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Hello readers,
I have to ask you a question. 1 that cant be answered. A question that only time can provide an answer to. I dont write horror stories. I Just write what i'm feeling and you dont have to believe what I say or take me serious; And thats alright. You are more then welcomed to your opinion as am I to mine. I feel as if This world is changing but not for the better. My series of question that cant be answered are merely meant to intrigue. It's not my intention to alarm or scare anyone. I'm just talking out loud(rather typing). Could somthing bigger be going on in our world. Could one pearson be responsible for everything or perhaps a team. explanation canf be attained. Things are changing we are dying at an abnormal rate due to weather, accidents or murder eor t been happing lately. Severe weather abnormaities thats happing more and more frequently. What about the Mayan calender that states the last day is 12/21/2012 my intentions isnt to scare just peek your awareness that the apocalyspe may be upon us. I know it sounds ridiculous but lately it just seems the worst is ahead of us and its only getting hotter in my opinon. I think were in the apocalyspe age
I have to ask you a question. 1 that cant be answered. A question that only time can provide an answer to. I dont write horror stories. I Just write what i'm feeling and you dont have to believe what I say or take me serious; And thats alright. You are more then welcomed to your opinion as am I to mine. I feel as if This world is changing but not for the better. My series of question that cant be answered are merely meant to intrigue. It's not my intention to alarm or scare anyone. I'm just talking out loud(rather typing). Could somthing bigger be going on in our world. Could one pearson be responsible for everything or perhaps a team. explanation canf be attained. Things are changing we are dying at an abnormal rate due to weather, accidents or murder eor t been happing lately. Severe weather abnormaities thats happing more and more frequently. What about the Mayan calender that states the last day is 12/21/2012 my intentions isnt to scare just peek your awareness that the apocalyspe may be upon us. I know it sounds ridiculous but lately it just seems the worst is ahead of us and its only getting hotter in my opinon. I think were in the apocalyspe age
13 years ago