The Boss

To swing or not to swing, THAT is the question..........

Her husband had been bringing up the question of swinging, more and more. She
had constantly told him that she was not interested in doing that, but she knew
that he really wanted it.... for whatever reason.

She didn't know if he was unsatisfied with her performance in bed, but she was
so unsure of herself, that she never got up the courage to ask him if she was
making him happy.

She had finally relented, and asked him just what would be involved.

She had always kept sex out of her thoughts. After all, her mother had told her
that it is something that is done behind closed doors, and with the lights
turned off.

She had relented more than once, when he had insisted on her servicing him
orally, but she had not liked doing it, in fact she hated it. He had gotten so
mad once, when she had spit out his cum into a napkin, that she had started
swallowing it just to keep him happy.

Then there were the times when he had wanted to fuck her anally, but she had
steadfastly refused. She had talked to he mom about it once, and her mom had
made a terrible face and told her to flat our refuse.

So now he wanted to bring other people into their sex life. She had thought
briefly about talking with her mother about it, but could not find the courage
to even bring it up.

They had sex the previous night, and she knew that he was not very happy with
the way it had gone. She had moaned when he was fucking her, thinking that
would spur him on, but he had gone soft and had not even cum. As he had pulled
out of her, he just rolled over and pretended to go to sleep. But she could
tell by his breathing that he was awake for a long time afterwards.

So over breakfast the next morning, she blurted out that maybe they should do
something different. She had asked him what would be involved in bringing
another couple into their bed.

He seemed to perk up immediately, and started talking at a very fast pace. He
said that he talked with a friend of his at work, who had initially brought up
swinging. It seemed that they had done this with several other couples, and
that it had greatly increased their sexual drive.

She had asked him if they would all be in the same room or not, because she was
scared of being with another man alone. A big smile had spread across his face
when she had said that, and he assured her that they would all be in the same

She had taken a long hot bath that afternoon, shaving her legs, and even
trimming her bush. She had both goose pimples and felt revulsion at the same
time. An odd mixture of feelings that she couldn't explain. The hot bath, and
the extra glass of wine had loosened her up enough, that she was resigned to
following this through to the end. After all, if she kept her eyes closed, and
pretended that it was her husband that was fucking her, it might not be too bad.
She even contemplated what might make the stranger cum faster. Would moaning
into his ear spur him on, or maybe her wrapping her legs around him, might make
him cum sooner.

As they were waiting for the couple to arrive, she asked her husband what these
people were like. He quickly got up and refilled her wine glass, and mumbled
something about them being nice, but she wanted to know how old they were, and
what they looked like.

Finally, he admitted that it was not one of the guys he worked with, but was in
fact his boss.

She blinked and looked at him with a sharp expression.

"Your boss", she had gasped. "But he is a negro"!

Just then the door bell rang, and her husband quickly opened the door.

She had met his boss once before, but never his wife. So she did a double take,
when the stunning red head entered the room. Stunning??? She was absolutely
beautiful! "My God" she thought, "they are an interracial couple".

She hastily gulped down the rest of her wine and went over to shake their hand.
His boss's hand was huge and firm, as it seemed to swallow up her tiny white
hand. He had a big smile on his face and made no pretense of not looking
directly at her breasts.

When his wife was introduced, instead of a nice hello, or even a hand shake, the
woman instead put her arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. All of these
things seemed to make the room swirl around her.

She had finally composed herself enough to ask them if they would like something
to drink, and the woman had offered to help her. When they were in the kitchen
fixing the drinks, the woman started talking to her about how great she looked.
She knew it was a lie, because she couldn't hold a candle to this woman in a
beauty contest, but the woman kept complimenting about her figure, and how her
husband was going to enjoy having her.

She nearly dropped the wine bottle when she heard that. The woman came closer
to her and whispered that her husband was very well endowed, and that after this
evening she would agree to that old saying.

"Old saying?" she asked.

The woman just laughed and said, "sweetie, it's true what they say.... once you
go black you never go back".

Those words were still swirling around in her mind as they went back into the
living room to join the guys. There had been small talk, while they were
sipping their wine, her husband suggested that maybe a little bit of music
might break the ice. But it was the big black man who held his hand out, asking
for the first dance.

"Damn her husband", she thought. He had put some slow music on, and this huge
man was engulfing her in his arms. She found herself with her head on his
chest, and him drawing her tightly against him. Tight enough, that she could
feel his cock rubbing up against her belly button.

