Why the dick avatars?

Sometimes the XHamster experience makes me wonder about some things...

This site is good for one thing and one thing only: porn. Not hooking up, not swinging, not (insert list here)...here, you watch porn, masturbate, and then pass out.

Some of us, the uploaders, we make it a point to try and upload things that we like and we hope others have similar and other material to share and upload. In that case, being here is a way of sharing and serving others great porn.

Yet I am still puzzled at the phenomenon of dick avatars. I am referring to the avatars in which male users--or at least, users who identify themselves as males--use a penis as the single picture that represents themselves on this site. In every post, every reply, and on anything this user does...there is a dick posted.

Yet, I do not deny friend requests or am prejudiced against users who have a penis as their avatar. I am more open minded than all of that.

But to return to the point: why the dick avatar? I ask this because even though I have a penis and I have seen it fairly regularly, I have no interest in using that image or anything like it as my avatar. It isn't because it is small or ugly or anything that would make me feel inept. But I come to this place not to look at something I already have but rather something that is different.

At the same time, most research on sexuality reveals that men are the visually stimulated sex (or gender...what are we calling this these days?) and that most porn (gay or straight) was dedicated to men. This is evident enough with the fact that there are several choices for porn categories on this site and yet only one is called "female choice" (not to imply that is the ONLY porn a female on this sight would watch).

So if a user is into straight porn (I use the term loosely here), why would they choose a dick avatar? Who would be impressed or engaged because of that? Not women. Women generally don't get sexual gratification from the image of a penis. They've seen enough and that don't impress them much (that was a pun on a song)...

Rather, I am speculating here that the choice of a penis avatar is about the message the user themselves wants to send--a notification or an exultation that basically says, "here I am and I am an alpha male"? I am asking at this point and not seeking to disrespect or offend anyone.

Sadly, 9 of 10 friend requests that I get from people who have dick avatars (it's probably higher than this), have absolutely NO CONTENT of their own uploaded of ANY genre. To add, it's even more frustrating because I have been explicit in my directions for friend requests that I do not accept any friend requests if you do not have content of your own or that you do not have content that is up to my standards. In other words, these motherfuckers don't read. On a more disappointing note, some people with dick avatars have requested friendships and the only content of their creation is more pictures of their dicks or videos of their dicks ejaculating--shit, I don't want to see that shit. It is as if some of these people are such dicks that they have a picture of a dick as their avatar and they have more dick pictures and video of dicks--all of which just screams, "I'm a dick to a point when all I have are dicks and dicks and dicks, and I am a dick because I don't upload anything but rather in my dick-like dick-ish profile, I leech--which is shaped like a dick!"

And ironically, without fail, when you look at these people's profiles you will always see "Seeking: Woman."

I don't get it so that is why I am asking.
Published by cyan234
9 years ago
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amy8amy 3 years ago
If your single, living with your Mom, no friends, afraid of a smart woman then get your dick pic on the internet!
gribbfuck 4 years ago
it is simple ,if you do not want to reveal a face ,then the next thing is your pennis ,we all areĀ after allĀ a little bit exhibitioners and would like to see a comment about our enormous huuuge cock ,or not?Ā 
chuck14od 4 years ago
I suspect it falls on how your average male views women in general, and a total lack of understanding on how women think, and just as you stated, females are not 'turned on' by a photo of a dick the way males are by one of a pussy. They actually Believe that some female will see their dick and will do anything to get it., sadly. The truth is there are hookup sites where anything goes, anything is said or shown, or implied, Openly, between males and females who are actively looking to meet and have sex. I've been there and was mad busy! But the truth is, this site isn't one of them, and I would say from comments in here for years, many of those claiming to be women are males biologically, just fucking with people I suppose.
Perhaps there is a little bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism involved with a dick avatar. Anonymous way to up the thrill of the site.

You are also overlooking that in straight porn there is always at least one dick involved. (not talking lesbian porn, although one could argue that a dildo or vibrator...). The enjoyment of hardcore pornography includes dicks. Women holding a dick, sucking a dick, taking a dick between her tits, in her pussy, in her ass...there is a dick by default. I also feel that by default there is a little bi-sexual curiosity involved with hardcore porn.
JustGiveMeSex 9 years ago
I think dick avatar users have a distorted perception of social behavior.
Introducing yourself by waving your dick is something a monkey would do.
The non content phenomena supports this assumption.
Judging from their pictures, some of them look like beta males.
Ie more submissive and want to be dominated.
I think some of them are gays, despite claiming the opposite.
creative13 9 years ago
Bravo on your "But to return to the point: why the dick avatar? I ask this because even though I have a penis and I have seen it fairly regularly, I have no interest in using that image or anything like it as my avatar. It isn't because it is small or ugly or anything that would make me feel inept. But I come to this place not to look at something I already have but rather something that is different. " especially the last sentence. our sentiments exactly. for us, this is like a porn university--we get off watching what we could do, not necessarily what we already do.
cyan234 Publisher 9 years ago
to hamsterdamm : "Most of them are a bit sad and have hardly any content." That part is the issue.
I don't blame you at all for that choice. It seems that every negative stereotype of a dick avatar comes true most of the time.
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hamsterdamm 9 years ago
I do not think it has to do with being open minded.

You are right though it doesn't make sense.

I keep it simple though and do not accept schlong avatars. Most of them are a bit sad and have hardly any content.
md4711 9 years ago
Well said.
za1p 9 years ago
Couldn't have said it any better