My tributes, what excites me and what an orgasm fe

My tributes

This is something I've been meaning to write for a long time.

As an introduction: I make ejaculation (cumshot) tributes for mostly female site members now and then, most of them I post in my galleries but there have been one or two that was done for straight couples – in those cases most of the time the man is the requestor, and it is usually the wife / partner that I'm requested to tribute. Almost invariably, this is done without the wife's knowledge or consent, and the resulting tribute video is kept private and not posted by me. I suspect the couple then uses it for private fun and excitement. Which is A-OK with me.

Most of the tributes have been on female faces, and one or two on photos of a vulva / pussy – but overwhelmingly the request is for facial tributes. Sometimes for the private ones I'm requested to say her name, or insult her. I do these just like the others, but I would never insult or hurt a woman in real life – I'm not the go-to guy if you like it rough. Passion I can do, but not pain in any way.

I've urinated on camera too, I don't mind and some people find it -intensely- exciting to watch – kudos to them! But that is very uncommon – check out my ImageFap profile vids for three watersports vids I made awhile ago for a German EMRO (erotic male relieving observance) fan. I don't do feces (shit) videos, but sometimes I'll watch EFRO a bit (erotic female relieving observance – watching females defecate / shit) – which I find stimulating usually only until the girl or woman actually finishes defecating – I get ill at the thought of her shit, but watching her strain or fart and then her anus dropping down and opening and her turds emerging – that can be very hot if I'm in a certain mood. Once the feces have left her anus though its just yucky. In most of these you can usually see her vulva, and the way it changes shape as she strains and moves her bowels can be very erotic too. This is almost always accompanied by her peeing, which is also extremely exciting when done by a girl or woman out of a beautiful pussy. But more about that later.

I do NOT like copro or playing with the result of a bowel movement or urination – vomit inducing!

I mostly do tributes because it is exciting.... sure, the pleasure is good and I like sexual feelings and cumming (orgasming) just as much as anybody. But there is an extra dimension in that you know it is a real person at the other end, and that she is (hopefully) going to be sexually stimulated or excited by me rubbing my erect penis over photos of her and eventually masturbating to orgasm and then ejaculating my semen over a certain picture of her. The thought that I'm giving pleasure to someone, somewhere, is the greatest thing for me. It is an immense kick – I'm helping her (hopefully) to feel the greatest sensation in existence – an orgasm. If she then comes back and says she orgasmed, I'm as happy as a bug in a rug.

I get requests quite often for tributes, so many I cannot service them all. I can do one about every three or four days, but usually not more rapidly than that. Of course I can cum, but the semen I ejaculate is usually less and that makes the tribute less spectacular for a requestor. I aim to please! I'm currently storing up for a friend on ImageFap who I owe one from several months ago. Aiming for a two week buildup.

Tributes have gone out right across the spectrum – from beautiful young females to an extremely sexy older woman in her early 50's with an enormous, huge-lipped cunt – there appears to be LOTS of women and girls who adore having it done for them. I'm happy to oblige, I love, absolutely LOVE, giving someone pleasure and exciting them. I'm not sure about their reasons, but I'm happy to oblige. I tend to find women who like this by searching on ImageFap (or xhamster) for girls or women who like semen, cum, or just straight tributes, as one of their interests / preferences.

There have been some snubs, but mostly the response from females all over the world have been overwhelmingly positive which I really appreciate. From what I can gather my penis mostly passes muster, and I have received quite a few compliments about him. He approves too!

I've made some masturbation vids as well (including one which is #1 on google if you search for “grunting male orgasm”) but I won't discuss them here as they aren't tributes. Some of my tributes are a series, with some masturbation only videos preceding the actual cumshot video – take a look at my Klaudia tribute series in my vids for an example of this.

I LOVE to vocalize, grunt, make sounds and noises while experiencing sexual pleasure, and I often cannot keep quiet when climaxing. I've not specifically had any feedback about this, but from what I gather some women love this intensely. One request specifically asked that I keep saying her name in my vid as I climaxed, which she said was intensely stimulating for her afterward.

So, in general, I do it for fun, excitement, and sexual pleasure! And also to bring pleasure to women that I find attractive or stimulating. I also love to talk about sexual stuff with women (which man doesn't – ok if you're gay, more's the merrier) and hear what they want or like – and making tributes has made this possible.

