Living the dream.

Hello my darlings!
I've been meaning to do this for a while now, write a journal. To write about my motivations and to tell my story. So here is my first attempt!

In the 4 months since I've started doing porn I talked to quite a lot of people online, as you can imagine. Most of them were really nice (thank the fates!), others were... less nice. Some of them contacted me to leave a small compliment simply because they enjoyed some of my videos or pics. Others just wanted to chat or dirty-talk, but unfortunately I usually don't have much time for prolonged conversations so, my apologies to those people. Also there were, of course, people being rude or downright offensive; fortunately I don't really mind because I realize it simply comes with the job. I usually have a little fun with the rude ones, make them feel uncomfortable and if they don't stop I just block them - again I have no time for endless debates. But, more to the point, there were a select few people who asked me what made me choose this line of work. I liked those, because they got me thinking. So I'll talk about this first: my reasons for wanting to be an adult video model! Or porn-star. Call it whatever you wish, i don't really care!

Well it goes like this: you - a normal human being - are born; you grow up and go to school because you're told you must go to school to learn about stuff and get good grades in order to get into a college or university or whatever, study your ass off there too, graduate and get a good job, because that's just how life works. And you believe it, because you're young and naive; so you go to school and get the grades and study hard and get even better grades and finally, after years of having your head stuffed with whatever your country deems as important information, you get to that magical place called University! And you tell yourself: "Now I'm an adult! I'm free to choose my path! I just have to finish this university thing, get a good paying job, and I'll be free to live my life however I see fit!". And you start playing the "study hard and have no life" game played in all the higher learning institutions around the world. You fight and crawl through it, often exhausted and starving, until you barely manage to get to the end. After years of study you finally get your piece of paper that states you know how to do some stuff just in case somebody needs that stuff done! So you cheerfully start searching for that dream job you've been told about, but... surprise! The dream job is just that: a dream. You find out that in reality all jobs have bosses that treat you like trash, all jobs require at least 8 hours of work per day - in fact all jobs imply doing things that you really don't want to do and
often things that make you feel quite bad about yourself. So you search and search for that perfect employment, but after a while you realize it's an illusion and settle for a normal job. And even that is hard to find because there are thousands of people with the same kind of diploma, looking for the same jobs, just like you! So you're happy when you finally get a job doing what you've been taught to do. You again say to yourself that things are going to change now, you're going to have money, you'll go places, see things, have fun! But no! It's still not like that! You barely have money to last you the duration of the month, you come home each day dead tired lay down, watch some TV, browse some social media and go straight to bed. And the next day is the same, and the next one too... etc. You barely manage to save some money to go on a five-day vacation somewhere and realize that your only dream left is that after a whole lot of years of working your ass off you'll probably get to have a pension, sit down, and relax; and that this is all society has to offer you. So you get depressed and you go see a shrink, who gives you some bullshit advice and some pills...
Ok i'm gonna stop here! You get the idea...

Well I say FUCK THAT!!! That's not the life I want! In the words of Futurama's Bender: "I'll make my own life... with blackjack and hookers!" Me and my boyfriend work from our home. We do everything ourselves: filming, video editing, marketing, social media advertising, posting, answering messages etc. Make no mistake, porn is a full-time job! But we do it by ourselves from our home and we know for a fact that every penny we make is the direct result of our work and not whatever an employer chooses to throw our way. We are young, we are good looking and we would really like to live our lives without being told what we must or mustn't do.

And there it is, my first blog post! I'll talk more on this subject in the next one, so stay tuned if your interested! But if you're here for the smutty stuff only, by all means, enjoy my videos and have fun!

Comments are allowed and most welcome! See you next time, darlings!

Published by AmedeeVause
9 years ago
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MistressBStilll 1 month ago
Hell-0..... Yes I totally understand .  And I'm happy you have made a wonderful decision.  Thanks for the Fanfuckingtasic job that you do. 💋💋💋
myxhambis 2 years ago
non è stato esattamente così per me, ma sono di un'altra epoca, comunque ognuno è libero di fare le sue scelte, senza costrizioni ma assumendone il diritto ed il dovere delle proprie scelte. tvb figliola almeno tu sei sincera
cambiaggio 5 years ago
i love you
vempyre 5 years ago
Wow! Could'nt of said any better.
werdyxz 5 years ago
I love your attitude Amedee, the truth is there xxx
dogbreathjesus 6 years ago
Great page you two have here....and yes, the both of you are lovely...Im glad for the work you do....:smile:
jgently 6 years ago
Finding a way to be self-employed with work you enjoy (visibly!) and living authentically are things worth celebrating. Carry on!
AmedeeVause Publisher 6 years ago
to 666Rhino : Ha, these two blog posts are really old, from back when I was starting this business! A lot has changed since then... Thank you for the comment!
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666Rhino 6 years ago
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, interesting.

