Johns Geektastic Blog

hello and welcome to my blog I hope you like what you see and you will come and become a regular visitor to our strange wee corner of the Xhamster verse.

Johns Random thought

are we living in a new golden age of geekdom? DC movies, MARVEL movies, a plethora of comic and book based tv shows and A GOOD STAR WARS FILM!. Every shop has a Plethora of geeky TV t-shirts k**s talk about spiderman and batman at school. This can only be good, as a boy I was the only k** at my school who liked the things that I do and it could be lonely not that I didnt have friends but they weren't into the same things so I couldn't chat about star trek or star wars or anything off that nature, I can remember watching the Old Sci-Fi channel (Before it became Sy-fy and was all storage hunters and wrestling) I used to spend my Saturdays at my grannies watching the old Lost in space, Battlestar galtica (the one with Faceman) Babylon 5, Star trek and those horribly budded Anime movies like Star chaser. It was awesome if I had the money that's what I would do I would make up my own network and buy up the rights to all these old shows and just play them over and over again. Things like

Buck Rodgers

the Hulk


the twilight zone


and any over shows that you wish to leave in the comments.

It wasn't until I went to University that I met people with similar interest to mine and this was around the same time as the MARVEL movies started coming out and the general awakening in the geek force was born and now we are where we are today. yes there is a lot of Guff but there's a lot off good and for every into the badlands there is a game of thrones and walking dead.

Johns Babe of the week

Growing up one off my Favourite programs was Buffy the Vampire slayer which was chopful of slayeriffic babes from Buffy herself Cordelia, buffys mum (had it going on) dawn and willow and that's just the humans most off the vamps where bonktastic it was a Plethora of buxom hotties in there so I think the first off my new geeky blogs babes of the weeks shall be Buffy herself.

Buffy was portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar in all the series episode as well as several episodes off the spin-off series Angel. Gellar is an awesome girl who in her spare time was a competitor figure skater and a Black belt in Tae Kwon Do which enabled her to perform all her own stunts while filming the series. She became something of a scream queen during the early 2000's as she was cast in the crude films and I know what you did last summer series, as-well as playing Daphne Blake in the live action Scooby Doo films along with her husband Freddie prince Junior she gets extra geeky points for Voicing April O'neil in the 2007 TMNT film. all in all she has had a varied carer though she is not as active as in previous years do to having drains on her resources and working for several charities.

She still keeps herself in the acting world though with the occasional voice acting work.

Things John Isn't allowed to do

1. when flying on an air-plane don't shout and cheer when someone leaves the toilet shake there hand an say welcome to the Mile high club.
2. When at the barbers don't shout and scream when the barber starts to cut your hair.
3. When ordering drinks at a bar don't try and Jedi mind trick your way to free drinks
4. when buying new shoes don't try on every pair in the shop before going nah I think I will go somewhere else
5. Never throw ice-cubes in a deep fat fryer

Johns tv show review

Caprica (2010) was a single series Prequel to the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. As a series it delved into the birth of the Cylons and the relationship with the one God who was pulling the strings of the Cylons and the Colonials in Battlestar. The series dealt with several storylines including industrial espionage between Greystone Industry's and the Vergis corporation and the role in the Mafia like Ha'la'tha who include the Adama brothers (father and uncle to Bill ā€œFRACKINGā€ Adama) the terrorist faction the STO (Soldiers of the One) the Militant arm of the church of the one God and there war against the Polytheists who follow the Greek Pantheon of Gods (Yeah those Gods MOFHERFUCKERS)

the series raises some interesting questions regrading religion and its role in society, interactions with other faiths and fundamentalism, morality, laws, the impact of the internet in our lives, family and the nature of ones self and there place in the universe .it does what all great Sci-fi should it entertains yet makes one question the world around them.

I give it an 8/10 and its well worth the watch at only 18 episodes it can be watched in one or 2 sittings over the weekend (though I think your better of watching episodes with a gap in between to think things over)

Johns Book Club

Its time for me to sit down in the chair of Knowledge and tell you all about some off the books in my collection. In my Lidary you will find comics, fantasy, sci-fi, technical manuals and a Plethora of historical based fiction.