My tribute record so far (hopefully to grow soon) include the following. All the tributes are available in my profile's videos on both ImageFap and Xhamster, and each video is usually accompanied by a gallery of photos of me starting, midway through, and climaxing for the tribute. Some of the videos are only on Xhamster (they are less restrictive than ImageFap sometimes.) I do not include a series or vid that doesn't have me orgasming in it, and only list the vids where I cum. Please go and watch and let me know what you think:

Mareena (Xhamster) -

Two videos, one of masturbating and one masturbating and cumming on her face.

Mareena is a Pakistani woman from England who asked for a cum tribute on her face.

Orgasming – Norperry -

Two videos, one of masturbating and one cumming. Norperry sent me a series of pics to pose with and requested that I cum on my favourite. So I chose that glacially gorgeous blonde to receive my semen.

Lynn cum tribute -

My first Asian girl tribute, Lynn works with the requested. He wanted a tribute where I verbally insulted her (calling her a whore, slut, piece of shit, etc.) while I cum on her face. This I did, but the video in the public gallery is silent, I muted it to protect my privacy. He has the voice one though. Interesting aside is so far this is the only time I completely lost control! You'll see me stop rubbing a few seconds in. What happened was I rubbed “too far” and my orgasm had already began. I wanted to drag it out a bit, but then it just happened (I found Lynn -extremely- attractive) and I started cumming and you'll see me point my penis up to the camera and then spurt my first burst of semen up at it. It was a strange orgasm, I somehow managed to control some of it, I then lowered my penis and had the rest of the climax over her picture. So kind of a misfire! ;)

Klaudia tribute -

Five vids, some extensive masturbation and also playing with my flaccid penis and quite some detail in how it comes erect – the entire process right up to my orgasm and powerful ejaculation and after. The accompanying image gallery is very close up and graphically detailed – you can see every hair, vein and fold on my penis and scrotum. This was an extremely hot one, I did not cum for a week before doing her, and the spurting was unusually intense and lots of semen was shot by my penis. An impulse tribute, I happened to browse past Klaudia and loved her huge big-nippled breasts a lot. If you watch only one of my tribute vids, the Klaudia Tribute one is the one to watch!

One woman in particular said that this was her favorite due to the rope of semen post-orgasm connecting my glans (penis head) to the huge splash of cum on the screen where Klaudia's face was.

Tribute for Mary -

Mary is an older woman with one of the most interesting and just gorgeous cunts I've yet tributed. Nice long and folded lips, and I give her a medium sized cumshot at the end. Only one vid. I especially like the sounds I made in this video. Find it exciting myself!

Cum tribute for Nancy -

Nancy requested that I say her name as I start climaxing. Which I did... check her out, she is one of THE hottest and most gorgeous women I've had the privilege of spurting over yet. This is also an interesting video as I do not grunt or groan as I usually do, but you can -hear- the pleasure in my voice as I say her name over and over during the orgasm and after it.

Tribute for Veroslut -

Vero was one of the first girls I tributed. I'm quite vocal in this one, groaning out “I love your pussy!” when I start coming... ;) - and she does have such a nice little tucked-in cunny.

Tribute for Diane (ImageFap) -

One of my very first tributes. Diane is an older American woman. I shoot two or three bursts quite far over her. A quicky, one of my shortest tribute vids.

Tribute for Hannah -

Hannah is another German MILF (like Klaudia) that I did some pee vids for. She requested a cumshot vid, and I obliged. Not my most semen shot (I was pretty exhausted, having wanked myself silly over her in other, off-screen stuff) so the semen is a bit lacking but I make some very nice sounds while orgasming over her face.

Awy cum tribute (Xhamster) -

This is one ImageFap / MovieFap refused to allow. It is on Xhamster though, quite a hot one and a reasonable amount of spurted seed from my orgasming penis. Awy is an utterly gobsmackingly gorgeous girl with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I rub and cum on her face, sounds on this one are quite hot – I do a kind of double-groan and you can hear the pitch of my grunt change the moment the pleasure is the most intense and my semen starts spurting. Worth a watch.

What excites me

Mostly anything. I really, really like women and I really, really like pussy – they are utterly fascinating. Strange and sometimes illogical, but beautiful and attractive at the same time. I like almost any body type, and almost any age, though I'm not into geriatrics / grannies. I have a particular soft-spot for bigger women (my first real sexual experience was with an utterly lovely, lovely, -lovely- plus-sized girl) and especially bigger women with a dense bush of pubic hair. I like pregnant girls, something about their big bellies and often swollen breasts can be immensely exciting, also the effect it has on their vulvae, often making them swell. Blondes, brunettes, redheads – I don't really care. Shaven can be immensely erotic, or at other times very hairy can be nice – not legs and belly etc. but just a natural-looking bush and hair on the major labia can be an immense turn-on. Girls with grey, green, or ice-blue eyes get a nod, especially if she's a brunette, by preference. Not into very young, but mature with nice firm breasts... oh boy!

