To whom It May Concern

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around here in a while. I purposely took a break from this site. I wasn't really enjoying it anymore so I just wanted to spend some time away from it.

To be honest, I haven't been very happy lately...and whenever I would sign on here, a lot of the rude and/or creepy people on this site would just make me feel worse. I've been stressed out about life in general. I'm graduating in a few months, so entering the "Real World" is coming up quick. I feel pressure to succeed in school and be done with it, but at the same time I feel the pressure of entering the working world and succeeding there too. Even the thought of searching for a job in this economy is stressing me out. I don't know who I'm going to "be" or what I'm going to do.

And because I'll be starting a new chapter in my life, I've been thinking a lot about my dad. He passed away a few years ago, and the fact that he's not here to see me graduate or give me advice has been making me depressed. I haven't wanted to do much of anything.

I used to use this site as a distraction...someplace to just forget everything for a while. I've made a few good connections with people here, but a majority of the messages I get can be pretty gross. This site is obviously all about sex, but to me, there is a proper way to go about discussing it. Maybe I'm just too square for this site. Because of those rude people, I would sign off from this site feeling even more down than I did when I signed on. And to be honest, the site isn't what I had hoped it would be when I first made an account here. I had hoped to talk with women about their experiences with other women...but there are so many guys who have accounts pretending to be girls that it's hard to know who is real and who you can trust. So that aspect of the site hasn't really worked out for me very well.

I've had an account here for a few years now, and I was thinking maybe it was time to delete it. I came close to doing so, but then just decided to take a break from it. To those of you who I exchange messages with, please don't take it personally if I don't write back to you right away. I'm just dealing with some of my own issues right now and can't really focus too much on this site.
Published by CuriousNewGirl
10 years ago
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jonny8884 8 years ago
Sorry to hear, but taking a break is not a bad thing, and hitting delete or block without shame is a good thing for those not of your interest or who treat you poorly.
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 9 years ago
to Crustycumstain : Thank you for your kind words. I'm feeling a bit better about things now, and I'm trying to just take things one day at a time. :smile:
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Crustycumstain 9 years ago
That's the thing with porn sites. For every girl, there's like 500 guys, which means you're sure to encounter what seems like a stupid amount of bad apples. Don't let them pull you down. Don't even waste your time with them.

Sorry to hear about the passing of your dad and him not being there to provide you support in this uncertain stage in your life. Hang in there and keep a positive mindset. Challenges in life are what mold and shape you into a stronger person. Just ride it out and things a
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 9 years ago
to Rick56789 : Thanks. :smile: I'm back on here every now and then. I'll be away in July, but I'll try to sign in more once I get back home. :smile:
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Rick56789 9 years ago
Well I hope you come back soon I like chatting with you
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 10 years ago
to MrCanoehead : Thanks for the kind words and for understanding. Trying to work through it as best as I can, even though I know most of it is all in my head. lol
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MrCanoehead 10 years ago
I've known you just about as long as you've been on this site, and it's a bummer that you're feeling so down about an exciting new chapter. I talk to you way more than anyone else here and I hope to continue to do so for as long as I can. I can't count the times I've vented to you about my personal problems, and you always give me the hard, but needed truth. You're gonna feel stressed and overwhelmed, but you've got a large network here and I'm sure for real that will help you through it. Don't be shy about needing to vent if you're ever overwhelmed, you square. :wink:
sirpat54 10 years ago
Anytime and good luck!
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 10 years ago
to taboo_daddy : Thanks for the advice, and for taking the time to read this and leave a comment. I know I'm making too much of things but I just can't help it at the moment. lol But thank you for all the kind words and encouragement. :smile:
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taboo_daddy 10 years ago
It's perfectly understandable to be a little apprehensive, if not down right scared, about finishing school and entering the "real world". You're world is changing and change can be a scary can also be a wonderful thing.You have a world of possibilities opening up to you and that is awesome. Make the most of it, enjoy the unknownand forge you're own path through life.
rocket21212121 10 years ago
I'm sorry to hear things are going so well. Hope they get better and ignore the assholes :smile:
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 10 years ago
to cpl4you2do : Thank you so much! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave a nice comment. :smile:
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CuriousNewGirl Publisher 10 years ago
Thank you! I hope for the best for you too! :smile:
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 10 years ago
to sirpat54 : Thank you for the advice and all the kind words. And thanks for taking the time to read all of this. lol
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CuriousNewGirl Publisher 10 years ago
to christianbalerant : Thanks Jenn! I know they will sort themselves out and that I'm probably making too much of things, but I just feel like I'm dealing with a lot all at once. :pensive:
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cpl4you2do 10 years ago
Good Luck with whatever/whoever you decide to pursue
sirpat54 10 years ago
Take care of the things that matter the rest will sort themselves out. Good luck on stepping into the "real world"'s not so bad. I'm sure you dad would be proud!
christianbalerant 10 years ago
I understand. Things will sort themselves out.