One dance had turned into two, and then three, before she lifted her head up to
look for her husband. She noticed that he was not dancing, but instead was
kissing his bosses wife. She couldn't tell who the aggressor was, because the
woman seemed to be pawing at his cock, as much as he was mauling her breasts.

As another song started, his boss dropped his right hand down to her ass and
gave it a firm squeeze. Pulling away from his grasp just drove her body harder
into his cock. It seemed that he took that as a sign that she was willing,
cause he dropped his head down and gave her a hard kiss. He was none too gentle
in doing it, cause his tongue was in her mouth seeking out her tongue, before
she even realized it.

She tried to disengage herself from him, but he was way too strong. He
practically picked her up and steered her to the couch.

When he turned her loose, she slowly sank down and was facing his crotch.

She knew where this was leading to, so it didn't surprise her when he ordered
her to take it out. With trembling fingers, she pulled the zipper down, and
reached inside for his cock.

Even with her senses dulled by all the wine, she suddenly opened her eyes wide,
and gave a little gasp. Her fingers had found his cock, and it must have been
twice as big around as her husbands cock, and on top of that, she was having
trouble pulling it out, because it was much longer than she had expected.

He had evidently tired of her struggles, and removed her hand from inside of his
pants. He then quickly undid his belt, and dropped his pants down to his

"OMG" she gasped. It had to be at least 8 inches long, and it didn't even seem
to be hard yet. He was holding his cock with his right hand, and his left hand
went to the back of her head, as he forcefully told her to watch her teeth.

She struggled to take the big black cock head into her mouth, but he was having
none of it. His left hand pulled her hard into his crotch, and the head popped
into her mouth. He was being none to gentle with her, as he fed her more and
more of his cock. She could tell he was starting to get hard, because the head
was pushing her tongue to one side and was going deeper into her mouth.

She gagged when the head reached her throat. Surely he wasn't thinking of
putting it in her throat....

That night ended up with many firsts for her.

He had face fucked her so hard, that the head of his cock repeatedly entered her
throat. It didn't seem to matter to him that she was gagging. It just spurred
him on to fuck her face even harder. She never did taste his cum, because he
had driven his cock into her throat and kept it there, when he came.

She had thought that was going to be the end of it, but when he smiled down at
her and told her that the little purple pill he had taken was going to keep her
very satisfied for quite a while tonight, she just gulped and her shoulders
sagged, as he steered her to the carpet.

They had ended up on the living room floor, with her legs up on his shoulders,
while he fucked her like she had never been fucked before.

There had been a momentary pause when she had asked him to use a condom, but he
just laughed and shoved his 10 plus inches into her cunt. It had been very
painful, but after a few minutes of the onslaught, she had started to respond to
him, and her secretions had lubricated him enough so that he was fucking her as
hard as her husband had on their honeymoon.

This black man was going in deeper than her husband ever had, and the wide girth
of his cock was making her cuntal muscles milk him. A couple of times he had
pulled it out too far so that it had completely left her cunt. It was at this point
that she was reaching to put it back in, before he had a chance to do it
himself. She now was as eager as him with the wild fucking he was giving her.
His sweat had been dropping down onto her face, and he even fingered her asshole
as he was bottoming out in her cunt.

He had fucked her twice that night. Both times cuming into her, but she had
gone past caring. This bull of a man was satisfying her more than she had ever
imagined anyone could. It was during the second fuck, that she had looked over
and seen her husband and the red head laughing as they were watching her get
pounded into the carpeting.

As she groaned with another orgasm, she could hear the redhead laugh and say to
her... "once you go black......"
Published by VirginiaS
8 years ago
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saeediqbal 11 months ago
Once go black ....... Then she becomes integral part of black community, accept and follow their culture, tradition etc. Thus she becomes BLACKED.
freelove4alle 6 years ago
A black boss with your white wive is the ultimate turn on
furmanlong 8 years ago
to hotpink21 : hotpink you are a good cuck and a good fluffer. No better job for man than getting his wife some BBC and cleaning up after.
Reply Original comment
koa2000 8 years ago
wow .. so yummy , .... thanks for sharing !!
hotpink21 8 years ago
My wife fucks a black guy every Friday at 7:00. He comes over I fluff him and put it in her pussy. I jack off and watch them fuck. After he cums I clean them both up.