Really don't like tatoos, and she-males are meh. Not into gay stuff, but I can get quite fascinated with a another guy's beautiful penis – but JUST the penis, if it is erect – the moment belly or male leg hair come into the mix I want to throw up. I sometimes think I'd like to rub another man's penis and make him orgasm and spurt his seed, or maybe even oral, but I do NOT want to touch anything else at all, and no intimacy or gay sex (penetrating his anus and having my anus penetrated.)

As for the exact look of a vulva, see my pussy classification galleries. All the girls in there I find extremely attractive. I tend to lean more toward the type 3 pussies, e. g. big-lipped vulvae with large minor labia that protrude past the outer labia. Love girls and women with big clitorises.

“Hegre Girl” in my type 3 pussy gallery has what I consider an unbelievably beautiful and extremely attractive vulva.

Here she is:

I tend to prefer light pink or darker folds, those cunts that look like a bleeding wound (very red) are a bit of a put-off. Also, the type of pussy the “other Czech girl” in my type 3 pussy gallery on ImageFap has – enormous, thickly-hooded clitoris and crenelated lips and folds, and lots of hair – VERY attractive and sexually stimulating.

Here she is:

and ESPECIALLY this one:

Endless streams of hot, spurting cum right there...!

Such a huge cunt tends to be “up-front” unlike Miela's (see below) – you can see what you're going to get. Than can be hot, but Miela's is hotter, I think. Again it depends on mood.

As for type 1 pussies (tiny, slitted ones where the inner lips do not protrude past the outer lips) – Miela! Oh for life itself, Miela. I'd die happy if I could just touch -that-, just once, never mind fuck and lick it:

and ESPECIALLY this one:

Miela is very hot due to the hugely broad outer labia and her prominent, deep, dark slit that promises treasures and pleasures beyond imagination, but reveals nothing... ;)

Another type 1 pussy I really like is Lizzy Ryan's:

Other than that, mostly smells and sounds. I love the smell of an excited pussy, and I really love to hear a girl scream or cry out when she comes – gets my motor running. Just the shape of women, the smooth skin, breasts, vulva... I like it all.

As mentioned I can sometimes dig some EFRO – there's just something about a girl, clearly uncomfortable and needing to shit, squatting down and letting go of a big one. As I explained, mostly the sight and sound of it, the way her anus moves and pops out and dilates, the sheer naughtiness of seeing a big turd ease itself out of a beautiful woman's anus, the movements of her pussy as she strains to defecate and the fact that almost every clip I've ever seen of a girl shitting, she also pees out of her pussy. Few things as rawly exciting as a pissing cunny. Don't want to touch her feces or urine though.

Not much into whips and pain, or costumes. Sometimes I like bukkake (where lots of men come on one girl) and I've got a big enjoyment of lesbian sex clips. Best kind though remains straight stuff – normal fucking between a guy and a girl, and sometimes threesomes. Like almost everybody else, I -love- cumshot vids - can get -very- hot just watching penis after penis cum and spurt seed over girls' faces, especially if they beg for the semen a bit and the guys groan or scream while cumming over them.

But closer to reality, what I describe about the tributes remains true – a REAL woman (not perfect, but real) showing me her most intimate place, and enjoying it when I come on a picture of her face or body or vulva is THE best thing. (Except for doing it for real with someone I care for, of course).

Hmm how to describe what an orgasm feels like... of course this is very subjective, as I can only describe how I experience it. Objectively, I've got no idea what it might feel like for other men, or for women, for that matter.

Mostly an erection begins in the mind – I see something exciting or hot, or a very beautiful girl or woman – naked, or semi-dressed. Big, firm, real titties is a huge turn on and they already start exciting me, but soon I usually want to see her vulva / mound. The vulva of almost any woman is usually the trigger point, there is nothing more beautiful or exciting than seeing that, smelling it, licking and kissing it or rubbing it.

If my penis is completely relaxed, the first things are usually a tingling that starts in it, mostly in the shaft, and a very pleasant kind of throbbing feeling – my scrotum usually tingles as well, and my testicles move a bit – usually rising upward before descending a bit again. Usually if the throbbing has begun he starts expanding – getting longer at first, and a bit thicker, and then if I'm still excited he'll start to rise upward. At this point I usually have to get clothes out of the way, as it can be painful if he tries to stand up against underwear.

