No, I am NOT a CASUAL Porn User
One of my fave anti-porn rants comes from this bitter cunt over on Reddit:
"I think men who regularly watch porn ... are gross. Something about the whole sex industry disgusts me. Really, it seems like something you dabble in once a while because it's exciting. It seems really gross when it becomes a regular part of your life."
In that case, I suppose I'm really, really, REALLY GROSS:)
I am the anti-Christ of casual porn fans. I am that bitter cunt's WORST NIGHTMARE. I AM A HARDCORE, LIFELONG - CRADLE TO GRAVE - HOPELESSLY ADDICTED, SIK, DEPRAVED, DEMENTED PORNOGRAPHY MASTURBATION ADDICT GOON-SLUT MAN-WHORE 24/7 365. ANY activity NOT involving Porn is a secondary activity.
Porn and PERFECT VIRTUAL PORN WHORES ALWAYS cum first - flesh and blood females in my life ALWAYS second. I've never once had a GF who I didn't consistently cheat on behind her back with porn.
Guys who "dabble" in porn once a while to spice up their sex lives - as our bitter cunt naively fantasizes - are NOT real porn fans. I would NEVER accept them as friends here on XHam. They disgust me. To be MY friend, you must convince me of your deep life-long committment to and knowledge of, porn. If you can't tell JENNA JAMESON ...
from JENNA HAZE ...
don't waste my time with a fuckin friend request. I'll reject you in a second, then cruelly mock you with porn homies who DO pass muster. Same if Porn isn't the closest thing you have to a religion. Don't bother me.
I, on the other hand, know just about ALL of hundreds of my fave Porn Whores names, videos, bios, etc. I interact with them over on Twitter every day behind my clueless GFs back and even own a pair of ASA AKIRA'S pussy-juice soaked panties for sniffing while edging to her movies. (Notice ASA's brown crusted girl-cum stain in the crouch. Smells SOOOOOOO good, Mmmmmmm ...:)
I think about Porn constantly. While at work, at the gym, reading, sleeping, taking a shit, brushing my teeth. First thing in the morning, last thing at night and every hour in between. I'm possessed by Porn Demons - my best friends. Whatever it is I'm doing, I can't wait til I'm done so I can get back to my first love - loading to Porn.
And with Internet Porn, I'm only getting more seriously addicted. Porn takes up more and more of my time. I'm working out, reading, eating, paying bills, even showering LESS - and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's thrilling to me to imagine just how DEEP and DEPRAVED my addiction can beCUM.
Last year, while in vacation, I took my portable DVD player and a stack of disks and LOADED once a day for a few minutes. This year, I took my laptop and spent HOURS in my hotel room on Xham, downloading new scenes from EvilAngel and my other subscriptions and really didn't feel like doing anything else. My gf was right next to me and didn't have a fucking clue. we don't have sex anymmore lol. ALL my cum is for my Porn Goddess Whores.
GOD, I hope I live long enough to see full-on technologically perfected VIRTUAL PORN where the wall between reality and fantasy will simply disappear. Flesh and blood females will truly become extinct at that point:)
Anyway, time to wrap this up. I think I've made my point. Time now to load once again to that new BONNIE ROTTEN scene over on Evil. Came to it three nights in a row already and couldn't stop thinking about it all day. Guess that makes me a decidedly NON-casual porn user:)
Oh, and BTW, if you're reading this Ms. Bitter Porn-Hater over on Reddit, there are MILLIONS of guys just like me for whom Porn is the SINGLE most important thing in their lives. Face it bitch, porn has made you utterly useless to men. I see only more bitterness in your future BWAHA!
"I think men who regularly watch porn ... are gross. Something about the whole sex industry disgusts me. Really, it seems like something you dabble in once a while because it's exciting. It seems really gross when it becomes a regular part of your life."
In that case, I suppose I'm really, really, REALLY GROSS:)
I am the anti-Christ of casual porn fans. I am that bitter cunt's WORST NIGHTMARE. I AM A HARDCORE, LIFELONG - CRADLE TO GRAVE - HOPELESSLY ADDICTED, SIK, DEPRAVED, DEMENTED PORNOGRAPHY MASTURBATION ADDICT GOON-SLUT MAN-WHORE 24/7 365. ANY activity NOT involving Porn is a secondary activity.
Porn and PERFECT VIRTUAL PORN WHORES ALWAYS cum first - flesh and blood females in my life ALWAYS second. I've never once had a GF who I didn't consistently cheat on behind her back with porn.
Guys who "dabble" in porn once a while to spice up their sex lives - as our bitter cunt naively fantasizes - are NOT real porn fans. I would NEVER accept them as friends here on XHam. They disgust me. To be MY friend, you must convince me of your deep life-long committment to and knowledge of, porn. If you can't tell JENNA JAMESON ...
from JENNA HAZE ...
don't waste my time with a fuckin friend request. I'll reject you in a second, then cruelly mock you with porn homies who DO pass muster. Same if Porn isn't the closest thing you have to a religion. Don't bother me.
I, on the other hand, know just about ALL of hundreds of my fave Porn Whores names, videos, bios, etc. I interact with them over on Twitter every day behind my clueless GFs back and even own a pair of ASA AKIRA'S pussy-juice soaked panties for sniffing while edging to her movies. (Notice ASA's brown crusted girl-cum stain in the crouch. Smells SOOOOOOO good, Mmmmmmm ...:)
I think about Porn constantly. While at work, at the gym, reading, sleeping, taking a shit, brushing my teeth. First thing in the morning, last thing at night and every hour in between. I'm possessed by Porn Demons - my best friends. Whatever it is I'm doing, I can't wait til I'm done so I can get back to my first love - loading to Porn.
And with Internet Porn, I'm only getting more seriously addicted. Porn takes up more and more of my time. I'm working out, reading, eating, paying bills, even showering LESS - and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's thrilling to me to imagine just how DEEP and DEPRAVED my addiction can beCUM.
Last year, while in vacation, I took my portable DVD player and a stack of disks and LOADED once a day for a few minutes. This year, I took my laptop and spent HOURS in my hotel room on Xham, downloading new scenes from EvilAngel and my other subscriptions and really didn't feel like doing anything else. My gf was right next to me and didn't have a fucking clue. we don't have sex anymmore lol. ALL my cum is for my Porn Goddess Whores.
GOD, I hope I live long enough to see full-on technologically perfected VIRTUAL PORN where the wall between reality and fantasy will simply disappear. Flesh and blood females will truly become extinct at that point:)
Anyway, time to wrap this up. I think I've made my point. Time now to load once again to that new BONNIE ROTTEN scene over on Evil. Came to it three nights in a row already and couldn't stop thinking about it all day. Guess that makes me a decidedly NON-casual porn user:)
Oh, and BTW, if you're reading this Ms. Bitter Porn-Hater over on Reddit, there are MILLIONS of guys just like me for whom Porn is the SINGLE most important thing in their lives. Face it bitch, porn has made you utterly useless to men. I see only more bitterness in your future BWAHA!
9 years ago
You are a Fully Realized Porn Enlightened Being.
Lastly, they will be made to know IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that we are NOT cuming to them, but to the Perfect 10 Porn Whores up on the screens who BLOW them the FUCK away