Batman V Superman, do you like it? Tell me why

If you hate or didn't enjoy the movie, I am not looking for your thoughts.
I want to know if anyone enjoyed the movie or any of it and that one could tell me why.

For me, there are only 2 good things in the movie, Wonderwoman and Alfred. That's all.

So, what you think?

Published by jerkingnow
8 years ago
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HardStrokr 8 years ago
I'm guessing you're a Marvel fanboy, at least this movie was made for people over the age of 10 unlike the MCU.
Ben Affleck was awesome as Batman! Even the people that didn't like the movie still say he nailed Bruce/Batman.
Jesse Eisenberg is too young and has a little girls voice. If someone older and more intimidating was playing Lex...
I think it would have been fantastic, especially with the dialogue on the rooftop! The fight scene between Batman and Superman is well staged with some iconic shots throughout. All the dream sequences are to setup the parallel dimensions and even future Darkseid encounters. Might not make sense now, but X-Men and other superhero movies have played with alternate realities too. Don't forget this movie was made at 3 hour run time which the studio cut out over half hr. Which could solve a lot of setup problems and explain motives more (Lex Luthor - specifically). Hopefully this becomes more complete of a story when the R rated cut is released on Blu-Ray. When people say Wonder Woman was the best part of the movie, it shows their intellect. She did nothing but walk around in a sexy dress for 20 seconds and swing her sword at Doomsday a couple times... Batmans motivation for taking on Superman is a little weak, but when he's talking to Alfred about past Gotham criminals, saying how they start out with good intentions but all have turned evil and need to be taken down is a valid point. The last half hour of the movie is bad, Doomsday should not be in the movie and why give him powers Iike laser beams which he never had. The movie up until that point was well acted, brilliantly shot, well written (the dialogue specifically, the story only fair to good) and setup further movies very well. Everyone I've talked to about the movie has said they were left disappointed because of the last part of the movie, Iv told them but what about the batman superman fight, the batman scenes where he is on edge and just brutal with criminals, Alfred and Bruce interactions, the incredible start where we see the Zod / Supeerman fight from a different perspective. They have all come around and said yeah it was pretty really good except for the last fight scene.
Everyone talking about this movie being a disappointment..... To me the biggest disappointment is setting up a super hero team from at least 5 preceding movies. Then have them all fight a villain that Thor defeated by himself in his first movie. No plot, no story, nothing just defeat Loki. Talk about a movie meant for boys 5-15 years old. I admire DC for at least trying to take an adult route in their films, have characters that don't always do the right thing and have to face the consequences.
But hey most people seem to be happy with rubbish like Marvels campy, jokey, kiddy flicks so lets all just lose our brains and sit quietly so Disney can rake in the cash.
SaoirseisaPrincess 8 years ago
to jerkingnow : I meant he was just good in this
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jerkingnow Publisher 8 years ago
to SaoirseisaPrincess : are you both joking? tell me then, what was Luthor plan? why Luthor wants to kill Superman?

pd: I am not against Jesse acting, it just his character doesn't have anything to back up his actions
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SaoirseisaPrincess 8 years ago
jesse eisenburg did good as lex luthor
SaoirseisaPrincess 8 years ago
i liked it, no negativity about it, only the fact that it cost me a bit much for standard seats