Today we will look at the two newest additions to my collection and the first of my Official canon Star Wars Expanded Universe material

Marvel Star wars Shattered Empire and Princess Leia comic books (or graphic novels for the pretentious) some off you will know where I stand on Disney and Lucasfilm on the issues of the old EU or Legends canon but im not going to get into that at this time, the two comics are a lot off fun with Leia taking place just after the Battle of Yavin and sees or titular hero criss-crossing the Galaxy trying to round up the last surviers of Alderon who have all been death marked by the empire, full of drama Interiuge and a Plethora off new Locations side charators and the funniest depiction of Admiral ā€œITS A TRAPā€ Akbar I have yet seen it is well worth a read.

Shattered Empire is set Just after the battle of Endor and follows Shara Bey a Rebel alliance A-Wing Pilot who fought at the Battle of Endor and Her interactions with the Main Star Warriors during the events off Operation Cinder (A pre-planned scorched earth attack by the Empire on the Galaxy in the events of the Emperors death)
can the star warriors thwart this evil? Will the terror of the dark side abate? Will Lando get some love? All these questions and more await you inside Star Wars Shattered Empire.

Geeky interview

this is a new section off my blog where I interview one off my geeky xhamster friends and a few special guests about the topics dear to each off our geeky hearts, so lets jump in with our first guest

hey what's your name and tell us a bit about yourself?

Nova.. I'm 26 years old live in the USA have full-time job that I enjoy very much. How many people can get online and chat on a porn site while at work.

Not many that's for sure, so tell us what sort of geeky things are you into?

Horror movies is my first love when it comes to geek stuff. I'm obsessed with them. I even go to conventions. TV shows, some comics and Toys especially Lego.

what do you prefer star wars or star trek and why?

Star Wars. I love the story telling of the original trilogy. Star Trek just not really my thing. Seems all the same to me.

So Nova what is your Favourite Star Wars movie and why?

Empire Strikes Back for a long time was my favourite. But the last a couple of years. I love Return Of The Jedi more because of bad ass Luke.

thoughts on the force Awakens?

I loved it!! It was so much fun. I'm so glad I got to see a good star wars movie in theatres. I hate the prequels. I was 10 when episode one came out i think and even the 10 year old seeing it with her Dad did not like it.

I think 99% of our readership feels the same way about the prequels so who is your Favorite star wars Character?

Luke Skywalker

is there anything you would like to see in the next Star wars movie?

More Luke Skywalker. LOL

now onto the hard hitting investigative work DC and MARVEL?

Marvel rules and DC blows for the most part when it comes to movies. Marvel has a plan with the movies. DC tries to force there movies and a lot of them are just not good. Sure Marvel done some bad ones. But not as much as DC.

So Nova what tv shows/ books/ games comics are you reading just now?

Comics - Wytches, The Walking dead and I been getting random Marvel Graphic Novels at my library. I don't do games. Just not my thing. TV shows I love The 100, Arrow, The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking, Orphan Black and Doctor Who.

ive never heard of the 100 can you tell me what its about?

It's a post-apocalyptic drama, The series follows a group of teens as they become the first humans to return to Earth after a devastating war. They thought they were alone but were not.

so the 100 is kinda like survivors (old BBC series from the early 80's remade in the early/mid 2000's) meets mad Max?

Yes it is. I highly recommend it. It's starts out slow. But gets going. Season 2 is some of the most intense TV I ever seen. Season 3 Started two weeks ago.

So you said you liked Doctor Who? Who is your Favourite Doctor?

11th Doctor is my favourite. I still miss him

favourite companion?

Amy Pond. I still miss her too.

what type of horror movies are you into? creature feature? slasher? Psychological?

All of it. I'm the self proclaimed Horror Princess on Xham. The original "Bride Of Frankenstein" is one of my all time favourites. I love Nightmare on Elm Street for modern slasher movies. The last few years I watched a lot of independent released horror.

out off the slasher killer genre who is your favourite killer?

Freddy Krueger by far.

Can you explain why you like horror movies so much?

Cause it gives me a rush when it's a good one.

describe your perfect horror movie?

Perfect would be something. That does have cheap scares, a good cast and a well written script. No shaky camera stuff. Way over used now. Sometime with a villain that shows no mercy.

On to some more random stuff now, what is your Favourite 80's cartoon?

Beetlejuice came out the year i was born i think. But It played on repeats years later and i was obsessed with it and still love it.

I forgot there was a Beetlejuice tv show any other favourites?

