Tech tip for preserving your nylons

If your not at the stage of ripping the gusset out of your lovers nylons for that hot sex we all love and enjoy, then this little tip may be for you, or if you just want to preserve that expensive pair of sheers a little while longer to enjoy the look and feel - Freeze your nylons.

Source UK Daily mail and

After buying a new pair of tights, before wearing them, take them out of their packaging and run them under a cold tap until they are damp.

Then place them in a plastic bag and put into the freezer overnight.

After taking them out the next morning, leave them a day to thaw out.

But after doing this just once, the tights will be significantly stronger, according to the website.

By putting tights in the freezer, it firms and strengthens the individual fibres of your tights and makes them less likely to ladder.

David Rigby, buyer and hosiery expert at the Sock Shop, said: 'Freezing your tights creating a "cryogenic stress relief" process on the nylon.

'How this works is, cold temperatures stop the molecules from moving and strengthen each fibre of the tights.

'Then by bringing them back to room temperature, the molecules loosen up, rearrange and release most of the internal pressure between them.

'This makes the material very uniform on a molecular level, therefore reducing the weak spots that cause the snagging in the nylon.'

So there you go a tech tip for preserving your tights, stockings and pantyhose.

Published by cuubanheel
9 years ago
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cuubanheel Publisher 9 years ago
to YLD : I think it has merit with the lower end pantyhose from the supermarket, shouldn't really be a problem with the quality brands but then again denier is the main issue and bad luck also, Non ripping is a good policy but if your lady gets a run in her nylons then you need to have that phun.
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I've heard this but also have heard it ain't so. Who knows? Haven't tried it. Of course, I'm not a nylon ripper anyway. Can't do it.
cuubanheel Publisher 9 years ago
to markar12 : Don't think you will have any problems ripping Kar's tights open lol
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markar12 9 years ago
After kar does this to preserve her nylons.....will i still be able to rip them at the gusset??? With my teeth....cheers mate