Johns Geektastic Blog 4

hello and welcome to my blog I hope you like what you see and you will come and become a regular visitor to our strange wee corner of the Xhamster verse.

who else grew up with there teachers telling them to never Judge a book by its cover? I know I did so did many people. Though is that still true I like to read over the years I have bought many many books on lots of Subjects form history to sci-fi fantasy to nature but I have recently started to notice that the covers off book are getting plainer and plainer its as if book no longer want to advertise themselves take these two pictures for example

see what I mean? The first picture is the original or maybe second edition covers of the a Song of Ice and Fire novels while the second is the current print of the books. Now is it Just me or do the newer ones Just seem Boring? A sword a Helmet a cup a crown they give no Idea to what the story is about, while the Original there a castle in one a knight in all his finery two portraits of what must be the Main Characters. It invites you in, it draws the eye to it your like who are these people what's that castle called. The whole thing invites you in and says come on an adventure. But more than that it shows someone hard work in designing and painting the cover rather than a five minute Photoshop jobby but maybe that's just me. I would love to hear your views.

continuing with my Babes of Buffy series with the Demon spawn Anyanka 'Anya' Jenkins played by Emma Caulfield. Caulfield is seriously cool he was only cast in two episodes but did such a good job that Joss Whedon decided to write her in as a main charator in the show. She was also a big influence in the writing of the Musical Episode Once more with feeling, due to her love of rock and roll and the Karaoke nights she would organise for the cast and crew. She also published a comic for IDW Contropussy

Enterprise was the Last TV series in the star trek Franchises and was set in the days before the foundation of the Federation and about 100 years before the Adventures of Kirk, Spock , Bones and Scotty. The premise was a simple one the first Human starship to explore the star trek universe the execution was anything but. The first two seasons where decent about half the episodes where good the other half where a bit hit and miss. The third season was something completely new for Star Trek and featured a season long story arc with every episode leading directly into the next this season was outstanding the writing was great and the crew had to face problems and issues which had never been dealt with by any other Star Trek cast and the forth and final season was a how the shows creators originally conceived the show and again the writing and storylines where a lot better with short story arcs which spread out over 2 or 3 episodes and introduced us to the Birth of the United Federation of Planets. So why was the show such a let-down with the fans? When I quite enjoyed it, well there where a number of issues with the series in the first two seasons with the most basic being paramount wanted a time travelling arc in the show which the creators and head writers didn't want to do but where force to write in if they wanted the show to be made. This lead to the whole temporal cold war storyline which was never really covered in much detail with just a few episodes here and there covering it which left causal viewers confused when they heard in the TV papers of the time that it was a time travelling adventure. This was rectified with the Xindi war arc in the third season which dealt with expanded upon and finally resolved the Temporal cold war arc and made the show a lot better. A Few off my favourite episodes are Dear Doctor, Marauders, Carbon Creek, Stigma, the whole of season 3 (it really did redeem the show) the augment eisodes from 4 the awesomely Dark mirror universe episodes which where also a sequel to the Original series Tolian Web episode and the United episodes a well they are all worth the watch.

all in all I give the show a 7 out of 10

Its no TNG or DS9 but its still better than no trek at all

Its time for your Humble narrator to sit down in the chair of Knowledge and tell you all about some off the books in my collection. In my Library you will find comics, fantasy, sci-fi, technical manuals and a Plethora of historical based fiction.

Ok this part off the Blog is going to be a bit different from the usual in that rather than telling you about a book or comic that ive read but a rather its going tom be about a book series that im planning to read (I hope you all get that) the wheel of time series by Robert Jordan is a series of books 15 high fantasy novels spanning over 20,000 pages and 4million words basically its the height of me :P when you stand them all up. Now ive heard nothing but good things about these books so Im looking forward to reading them. And to prove I have I will post my start date and finish date for each of them in my blog and do a review (spoiler free) for each in the blog. Any one who wants to can read along with me.