I began as an Archaeologist and loved it.
I went to University and became an historian, loved it, and
then I went back to Uni' and became a solicitor. I loved that too.

I have several degrees in three very different subjects and I love learning (and teaching).

I've retired and I now own a pub which I am about to restore, thatch and add a restaurant. I fully intend to love that too.

The law to a pub? Don't you dare FCUKing judge me, don't you dare.

Porn star?
I won't judge you.
More power to you, if it's legal and it pays - fine.
If it's legal and it pays and you enjoy it then you're one of a very small number.
Wonderfull blog well written and honest hope to read more from you x
sweetfun 6 years ago
i think you can read my mind
AnalSlut1234 6 years ago
to 1BushLover : I concur completely with your statement, "surprised to come across some thought-provoking, mindfully-written reading material on this site". Furthermore, I also agree with the fact that to succeed in the porn entertainment industry, being young and beautiful are two extremely powerful assets, and in addition to possessing these traits, she is also a very thoughtful and well-written person, which is often not so eloquently developed in someone so young. I'm enthralled by her. Thank you, Amedee.
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epic3min4 7 years ago
Well spoken and sadly it is also very true. Nice to know you are making it on your own without the boss and the bullshit.
deebouett3 7 years ago
I never went to College or obtained a Degree. At 16yo I joined the Armed Forces and was trained in the maintenance and repair of communications equipment, something I had started playing around with since 14yo. Basically I have loved my work. It has taken me to many places in the UK. To Hong Kong, Bahrain, USA, Norway, Japan, Czech republic, Cyprus. I may not ever be rich and famous, but I certainly have enjoyed my working life, finally retiring at age 73. Moral: Get a job you enjoy doing rather than one which pays a lot and which you hate.
toms17947iv 7 years ago
for your first blog, you have done extremely well and I cant wait for more of the same. Keep up the good work Amedee, and please add me to your friends/
domdomdomdom 7 years ago
Good luck.
I admire your self belief and motivation.
Your sense of independence and work ethic will likely bring you success in life.
rollhigh 8 years ago
Very good and interesting. I hope you make enough to retire after a long life making porn videos. Maybe something a long the lines of taboo might be interesting.
smartbomb 8 years ago
Beautiful AND Brilliant! YES!
1BushLover 8 years ago
Damn. To say that I was surprised to come across some thought-provoking, mindfully-written reading material on this site is definitely an understatement. And with the added bonus of the author being very kind on the eyes. Thank you for sharing...
Monty71 8 years ago
Great motivation for a long hard road ahead to get established and then enjoy it when you make it sustainable. You will have a lot of fun.
kamarama 9 years ago
I agreed baby ,fuck that shit ,let's have fun.
stingray83 9 years ago
I've been around for quite a while and I have a really good job that pays well, enables me to see parts of the world I could never afford to go to myself and has the right balance between being out and being in the office. I've sort of struck it lucky. But if the internet and it's various opportunities had been around when I was 21 I can say right now that I would have done exactly what you are doing
ForgingFrog2 9 years ago
I think it's really great what you and your partner have decided to do, Amedee! Life is short and to have the majority of your day planned out for you is really not a nice feeling, so congratulations for having the energy and guts to go for what you want rather than stay in what we get told is the only way/the right way to live. Seriously, the very best of luck to you both! Your new fans will support you every way they can, I'm sure.
Very much looking forward to future posts - I love the way you write! It really flows :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
AmedeeVause Publisher 9 years ago
My darlings, thanks for your encouraging comment! You're right on the spot! It does require a lot of work to start doing this by yourself and we try to do it right.
AmedeeVause Publisher 9 years ago
Thanks darling, for the comment! And I really hope I do have some sort of nice future ahead :smile:)) - up until now it's been a bloody struggle. On the other hand I don't think anything is fundamentally true just because I say it... it's just my opinion darling! Lots of people live perfectly happy lives inside the established social system. I'm just not one of them :smile:. Doesn't mean I have the golden ticket! Actually it sucks to be me in many situations...
AmedeeVause Publisher 9 years ago
to dongatorz : Thank you for the nice thoughts! I was only trying to state that there is more than one way to live ones dreams. It depends on one's willingness to get over what society deems moral/immoral, and make your own choices. Of course a good looking body helps :smile:)) but if there wouldn't be any girls like me willing to show off their bodies what would porn fans jack off to? :smile:)) I thinks I'm going to talk more on this subject later. Anyway thanks for the comment!
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Thanks for share your thoughts with us, Amedee... and also for sharing your image.
Yes, life does not give anything for free. Anytime, whatever we wish, need or simply desire, needs efforts, imagination and sacrifice in order to get it.
You are fortunate to be the sole owner of a perfect body.
Hope you keep on succeeding.