A visit to the dunes . . .

One of the advantages of living by the seaside is that if you brave the cold wind off the North Sea, it does have some nice sand dunes to explore. You may have to travel a little way to find some less frequented but it is worth while.

Anyway last week was the first real warm weather here for the year so I thought it was time for a nice warm walk. As I was walking up the road, I could feel my cock rubbing nicely on the inside of my pants, especially when a nice female went past in her tight clothes on her bike, gosh that got me aroused. I thought to myself then what a silly boy I was, I could have brought a nice pair of panties along and had my cock tightly held against my body and then completely felt my baggy walking trousers flapping on them. I could really kick myself.

Still feeling hard as I walked along I thought, I could go into the nice new toilets in the village and changed into them . . . mmm then it dawned on me, I could go one step beyond!

Arriving at the Public Toilets, I went in - how nice they are kept, no evil smells (must be early in the season) and each of the 3 cubicles was dry with only a bit of paper on the floor. I went into cubicle 3 and locked the door. (No chance of a glory hole here as there are 4 inch block walls between each cubicle . .. ) I hung my bag on the toilet roll holder and then slowly took my trousers off and stood there in just my shirt and man pants . . . the man pants were quickly removed and small cock saw the light of day, but only for a short time as I gave it a quick rub to arouse it and then slid my trousers back on, being careful not to trap anything as I zipped them up. Man pants were folded up, sniffed and put into my inside jacket pocket. Flushing the toilet, just in case, I went out into the empty room and left feeling horny as hell as my cock now dangled against my trousers directly.

Walking along I thought how liberating it was to go commando again and even more so as I walked past several couples and females and males with my hand in my pocket holding my cock . . . oh how I wished my pockets had a hole in them or were just slits like my over trousers and then I could of held my cock bare in my hand . . ah well.

After a couple of miles I got to the path into the dunes that I wanted - one that you have to know is there and went up it to the top. Moving off to one side at the top I found a nice little dip covered in marram grass, sheltered from the wind and out of direct sight, though I could see 3 people and their dog walking down the beach. So down came my trousers to my ankles out came small cock and on went my hand . . .

Up and down, up and down, gosh my cock was hard ouch Marram grass has sharp points in my bare ass, so on I went for a good 5 minutes enjoying the feeling, watching my hand on my cock, swapping over as one hand got tired, my shoes getting sand in them feeling the grit of sand sticking to the hot sweaty crack of my ass and then spurt, spurt out it came, it seemed like gallons, but it wasn't quite that much. All this lovely white creamy liquid, sticking to everything. Gosh that was good and just thinking back has nearly made me cum again. I then sat there cooling down eating a KitKat dipped in cum and came up with how do I clean myself up? Good job I had my man pants with me - inside out, quick clean up and then folded away.

Little did she who must be obeyed that all that evening I was sitting in my cum covered man pants - I had put them back on when I had got home while she was cooking the meal . . . lovely but next time I'm going to do it with my panties on instead.
Published by lifesfai
8 years ago
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CuriousJack12 7 years ago
Would be so naughty and so fun to see you play
simgina69 8 years ago
great story
lifesfai Publisher 8 years ago
to BOBINNORFOLK : Near Eccles
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BOBINNORFOLK 8 years ago
guessing you were at holkham?
bigears 8 years ago
nice story!
hvlover 8 years ago
to DobbsCD : Naughty boy Dobbs, lol. Sexy story, love to be daring, out in my panties, hehe.
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Kissableking 8 years ago
mmm I wish I lived by the sea. even with my small cock
smallcock3 8 years ago
I always go commando I like my cock to feel free sometimes when I am on beach I get my little cock out and balls and let them feel the fresh air sometimes I get hard have dropped my trousers in the wood nice to feel the cool air on my ass
DobbsCD 8 years ago
Very sexy story. Nice to wank outdoors xx