Survey: Guys, what got you into pee voyeurism??
I've been chatting away with one of my friends, and we were talking about what got us interested in pee voyeurism. He asked me why I liked watching guys pee, and I gave my reasons. But, when I asked him, he said he hadn't really thought about it much. Then I realized that no guy really explains why they're interested in it (which is weird, because frankly women peeing seems a lot more boring than guys peeing. We just sort of sit there).
So, I'm asking you! The world of Xhamster!
I'd like to know what turns you on about women peeing. Go into as much or as little detail as you want. I'd love it if the comments were below, because I tend to just click past private messages that talk about sex stuff. Maybe my post/survey here can be a sort of pseudo-wiki as to why guys are interested in peeing or pee voyeurism! lol
Thanks, Xhamster!
So, I'm asking you! The world of Xhamster!
I'd like to know what turns you on about women peeing. Go into as much or as little detail as you want. I'd love it if the comments were below, because I tend to just click past private messages that talk about sex stuff. Maybe my post/survey here can be a sort of pseudo-wiki as to why guys are interested in peeing or pee voyeurism! lol
Thanks, Xhamster!
8 years ago
BTW I've never viewed anyone into pee-play or pee voyeurism to be even remotely "deviant" or odd. It's truly one of the most innocuous fetishes of them all.
There's just something endlessly fascinating about a woman squatting down, pulling down her pants or lifting her skirt, opening her vulva and then letting go... it is just an incredibly beautiful thing to see. Coming from one of the MOST beautiful parts of any woman.
Combine all that with a little desperation and it becomes incredibly sexually stimulating.
Another thing that might be a factor was that the very first bit of internet porn I ever saw was a peeing pussy. It was a woman, squatting, her mound and vulva filling the frame and she was having an enormous pee - over her hand. She was very hairy, and had (to my teenage eyes) an utterly -enormous- pussy with big meaty lips hanging down. Then to see this thick stream of pee shooting out of that incredibly beautiful thing... I almost came immediately, in my pants, without even touching myself.
Since then I've been kind of hooked. It is wicked, it is interesting, it is nice and incredibly arousing to see a woman do it - from her most private secret place, no matter how prim and proper she might be, sooner or later she has to reach for her major labia, pull them open, and PEE.... and that is incredible to me.