This Is How I Need To Be Loved

I need to be loved in actions.

Though my domain is words—letters and verses—these do not feed my body.

My body requires touch—hands and lips and fingertips—and the unspoken poetry of shared movement.

And my heart—my heart speaks no language, save that of gestures and gazes. It doesn’t understand when you say, “I love you,” but it reads the corners of your eyes with perfect fluency.

I need to be loved in actions, and presence too.

Tell me you want me by going to bed when I do sometimes, by massaging my shoulders before I ask and by gathering the scent of my hair by the fistful.

Tell me you need me by wrapping your body around mine so tightly I can hardly breathe. Pull me close to you of a morning when you do not want to say goodbye so early.

Speak your love by standing, sitting and sleeping beside me and smiling more broadly when I enter a room. All the words in the world are meaningless if you are not there—vows of love, empty if you feel no joy at my arrival.

Bake your love into a chocolate cake—or a perfect curry. Tuck your love between the lines of your emails. Plant your love beneath a maple tree and bring me the first leaves that fall beside it.

Spin your love into the finest thread and weave of it a cocoon in which we can nest together.

I need to be loved moment to moment—not in momentous outbursts of proclamation.

If you understand that, then you will have understood all the rest.

I need to be loved every day, in every touch, because love, after all, is not words.

Rather, it is the continual regeneration of itself in the smallest but most significant of acts.

I need to be loved in every action, and if you understand that, then my heart will be no mystery to you.

Published by SassyBri
9 years ago
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v6guitar 8 years ago
Very well expressed.
weblandy 9 years ago
Love daily for you Sabrina ♥
dfrisella69 9 years ago
Well I have a lot of love I can give you my beautiful friend I miss talking with you great big hugs and wet kisses all over
SassyBri Publisher 9 years ago
to redface03 : Thank you for this Mark. This song couldn't be more relevant. I remember when you gave me this song all those years ago. I didn't understand it then, but I sure do now...
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blus_lvr 9 years ago
What a blessing you are sharin' these thoughts.
Thank you SweetSassy!
SassyBri Publisher 9 years ago
to Notasgoodasimgonaget : It sounds as if you mirror my aching, lost, forever changed outlook by experiencing the very feelings I speak of and crave to have back again. Is this possible? I don't know with so much pain and loss under that bridge. I do know however, what you and what I have encountered with our soul mates is a very rare and precious thing. How could anyone just let that slip away? Most people have not, and will never feel what we have felt in their whole entire lives.

I ask, is it better to have loved in this way and lost rather then to have never loved at all? I think not. However extraordinary the place in which the heart has been touched so magically was to experience, to revel in, the pain of losing that is more so torturous. Though I personally will cherish those unbelievable connective moments, and I am a strong witness to it's existence... Without it I fear I exist no more. It would have been much less complicated to have never felt this intensity that haunts me day and night, than it would have been to move obliviously through life never knowing the absolute completeness that enveloped my heart, my mind, my body, and my very soul.

Thank you for sharing this very personal insight. I can't help but wonder if your love ever even knew you had the strength of emotion you express here. If so, then just maybe the outlets you talk about in the latter part of your response would not have come about. Sometimes when we are lonely for companionship and our partner in life seems to have disappeared and is no longer emotionally available, you find yourself doubting self worth and that of the relationship as it has become. It may be too late for me, but I beg of you to take your love in your arms, it's easier to do this if you are standing behind them. Wrap them in your arms and express some of what you have here. They may have been what they needed all along. We too often forget that we are not mind readers, no matter how close we've been to that other person and truly believe that they should automatically know where your heart is... where distance, trauma and stress resides we are never sure of anything. So be bold and make that stand. It may not be too late for you. You will never know otherwise, and what really do you have to lose in comparison to what you may regain?

My thoughts and best wishes are with you. Remember pride can steal away even the smallest hope. Please don't let that happen. I did.