A Wheel of Time 00 a New Spring 18/3/16

1. Parachute, this I a pretty standard one for most people but for me it will be a way of remembering my family and the things that they did during world war two and other conflicts. You see my uncle Joe was in the Paras and was involved in the Allied Landings in Sicily, Pegasus Bridge (D-day) and Arnhem where the Parachute Regiment forever gained there place in history by holding out against the best battle hardend units of the Nazi Wermacht and the sis Panzar divisions
2. I wanna climb a Mountain Ive never did it and yet I live in Scotland the Land of Mountains this must be rectified
3. I wanna travel the world so far ive only been to 3 country's outside of the UK. That is France, Spain and Ireland. I want to go to America and meet some friends there and Canada as-well maybe go to some other European Nations as-well
4. I wanna have a Orgy with Lauren, Kelly, Chanel Preston and Phoenix Marie cause every guy wants to ;)
5. I wanna go and finish my degree at university (I may or may not do this through the open university)


1.hey there can you tell my readers a bit about yourself?

I'm Lauren, 25, proud Texan and Aggie. I'm outgoing, sassy, chill, and a total realist. I enjoy getting to know people and making friends. 

That enough?

2. yeah that's a good start.

so Lauren your not really a geek but your my bestie and I know you love horror movies so what are your favorites?

True, I'm not a geek really D: 

My favourites are Halloween, Scream (the references to other horror movies are fantastic), The Town that Dreaded Sundown (real story about a killer in Texas), The Wolfman (the classic with Lon Chaney Jr.), the original Texas chainsaw Massacre, Frankenstein, Monster Squad, The Shining, Evil Dead, Dracula, House on Haunted Hill, 13 Ghosts

3.any horror movies or franchises that you don't like?

Never really cared for the Chucky movies. And I hate the majority of the stuff they come out with today

4.not a fan of the saw films?

Oh I did like the Saw films. Very creative. I just mean I'm not fond of all the possession type movies... Possessed houses and shit like that. i guess your not into the paranormal activities movies

Correct... I saw the first one I believe, it wasn't terrible... But I just think they're doing too much of that and similar type movies.

6.yeah I prefer the old slasher type horror, though im not a fan of the saw films

Same here for the most part... I liked the Saw series because they were super gory and even a bit thought provoking your from Texas Tell me why so many Horror movies are set in Texas?

Haha well there aren't THAT many... But I guess because we have elements that make horror movies good. Woods, lots of country, rednecks (House of 1000 Corpses), etc.

8.are you a redneck?

Haha no, not really. I'm a bit country, but I'm not a full blown redneck. Although there's nothing wrong with rednecks tell me about the story behind the town that was afraid of the dark

Haha you mean The Town That Dreaded Sundown? Well it's set in the late 1940's... It happened like on the Texas/Arkansas border, there's a city called Texarkana that's half in Texas and half in Arkansas. Anyway, the movie was made in the 70's... They did a remake a couple years ago, and it was total shit (like most remakes tend to be). But this guy would go out and kill people, he usually targeted couples, and he wore like a pillow case over this head with eyes cut out. My grandmother actually lived there when it all happened, she was about 10 or so when the killing spree went about. But she talks about how everyone boarded up their windows and how the town had a curfew, etc. The guy was never caught, though. Of course he's dead by now (most likely). But from what I've heard, they worked on the case for years and were never able to catch him. The movie isn't exactly 100% accurate as far as how it all went down. But I remember a scene from the movie, my favorite scene, and the killer uses a trombone to murder someone. He has a knife in the end of it, and when he blows out and moves the slide, it stabs her. I'm not sure if that actually happened, though. He reminds me a bit of Michael Myers because of his breathing... Something about their masks that makes their breathing really creepy. The movie is kind of a documentary as well.

10.did I ever tell you about the serial killer from my home town?

