
douillets - cosy (kisses)
écarquillés - glazed over, large round, opened wide (eyes)
émoustiller - to exhilarate, to turn on
enivrer - to drunken, intoxicate, inebriate
épaves - wrecks, wreckage...shipwreck(!)
époustouflant - breathtaking
espiègle - mischevious
farfelu - wacky, far-fetched, cockamamie (this one especially good!)
fente - crack (as in butt-crack)
giclê - squirted, jetted, spattered
gouffre - sinkhole, bottomless pit, desperate
grognon - gruff, fussy, grouchy; a grumbler
goulot - the neck (of a champagne bottle)
happé - caught up (as in the current / the tide); snatched (great double entendre that one, too!)
jaillir - to flow, spring, shoot out (mmmm, comme giller
je mate tes nichons - I stare at your tits (although, I loved the phrase examples that Reverso gave me!
juter - ooze juice (now, there’s a good verb)
matelot - sailor
poisseuse - sticky
ronchon - grouch, grouchy, crabby
scellées - sealed, locked
souillerais - to soil / to sully
souillon - slob, slattern...trollop!
tige - rod, shaft, stem
verouillées - locked
una petera (Argentina) - a woman who gives a good blow job
bregar - to fight for, make a case for
cum drippingly hot (dunno if it is a term but now it is)
Most recent updates in BOLD
NEW Words I learned
apprivoiser - to tame (;-0)
bagarre - fight, brawl
beur - Arab (but is it a negative connotation? Or, would an Arab be OK with someone calling them that?)
bouille - mug, face
bourreau de travail - workaholic (but, also listed ‘work dork’…not sure which is worse?)
bougres - guys (but, even better: buggers, blighters, wretches!)
branler - jerk off, wank
chavirer - to founder, to capsize
clichês - snapshots
convoitée - coveted (mmmmm)
douillets - cosy (kisses)
écarquillés - glazed over, large round, opened wide (eyes)
émoustiller - to exhilarate, to turn on
enivrer - to drunken, intoxicate, inebriate
épaves - wrecks, wreckage...shipwreck(!)
époustouflant - breathtaking
espiègle - mischevious
farfelu - wacky, far-fetched, cockamamie (this one especially good!)
fente - crack (as in butt-crack)
giclê - squirted, jetted, spattered
gouffre - sinkhole, bottomless pit, desperate
grognon - gruff, fussy, grouchy; a grumbler
goulot - the neck (of a champagne bottle)
happé - caught up (as in the current / the tide); snatched (great double entendre that one, too!)
jaillir - to flow, spring, shoot out (mmmm, comme giller
je mate tes nichons - I stare at your tits (although, I loved the phrase examples that Reverso gave me!
juter - ooze juice (now, there’s a good verb)
matelot - sailor
poisseuse - sticky
ronchon - grouch, grouchy, crabby
scellées - sealed, locked
souillerais - to soil / to sully
souillon - slob, slattern...trollop!
tige - rod, shaft, stem
verouillées - locked
una petera (Argentina) - a woman who gives a good blow job
bregar - to fight for, make a case for
cum drippingly hot (dunno if it is a term but now it is)
8 years ago