The Wake Up Call

Hello to all my lovely fans and friends on here!

This post is a really special post -
I am taking a short break from writing,
but fear not of going without any written content from me during this short break,
as I have a very special guest who's agreed to write a special post for me and for you to enjoy!

I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "Oh no, Samantha! We want to hear from you!" hehe
but trust me, you are going to enjoy this!

My special guest is none other than my beautiful girlfriend and love of my life, Hannah!

She's a little anxious about her writing about something personal so openly on here,
so please be understanding and please show her the love and kindness you always show me :)

The words you'll read from this point on in this post will be entirely Hannah's.


Hello, this is Hannah, or as you may know me better,
Samantha's girlfriend.

She's told me a lot about what she gets up to on here, about the friends she talks to,
and I've seen she's been very busy writing loads of stories and blog posts on here,
most of which I have read and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

It seems there's quite a lot of you kinky fart-lovers around on here! lol

Anyway, we've been talking about her writing, and when she told me about her taking a short break from writing, I asked her, "What ever will your fans do without your stories?" lol
and she said it's only for a couple weeks, and then she said how cool it would be if I was to write something on here for you lot.

I'll be honest, I'm no where near as good a writer as she is!
I was really unsure at first as I didn't want to bring the quality of her work down,
but she persisted and said it would be a special treat and so I agreed.

Apologies to you all if you really hate this post! lol

I wondered what exactly I could write about,
and then I saw a picture I took of her not long after she had just woke up and was inspired to tell you about
what happened that particular morning, so that's what I'm going to write about.
More specifically, the events which occurred a short while before the picture was snapped.

It all started early one morning.
I was sleeping peacefully in my bed. I was dreaming of being in a beautiful lush green park,
playing fetch with a friendly yet boisterous and very cute puppy dog.
In the dream, I turned my back on the dog,
and suddenly I felt it's little nose pressing against my butt.

I realised I was suddenly naked, and the dog was really nestling it's nose right in there!

That's when I was pulled out of my dream, out of my sleepy state.
I opened my eyes and could still feel the nose rooting around my butt crack.
I was instantly aware whose nose it was - Sam's!

She does it every morning, she (or more specifically, her nose) is like my very own alarm clock.
My very own wake up call.

She really does love smelling me, and I have to admit,
I do rather enjoy the feeling of her cute button nose wiggling against my little hole!
It tickles but in a really nice kind of way.

I couldn't help but to just smile, and let her know I'm awake by sighing happily.
She wasn't put off by me stretching my arms and legs, she just kept her face stuck to my arse.
I then tucked my knees against my body, allowing her to keep sniffing me unobstructed.

I yawned and sighed, "good morning, baby." as I lifted the covered up and peaked down at my beautiful sniffing beau,
who was able to take her eyes off my butt just for a second or 2 to look up at me.
She greeted a "good morning" to me too, before returning her full attention back onto my rump.

Of course, having just woken up, I soon felt a little rumble in my tummy.
I'm sure a lot of you reading this can identify with having morning farts soon after waking up,
well I'm no different, I always get them within a few short moments of waking.

I decided not to tell Sam about the impending bubbles brewing up in my stomach.
Well, who am I to ruin a nice surprise for my sweet lover? lol

No, I just let her carry on sniffing my butt,
blissfully unaware of the special treat my bum has in store for her!


I blew a nice big 'un right into her face! lol

She actually gasped by the sudden blast from my arse! lol
Bless her.

She clearly enjoyed it though, you see she does this thing where when I give her a really flavourful fart, she groans like as if the pleasure she's getting from it is too much for her,
and seems to sink deeper into the mattress and wedges her face right up into my butt,
closer than it was before, really pressing her face against my cheeks,
just wanting so desperately to absorb it all in.

I just had to giggle at her doing that,
she's so cute and unintentionally funny when she gets all flustered by my wind like that lol

Also, I was feeling pretty turned on having ripped a nice fart in her face.

Before I met Sam,
I never would have never thought in a million years that doing such a thing would turn me on,
yet she's opened my world up to a whole new pleasure that I never would have had otherwise.

The fact that my farts drives her wild, is a really kinky thrill for me.
Breaking wind would seem to repulse a lot of people,
and yet the fact that she is actually turned on by me doing that,
well it actually makes me feel really sexy.