There is a constant kind of humming sexual pleasure, and this slowly gets more intense the more and longer he expands / erects. The rising and thickening and lengthening continue – it takes about ten to fifteen minutes to full erection, but if I'm very excited it can happen in two or three minutes, or even less. At this point all the sexual pleasure and arousal is concentrated in my penis, lower belly and testicles. There is often also a pleasant “hollow feeling” in my abdomen. The “tingling” in my scrotum and testicles intensifies as stimulation continues.

Usually, before he is fully erect I would have started rubbing him. I tend to rub just behind the head, gripping the foreskin, drawing it back and forth over the head so that with each backstroke the skin is pulled back over the glans, and when I stroke forward my thumb bumps into and rides up and forward over the corona (ridge) at the back of my erect penis's head. My penis's size increases about 115% when I come erect, I can go from about 6cm when flaccid to about 17cm when fully aroused. My girth can increase from 2.5cm at the base to about 6cm at the base when fully erect and ready to orgasm.

Generaly my right hand will rub the shaft and head, while with my left I'll softly score the underside of my scrotum – my ballsack is extremely sensitive on the underside, and it feel immensely nice to gently rub and touch it on the underside, between my testicles, while I'm rubbing my penis. I'll also gently pull on my testicles. I do not play with my anus as a rule, I have had a few orgasms with my finger jammed inside it (lots of lubrication needed) and it can make an orgasm more intense, but often it is just uncomfortable. I don't do it as a rule.

After reaching full erection, as arousal and masturbation continues, my penis gets harder and thicker but doesn't grow much more in length. At ultimate arousal (just before my climax) I can reach about 17.25cm long and about 6.1cm thick at my penis root just above my scrotum. At this point it is where I'd penetrate a girl or woman's vulva, if with one, and start fucking her / riding her.

Usually when full erection is reached, the pleasure is reasonably intense. It is very hard to describe – it is a kind of electric / trembling feeling, extremely nice to experience, flowing out of the entire surface of my penis. Mostly it is centered in the glans, and then kind of “reverberates” over the length of the shaft of the penis. My scrotum tingles more intensely, and my testicles tend to rise a little bit upward against the root of my penis.

If I can describe it with colours, my penis head is red hot and the shaft is glowing a deep, dull red.

As stimulation continues the pleasure tends to plateau off, reaching a point where it is constant and very nice to feel, a thrumming, buzzing kind of electric delight that pumps back and forth inside my penis, concentrated in the head which may expand a bit more as my arousal continues onward. The waves of delight concedes with my motions of rubbing, each bump of my thumb into the back of the head like a little spark of sexual pleasure rushing down my shaft.

I can maintain this level of arousal, often for hours, stopping every minute or two with rubbing. My penis tends to contract a bit during these pauses, but the moment I start rubbing it again it will immediately harden back up.

Everything is very nice to feel, but slowly, as my arousal starts climbing and I keep rubbing him, the feeling will subtly change. There is no certain point for when the runup to an orgasm begins, but in general the feelings of electric delight will slowly start getting more intense, building upon itself kind of, then start intensifying faster and faster. My penis will stiffen even more, the sensation is one of it getting harder and harder every moment, and the tip will quickly get wet with clear pre-cum. The sexual pleasure will keep building, then at a certain point start to vigorously accelerate – and I tend to start gasping or breathing faster – just like a roller coaster reaching the crest of a run. Around here I can usually still stop rubbing (before the roller coaster crests the hill of my pleasure and crashes down the other side), my penis's sudden stiffening will slowly stop and the smoldering pleasure will fade back to a kind of background hum, and he'll revert to his “normal” erection hardness. During this my scrotum would have started tingling more and more, the tingling changing at some point into a kind of burring hum of extremely pleasurable electricity, if I can describe it like that.

