My First Bi Encounter

Tights Fetish My First Bi Encounter [/u]

I had been masturbating and having so many fantasizing sessions of my Auntie while wearing her tights that I stole over a year ago. I never get bored of the thought of fucking her in fact I managed to steel a few more pairs of tights from her. But I got to the point that I wanted some kind of contact sex. At only 11 years old obviously I was a virgin and didn’t have a clue on how about to find someone that would satisfy my needs.
There was no point trying on with any of the local girls of my age for a start they was not exactly my type also I never had seen any of them wearing tights, they were always in long white socks.
Things change quite by accident one day, I was at my friends Peter’s we were doing the usual boy stuff, playing football in the garden when it started to pour down with rain and sleet, and we got soaked through so much so we couldn’t feel our fingers and toes we were so cold from the heavy down pour.
Heading in doors to get dry and warm Peter’s Mother Carol (true name) was waiting with a towel each to dry ourselves off, “you are wet through both of you, quickly get all your kit off here then both take a hot shower, I don’t mud carried through the house” Peter removed all of his and was standing there totally naked, I had left just my shorts on being slightly shy also the fact I had just noticed Carol’s pretty nyloned feet with a lovely colour orange toe nails, this suddenly cause a stir and I couldn’t help myself for getting a semi hard on when Carol said to me take your shorts and pants off too, I was very reluctant and nervous what with my state of semi arousal “ don’t be silly Carol said I seen plenty of little willies in my lifetime so another one won’t matter, then you go upstairs and get in the shower quickly so you don’t catch cold”
Peter had gone upstairs, I faced the other way as I was about to remove my shorts and pants I see that Carol had gathered up the wet towels and was standing waiting for me. “Come on quickly I haven’t got all day”. Just as I was bending down to get my shorts off from around my feet I suddenly was faced with Carol’s sexy nyloned legs and feet. My cock went from semi to a full on hard on and there was nothing I could do to hide it. “Christ Carol blurted then something like if only you were older Lloyd I’m sorry but you have a great looking cock” I could do no more than rush upstairs to the shower, Peter was still showering, so there I was standing with just a semi by now shivering waiting
for him to finish.
Carol suddenly appeared with a tracksuit for me to wear “thank you I said politely” she had a smirk on her face “sorry but I had to have another look”, she said looking down at my cock “which was now starting to throb again “hurry up Peter, big boy, I mean Lloyd, he needs to get in the shower. As she left the bathroom she muttered “your so much bigger than my husband down there, your certainly please the ladies one day lucky lucky them”. I felt myself go red and to make matters worse my cock swelled again to another full hard on. “Wow very nice, very nice indeed” she muttered as walked away. Finally Peter had finished his shower, in I got and I was feeling very horny now after what had just happened with Carol, I was fantasizing about fucking her I almost cum in the shower.

I managed to hold off shooting my load and was drying myself off when I see the laundry bin in the corner, I had to take a look and yes to my delight there was 3 or 4 pairs of Carol’s tights in there, I had to have a pair she wouldn’t notice, to be honest I didn’t care if she did.
So after checking her tights out I put a pair ready on top for me to steal later, Peter had got a football game out for us to play after a couple of hours we were both bored and didn’t really know what to do, the rain was still belting down so we sat on the bed watching TV. I was thinking about heading home as I was still feeling so horny I needed to cum sooner or later. Peter bought the subject of girls and who he liked and asked me who I fancied. “Well there’s no one of our age I like they’re not what I call sexy” so who do like “I can’t tell you firstly you’d laugh and you’re go and tell them “No I won’t we our best friends so we should be able to tell each other anything” anything I said “yes whatever you tell me will stay between us, even whatever we get up to will be our secret”
What do you mean by whatever we get up to “you know like when we rang for a taxi and hid up watching it go up and down the road that time, which was a laugh”
So tell me who you like then I promise I won’t laugh, Peter reluctantly said that Mrs Twiss our teacher from school made him hard most days, he went on about her sexy legs (how right he was she hard legs to die for) and how he would play with himself while imaging he was stroking her legs and how wonderful they would feel especially when she wore tights.
