QUESTIONS and ANSWERS xD - ongoing

Ok let's start a little dialogue shall we ^_^

ask me anything with in reason down in the comments and if I answer it I'll write it up here and put your name next to it and my answer.

you can ask just about anything, sexual or non sexual.

from what my top five movies are to what kinds of sex toys I own the sky's the limit!

But please, no silly questions like what's my full name or where do I live

I await your questions with baited breath xD


What's the biggest toy you wish you could take, realistically and unrealistically? - TomasSummerField

Interesting question Tom xD, let's see, well at the moment the biggest toy I have is a 9inch inflatable dildo and that fit's me just right after I get nice and wet so realistically I would want to stay around that size but just play around with the girth and texture.

But unrealistically I'd really love to try out all kinds of huge dildo's, after all stomach bulges in hentai are one of my top turn on's, so being as full as possible without pain is the name of the game xD ( and yes I would insert a full horse dildo if it were possible ^_- )

I cosplayed as Joel from The Last of Us once, even grew the beard, on a scale of "no" to "gimmeh your babies", how likely is it I'd get anywhere? - nofussgent

lol Well to be honest I'm far more likely to make out with an Ellie cosplayer then I am with a Joel but if you had a bath and a shave sure why not we could go for some drinks xD

If you could recreate any hentai picture you have seen for real no matter how unrealistic, what would it be? - the_cute_guy


without a doubt. just think of all the fun i could have with my very own pet tentacle monster ^_^

Who's your most favourite Hentai Artist? - Skylex

I would say Incase is my favourite, even though he does have more of a western style I'd still class his work as hentai xD
he has such a great and organic drawing style, he really knows and understands how to draw bodies realistically even if it's a fantasy setting, here's a link to his work if you haven't seen his art

What are your favorite hobbies/interests? - DJMusician1

Doing lines of cocaine down the backs of naked 12 year olds xD...but seriously I like a lot of stuff, lets cut out the normal things like going out to eat and watching movie, everyone does that stuff.

As you might already know I'm a big gamer love most of the genres apart from sports games and moba's ( i like smite tho )
good story and customisation are my two fav components to a game so because of this I tend to end up playing a lot of rpg's ( I want dark souls 3 so bad I can taste the estus xD)

Other then that I love going swimming ( probably the only thing keeping me trim after all the shit I eat ) I normally go 3-4 times a week.
recently I've taken up buying old school 1950 advertisement posters and signs, I just love the style

I'm curious About your movie top 5 :) - Flipke30

off the top of my head
1 - Leon ( love this movie watched it like 50 times! )
2 - Shawshank Redemption
3 - The hateful 8
4 - Urotusuk**oji / la blue girl ( my first hentai xD started it all )
5 - Green Mile ( mr jingles > o < )

Since you mentioned different genres of games if you could have a sexual encounter with any lady and guy from any game (and they don't have to be from the same game) who would it be?

And for a hentai-related question...which would you chose: shemale or futa?

And final question....which would you say is better, anime or manga?
- mlclarkewi

first of all mr clark ( if that is your real name ) do you think your special? three questions is a bit greedy after everyone
was so polite and asked only one! ah well I'll humour you this time.

female from a game would be the more mature version of Liara T'Soni from mass effect 3 (everyone knows I have an asari fetish) and male would be Garrus Vakarian (he's such a sloppy sweet heart, plus he'd sand by you no matter what happens)

I'd choose futa ofc ^_^

lol it's not like anime and mange are competing, ones animation and the other is still images, besides there linked since popular manga's become popular anime's

Do you play any stand alone hentai games and which one are they? ^^ - cathlea

sorry to say but I don't think I've played any hentai games, only the odd videogame related flash game o_o

So is it like a steam-punk art kinda attraction? or is it more art deco? - DJMusician1

more like the clean cut visuals with this weird self centred sense of american optimism for the future, the 1950s was a big rebuilding time for a lot of countries after WW2 but america was mostly untouched so whilst everyone was having a hard time getting their shit together, america was in it's own little strange cultural bubble xD

If I ever became absurdly wealthy, how much would it cost for me to legally own you? - MelissaDL00ti