The way she loves it, and shows her love for it,
and the way she loves and adores my butt in general,
well a girl can't help but to feel really sexy by that kind of loving attention!

Anyway, I was soon blowing off some more good ones into her face!
I probably shouldn't be saying this on here,
but I'm actually quite a gassy gal in the mornings! lol

Not that Sam ever minds that,
it's no secret that she loves me being so gassy ;)

I could tell from the way she was laying under the covers (on her front, with her face practically stuck up my arse!) that she had a hand tucked away between her thighs, getting off on my wind.

That only turned me on more, although to be honest I don't think she actually realised she was fingering herself, as she sort of goes into a strange sexual trance every time she sniffs me.

Again, I just find that so cute of her, and also really sexy!

I began to pleasure myself too,
well why should she have all the fun from my morning farts?! lol

"What do you say, fartface?"
I asked her a few pleasurable moments after blowing off the last of my gas.
She really likes it when I talk like a dominatrix to her lol

"Thank you."
Came the slightly muffled reply from beneath the covers.

"Thank you for what?"
I asked, really getting into the role of being a right kinky dominant bitch.

"Thank you for farting in my face."
She reiterated.

"Good. You better be thankful."
I say to her with a serious tone.
Although she couldn't see that I was actually grinning really playfully,
trying hard not to giggle and break the fantasy.

It was then that I felt her start to kiss my arse.
Perhaps she thought I needed some physical showing of her appreciation.
And what better way to show appreciation than by puckering up her gorgeous lips
and kissing the arse that farts for her?

It feels so nice having a nice soft warm moist pair of lips
planting kiss after kiss directly onto my button.
The pleasure began to intensify as I keep 'bating.

"If you're going to kiss it, you better lick it too."
I tell her through sighs of pleasure.

As soon as I said that, I felt the nice slimy wet tip of her sexy tongue lapping at my crack.
She's so kinky and always so eager to please - I love it! lol

"There's a good girl."
I praise her as I continue to finger myself.
Well, good work always deserves recognition ;)

She's really good with her tongue, she knows exactly what she's doing with it,
and how to use it to really get me off.

I don't think you need me telling you, but she soon had me cumming really good!
There really is no better way to start the day off than with a really good tonging! lol

After I finished, I rolled over onto my back,
although she groaned in slight disappointed at not being able to taste my bum any more.

I lifted the covers up to look at her,
and she looked so adorable with her gorgeous blue eyes looking back up at me.
I thanked her for getting me off so well, and then, what with the fact I'm not a selfish lover,
I had her crawl up over me to sit on my face,
so I can fully return the favour and get her off using my tongue!

Well, she shouldn't be the only one who gets to have a nice breakfast in bed now, should she? lol

After our hot sexy fun together, I got up to go to the bathroom,
just for a number 1 mind! Despite all that blowing off I did suggesting otherwise... lol

I had a little wash and brushed my teeth.
When I came back into the bedroom, I saw Sam had put on her white nightie,
but was still lazing around on the bed. Despite all that fun, she was still pretty tired,
the sleepy-head lol

Anyway, she just looked so gorgeous that I grabbed my camera to snap her picture.
She was grumbling saying she's too tired to look pretty lol

But yeah, that's my post.
Hope all you friends and fans of Sam's on here appreciate my efforts.
I know it's not as good as how Sam might have wrote it,
but still, I hope you're not too disappointed getting a post from little ol' me,
instead of her...

Kind regards,
Published by LittleMissFart
9 years ago
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LittleMissFart Publisher 9 years ago
to bryanLL : Thank you!
Hannah is really pleased to hear you enjoyed her writing! x
Reply Original comment
bryanLL 9 years ago
Now I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this. Very very sexy post. Loved everything about it except one thing ------ It's not my face getting those farts. :frowning:

But, good for you and thanks so much for the vicarious fart in my face ---- from a distance ---- like across the ocean.
LittleMissFart Publisher 9 years ago
to fulltimeflirt : Thank you!
She appreciates the kind words :smile: x
Reply Original comment
gwensational 9 years ago
fulltimeflirt 9 years ago
Awesome Hannah that was great I loved it very much
LittleMissFart Publisher 9 years ago
Wow... I think you'll all agree that was pretty fucking hot!! hehe

I've already told her in person, but I'll say it on here too,
thank you very much to Hannah for writing this, it's really awesome I loved it!
Great job baby! x