SassyBri ~
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Tender_Heart 9 years ago
Thanks for the honor of looking into your heart.
n2oral 9 years ago
You deserve all this and more, dear Sabrina!
Iv done these things every last one of them with out even thinking or planning. Just purely and unrehearsed straight from my heart and with no thoughts of return. When you find yourself loving someone so intensely and so completely that really you feel like you've just blended your soul and body with the love of this life and any life that may come after death. Well you just don't think of rather that person will feel the same the thought doesn't even come to mind. Until you realize that half of your soul the half you live and breath for doesn't really have this same connection as you thought they did that somehow this complete love they feel for you has a switch that can be flipped at anytime not so much that they can control it(at least you want to believe they don't control it ) as this is done you feel the hurt so much more intense then thought possible. As the switch is flipped back to where you always believed it would be the feelings and pure euphoric hot to the touch whole self orgasmic feeling comes back, all is great again and can't even remember how you felt just short time earlier. Your do damn out of your mind and body its like being on your drug of choice with no bad effects just the wow and its legal and no one even looks or thinks bad of this drug you start rambling on about anything and grinning and smiling knowing that your just a complete idiot at this moment and laugh about that too, you just to care cause now everything is right again. As the years go on and this cycle continues everything becomes more intense and your brain starts battling with your heart you've even stepped up and found yourself pre thinking what can I do how much can I push away just so I can be one again with this soul one you felt wasn't another soul but apart of your very own soul. This battle comes to not just every few years and explained away as something surely you did or didn't do but now has become months at a time to years at a time. Somehow you cling to that ever so memory of the pure exctasy your who person felt and I'm not talking sex just really of the completeness of walking into the same room seeing this person and just getting a whole body shaking from the tingling of millions of little bumps that now cover every inch of your body, I mean this person that completes you so much could look at you,touch you or simply say anything having nothing to do with sex by anyone's standers and if it's during the up part of this cycle their unheard thought most likely being of completeness with you or sex and just any part of your body instantly becomes erect stiffer harder so much you believe your skin will completely rip open at any moment. That little memory keeps you going just looking for it to come again. You work even harder longer and know this is not good for anyone but you've already tried the work as little as possiableanf live with out something's in life again not gonna be so good through there eyes. Your just scrambling looking searching for the way back to the one complete soul you both shared and the memory is fading and the hurt is building and tearing you down so completely you want to just vanish not feel anything ever again. And even though this part of your soul has now been ripped from you and you've explained certain things effect you and it doesn't matter because you have now become the person that makes your lost half of being is now explaining how sick you make them feel and can't even stand to be in the same room little loan sleep in the same bed. I can't even explained the feeling that over comes one as your true love just jumps and freaks out just because you've touch their arm or hand. And that feeling of being truly only for this person and never so much as entertained any thoughts of cheating r hurting this person any feeling of iv been true and it was not hard to do but very easy well those are not feelings of proudness no not when they are so sure in there mind some how threw all the working and no vacations and coming straight home always and not allowing your self to have any close friends well some how with all this your split soul believes so strongly you been with and have one are more lovers on the side so deeply that they feel it ok to explain how there daddy has a girlfriend and that's it so we're gonna move. And of course it continues as the ripped from your heart half of who you thought you were continues to explain to anyone that will listen how completely insane and mean you are and how they are gonna continue to pray for me and know that we will get through this as we have always done so and that makes it ok and very normal to take the online flirting to several new levels with the other sex including phone calls and thoughts of getaway vacations to Florida you know just so you can have a unbiased person to speak with bullshit you know he knows and anyone here knows this flat crap this person wouldn't waist a second of his time if not for the hope and dream of this self described sexually just crazy of the chart sex machine if this person was truly the sex goddess as portrayed here 24/7 this person would only seem a little touched in the head from combat for even saying so you can have a unbiased person to talk to man you should of portrayed your self as stand up comic instead of a now dead great singer from another time and maybe got a gang of a few others proclaiming the same bullshit oh I'm hear if you need to talk so sorry for all that has happened to you, this could be a great comedy team touring around the world. Ok well at least after all this time you sassy have figured out hey I don't want the hassle or confusion by this blog. I wish I would have thought of this before because I know that I never once said this is how I want to be loved as I have just explained above how I feel I have been loved. I n not gonna say what you have explained here will work but hey at least you put it out there and I truly pray that it does work for you. Thank fior listening