This Is How I Need To Be Loved
I need to be loved in actions.
Though my domain is words—letters and verses—these do not feed my body.
My body requires touch—hands and lips and fingertips—and the unspoken poetry of shared movement.
And my heart—my heart speaks no language, save that of gestures and gazes. It doesn’t understand when you say, “I love you,” but it reads the corners of your eyes with perfect fluency.
I need to be loved in actions, and presence too.
Tell me you want me by going to bed when I do sometimes, by massaging my shoulders before I ask and by gathering the scent of my hair by the fistful.
Tell me you need me by wrapping your body around mine so tightly I can hardly breathe. Pull me close to you of a morning when you do not want to say goodbye so early.
Speak your love by standing, sitting and sleeping beside me and smiling more broadly when I enter a room. All the words in the world are meaningless if you are not there—vows of love, empty if you feel no joy at my arrival.
Bake your love into a chocolate cake—or a perfect curry. Tuck your love between the lines of your emails. Plant your love beneath a maple tree and bring me the first leaves that fall beside it.
Spin your love into the finest thread and weave of it a cocoon in which we can nest together.
I need to be loved moment to moment—not in momentous outbursts of proclamation.
If you understand that, then you will have understood all the rest.
I need to be loved every day, in every touch, because love, after all, is not words.
Rather, it is the continual regeneration of itself in the smallest but most significant of acts.
I need to be loved in every action, and if you understand that, then my heart will be no mystery to you.
9 years ago
Thank you SweetSassy!
I ask, is it better to have loved in this way and lost rather then to have never loved at all? I think not. However extraordinary the place in which the heart has been touched so magically was to experience, to revel in, the pain of losing that is more so torturous. Though I personally will cherish those unbelievable connective moments, and I am a strong witness to it's existence... Without it I fear I exist no more. It would have been much less complicated to have never felt this intensity that haunts me day and night, than it would have been to move obliviously through life never knowing the absolute completeness that enveloped my heart, my mind, my body, and my very soul.
Thank you for sharing this very personal insight. I can't help but wonder if your love ever even knew you had the strength of emotion you express here. If so, then just maybe the outlets you talk about in the latter part of your response would not have come about. Sometimes when we are lonely for companionship and our partner in life seems to have disappeared and is no longer emotionally available, you find yourself doubting self worth and that of the relationship as it has become. It may be too late for me, but I beg of you to take your love in your arms, it's easier to do this if you are standing behind them. Wrap them in your arms and express some of what you have here. They may have been what they needed all along. We too often forget that we are not mind readers, no matter how close we've been to that other person and truly believe that they should automatically know where your heart is... where distance, trauma and stress resides we are never sure of anything. So be bold and make that stand. It may not be too late for you. You will never know otherwise, and what really do you have to lose in comparison to what you may regain?
My thoughts and best wishes are with you. Remember pride can steal away even the smallest hope. Please don't let that happen. I did.
SassyBri ~