If I keep rubbing the pleasure will keep building – faster and faster – it feels as if there is a fire inside my penis, just behind the head, and my scrotal tinglings will suddenly erupt into almost unbearable sexual ecstasy – I tend to feel more pleasure in it at that point than my penis itself. The sensations will continue to accelerate, and then I'll reach the point of no return. I cannot accurately describe it, it is just a sense of immense sexual expectation, deeply burning delight with a sense of something like fear / doom inside my penis and scrotum – exactly the kind of feeling if you almost fell off somewhere very high off the ground, going backwards. It is indescribably wonderful to feel. There is a sense of pressure, of something building, and the sexual delight will build and build on itself, a kind of throbbing burning rolling sensation in my penis. Just before this the tip of my organ will suddenly get very wet, and sometimes pre-cum will actually drip from the slit in the head of my penis. It will stiffen up more and more, the pleasure and delight and ecstasy mounting on itself, the throbbing pleasure building and building. The sense of pressure will increase, and the tenseness in my body will build up, almost like water behind a dam. I can then feel the semen start to move, and sometimes I'll tense all my muscles at this point - it is very hard to describe but deep down in my groin I then usually can feel stuff start to happen, and then suddenly and without warning the pleasure will kind of rise up and I'll feel something tighten up inside me, my penis will suddenly stiffen into what feels like a tube of hard, hot flesh, and the head will start thrumming and humming with the most intense ecstatic, insane, rawly, sexual pleasure imaginable. (This is where I start to groan or cry out in my tribute vids, and if I was with a woman this is where I'd pin her down and madly start ramming my orgasming penis into her vagina as hard and deep as physically possible.)

The “tightening up” will continue and then something like very intense fear will grip me, tighter and tighter and the sense of “tightening up” will suddenly kind of flare open and I can usually feel something “snap” deep down in my body. The pleasure will burst in my penis and then it starts... well kind of “thrumming”.

This “thrumming” ecstasy as I start to orgasm runs down my shaft, the sensation is of fire exploding down its length – the waves of delight and ecstasy and pleasure will then burst out of it, into my groin and spread out everywhere – legs, arms, hands, toes, eyes, nose, ears, chest – everywhere, and then my entire body feels as if it is dipped in red-hot lava made from sheer sexual heaven. I'm usually out of my mind with the orgasmic pleasure at this point, and then everything starts happening quickly. It feels like “steps” - you know, steps you climb in a building – the head of my penis will kind of feel as if it is expanding, the shaft will burn with pleasure, and pump more ecstasy and more waves of delight into my body, building the pleasure still more. I can usually feel the semen pump into the back of my organ, the ecstasy and delight feeding on itself, getting more and more and more intense each second, my penis getting harder and hotter and longer and firmer. I'm usually moaning and crying aloud at this point. The pleasure keeps on increasing, higher and hotter and farther each second, almost like being in extreme agony, and then a wave of heat will rush forward over my whole body (this is truly the orgasm beginning) and seem to channel down into my penis's shaft, concentrating and building on itself, and it will start twitching powerfully, and I'l feel the semen rush forward (it is perceived a wave of boiling heat and absolutely indescribable physical delight) roaring down the shaft of my penis, my testicles will lift and stick tightly to the root of my sex, then the tip of it feels like it explodes apart, as if a bomb of unbearable sexual ecstasy has exploded in it, and the first rope of semen will surge forward out of my shuddering, twitching organ. I'm now truly in orgasm, I'll groan, scream, or shout, the same building / rushing forward / burning sensation will wash over my penis and the head will feel as if it explodes, again and again and again - each sense of an explosion will be a strong burst of semen spurting out of me. There is an instinctive urge to ram forward with my hips, but if I'm not inside a woman my hand will just be moving incredibly fast, coaxing my organ to spurt and spurt again.

After about the seventh spasm of climax the pleasure will slowly start to fade, becoming less intense, and the power of the spurting bursts of semen will diminish. The horribly intense sexual ecstasy fades, usually kind of “draining away” into my testicles, the pleasure leaving my penis first, literally as if somebody opened a drain down in my scrotum. I'll slowly fall back into my body, shivering with the fading orgasm, and then suddenly and completely relax.

The whole process lasts about fifteen seconds for me, and the definitely most delightful moment is the second or two just before the semen starts spurting, and the few special moments as I'm actually cumming and spurting my seed. Once it is coming out I'm fully in orgasm, delirious with ecstasy, and I'm usually back in control when the semen stops spurting from my penis' tip.

Then it usually is the cleanup, the spurts can be uncontrollable. There are differing intensities, but most of my climaxes happen and feel this way.

Anyway, hope someone finds this interesting, please feel free to comment or ask me questions!
Published by boshcak
9 years ago
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boshcak Publisher 8 years ago
to TJ196 : Thx! Glad that you agree with what I describe... same for you?
Reply Original comment
Your description of masturbation along with orgasm is really descriptive.....and quite stimulating!
boshcak Publisher 8 years ago
Thx for your comment! Have you taken a look at my tribute vids... ? :wink:
boshcak Publisher 8 years ago
to capewildog : Thx for reading! Please feel free to comment on my pics and vids.
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capewildog 8 years ago
Great...loved your comments