Alvin and chipmunks as well as Smurfs is others I will watch.

what conventions have you been too?

Horror Hounds (3 times), Wizard World ohio (6 times), Fright Night Film Fest, Heroes Con and Tri State Con.

ever cosplay?

One time as a vampire babe

what did your cosplay look-like?

Gothic dress. I wore a black wig and had fangs and blood dripping down. Simple but effective.

do you collect anything?

Lego, Random action figures and if it counts shoes and horror movies.

tell us about some of the things you have collected?

lego Star Wars, Lego Alien and Monster themed stuff. Random toys from star wars, marvel and horror related properties.

do you still play with your toys?

Well not really play but I do open and them and display them especially at work.

do you still play with your lego?

Just build and display them.

what do you build?

Star Wars, Marvel, Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who.

do you like fantasy?

I do like it. Which reminds me in my tv shows. I didn't mention Outlander or Game Of Thrones which are fantasy based shows.

is highlander the greatest movie ever?

I only seen highlander one time and i was pretty young. I would say no way.

you need to watch highlander again, the soundtracks by Queen that alone makes it epic :P what is the worst movie you've ever seen?

The worst movie is hard to say. But I guess I pick the Wicker Man remake.

favourite author?

J K Rowling. I love the Harry Potter books read them all multi times.

do you read a lot? and what are you reading at the moment?

I read in spells. Sometimes I will go a while without reading and then i will read a ton. I got the Silk Graphic Novel for Christmas I just started it last night.

any other hobbies?

Shopping if that counts as a hobby? I also love running for exercise and stress relief.

Final Question Nova as most off us know your a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan can you tell us what it is about this show that you love?

Buffy is my first show that I really had a cult following for. It has a special place in my heart because the character Willow was my first female crush.

thanks for taking the time to answer these questions and for being the first interviewee, is there any questions you would like to ask me?

Thanks for interviewing me. What is your favourite Star Wars Character?

Han solo

Final thoughts and goodbyes

well thank you all for your kind visit and to Nova for being my first interviewee hope you will all join me again next time we take a trip into hyperspace.


p.s. anyone find my secret word off the week gets a free Subway sandwich of there choice (terms and conditions apply, offer subject to the receipt of Ā£10 admin fees)

Published by jonboi18
9 years ago
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yeoman73 3 years ago
to Olive8 : made my day :wink:
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lycaon 9 years ago
Gee John thanks for this wonderful.. very informative post and your time/ effort in sharing this with us! :grinning:
nightskies 9 years ago
I will try to keep my replies short, because in your previous series some of our replies became as long as blog entries themselves. I am happy to see the return of your blog, and the new format and interviews are great, but with all the same fun, geeky content.

Caprica was a pretty good show, I don't think it got the credit that it deserved in all rights. You are absolutely correct in that it dealt with some major issues and societal questions in the form of metaphor. SMG was an awesome choice of the BTW of the new era, Buffy was the first 'mainstream' geek love of a lot of our generation.

Great interview with Nova, there are so many of us out there and this one place where we can all get together an enjoy our common interests. Always a good thing. I think it really brings some personal interaction to your blog, good choice in that.

All in all, a great entry and I look forward to more. The O'Neill/MacGyver picture was too funny. MTFBWYA
jonboi18 Publisher 9 years ago
to Dark_Witch : your very welcome thanks again for being the first victim
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jonboi18 Publisher 9 years ago
to Olive8 : does that make the people in my family who go to church mad? there some of the kindest most accepting people I know and they have campaigned for gay and equal rights since before either of us was born
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absolut_blue 9 years ago
Good read
Olive8 9 years ago
to Olive8 : 'collective mental illness,' I should have said. lol! :grinning:
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Olive8 9 years ago
"describe your perfect horror movie?"

President Donald S. Trump.

(That's not a question, btw. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
Olive8 9 years ago
to Dark_Witch : I'm the polar opposite of a 'geek.'

Does that make me a keeg...??? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Olive8 9 years ago
"the series raises some interesting questions regrading religion..,"

Does it conclude that all organized religion is a form of mental illness?
Dark_Witch 9 years ago
coooool I was interviewed. Thanks for picking me. :smile:

Xham just not a porn site it's a geek haven as well.

Long live geeks!

BTW that is one of my favorite looks for Willow. Mmmmmmm *fans herself*
kellykins2u 9 years ago
Great Interview!