No, I don't think so

11.he was a guy called Peter Manuel "the b**st of Birkenshaw." he Murdered between 7-9 people including 2 familys, he was a professional burglar and he would break into a house and live in the attic for weeks at a time. he killed the Smart family and kept on going back to there house to feed the family cat. he was actually born in the US either in New York or Detroit (his birth certificate didn't say where) he tried to be an American Gangster he worn the whole fedora and trench-coat zoot suit thing but the real gangsters thought he was a Fanny. his family where all scumbags as well his dad was a r****t and he was acquitted he used to walk past the house of his victim and sit at her in the street. Manuel was hung in Barlinee Prison in 1958. he acutely conducted his own defence while he was on trial and was congratulated by the Judge on how he conducted it though he still got sent down. he was actually caught because he stole the Smart family car and gave one off the Policemen a Lift in it. Before the body's where discovered and the policeman remembered the regi number (there was only about 20 cars in Uddingston at the time) during the drive he also talked about the recent spate of housebreakings and ****s in the area which the Policeman found odd

Damn, that's intense. He hung himself in prison or someone else did it to him? he was executed whos your favourite movie monster/killer?

Michael Myers!!


14.what is it about Micheal Myers that you like

He's got this calmness about him that's just so insanely creepy. His breathing too, as I mentioned before. And the way he tilts his head, normally after a kill. Like he's admiring his work. He never runs, and I know a lot of the serial killers never run, but he's just got this determination about him that's so freaky. know what I like about Micheal Myers?

Tell me

16.he never got stupid, while Freddie, Jason and the others all started being hammy and doing slly things Michael just went on being a stone cold killer

Yes exactly. Michael had heart how do you watch your horror movies lights on or lights off?

Depends if I watch on my TV or on my laptop. Lights off is what I prefer, though you hide under the blankets?

Haha no, of course not... It's been a long time since a movie has actually scared me. But I love the thrill and adrenaline

19.oh I bet you I can get some film to scare you

Haha please do rank your favorite movie killers and monsters for me

Michael Myers
Ghost Face (Billy and Stu were my favs)
The Creeper (from Jeepers Creepers)
Hannibal Lecter
Leather Face
Jason Voorhees
Patrick Bateman
The Phantom Killer
Jack Torrance
Freddy Krueger
Norman Bates

I'm sure there are loads more that I like, but can't think of them at the moment.
23.any articular Dracula?

Yeah, Bela Lugosi as Dracula. I also liked Dracula in The Monster Squad... He was pretty hot. favorite was Christopher Lee cause he was awesome as an actor and a Person (did you know he was a spy?)

I didn't... Didn't he just die within the last year or so?

25.yes he did last year, he was a spy in world war two and a member of the SAS, he was also the cousin of both Ian Fleming and J R R Tolkien, was a member of all 3 stuntmens unions, performed in more movie sword-fights than any other actor in history, played villains in star wars James bond and the lord of the rings plus he also released a heavy metal album when he was in his 80's the man was made of awesome.

Wow... Sounds like it in your introduction you said you where an Aggie, what is an Aggie?

graduate from Texas A&M University. A&M used to be primarily an agriculture school, so that's where Aggie came from

27. so your a farm girl?

nah... not now, anyway. but A&M isn't just an agi school anymore

28. I would like to be on a farm with you

haha hope you like manure

29. like to put it in my hair

hahaha me too. and use it as a face mask to cleanse my face opens the pores (btw this is going in the blog)

hahaha omgggg what kind of books do you like

mystery/crime, Russian lit, classics, romance of course

32.I never knew you liked Russian books tell me about them

I took a Russian lit class during college and really enjoyed it, especially because I had a fantastic professor. So that inspired me to read more. It really flourished in the early 1800's and on. Some of it is kind of depressing, but it's deep and real, and that's what I like about it.

33.The only Russian books Ive read are the brothers kasimovh and war and peace

ah yes... War and Peace is one of my favorites... and one of Tolstoy's biggest achievements

34.tell me what makes it such a classic in your eyes?