Ohh she's a twisted one xD, oh I don't know I'm quite easy, just throw me a pizza and a 12 month netflix account and I'm all yours ^_-

How'd you get into gaming? Pretty PG I guess lol hope that's fine :p - Deltaforce95

lol it's a fine question but quite a short answer I'm afraid, my older brothers are the main reason I got into gaming, the memory of the four of us sitting around the super Nintendo is still one of the clearest I have of my c***dhood, ever since then I've always loved gaming, In fact I think I talk to my brothers more over steam chat then I do on the phone xD

Ok so out of everything what is the best thing you have seen in Hentai that you want to try yourself? - big_bob163

Futanari tentacle cat girl orgy, there is no other option xD

Because you were expecting more questions... Raunchiest, most extreme porn related thing you ever saw and still loved? x3 Doesn't have to be exact, just whatever you can recall... - ThomasSummerfield xD

What is the kinkiest sexual act you have done and what act do you want to try but haven't yet? - cumjunie700

I think the kinkiest thing I've been a part of would have to be the un-planned FFFM foursome I got into a few years back on new years eve, I was meeting up with an old girlfriend and she brought along her flatmate and her boyfriend, we all went out and slowly got shit faced as you do on new years ^_^

Just before midnight we all went back to her flat and drank more waiting for the count down to start, after the fireworks had all faded my ex started getting all cozy against me rubbing inside my leg and kissing my neck, liking where this was going but worrying about her boyfriend ( I know it's hard for some guy to believe but there are guys out there that don't like the idea of their girl swapping fluids with another ) I look over and shocked I see him all but sucking the taste out of their flat mates mouth.

Well after that it's all a blur of ass dick and pussy, we all ended up in the same bed together doing all kinds of kinky stuff, snowballing, double penetration I even got to peg my ex's boyfriend with her strap on as he went down on her and she went down on their flatmate xD tho we did make it up to him with a three way BJ ^_^

As for things I haven't done but want to do I can't really think of any, don't get me wrong I have a shit load of filthy fantasy's but there all mostly impossible or so unrealistic that they might as well be impossible ( and or criminal xD )

I haven't had much sex in public so maybe a lesbian strap on threesome in a changing booth, the look on the clerks face wound be priceless when she pulls back the curtain xD

As i'm from New York, Pizza is a staple in my diet as it feeds my soul, What is your favorite kind of pizza? - DJMusician1

Well the best pizza I've had in recent memory was in a specialty pizza place in Covent Garden in central London called "Home Slice".
All they do is 23inch clay oven thin crust pizzas with a menu that changes every month.

When I went we had half with slow cooked goat shoulder, kale and caramelised French onions and the other half with peppered bone marrow sausage pomodoro sauce, grilled peppers and crunchie chopped sprouts and the whole pizza have a herb and rosemary crisp crust. Good God I've had wet dreams over that pizza xD

I've been watching painter Bob Ross videos. If you could be any element from his landscapes, would you be:
1 - happy little cloud
2 - Mighty Mountain
3 - Mighty/happy tree
4 - Happy little bush
5 - The devil in Bob's brush

I'll be a happy little bush, but if you tell anyone that bush is there, Bob will come to your house and cut you

Why am I sitting in a tin can far above the world?

I don't honestly know but, I'd take some protein pills and maybe put a helmet on if I was you XD

If you were futa, how often would you try to stuff yourself?]

lol stuffed would be my new default state, I'd have to tuck it in while I'm out and about, maybe pop into the ladies toilets at lunch and sucking myself off when I inevitably get hard xD

How much wood would a Dame-chuck chuck if a Dame-chuck could CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS!

I don't know, I never really got into starcraft, I have cum whilst looking at some Kerrigan porn tho ^^

We are arrows over gun types of people when it comes to games, but love devastating melee. What kind of weapons suit you the best?

I've always liked quick and agile styles I always go for the small quick guy in games so I guess daggers would be my favourite.
I really like alibaba'so style in magi

What would your a****l spirit be and why?

