Korean MILF Lies About Her Age and Squirts on My C

Was in one of my usual summer hangouts having my usual drink and fare. A lot of Korean people the girls are either second generation or fresh off the boat. A lot of "Doumi" action if you know what I mean with girls coming in from the unlicensed cabs and going straight into Karaoke. The bartenders are pretty and using some charm I can keep them coming back to me for conversation while drinking as little as possible. I'm not cheap by any means and it takes a lot to get me drunk but I'd just rather not get hammered in a K-bar wearing a $2,500 suit and being the only black face in the joint.

Anyway sitting there and this gorgeous Korean woman comes from down the bar and stands next to me while I'm telling the bartender how lovely she is and talking about what she does in the daylight. She says to me "why are you just talking to her and telling her she's so pretty and not telling me?!" Now she was a little drunk and came from the smoky Karaoke room so I was slightly turned off until I looked her up and down in her tight jeans and barely there top covering some nice juicy but perky tits. I said "Excuse me miss, I don't know you and didn't see you before. But if you would like to be flattered for a while sit your cute booty down in the chair, I'll get you a drink and we will talk."

Now, I don't know what's up. Is she being a bitch or is she genuinely jealous of the heavy flirting with the bartender? Who is by the way a FOB Mongolian who could be a runway model. I don't know where these chicks come from and why they get here but there is a string of beautiful bartenders that come through this place. They suck at tending bar but they are fine a fuck. Anyway, I start talking to the gorgeous half in the bag new lady. She tells me her name is "Nori" I said "Nori sounds like a Japanese name, Nihongo wo dekimasu ka? (do you speak Japanese). Her eyes got big and she said to me in English "You speak Japanese!?" "Sukoshi" I said. I could tell she was slightly impressed but at this point I really didn't care because I thought I had zero chance with this hotass FOBby K-girl.

She explains to me that she had a Japanese step-father and lived in Japan, blah, blah blah. I was paying attention to her looking directly at her when she was talking. I noticed that she was not as young as I first thought. For most western people it's hard to tell the age of an Asian woman. I've been around Asian women for 25 years. It's pretty easy for me to tell how old they are. Anyway from first glance she may look 20's but closer inspection she is pushing past 35 easy. Don't get me wrong she is fine as hell. Beautiful hair (K-girls hair is always so glamorous) flawless skin (except for the lines here and there but you would not notice)
Published by hicontrastlvr
8 years ago
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hicontrastlvr Publisher 8 years ago
to asiana747 : Stay tuned...
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asiana747 8 years ago
did you end up screwing her??