When he mentioned tights, my ears pricked up as well as my cock again “look you have got a hard on he laughed” “Sshh your Mum will hear I said”.
“You like tights too I said, have you ever felt them on anyone” I asked, only on my Mum when sitting on the sofa watching TV he said, “your Mum has great legs to I said, I would love to feel them and fuck her while she had tights on even better if I was wearing them as well, that would feel awesome.
“How do you know it would feel awesome” OK I have a secret, (then an idea come to mind) on one condition if I will tell you, you have to do anything I say for a whole hour OK? “Like what I he asked”
Something to do with legs and tights, “tights” yep you bet I replied.
. Then noticing Peter was getting aroused I asked him “how much do you like tights “
“I have liked them for ages and I have been thinking of wearing some while I jack off” so are you saying you have ever worn tights yet, well well after all I think you will enjoy doing your forfeit I said, Peter looked at me with a strange expression on his face.
You totally promise if I tell you my secret it stays between us “don’t worry I am not going to tell on you” good I said, “what is it please tell me”
OK so I told him whole story of me and my Auntie and also telling him of all the tights I had stolen and my wanking sessions and how hard I cum when I wear my Aunties tights.
“Wow I bet that feels good” he said, trust me Peter it feels out of this world, you must try a pair of your Mums on “I told you I have thought about it but I am to scared in case Mum finds out or catches me in them”.
My cock was solid again for about the 10th time, “Peter I see you have a hard on to, he went slightly red faced, don’t worry, look at my cock, I had dropped my tracksuit trousers and pants, “bloody hell
that’s big” he half laughed, the reason my cock is throbbing like this is because of your Mum’s sexy legs and her tights, “you really think my Mum is sexy” to right I do, I’d love to eat her pussy then fuck her.
I shout came from downstairs “Boys boys come here please; there’s a drink here for you both.
Pete you watch me playing with my hard cock while looking at you Mum’s legs I said,” yeah I will”
When we had got downstairs I noticed Carol had change her cloths, in fact she looked even more sexy, plus the skirt she was now wearing was a little sorter, just above her knees and she had change her tights she was wearing nearly black colour now, Fuck what I want to do to you Carol I was thinking to myself, Peter was smiling and trying not to laugh as I was wanking my cock through the tracksuit bottoms while staring at his Mum. “Lloyd” Carol half shouted at me, I was still staring at her legs plus I was miles away fantasizing, “Drink here for you” she said with a grin on her face she had noticed me staring at her.
“Listen boys I have to pop out to the shops and I have a doctor’s appointment, so you two will be OK here won’t you” Peter agreed and asked how long she’d be “ no more than an hour & half, don’t mess the house up and be good while I’m out.
Both of us at once promised her we’d be good, then I knew I could put my plan into action. In my mind Iknew exactly what I was going to do when she had left, I would hunt for the tan tights she had been wearing earlier, and now is the perfect time to tell Peter what we were going to do if he likes it or not, I was feeling like a sex crazed a****l.
Peter and I watched her drive off, “Right Peter you go to your bedroom, take all your clothes off” Why he said, just do it and I will be with you in a few minutes. I am going to nick your Mums tights that she was wearing earlier and I will undress to, but I will be wearing the tights and I know where there’s some for you to wear.
“Why should I” he said, “You have a bad memory have you forgotten already that you have to do something for me as I told you my secret” I went to the laundry basket but couldn’t find the tights she had just worn, Fuck it, anyway I got pair of dark tan tights from the bin for Peter, then I went and checked her bedroom, Bingo there they were in a crumpled ball on the floor, I knew these were them as they were still slightly warm, I put them to face and could smell Carol cent.