Honey Badger, because Honey Badger don't give a fuck

Favorite part of a futa? boobs, ass, pussy, or dick?

The doesn't make any sense, the whole attraction of a futa is that it's everything combined, to focus on one part would be pointless

Would you let a horse fuck you? If so, size really matters doesn't it? - DeadLetters

In real Life? No because it would kill me! I like my internal organs whole thank you. But if we are talking fantasy land and I don't have to worry about pain or biology then sure, bring on that big flared cock xD I might be down for sucking one off in real life, he'did have to be a particularly handsome horse tho and buy me dinner first.

If a shy girl or a boy telling you they wanna fuck with you , what are you going to do? - okowed

let's just put it this way, they won't leave shy that's for sure xD

If you could have one lifetime wish which would you pick: 1) trade your pussy for a cock but remain a female otherwise 2) add a cock and keep your pussy & feminiinity too 3) remain a 100% female - cumjunie700

number 2 of course, I'd have to get used to the extra weight up front but the amount of fun you could have with both parts would be amazing, I'd be the perfect lifeforms xD. Tho if I could have any wish it would be to shape shift, oooh the damage I could do with that ability, no one would ever walk straight again lol

How messy do you like your sex, realistically and in fantasy? This means like spit, jizz, foods, oils, etc.. - Uncle pig

Well in real life sex I don't really mind how messy it gets, just so long as I'm not cleaning the sheets/sofa/kitchen/stairs every dam time.

As far as bodily fluids are concerned I'm not a squeamish girl, cum, spit, baby oil, raspberry jam its all got its place, even got pissed on once, though I did have her Clit tied up with my tonguemail at the time and she had told me before hand that she neended to go, so it was my bad xD
As far as fantasy world, the sky is the limit, gallons of cum everywhere, fill me up till my stomach bulges, I've always been a fan of those huge loads futa's always seem to be able to shoot out.


I'm just gonna guess that you already played Overwatch. So who's your favorite hero and which one would you like to fuck the most? - Skylex

actally I haven't played Overwatch yet at my Internet is rubbish atm but I will pick it up after that's sorted. update I now have overwatch I main reinhardt and dva xD
As far as my favourite characters I'd say it would have to be Zarya, I've got a thing for big powerful softie characters. XDo

When it comes down to sex it would have to be Pharah, I'd peel that armour off piece by piece and Lick her sexy abs clean ^^

Which of the following female Mortal Kombat characters would you do? Sheeva, Frost, Sindel, Nitara or would you have all of them? - DeadLetters

I'd probably go for Nitara, can't go wrong with a sexy vampiress, and you know what they say, blood is the best lubricant xD

Somehow this has never been asked or on your profile I don't think. How many times do you masturbate a day, whats your top score.

Also seen anything you've liked at E3 this year? I'm pretty excited for Fallout 4's Nuka land, though the random workshop stuff looks OMG FUN.
- Deltaforce95

It really depends how busy and how horny I am, one week I might go crazy and go at it every spare chance I can and the next I might go cold turky but if I had to average it out I'd say I do it 3 times a week. The sessions last 1-2.5 hours, I try and cum 2-3 times per session xD here's some more info If you want

As far as E3 I loved all of the sony stuff, they're really knocking it out the park atm Horizon really up there for me xD

If the next Elderscrolls game allowed for multiplayer, would you like to be the Assassin to our Ranger? The Rogue to our Huntress? - MJMusician1

Only if you'll be the Chaurus to my Falmer xD ( I hate those fucking thinks +_+ ) btw dark brotherhood for LIFE

in your one answer about horses you said not in real life what if you found a mini horse that would fit you just right maybe a little large but not big enough to rearrange your internal organs - richarddvll

Na even if it was a micro horse have you seen those little guys thrusting? they'ed blow out the back of my womb O_O have you seen animopron's stuff , I don't have a womb of steel like lara seems to have xD

A while ago you said you were edging to the end of the month (whichever month that was!) Were you just trying something new or was there something else you were trying to achieve there? - bawntychat

well you edge over a period of time so that when you finally cum it's more intense, I'm quite active in the whole masturbation department so edging for a week was kind of a long time for me, but boy did it pay off! had to change the sheets after xD

can I eat raspberry jam of your belly - jonboi18

ofc you can but It has to be french raspberry jam conserve...from paris, only the finest of jam's touch this stomach xD

Do you read or collect hentai mangas and doujishis hard copies or do you prefer to read/look at them online? - malduchi

I read all my stuff online, space is at a premium in this apartment xD, plus if there's one thing my crazy government hating d**g trafficking grandpa taught me before he was gun downed by the DEA was to NEVER, EVER leave a paper trail!

