Cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters
So there's this fat chick, err, "BBW," an admitted bi-polar crazy who's all tweaked about seven little words in my profile: "cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters."
Seems "Lynn" is one of those putrid PC Porn buffoons who watches porn - which by its very nature degrades females - but inexplicably gets offended by statements like "cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters." I think the word to describe tubby is HYPOCRITE. See my blog of a few months ago on the subject,,for a more in depth analysis of these idiots.
Bitch is now stalking me and has even written a blog entitled - you guessed it - "cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters." Her posse of lil sissy girly-men whitebread vanilla boy scout cucks - clearly NOT REAL MEN - have all weighed in with comments along the lines of, "he doesn't respect women, that's TERRIBLE!!" tsk tsk, cluck, cluck etc. etc. ad naseum BARF LOL!!!!!!!!!.
Here's the alternative, far superior version of the blog, which all TRUE porn fans will greatly prefer.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Isn't it obvious?
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. WORD.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Ain't it the truth?
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. What other purpose do they have (besides cooking and cleaning, that is)?
(Image from my gallery "Black Facials Matter")
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Is there any question?
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. AVN FPOY Riley Reid here understands that.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Even if they don't realize it.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. It's the only thing that makes 'em happy.
And finally, cunts are born 2 b cum dumpsters. It's the only reason their whore mothers and pimp fathers conceived them BWAH!:)
Men run the the world. Cunts take our loads.
P.S. - Mr. felt so inspired by the festivities here that he humbly submits the following homemade GIF for possible inclusion. I say HELL YES! What a thing of beauty. Summarizes things rather nicely, don't you think?:)
Seems "Lynn" is one of those putrid PC Porn buffoons who watches porn - which by its very nature degrades females - but inexplicably gets offended by statements like "cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters." I think the word to describe tubby is HYPOCRITE. See my blog of a few months ago on the subject,,for a more in depth analysis of these idiots.
Bitch is now stalking me and has even written a blog entitled - you guessed it - "cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters." Her posse of lil sissy girly-men whitebread vanilla boy scout cucks - clearly NOT REAL MEN - have all weighed in with comments along the lines of, "he doesn't respect women, that's TERRIBLE!!" tsk tsk, cluck, cluck etc. etc. ad naseum BARF LOL!!!!!!!!!.
Here's the alternative, far superior version of the blog, which all TRUE porn fans will greatly prefer.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Isn't it obvious?
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. WORD.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Ain't it the truth?
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. What other purpose do they have (besides cooking and cleaning, that is)?
(Image from my gallery "Black Facials Matter")
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Is there any question?
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. AVN FPOY Riley Reid here understands that.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. Even if they don't realize it.
cunts r born 2 b cum dumpsters. It's the only thing that makes 'em happy.
And finally, cunts are born 2 b cum dumpsters. It's the only reason their whore mothers and pimp fathers conceived them BWAH!:)
Men run the the world. Cunts take our loads.
P.S. - Mr. felt so inspired by the festivities here that he humbly submits the following homemade GIF for possible inclusion. I say HELL YES! What a thing of beauty. Summarizes things rather nicely, don't you think?:)
9 years ago
They just fall into two categories (1) the ones that know it, embrace it and love it (and how we love them!); and (2) the rest that are in denial, pretending their inner sluts don't exist! But even worse than (2) would be the sub-category of whore, like the sort of cunt that inspired this blog...
"I embrace the misogyny, I live in the patriarchy, and by embracing submission I have found happiness and above all... satisfaction. Satisfaction in submission, in humiliation, in the occasional cock shoved in my holes. I endorse rape culture, if I dress provocatively, I don't do it for me, I do it for him, for them."
Lookinf for empaty on a porn side is simply ridicolus.
c'mom guys people come here to quench their thirst for virtual sex and not to seek some kind of empathy or something.
Repeat after me ........
And on and on.
Cum Dumping: Staple of Porn since Day One. Some XHam members, in particular a fat chick err, "BBW," just doesn't know her porn history/porn culture. But no worries tubby: under my expert tutelage, I'll bring ya up to speed:)) After all, you ARE my new cumdump
This Porno 101/History of Porn lesson has been brought to you by the one, the only, SexistPigPornAdict.
"She's pretty pissed'? Thank you. You just made my day. I'm not pissed at all. I'm enjoying crushing the life out of that birth defect who clearly should have been aborted. Hey bitch, it's never too late to atone for your cunt mother's mistake LOL
Together, we have vanquished the despised enemy,, and her PC nonsense. Undoubtedly, she is reeling from the schooling you all gave her and re-thinking all her misguided notions about Porn like, "maybe it's NOT all warm and fuzzy. Maybe it's really, really sexist and misogynistic. Maybe Porn isn't for my delicate, idealistic sensibilities after all. Maybe the males who I surround myself with for reinforcement really are ball-less girly-men cucks and not REAL men"
She talks tough, but then like the wuss she truly is, blocks people before they can respond.
I, on the other hand, have NOT blocked her. She has been free to comment here, but hasn't. Her silence is telling: PUSSY! BWAH!
I hereby declare VICTORY. The war has been won. And it was so EASY:) Helps when truth is on your side.