We're back!

Hi guys,

It's been a while since the "November Experiment" and we're sorry that we were unable to continue the blog. As the name suggests, it was designed for us to experiment with the whole cuckold lifestyle. And as with all experiments, things go well and then they go not so well. So yeah there were good times for us both but unfortunately it didn't all go the way we had both imagined it to and the blog had to be put on hold, and then eventually abandoned.

But the good news is, we're back. Yay! I personally have missed the sense of community here, and being able to speak freely about things of an adult nature, with non-judgemental people like yourselves.

Apologies to all of you that have messaged us and been ignored. I assure you it was all for a good reason and not just us being ignorant. Firstly, neither of us have spent a lot of time on here over the last few months. And secondly, the few times we were on here, there were simply too many messages for us to reply to.

So sorry again, and from this point on our profile will be active again and all future messages and comments will be answered.

Look forward to catching up with you all,
Charlie & Jord xoxo
Published by gemini1990
10 years ago
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kipnft 9 years ago
Would definitely love to hear more even edited :smile:
navy1000 10 years ago
Would love to hear about the adventures...
mix_match 10 years ago
were so glad u r back !
please notify us :wink:
flstf2 10 years ago
glad you are back
dr_noods 10 years ago
Looking forward to it, glad you re back
gemini1990 Publisher 10 years ago
Thanks for all your kind comments.
I'll be sitting down to write up the whole story some time this week and uploading it in one blog post. I'll also PM everyone who comments on this blog as soon as I upload. So If you want to be notified when I post the next blog, just add a comment to this one. Everyone who has already commented will be PM'd...

Charlie xoxo
tedoxman 10 years ago
We would love to hear the summary of the November experiment.
Glad you're back.
bassman30069 10 years ago
Glad you are doing well and still together most importantly. Have a great new year full of fun and adventure! Welcome back! :smile:
nath40 10 years ago
Glad your back and would love to hear your edited version , but obviously when your ready to do that x
ChaosLev 10 years ago
sorry to hear that it went a little bad, but such is the nature of experiment, those that don't try, never learn new things about themselves, glad you survived it (even if a little brusied).
gubgu 10 years ago
Welcome back! :smile:
gemini1990 Publisher 10 years ago
to dr_noods : Possibly. I could summarise the whole of the November Experiment in another post. But unfortunately some details will have to remain private. If people will still be interested in reading an edited version of our experience then I'll go ahead and write it up.
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youngcuckie 10 years ago
It's so nice to hear that you are all well and back here on xhamster! :smile:
dr_noods 10 years ago
Glad to see you back, wondering....will there be a summary of the November experiment?
dave123ormore 10 years ago
Well welcome back, hope to hear more! :smile: