My First Time
I was just 14 at the time and me and my sister lived with our mom her new hubsand and his son, my step sibling, he was 15 a year older than myself. Many days during our first summer together we would hang out and he would talk to us about his girlfriends and how many he had fucked. my sister and i were inexperienced and we loved hearing about his conquest. One day while our parents were at work Billy, our step sibling, was talking with us again talking about another girl he had rodded the night before. As he talked to us his dick started getting hard. I knew what a hard dick was but i really had no idea what it's purpose was and had never seen another boys dick. Billy said he was getting a boner and had to loosen his pants so he could free his dick. s*s and I watched fasinated while he lowered his pants and sat down in one motion, his dick rose eight inches and skysc****r straight and hard like i had never seen one before. As Billy sat in the chair Billy was pulsating his steel hard flesh missle around s*s and I. We became intrigued and moved closer. sitting on the floor, me on one side and s*s on the other. I asked Billy if i could touch it and he told me to go ahead. I touched my first cock, other than mine, and it was very hot and hard, I almost could not believe it. s*s also decided to touch it and she was captivated. Billy then showed us the precum (we did not know what it was then) emerging from the head. Billy could sense i was mezmerized and gave me a command "suck my dick". I could not take my eyes off it and immediate went down on him. At first i got only the helmut in my mouth. I put my tongue in the eye and tasted his precum for the first time, salty but a little sweet. I wrapped my hand around that thick shaft and started licking around the base of his circumcised helmut, my heart beat increased and my breathing got rapid. s*s then added her hand to his dick and she took a turn and let Billy's dick devirginize her mouth as he had already done mine. Billy just sat there with a big smile on his face while we worked him over. I started working on his rather large balls and lower shaft while s*s took care of the upper shaft. We had both become dick addicted and were going crazy over our first. Billy was really enjoying it as he started thrusting his hips up and down. I had never known such pleasure as he was giving me and my dick was raging against my pants and i knew something was going to happen. Billy then took over taking his dick in his hand preparing a load to pump out. Billy then grabbed our heads, one at a time, brought them close to him and shot a massive bolt into myface and then into s*s face. Billy shot eight or ten ropes of sweet salty baby batter into our faces and mouths. Once his balls were spent he forced is deflating dick into my mouth and had me clean him and then into my sister's. Billy had a big smile on his face of satisfaction told us to go look in the mirror see for ourselves what he had done. As I got up my hard dick rubbing against my pants caused it to pulsate and unload inside my underwair causing a big mess in my jeans. We looked at our faces and i was really excited, Billy told me to go and clean up. As I left the room i heard the door close behind me and it did not open again for two hours. s*s nor Billy ever told me what had went on but i knew he had conqoured my sister and even better yet me!!!!!!
8 years ago