To all downvoters!

Hello dvd's!
Just to make sure, I mean down voter dumbs.
Must be really a sad live, if you have so much time to offend so many xHamster uploaders with your dastard (like this word, because of "bastard", which fits here as well) downvotings! What's wrong with you? Didn't you get enough love from your mommies, because they had to do the street walk? And your daddies were ..., I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak about people you don't know.
Many xHamsters are here to jerk off to some hot pics or vids. Is it really true that dvd's can only get a boner if they see the result of their dirty doings? Are you already able to cum at 75% or do you need 50% or less? Or is cumming anyway history for you sob's? I guess the just mentioned percentage figures equal to the average IQ of a dvd!
It's "funny", there is a xHamster friend, who even create gallery titels for trolls (as he calls dvd's) to downvote his exquisit pictures. Dvd's wake up! This should show you two things: Nobody takes you for serious and that you are of no earthly use!
I guess my galleries will be from now on flooded with thumbs down, but you silly pieces of s... would disappoint me if you won't do it.
There are already many, many postings requiring the abolition of the down thumbs ... who knows ... one day ...
In the meantime, dvd's go home and be polite with your mommies and leave us xHamster uploaders in peace!
Published by Nightbird21101
9 years ago
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666Rhino 4 years ago
to Nightbird21101 : We are of a mind my friend.
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Nightbird21101 Publisher 4 years ago
to 666Rhino : Thank you very much for your opinion which I share at 100%.
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666Rhino 4 years ago
Mike, look, I like what you say BUT unfortunately there are people out there who love to be critical for no good reason.  Let's face it - if they had a reason they'd give it to you - both barrels from the hip, but they don't, because they can't.  Why?   Insufficient IQ and a lack of education would be my guess.  If they write it then they can be criticised which is the one thing they cannot: take, stand, tolerate or argue against.  Poor sad bastards with ugly souls.  Ignore them.  Pay attention to, and respect the man who says "I don't like 'it' because of 'this'."   He's prepared to stand up and justify himself, and, he's prepared to stand up and take criticism himself.
miklos 4 years ago
Did it ever occur to you, that I don't like everything posted???  Freedom of thought anyone?
Nightbird21101 Publisher 5 years ago
Nightbird21101 Publisher 7 years ago
to Caliguy_O5_O7 : Thanks!
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Caliguy_O5_O7 7 years ago
I do agree!
Nightbird21101 Publisher 7 years ago
Thanks for your support!!
fiddler66 7 years ago
Well, said.
Nightbird21101 Publisher 8 years ago
to FirmHose : Thank you!
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FirmHose 8 years ago
Well said
Nightbird21101 Publisher 8 years ago
to margiehank : Thank you Tom!
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margiehank 8 years ago
Nicely said and Amen!
Nightbird21101 Publisher 8 years ago
to orientallover : Thanks a lot! Very much appreciated!
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orientallover 8 years ago
A standing ovation!... Excellent :smile:
Nightbird21101 Publisher 9 years ago
to George178 : George, thank you very much for your statements and for teaching me even some new words :smile:
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George178 9 years ago
Mike, there are all kinds of people in this world. The good and the bad, the saints and the...dvds. In addition to "trolls" I call them "bastads" (they don't deserve the "r," which is the reason I spell it that way). They are the lowest of the low. They're certainly awfully, terribly, horribly unhappy with their lives, which is why they get off on disparaging others whom they see as better, happier, more well adjusted than they are. They are most certainly yugly (that's uglier than ugly. That's uncalled for ugly! That's so ugly their mothers wished to their dying day that they'd drownded them when they were pups! ...Or used protection to begin with! --Imagine a woman cutting a man's junk off so he wouldn't further pollute the gene pool. --Imagine a man cutting his OWN junk off in shame for the same reason)! There's a good chance the bastads are impotent. They can't get it up or get it wet. --Maybe they were born WITHOUT one! That WOULD be horrible, wouldn't it?! No happy organ EVER! To not know what ecstasy is!? EVER?!?! Jeez, that would be horribler than horrible! That would be yugly horrible!

Anyway, the way I see it we should count the down-votes as really up-votes. I look at some of my pictures every once and a while and I might see 20,000 views on a certain picture but only 5 or 6 up-votes and 2 or 3 or 4 down-votes. That ruins the percentages but don't even look at whether a vote is up or down. Look at who all makes comments to your pics. That takes more effort than simply hitting a voting key.
Nightbird21101 Publisher 9 years ago
to hamsterdamm : Thanks a lot! Let's hope 2016 will really bring some improvements :smile:
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Nightbird21101 Publisher 9 years ago
to hamsterdamm : Don't know him. So far it's not really a problem for me, "only" 8 out of my 30 last uploads experienced downvotes, lowest at 88%. But if I see e.g. easyRyder22, every gallery has massiv downvotes, many below 50% or even worse, than I really get so upset, that I even create a blog post ... One should abolish those down thumbs (as well the up ones), but in a era of likes and dislikes I'm afraid this won't happen for the next century ...
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hamsterdamm 9 years ago
Did you notify Kanoxhamster about your regular visitor?.
Nightbird21101 Publisher 9 years ago
to alan1953 : That's why we (almost) all are here, to have fun! I'm glad you had to laugh, shows me, that I did a good job :smile: As i wrote, nobody can take such wretched creatures for serious. To laugh at them keeps us in a good mood :smile:
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alan1953 9 years ago
That's great brilliant post I know,it's meant to be serious, but I had to laugh