Cute east bay underwear and accessories places

So for the first time in a long time, I had a stroll down International boulevard in Oakland between High street and 23rd avenue. haven't been in this area since i was a young gurl. and i noticed alot of little discount stores and botiques have popped up all along it over the past few years. I reckon its to cater to the ladies of the evening that haunt the same stretch, but i had a look in these shops, omg there is alot of cute and sexy stuff, tops, shoes, lingerie, you name it, its there. The first one I visited across the way from a goodwill had an epic selection of sexy lingerie and makeup, but alas, they don't really cater to the plus size gurl. the second one I visited is across the way from a youth recreation center and omg in one table, there were more cute panties than stars in the universe. I also got stripey fingerless gloves and leg warmers for dirt cheap. and for makeup I recommend a beauty supply store thats on the same boulevard cross high street which hides behind a check cashing center. they also have great stuff which keeps my hair from falling out. ive lived here all my life so a fair warning to out of towners who are feeling adventurous, its a bit rough in these here parts. the tipsy folks, floozies, and other undesirables who stroll the boulevard ward off potential customers, but if you're brave, its really an untapped gold mine for fellow crossdressers

Published by CD_Lio
9 years ago
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soeager2 9 years ago
A pity I didn't know about that area several years ago, when I was visiting a friend in Oakland, got dressed as sexy as possible, and went out for a drive that evening. Attracted the attention of two black dudes in another car...flirted a little...but never got past that, dammit! I've always wished that the guys had made more of a move on me....and had been gentle and loving as they spit-roasted my kinky, femme body!! On the other hand, they could have been really brutal with me, huh?!
leslie14 9 years ago