After a few minutes of licking the crouch I quickly striped off my clothes and carefully slipped one foot into the tights and then the other, as I pulled the tights up and my cock made contact with the crouch area I almost shot my load, I was sweating like fuck I need to cum but it took all my willpower not to.
I walked in Peter’s bedroom dressed in Carol’s tights , my cock was like a tent pole, Peter was sitting on his bed and I noticed he had a hard on, “put these on I said” see you are turned on by tights as much as me”, before he could answer me “ do you think I look sexy in your Mum tights, Well do you”
Peter was in a tiswas trying to get the tights on, “Let me help and I rolled the first leg of the tights up
Then the second, Peter’s cock was now throbbing to, “see I do turn you on in my tights” feel my legs all over and I’ll do the same to you, hurry we have about 45minutes to play and masturbate.
Lay on the bed, we were in the 69 position stroking each other’s legs.
“Can I wank you through the tights and you do the same to me” Peter was bright red in the face breathing quite heavy “ OK” as I touched his nylon cock for the first time he nearly fell off the bed, Wow that made me jump he said and your rights tights really do feel so good.
“do it to me” Oh fuck I was in heaven as Peter stroke my cock, pre-cum was leaking from the both of us big time, Peter said he wanted to cum “No not yet I said don’t spoil it, I can see you are enjoying this to but let’s make it last and cum together.
“I will want to do this all the time” he mumbled,” good co’s we can.
“Peter have you ever done French kissing” no not really, can I lay on top of you and teach you how to French kiss, Please Peter I am so turned on, what with wearing your Mum’s tights and also touching you sexy nylon legs I need to kiss, you French kiss you.
“I’ll try it he said. But this is Gay, No we are not Gay, we like Girls to much, but there aren’t any here, true he said.
OK lay on your back, I slowly got on top of him, “Oh Fuck” we both said together, as soon as our nyloned legs made contact, it felt as if we both got an electric shock but in a nice way if that’s possible (the only way I can describe it) our tights felt so wonderful entwined together.
Our nyloned cocks touch for the first time, we both moaned our sexual tension was getting to a boiling point.
I put my hands to his face and gently began to kiss him slowly, as he responded I put my tongue into his month, we were both grinding ourselves against each other, both breathing heavy, I pull back and looked him in the eyes “does this feel so good “yes please kiss me now with your tongue in my month OK you do the same to me, so there we were our nyloned legs entwined arms around each other French kissing dry fucking each other, we were in a sexual heaven, neither of us wanted this to end, but we didn’t have long, time had shot bye.
“Peter we better cum now and please can I call you Carol as I shoot my load and you moan my name at the same time please., if you want, but please kiss me as well I really get turned on doing this.
So as we French kissed and grinding harder as ever (our way of making love to each other) we were moaning and breathing so hard edging to orgasm, Oh fuck “you feel so good Carol” “fuck me harder Lloyd cum in my tights yes do it fill my tights with your spunk” Peter said, this totally done it for me I ground in him kissing him so hard “I’m gonna cum” me to and our entire bodies shook as will fill his Mum tights with our cum.
As we lay there, it felt like that I’d just run a marathon, catching my breath “ We better get clean up” what about these tights Peter asked, don’t worry I am going take then home rinse them out ready for next time, “You do want a next time I hope” “fucking right I do” then Peter totally took me by surprise “if you had asked me to suck your cock I would have” “really” yes I was so turned on I even thought about you fucking me in the ass.
“bloody hell” I would love to fuck you, I want us dressed in tights though, “ of course” I started to stir again but I knew we didn’t have time for a repeat.
We both got cleaned up I hid the cum soaked tights away safe for me to take home later.
What shall we do now I said? I am fucked Peter said, same here, “I know let’s just lay down and plan our next cum session”, good idea, we were making all sorts of role play plans, we must have be knackered because we both drifted off to sleep and the next thing I remember is Carol tickling me with her nyloned foot, she was standing next to the bed and had removed her shoes and was trying to wakes us both up, “ come on big boy wakey wakey ad you to Peter” Peter woke up startled “Mum I was having a nice dream” Oh yeah was it about girls? Mum stop it.
