Nine Reasons Why Being Gay Is Awesome

1. Once you get over the fear of cliqueiness and bitchery, you’ll be surprised to find that most gays are actually nice and welcoming. Congratulations, gay dude! You’re a part of a really fun group of people. We’re typically creative, smart, and funny (STEREOTYPE, STEREOTYPE, STEREOTYPE) and we’re not going to bite you unless you ask for it (Shit, STEREOTYPE!). One can never have enough gay friends so please start making them ASAPular. You’ll need them to guide you through your homosexual journey.

2. Okay, this is super cheesy, but you’re technically a part of history. Things are changing every day for the LGBTQ and it’s pretty amazing. Ten years ago, Jack McFarland was a groundbreaking gay character on Will & Grace. Today, he ain’t nothin’ but a bugaboo.

3. You get to love men. Big beautiful men. I have to say that loving your own gender is kind of amazing. It feels like you’re just falling in love with your best friend, and there’s just something so precious about two best friends being boys together and then going home to fuck each other at the end of the day. Makes me weep!

4.You can take solace in knowing that with every crappy thing you have to deal with, other men have gone through it or are going through it currently. You’d be shocked to discover how universal your gay problems are. sisters in the struggle!

5. You get to have gay sex. Have you heard of it? It’s pretty amazing.

6. You can be close with women in an intense and amazing way. Half of the reason why women are so guarded with men is because they constantly feel like they’re trying to get into their pants. Since sex isn’t a possibility, you can enjoy a rich beautiful friendship between the genders!

7. You’re not so pressured to get married and have k**s. This is what straight people freak out about all the time. Will they have the marriage and k**s by x age? The gays don’t have that kind of anxiety. We definitely want to fall in love but we won’t feel like a failure if we don’t have k**s by the time we’re 40.

8. Every show on Bravo, every John Waters film, every drag queen and every diva—it’s all for us, by us. Gays own half of Hollywood, Jews own the other half.

9. You get to choose your own gay path. You can live in West Hollywood or Chelsea your whole life, eat at Hamburger Mary’s and hang out predominantly with gay men. Or you can live in Wyoming where the population of out gay men is you and maybe a waiter at the italian restaurant. It’s your choice. Whatever makes you happy, do it. There’s no right or wrong lifestyle for a gay man.
Published by menext
10 years ago
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subijana 2 years ago
good perspectives 
JosieWales1 3 years ago
to frozenfrog : That's an awesome comment. I'm in my fifties, a widower, and have been a closet something all my life.
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francisco123123 4 years ago
to Desertdaddy1 : once you try it, nothing will be the same again
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frozenfrog 4 years ago
this is great but still I am scared to say I am 100% gay even on here. I am older than some of you and growing up gay in the 70s was not easy in fact I hid it. Hell even masturbation, and we all did it (yes you too), was "GAY". The funny thing is us farm boys fooled around a lot and I mean A LOT! But it could seldom be discussed and I was bullied, not so much for gayness, but for having a small cock. It took me years just to be brave enough to post on here and to my wonderful surprise you guys are supporting. Now I come to the conclusion that, gay/straight small/big black/white trans/queer etcetera means nothing. Enjoying yourself without hurting anyone just enjoy your cock while we can.
Desertdaddy1 4 years ago
I’m straight but need sex, I go to sissy type gay guys....great sex, don’t have to buy dinner, no drama....they love to please and thank you for coming in his mouth....perfect fuck buddy
jake121887 5 years ago
Number 6 is very special. I have tremendously intimate relationships with women I know I wouldn't have otherwise, including with the few women I've had sex with.
I love to be fucked and cum at the same time, it feels great. So I need a lot of cocks and nice balls. Love it all. Started at 11 years to like boys. Perfect.
Anubisver 5 years ago
It’s amazing 
GHOF-GayCuck 6 years ago
I love being gay. 
Aleisterbisexualis 6 years ago
to william2015AND : mostly ;^) ...
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william2015AND 6 years ago
to Aleisterbisexualis : you like cock and cum?
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Oceanxtasea 7 years ago
3. and 5. I Love being a Gay Man!
philly789 7 years ago
Gays are so sexualy open it is amazing and the best feeling I have ever known I can express myself any way I want to and no one will stop you
Thanks for the input
pifad 8 years ago
I'm free and looking
fuzzytrumpet 8 years ago
still waiting to find a man
dirtyazns8 9 years ago
Hmm interesting, and I find jewboys to be cute :smile:
Aleisterbisexualis 10 years ago
why am I getting erect?
caseygurl 10 years ago
This needs to be told to all the young lbgtq out there, maybe if i heard this at an early age i would of came out sooner. Keep up the work, WE ARE HERE, WE ARE QUEER, GET USED TO IT...
adrienneheels 10 years ago
10 and 11 are great reasons!!And so is 3 !!!
fathead79 10 years ago
Keep them blogs coming
luckster69 10 years ago
10 and 11 are hot mmm!