A great day out 2

I carried on playing gently with my wife's pussy and after a while she pulled my hand away. I thought that I had upset her but no she decided to go down and suck my cock. Now my wife gives a great blow job and I was I heaven.. Oh my god it was so good that she had me coming my load in no time. I was coming but there was no spunk and as soon as she said 'wow a dry climax' my cock erupted and a great stream of spunk shot out all over my stomach. Wow what a climax. After that all we could do was lay together soaking up the Suns rays for the next hour or so..
I love this place as there are always people making love or just having sex. It is such a turn on just to watch others enjoying themselves whilst in tern giving enjoyment to the watchers. We can't wait for some more hot weather so we can return for another great day.
Published by Jellsmand
8 years ago
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havaword 7 years ago
Jellsmand Publisher 7 years ago
to northriding1 : It was
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northriding1 7 years ago
sounds perfect
ishable 8 years ago
Wish I was there.......