Swimming: What is your best time on a 100 metre distance. Or 200 metres depending on what interval you prefer?
And I guess which interval do you prefer? :|
- Electrohamster

I haven't timed myself in a long while but last I can remember I managed 100m in about 1:45

I was having this argument with a friend. He was saying everything is for sale, you just have to put the price. I just don't agree. So there my question. SO would you accept money for sex? If yes how much? (I believe that people over estimate the amount of money they'd accept. It would be very different if somebody stood there with a wad of money.) Having read your previous answers, I expect that a cute shy person proposing a one pizza payment would be enough :))) -

Well what kind of pizza are we talking about here? I'm not about to bend over and spread these sweet cheeks for anything less then a £17.99 meal deal! bring your A game pizza boy's ^_- . On a more serious note it would all depend on my circumstances at the time, I could see myself fucking a cute guy/gal for a few hundred if I was dirt poor, luckily Dame's always been a good saver ^_-

if you could do anything with a shy virgin for.. let's say a day...what would you do? - bashfulboy

A boy I'd probably tie him to the bed and pay two very experienced whores to tease and edge him all day and then pop him with my feet as I eat some pizza then make him clean it off xD with a girl I'd trick her with chocolate aphrodisiacs and watch as she squirms all day trying to hide how wet she is then I'd leave her in a room with my vibrator just in sight and fain shock when I catch her using it, BLACKMAIL TIME xD

What happened to the fridge door lol - Deltaforce95

Duck tape, a whole lot of duck tape and yes, I do have duck tape just laying around don't judge xD

Who or what got you into hentai and which one is your *absolute* super duper single favourite one you can watch over and over and... - Eureka-7

Well because I grew up with older brothers watching anime movies from the 80s and 90s most of the 15-18 films would have sexual content in them as part of the story because political correctness wasn't really a big thing yet and they could get away with more.

Watching such Manga Entertainment classics as v******e Jack, Appleseed, Devil Man, Wicked City, Ninja Scroll, Genocyber and so on made getting into hentai just a natural step forward, then I went on to watching actual Hentai movies like La Blue Girl, Adventure k**, Night shift Nurses, Viper GTS and ofc Bible Black.

As for my favourite, that's really hard, I re-watch Futabu a lot and Taimanin Asagi is always hot but I think Pandra the animation was the most recent one I watched over and over and... xD it just ticked all my boxes, dropout was great too ^^

Would have asked more earlier but works been a bitch this week -_- If you could invite anyone over, what's your dream orgy roster? ;P - DJMusician1

I'll assume this is an hentai character orgy and if thats the case then just everyone! that's the great thing about an orgy, the only limit is floor space xD

But for the sake of the question let's limit this little orgy to five, in that case I'll have

Reily the dark haired possessed tentacle girl from Pandra the animation
Asakura the blonde loli futa from futabu
Sayoko from slut girl because she's a fucking masterpiece
Reika Kitami the nurse from Bible Black
and let's have Kyouka Shiraishi from Energy Kyouka because we need a nice thick Nympho who's down to fuck us all through till the morning xD
Published by aDameToDieFor
8 years ago
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Eureka-7 7 years ago
Dammit DeltaForce, I was gonna ask about the Fridge door!! xD

ok let me cheat a little bit here ^^'

Who or what got you into hentai and which one is your *absolute* super duper single favorite one you can watch over and over and...

