Email to xHamster (12-21-2015)
Dear xHamster:
The purpose of this email is to respectfully suggest
a way to improve the access for ALL xHamster visitors
to the Many excellent collections of photo galleries and
videos uploaded by the xHamster community.
It is not at all an original idea of mine, but something that
I saw implemented at another Porn website that, like xHamster,
has a vibrant community of uploaders who have many fine
collections of photos and videos.
The system at this site allows uploaders to create
"folders" in which to place galleries and videos based
on a common theme/topic. So, when someone visits a user profile
and goes, say, to that user's collection of uploaded galleries, the
first thing that he sees is a list of the "gallery folders" By clicking
on an individual folder (theme/topic) name, a list of all the galleries or
videos in that folder ONLY scrolls down the page, ready for the visitor
to make a choice ONLY within that folder (theme/topic).
This is a way for an uploader to organize his various collections
but, more importantly, it is a way for a visitor to that profile to see
an overview of that user's collections based on theme/topic based folder
That system would have been useful for me when I saw some of
BigGirlConnoisseur's unique galleries of artistically painted naked ladies
in a "Related Galleries" section of another gallery that I had just viewed.
Wanting to view ALL of these unusual galleries, I went to this user's profile
but had to flip through 75 pages of his 148 page gallery collection before I
got to where the "painted naked lady" galleries started. It seems that
BigGirlConnoisseur, like many uploaders, shifted his interest to other areas
(Porn themes), and hadn't uploaded one of the type of galleries that I was
seeking for Many months. In such a case, a separate folder designated with
some such title like "Painted Naked Ladies" would have saved me some time.
But, more importantly, had I not spotted a couple of these unusual galleries
elsewhere, and had just visited this user's profile for some other reason, I would
Not Even Have Had An Idea that he had such a collection because they are literally
"buried" in his undifferentiated gallery collection (read "dump").
Likewise, when I find a user whose recent uploads interest me, I usually go to
the very beginning of his collection, to Page #1, and start from there to review
his work. What I find most often is not only that such a user has undergone a transition
of themes/topics in the various series in his collection, but ALSO that the very early galleries and
videos in his collection haven't had a user comment put on them for MANY months,
sometimes not for years. Simply, no one, except a freak like me, bothers to view the earlier
uploads of a prolific user, and they just sit there, not being viewed by anyone. A system of
"collection folders" would help solve this problem, especially because most uploaders
undergo thematic transitions in their collection. So, all the early uploads, which are probably
based on a different theme than his newer ones, would all be listed in a theme/topic folder
and would be easily visible, and easily accessible to any visitor to this user profile. has an INCREDIBLY Large and Diverse library of Porn videos, and Porn photo
galleries. Unfortunately, from what I've seen, only a Small Fraction of that library is viewed
regularly, and Most of that Small Fraction are the Newer uploads, while the Older uploads seem
to be doomed to oblivion and obscurity. That Is Really A SHAME !!! But an implementation of a
theme/topic based folder system in the video and gallery uploads and Favorites of users would
certainly Go A Long Way in resolving this Injustice. And It Is An INJUSTICE, not only for the prolific
uploaders who work So Hard on their collections, but also for Any xHamster visitor who is virtually
denied Full Access to them because of the lack of organizational capabilities for the typical uploader
on this site.
Please Do Not construe Anything in this email as a complaint by me about This is an
Excellent Porn Website. I'm just suggesting a way to perhaps make it Even MORE Excellent !!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!
Most Assuredly Yours.
jkulik919 /// Joe Kulik
Vallejo, California USA
707 363 0953
[email protected]
Dear xHamster:
The purpose of this email is to respectfully suggest
a way to improve the access for ALL xHamster visitors
to the Many excellent collections of photo galleries and
videos uploaded by the xHamster community.
It is not at all an original idea of mine, but something that
I saw implemented at another Porn website that, like xHamster,
has a vibrant community of uploaders who have many fine
collections of photos and videos.
The system at this site allows uploaders to create
"folders" in which to place galleries and videos based
on a common theme/topic. So, when someone visits a user profile
and goes, say, to that user's collection of uploaded galleries, the
first thing that he sees is a list of the "gallery folders" By clicking
on an individual folder (theme/topic) name, a list of all the galleries or
videos in that folder ONLY scrolls down the page, ready for the visitor
to make a choice ONLY within that folder (theme/topic).
This is a way for an uploader to organize his various collections
but, more importantly, it is a way for a visitor to that profile to see
an overview of that user's collections based on theme/topic based folder
That system would have been useful for me when I saw some of
BigGirlConnoisseur's unique galleries of artistically painted naked ladies
in a "Related Galleries" section of another gallery that I had just viewed.
Wanting to view ALL of these unusual galleries, I went to this user's profile
but had to flip through 75 pages of his 148 page gallery collection before I
got to where the "painted naked lady" galleries started. It seems that
BigGirlConnoisseur, like many uploaders, shifted his interest to other areas
(Porn themes), and hadn't uploaded one of the type of galleries that I was
seeking for Many months. In such a case, a separate folder designated with
some such title like "Painted Naked Ladies" would have saved me some time.
But, more importantly, had I not spotted a couple of these unusual galleries
elsewhere, and had just visited this user's profile for some other reason, I would
Not Even Have Had An Idea that he had such a collection because they are literally
"buried" in his undifferentiated gallery collection (read "dump").
Likewise, when I find a user whose recent uploads interest me, I usually go to
the very beginning of his collection, to Page #1, and start from there to review
his work. What I find most often is not only that such a user has undergone a transition
of themes/topics in the various series in his collection, but ALSO that the very early galleries and
videos in his collection haven't had a user comment put on them for MANY months,
sometimes not for years. Simply, no one, except a freak like me, bothers to view the earlier
uploads of a prolific user, and they just sit there, not being viewed by anyone. A system of
"collection folders" would help solve this problem, especially because most uploaders
undergo thematic transitions in their collection. So, all the early uploads, which are probably
based on a different theme than his newer ones, would all be listed in a theme/topic folder
and would be easily visible, and easily accessible to any visitor to this user profile. has an INCREDIBLY Large and Diverse library of Porn videos, and Porn photo
galleries. Unfortunately, from what I've seen, only a Small Fraction of that library is viewed
regularly, and Most of that Small Fraction are the Newer uploads, while the Older uploads seem
to be doomed to oblivion and obscurity. That Is Really A SHAME !!! But an implementation of a
theme/topic based folder system in the video and gallery uploads and Favorites of users would
certainly Go A Long Way in resolving this Injustice. And It Is An INJUSTICE, not only for the prolific
uploaders who work So Hard on their collections, but also for Any xHamster visitor who is virtually
denied Full Access to them because of the lack of organizational capabilities for the typical uploader
on this site.
Please Do Not construe Anything in this email as a complaint by me about This is an
Excellent Porn Website. I'm just suggesting a way to perhaps make it Even MORE Excellent !!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!
Most Assuredly Yours.
jkulik919 /// Joe Kulik
Vallejo, California USA
707 363 0953
[email protected]
9 years ago
Having the e-mailed to xhamster throughly, I must agree with the content contained in it.
We (the community) have a huge problem at the moment, the webmaster of this site, is not all interested in the views of of alleged 10million members.I say alleged as those who leave and their accounts closed are not removed from the totals shown.
The shadowy figures (webmasters) who run this site, are now more interested in the $$$ sign, signing up more production companies to air their trailers, with a link to the main site, where a fee is payable.