If a woman losses all of her pubic hair and it is replaced every THREE WEEKS - my wife's panties would have pubes in every crotch! )...( That fact is squeed due to the fact that a lot of gals just shave 'em off before they even grow!
i didn't know some of those facts. thank you for our education. do you have more interesting thing to shere? i cant add you . i you wish , you could invite me.
Huh, that's a lot of confusing informations in here. I mean, I didn't knew that my penis contains nerve endings. My pubic hair has a life expectancy of one day. And finally 134 orgasms in one hour - that's impressing. I wonder, what' did she do to achieve that. Anyway, if she had one orgasm lasting 134 hours that was more scaring to me. Definitely.
I was doing the math on 134 orgasms per hour which averages to one every 26 seconds. That got me to wondering, how long does a female orgasm usually last? I've never really focused on durations when they were happening in my presence, for obvious reasons, but thinking about it now I can recall some slow build ups to a quick peak, where others seemed more like a prolonged plateau. For the lady that recorded 134 in an hour, I wonder how much of that hour was "non-orgasm" time.
I mean, I didn't knew that my penis contains nerve endings.
My pubic hair has a life expectancy of one day.
And finally 134 orgasms in one hour - that's impressing. I wonder, what' did she do to achieve that. Anyway, if she had one orgasm lasting 134 hours that was more scaring to me. Definitely.