DeltaForce95 7 years ago
What happened to the fridge door lol
bashfulboy 7 years ago
if you could do anything with a shy virgin for.. let's say a day...what would you do?
alexolo 7 years ago
I was having this argument with a friend. He was saying everything is for sale, you just have to put the price. I just don't agree. So there my question. SO would you accept money for sex? If yes how much? (I believe that people over estimate the amount of money they'd accept. It would be very different if somebody stood there with a wad of money.) Having read your previous answers, I expect that a cute shy person proposing a one pizza payment would be enough :smile:))
Electrohamster 7 years ago
Swimming: What is your best time on a 100 metre distance. Or 200 metres depending on what interval you prefer?
And I guess which interval do you prefer? :flushed:
malduchi 8 years ago
Do you read or collect hentai mangas and doujishis hard copies or do you prefer to read/look at them online?
aDameToDieFor Publisher 8 years ago
to jonboi18 : * off xD
Reply Original comment
jonboi18 8 years ago
can I eat raspberry jam of your belly
bawntychat 8 years ago
A while ago you said you were edging to the end of the month (whichever month that was!) Were you just trying something new or was there something else you were trying to achieve there?
aDameToDieFor Publisher 8 years ago
to DJMusician1 : THE BEAST IN YOU HAS AWAKENED THE BEAST IN ME! xD love golden boy
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DJMusician1 8 years ago
to DJMusician1 : illuminati confirmed?
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DJMusician1 8 years ago
Was rewatching Golden Boy (i'm sure you've seen that short 5 episode show) and we are dead certain you are Ayuko Hayami
DJMusician1 8 years ago
If the next Elderscrolls game allowed for multiplayer, would you like to be the Assassin to our Ranger? The Rogue to our Huntress?

This is actually an online proposal*
DeltaForce95 8 years ago
I'm back again Damey :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Somehow this has never been asked or on your profile I don't think. How many times do you masturbate a day, whats your top score.

Also seen anything you've liked at E3 this year? I'm pretty excited for Fallout 4's Nuka land, though the random workshop stuff looks OMG FUN.
Skylex 8 years ago
I'm just gonna guess that you already played Overwatch. So who's your favorite hero and which one would you like to fuck the most?
DJMusician1 8 years ago
to aDameToDieFor : I's say it's no problem, but the links you give are timeless events I look forward to in my day T_T
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aDameToDieFor Publisher 8 years ago
to DJMusician1 : Lol sorry linking stuff on this tablet is annoying to say the least
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DJMusician1 8 years ago
to aDameToDieFor : I never had any doubt :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Thanks for giving me a link to a non existent youtube video!
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aDameToDieFor Publisher 8 years ago
to DJMusician1 : Steal you? Oh you silly little man, I'm just using you to get to Megan Whahahahahaaaa
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DJMusician1 8 years ago
I just want to let you know, since your answers are always perfect, Meghan is worried you're going to steal me from her, even though she finds you just as equally cool and most definitely wants to get your booty. Anything you want to say to her?
cumjunie700 8 years ago
If you could have one lifetime wish which would you pick: 1) trade your pussy for a cock but remain a female otherwise 2) add a cock and keep your pussy & feminiinity too 3) remain a 100% female
DJMusician1 8 years ago
Favorite part of a futa? boobs, ass, pussy, or dick?
DJMusician1 8 years ago
What would your animal spirit be and why?
DJMusician1 8 years ago
We are arrows over gun types of people when it comes to games, but love devastating melee. What kind of weapons suit you the best?
DJMusician1 8 years ago
How much wood would a Dame-chuck chuck if a Dame-chuck could CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS!
DJMusician1 8 years ago
If you were futa, how often would you try to stuff yourself?
DJMusician1 8 years ago
Why am I sitting in a tin can far above the world?
DJMusician1 8 years ago
I've been watching painter Bob Ross videos. If you could be any element from his landscapes, would you be:
1 - happy little cloud
2 - Mighty Mountain
3 - Mighty/happy tree
4 - Happy little bush
5 - The devil in Bob's brush
okowed 8 years ago
If a shy girl or a boy telling you they wanna fuck with you , what are you going to do?
DJMusician1 8 years ago
As i'm from New York, Pizza is a staple in my diet as it feeds my soul, What is your favorite kind of pizza?