The writing in general is fantastic. The character development is insanely good... Constantly evolving and changing. It shows how they deal with war and all that comes with it, their struggles, sacrifices, etc. Plus it just teaches the audience a lot about Russia. Russia an interest of yours?

Nah, not exactly... lol

36.oh I thought maybe it was, so what other interest do you have?
swimming, outdoors, writing, sleeping, hiking/camping, scenery,

37.would you go camping with me?

haha of course

38.can you ride a horse?

yeah i can... it's not difficult to do

39.could you teach me

sure, my friend you have a horse?

haha no... although i have a Doberman that's the size of a small horse

41.your a****l lover how many pets do you have?

I grew up with dogs my whole life with a couple cats s**ttered here and there, but I have a Doberman and a mutt now of my own

42. I always wanted a cat :) Ive had lots off dogs too but I want a wee house cat called mittens cause my sister is allergic

Hahha. Cats are lame. :O

43.thats a shame :( why are all your cats lame?

lol... cats in general :P i'm k**ding though, there are some nice cats out there you collect anything?

Just cocks... Cut 'em off of silly men who are assholes :D

But no, not really. When I was little I used to collect the metal thing off the top of Coke cans haha. You know that little thing that you can bend back and forth and it'll break off. Used to keep them in my beauty and the b**st music box. But now I don't collect anything anymore wouldnt cut off my cock would you?

Nah you're a nice enough boy

46.yay :D though theres other things you can do with it :D so I think that about covers all our questions for just now. thank you for taking the time to do them and Is there anything you would like to ask me?

Hmmmmm. Haha. What inspired you to do these interviews?

47.just thought it would be fun :)

well thanks you Lauren for taking the time to answear my questions and thanks to the people who read this
Published by jonboi18
9 years ago
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laurrren 9 years ago
to edintx99 : Hey... Now that's a good idea. Care to be the first victim?
Reply Original comment
edintx99 9 years ago
A great blog by John, once again. Let's see some of the parts....
(1) Great choice for Babe of the Week: Emma can spawn with my little demons anytime. ^__^
(2) I haven't read anything by Robert Jordan in a long time but I did enjoy one of his series some years ago. He's a good writer.
(3) I also liked the Star Trek series that was on TV. I though it was well done and thought it was as entertaining in its own was as Voyager.
(4) Your interview, as always is quite illuminating. The questions are always good but I like the way the interviewee's personality shines through.

I'm pretty sure that Lauren now needs to write the script for a new R/X-rated horror movie that involves a serial cock-chopping sexy woman who exacts revenge on men that fail to stand-up to her standard of well..... stand-upness! What do you and Lauren think? ^__^
laurrren 9 years ago
to talonequ : hahahaha
Reply Original comment
nightskies 9 years ago
Another great entry John, and a lot of great information. I didn't know you wanted to go sky diving. One of the best places to jump in the US is about 15 miles (if that) north of me. If you venture over here when I'm around we'll jump together, it's a fucking blast. Like nothing else you can do, it's very intense. Then you can use the jumpsuit to hit on girls, not that I would know anything about that... LOL

You've really got yourself into something with the Wheel of Time series, but I think you're going to like it. Keep us updated, some of us want to know if the purchase is worth it. Never got into Enterprise too much, just didn't sit well with me, but perhaps I should give it a try.

Great interview with Lauren and she was a great sport, good sense of humor about things. Also, thank you for educating her on the sheer awesomeness of Christopher Lee. The world is a lesser place without that man in it.

As always, most enjoyable and keep up the good work.
talonequ 9 years ago
Manure face mask??? Really? Good thing you added a JK to your comment that "cats are lame".

When I was a kid, one of my classmates was named Warren Peece.

Danielle92 9 years ago
The list with 5 things to do is a great list! Although I am a little offended I didn't make it into #4, I'd still strongly encourage you to make all of them happen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also loved the interview, great job John :smile: x
jonboi18 Publisher 9 years ago