As Carol walked out of the room clearly heard her say I will be dreaming of something big very big, she turned and smiled at me.
“Man I so badly want to fuck your Mum Peter” I want to do her hard make her cum and fill her cunt with my spunk” I need a pee Peter as I made my way to the toilet Carol went Boo to me this made me jumped out of my skin, she had heard all that I had just said bout fucking her.
I went as red as a cherry, “you never know big boy, never say never” then she made her way downstairs singing away.
Sadly no I never got to fuck Carol but Peter and I had some fantastic tights and cum sessions, I lost count of the of pairs of tights I stole from Carol, a few years later Peter move away with his Mum & Dad due to hid Dads work commitments.
But I will never forget Peter or his sexy fucking Mum, you may laugh but while writing this story which has taken me a while, simply because I had to stop and slip into some tights and wank myself stupid thinking of them both.
Published by hoseman08
9 years ago
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silkypantyhose20 9 months ago
Holy shit wow that was sexy as hell xx
PhoseSlutRenee 1 year ago
to i_luv_pantyhose : me too
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PhoseSlutRenee 1 year ago
So Hot! I'm so turned on and hard from your story
drillenfun 1 year ago
Holy fuck that is hot!!!
nancypanty 1 year ago
Oh I can relate to a lot of this, enjoyed this ..
to ffhosehead : wish i caught u in panthose as a teen
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to i_luv_pantyhose : wish I caught u young trying on your mothers pantyhose :wink:
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Questfirstone 2 years ago
That was so hot it made me cum all over my self.
Southcoast1 2 years ago
I wonder if Peter is also still wanking like mad into tights...a very horny reminiscence....
hip12out 2 years ago
fun all the way xx
Kissableking 2 years ago
Makes me want to ware some tights now 😊
MAF1946 2 years ago
Love the story!
i_luv_pantyhose 2 years ago
I really loved this story. I wish I had an encounter like that when I was young.
Guy49007 3 years ago
Tights or stockings love them
unbiassed 3 years ago
to twitchums : shall read this later..thanks for sharing
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twitchums 3 years ago
Nice memory.   Thank you
Tomh1978 3 years ago
Very horny now
Denise65 4 years ago
Awesome!  Though I didnt have ur adventure, when I was between the ages of 10 and 15, I would lust over some of the married neighbor ladies and 2 girls that were a couple years older than me, in my dreams.  I can still picture them!  One woman was redheaded, great legs, busty with a little meat on her bones. Another had black hair, busty and had a little more meat on her bones than the redhead.  Another was my best friend's mom, and she had a slender build, great legs, and wore short shorts (but no daisy dukes) with high heeled slipon sandals!  So for the long comment, I was getting aroused.
plumber2011 4 years ago
Superb sensuous story.
theblob2 4 years ago
Wonderful! So hot jacking off to your experience
wearimus 5 years ago
Good story. Look forward to reading how you gave Peter a blowjob and fucked him
lovetoesinhose58 5 years ago
you had me hard reading this also
toniecd 6 years ago
nice hot story had me stroking 
Rory4Me 7 years ago
Loved reading this, while slowly stroking my hardening Cock. Very erotic. Everyone's comment below was very Erotic as well.
0j0 7 years ago
Love this story too. Even just saying the word tights makes me feel horny
paddyhose 7 years ago
Love this story..keep coming back to it, always gets me hard. Well written hm08..You should keep at it, would love to hear some tights fantasies. I have lost track of the number of tights I stole/borrowed as a kid or the times my mum woke me wearing my/her cum stained sheer black 15 den pretty pollys
ty Paddy
fiona_cdf 8 years ago
Brilliant !
tretest 8 years ago
Very horny story.
aidyxd 8 years ago
Lovely sexy and very horny, made me very hard reading it xxx
rsmkc 8 years ago
Wow that made me hard, thanks for sharing